ARCTIC FAKE NEWS ON STEROIDS : ‘Next Year Or The Year After, The Arctic Will Be Free Of Ice’ (@Guardian 2016)
Posted: August 22, 2018 Filed under: Alarmism, Alarmism Debunked, Alarmism uncovered, Alarmist media, Arctic, Climate science, Climatism, Dud predictions, Fact Check, Fake News, Government Grants/Funding, Propaganda, Pseudo-Science | Tags: Alarmism, arctic, carbon dioxide emissions, Charlatans, Climate Change, Climate Change Scam, Climate science, Climatism, Fake News, fear-mongering, Flannery, Global Warming, Global Warming Scam, Mainstream media, Peter Wadhams, pseudoscientific, Robin McKie, Scare Mongering, The Guardian, Wadhams Leave a commentTWO years ago today, The Guardian proclaimed, under the ‘expert’ tutelage of professional Arctic alarmist ‘Professor’ Peter Wadhams, that ‘Next year or the year after, the Arctic will be free of ice’…
Peter Wadhams has spent his career in the Arctic, making more than 50 trips there, some in submarines under the polar ice. He is credited with being one of the first scientists to show that the thick icecap that once covered the Arctic ocean was beginning to thin and shrink. He was director of the Scott Polar Institute in Cambridge from 1987 to 1992 and professor of ocean physics at Cambridge since 2001. His book, A Farewell to Ice, tells the story of his unravelling of this alarming trend and describes what the consequences for our planet will be if Arctic ice continues to disappear at its current rate.
You have said on several occasions that summer Arctic sea ice would disappear by the middle of this decade. It hasn’t. Are you being alarmist?
No. There is a clear trend down to zero for summer cover. However, each year chance events can give a boost to ice cover or take some away. The overall trend is a very strong downward one, however. Most people expect this year will see a record low in the Arctic’s summer sea-ice cover. Next year or the year after that, I think it will be free of ice in summer and by that I mean the central Arctic will be ice-free. You will be able to cross over the north pole by ship. There will still be about a million square kilometres of ice in the Arctic in summer but it will be packed into various nooks and crannies along the Northwest Passage and along bits of the Canadian coastline. Ice-free means the central basin of the Arctic will be ice-free and I think that that is going to happen in summer 2017 or 2018.‘Next year or the year after, the Arctic will be free of ice’ | Environment | The Guardian
WADHAMS’ 2016 prediction has been proven “alarmist” by none other than Mother Nature, in the worst possible kind of way…
HE claimed in 2016 that by 2017 or 2018 “There will still be about a million square kilometres of ice in the Arctic in summer”.
6 million kilometers squared
WADHAMS’ prediction out by only 5 million square kilometres!
ARCTIC sea-ice volume has grown from 5 million square kilometres in August 2016 to 7 million square kilometres as of 20th August 2018:
MASSIVE growth in both sea-ice volume and thickness despite the howling and screams of Arctic alarmists and record and rising CO2 emissions!
THERE has been a massive expansion in multi-year, thick summer sea-ice over the past decade:
PURPLE (2008) = 0.1 – 1.0 metre thick sea-ice
GREEN (2018) = 2.0 – 3.0 metre thick sea-ice
WADHAMS has about as much credibility as climate charlatan and fellow Arctic alarmist Tim Flannery who also assured us that we will “see an ice-free North Pole in 2018” :
THEY are not alone.
MOST of the fake-news-mainstream-media, grant-driven alarmist climate ‘scientists’ and “97%” of those esteemed ‘scientific’ institutions ALL promised you an “ice-free” Arctic by now, in order to push their fraudulent global warming climate change agenda:
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