Another climate scare debunked. Professor urges calm

We’ve got to ride this global warming issue.
Even if the theory of global warming is wrong,
we will be doing the right thing in terms of
economic and environmental policy.

– Timothy Wirth,
President of the UN Foundation

Isn’t the only hope for the planet that the
industrialized civilizations collapse?
Isn’t it our responsibility to bring that about
– Maurice Strong,
founder of the UN Environment Programme (UNEP)



via Andrew Bolt :

Professor Michael Asten urges calm – and a bit of honesty in the warming debate :

UN climate agency is exaggerating the effects of El Nino

  • NOVEMBER 28, 2015 12:00AM

The UN climate agency, the World Meteorological Organisation, has predictably hyped the global warming associated with this El Nino to encourage political leaders to action in next week’s Paris climate conference (”UN tips 2015 as hottest year”, 26/11).

However, its press release overlooks the full WMO discussion which notes that this El Nino is similar to three significant events in 1972-73, 1982-83 and 1997-98. It is not an unprecedented event, and past experience shows that prediction of the progress of El Ninos is notoriously difficult. The WMO quotes only surface temperature data, which may be subject to upward biases from meteorological stations sited in cities and ships that are thermal sources. The two data sets of lower atmosphere temperatures as measured globally using weather balloons and satellites were not used by the WMO, but they show a less alarming result — there is no upward statistical trend in global temperatures over the past 18 years, a feature much discussed in scientific journals as “the pause”.

Empirical scientists should be alarmed that while the most commonly quoted climate models predict a global temperature increase of 3C per century over this time, it is not happening. Rather than being panicked by the WMO press release, Malcolm Turnbull and Greg Hunt and their opposite numbers represented in Paris would serve us well by pausing their deliberations until science delivers a global temperature model consistent with measurement.


“The Pause” related :

  • The Pause draws blood – A new record Pause length: no warming for 18 years 7 months | Climatism
  • Establishing Propaganda Is Vital For Climate Action | Climatism

UN (Paris COP21) related :

  • MUST READ : Global Warming Insanity On Steroids! | Climatism
  • Shock news : UN Carbon Regime Would Devastate Humanity | Climatism
  • Shock News : UN Wants To Ban Private Property And Create “Human Habitat Settlement Zones” | Climatism
  • UN Climate Chief Says Communism Is Best To Fight Global Warming | Climatism
  • Shock news : The UN’s Real Agenda Is A New World Order Under Its Control | Climatism
  • “In Searching For A New Enemy To Unite Us, We Came Up With The Threat Of Global Warming” | Climatism

Biggest Fraud In History – Perpetrated By Tom Karl And Gavin Schmidt

The much more comprehensive and accurate satellite data shows us that the last time there was any ‘global warming’, at all, was when Bill Clinton dumped his own legacy in the White House. “I did not have sexual relations with that woman.” – 1998.

Real Science

Earth’s atmosphere has not warmed for decades, as shown by both satellites and radiosonde data.




However, the White House is desperate to create a fake climate legacy, and had their employees at NOAA and NASA tamper with temperature data – so that 100% fraudulent headlines like this could come out ahead of the Paris conference.


Global heat records falling like dominoes as world heads to Paris | National Observer

The only record being broken is the amount of data tampering going on at government agencies.


2015 version: Fig.A.txt
2001 version : FigA.txt



Until the latest massive fraud push ahead of Paris, NASA and NOAA both made it clear that Earth was not warming significantly this century.


Satellite temperatures make it clear that the NASA/NOAA graphs are nonsense.


Wood for Trees: Interactive Graphs

Here in the US, we have been having progressively less hot weather – with  the last three years being among the least…

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The science says Prince Charles is a fool to blame global warming for the Islamic State

If I were reincarnated I would wish to be returned to earth
as a killer virus to lower human population levels
– Prince Philip, Duke of Edinburgh,
patron of the World Wildlife Fund



Prince Charles blames global warming junk science, not radical Islam, as the root cause of the Syrian Civil War

The Syrian crisis that is spreading terror across the world was prompted by climate change, the Prince of Wales has claimed…

‘Some of us were saying twenty-something years ago that if we didn’t tackle these issues you would see ever greater conflict over scarce resources and ever greater difficulties over drought, and the accumulating effect of climate change, which means that people have to move.

‘There’s very good evidence indeed that one of the major reasons for this horror in Syria, funnily enough, was a drought that lasted for about five or six years, which meant that huge numbers of people in the end had to leave the land.’

Prince Charles blames ‘horrors’ of the Syria war on a failure to tackle climate change | Daily Mail Online

Andrew Bolt fact checks the deep-green Princes claim :


The International Food Policy Research Institute warns that overpopulation and overstocking in the arid Middle East will make droughts worse:

Drought is a recurrent and often devastating threat to the welfare of countries in the Middle East and North Africa (MENA) where three – quarters of the arable land has less than 400 mm of annual rainfall, and the natural grazings, which support a majority of the 290 million ruminant livestock, have less than 200 mm. Its impact has been exacerbated in the last half century by the human population increasing yearly at over 3%, while livestock numbers have risen by 50% over the quinquennium.


Australian researchers predict global warming will actually bring more rain to key parts of the Middle East:

The prospect of climate change sparking food shortages and water wars in the Middle East is less likely than previously thought, with new UNSW research suggesting that rainfall will be significantly higher in key parts of the region.


Syria gets a drought – like it so often does – albeit one more prolonged than most:



The drought ends, and Israel proves that rich and free societies can easily survive what poor tyrannies next door cannot:

“Israel is no longer drying up and the severe drought ended two years ago,” Water Commissioner Alexander Kushnir told “Globes TV” today [October 2, 2013]. “We’re emerging from the drought, and the water sector has stabilized at a supply rate for the next 10-15 years.”


We’re reminded that far worse has happened in Syria before, without man-made emissions being blamed:

The Akkadian empire flourished in the third millennium BC. Sometime around 2,200 BC drought hit, the lands dried and people migrated from urban centres. The government then collapsed, and the mighty empire began to falter in a series of calamities collectively referred to as the third-millennium Mesopotamian urban crisis.


In fact, the IPCC concedes there is little evidence that global warming (which has paused for 18 years) has brought more droughts around the world:

In summary, the current assessment concludes that there is not enough evidence at present to suggest more than low confidence in a global-scale observed trend in drought or dryness (lack of rainfall) since the middle of the 20th century…. Based on updated studies, AR4 conclusions regarding global increasing trends in drought since the 1970s were probably overstated.


The harvest in Syria this year is again good, leading the United Nations World Food Programme to plead for a ceasefire to let farmers bring it in and transport the food to where it’s needed.


More evidence that global warming is not causing food shortages but, if anything, record harvests. The US Department of Agriculture’s Foreign Agricultural Service/ has just reportedthat the world’s wheat production has just set “a new record” and world corn production “is up”.  Rice production is only very slightly below the record harvests of 2013/2014. Corn production this year in Turkey, Syria’s northern neighbour, sets a record.

Similar picture from the International Grains Council of increasing food production in this era of “global warming”:



So let’s sum up. There’s been no statistically significant warming for 18 years. No one is sure whether more warming will bring more rain or less to the Middle East. There is little evidence that warming of world over the last century has brought more droughts, although Syria had a bad drought that ended four years ago, before the rise of the Islamic State. Democratic Israel survived the drought without difficulty.  Syria is much more vulnerable to drought with so many more poor farmers and livestock. Syria has had worse droughts before. World food crops are actually increasing.

Prince Charles is a reckless scaremonger and denier of the science.

The science says Prince Charles is a fool to blame global warming for the Islamic State | Herald Sun Andrew Bolt Blog


See also :

  • Prince Charles Blames Climate Change For War In Syria | Climatism
  • Prince Charles In Astonishing Attack On Capitalism | Climatism
  • “In Searching For A New Enemy To Unite Us, We Came Up With The Threat Of Global Warming” | Climatism
  • No Global Warming Since Prince Charles And Princess Diana Got Divorced During Summer, 1996 | Climatism


Prince Charles Blames Climate Change For War In Syria

If I were reincarnated I would wish to be returned to earth
as a killer virus to lower human population levels
– Prince Philip, Duke of Edinburgh,
patron of the World Wildlife Fund



Prince Charles blames the Syrian civil war on trace gas carbon dioxide

The Prince of Wales has said climate change may have been a factor in the emergence of civil war in Syria.

Prince Charles said he was one of those who warned many years ago that there would be rising conflict over scarce resources if the issue was not tackled.

In Syria, the prince said, a drought lasting several years meant that many people were forced off the land.

Prince Charles links climate change to Syria conflict – BBC News

Syria has experienced drought before. In the 1930’s, Yo-Yo’s were to blame

Yo-Yo Ban - Blamed for Syria Drought 1933

23 Jan 1933 – YO-YO BANNED IN SYRIA Blamed For Drought By Mosl…

In the 1870s, Syrian drought had something to do with Christian imperfection

syria christian drought blame

16 Jul 1870 – MOSQUITOES.

H/t to Steve Price and Andrew Bolt Monday November 23 | 2GB

Syria history via Steven Goddard • Real Science


See also :

  • Climate Change Insanity Never Changes | Climatism

Prince Charles related :

  • No Global Warming Since Prince Charles And Princess Diana Got Divorced During Summer, 1996 | Climatism
  • “In Searching For A New Enemy To Unite Us, We Came Up With The Threat Of Global Warming” | Climatism

Massive Temperature Adjustments In Brazil – And Guess In What Direction?

More massive NASA GISS temperature data adjustments tampering!

Struggling to keep up with what is now a literal widespread cancer of worldwide ‘cooling the past and warming the present’ undertaken by NASA and NOAA to fit their ‘global warming’ narrative.

And the simple question must be asked and cannot be underestimated:

If land-based measurements are so accurate, or ‘more’ accurate than satellite data (according to NASA/NOAA and warmists), why then are massive adjustments required?!


By Paul Homewood

A quick update to my post on Brazilian temperature trends.

Ian George spotted that the original trends, based on unadjusted GHCN V2 data, for Quixeramobim, up to 2011, looked like this:


The current GISS graph, based on GHCN V3 Adjusted data, is:


The adjustments that GHCN have made are massive, and have turned a cooling trend into a rapidly warming one.


Was there anything wrong with the original record? I don’t know, but anybody who claims that they can accurately measure what the temperatures really were is a fraud.

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Government Scientists Continue To Ramp Up Their Criminal Activity Ahead Of Paris

The #RoadToParis being paved lavishly with breathtaking misinformation and (obligatory) temperature data fraud.

Are there any limits to the brazen levels of government climate propaganda and scientific malfeasance?

Silly question.

Real Science

By SETH BORENSTEIN  Nov. 22, 2015 10:51 AM EST

federal ground-based data, which scientists said is more reliable than satellites

AP FACT CHECK: Most GOP candidates flunk climate science

Ground data is more reliable than satellites? Consider Greenland. Satellites used tens of millions of temperature readings in Greenland last month. NOAA used zero actual readings in Greenland.


Global warming theory is based on troposphere temperatures which satellites measure, not urban heat islands and data tampering by criminals at NASA and NOAA.

NASA has known for 25 years that satellites are more accurate than surface temperatures, and that surface temperature measurements should be replaced.


01 Apr 1990 – EARTHWEEK: A DIARY OF THE PLANET Global Warming

The same criminals who claim (when convenient) that surface temperatures are more accurate, also feel the need to massively adjust them (when convenient) – because of their gross inaccuracies.


2001 version:
2015 version: Fig.A.gif

They can’t…

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NOAA Data Tampering – Much Worse Than It Seems

“The Obama administration is rewriting Indiana history, US history and world history – while perverting and destroying science. Their intent and the outcome of this can’t possibly be good.”

Amen to that.

Real Science

Congress is focused on one small aspect of NOAA’s temperature fraud – the changes they made to eliminate the hiatus ahead of Paris. This was needed by the White House to give Obama a big lie to push his agenda in Paris. The hiatus killed their whole story.

But that is just the tip of the iceberg. Look at the massive fraud NOAA is engaged in at Indiana. They show Indiana warming at 0.1F (0.05 rounded up) per century. Note the large spike after 1999.


Climate at a Glance | National Centers for Environmental Information (NCEI)

Their actual thermometer data shows the exact opposite – that Indiana is cooling by 0.10 degrees per decade since 1895.


They accomplish this fraud by cooling all temperatures before 2000, and warming all temperatures after 2000. They are tampering with data at a rate of 0.14 degrees per century, almost three times as large as their claimed trend

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Why NASA And NOAA Made Greenland Disappear

Many wonderful ways for Tom and NOAA ‘National Centres for Environmental Information (propaganda)’ to manufacture the “Hottest Month Ever”, by hundredths of a degree.

Real Science

There is plenty of temperature data available from Greenland, but NOAA has made it disappear from their analysis, as has NASA.


They have good reason for this. Temperatures in southwest Greenland are plummeting, and are colder now than during the 1970s. The plot below is made from the NOAA GHCN database – data they pretend they don’t have.


The amount of ice in Baffin Bay has sharply increased since 2010, and is now fully recovered to 1979 levels.


University of Illinois – Cryosphere Today 

 Green below shows ice expansion since this week in 2010.


N_daily_extent.11232010 N_daily_extent

I took these pictures of Baffin Bay in late June. There was still huge amounts of ice.

ScreenHunter_9591 Jun. 21 07.08

ScreenHunter_9593 Jun. 21 07.09

Satellite data shows that 2010 was much warmer that 2015 globally. Satellite data covers almost all of the planet, so it doesn’t produce the gross errors which NASA and NOAA do with their surface data.


Greenland has gone missing, because…

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Record Crushing Fraud From NOAA And NASA Ahead Of Paris

With record crushing Antarctic ice mass and sea ice growth and record crushing Arctic sea ice growth, inc Greenland, it’s no wonder climate criminals, Schmidt and Peterson had to make places like Australia 5 degrees *C* above normal !?

Real Science

Gavin and Tom delivered their fraud right on schedule ahead of Paris, just as I predicted they would. They claim that October had the highest temperature anomaly ever recorded for any month.


2015-11-19-03-26-13Record-crushing October keeps Earth on track for hottest year in 2015 – The Washington Post

Somehow, they managed to calculate Earth’s temperature within 0.01 degrees – even though they had no temperature data for about half of the land surface, including none in Greenland and very little in Africa or Antarctica.


201510.gif (990×765)

This kind of mind-blowing malfeasance would get them fired and probably escorted out of the building by security at many engineering companies.

Satellites cover almost the entire planet several times a day, and they showed that October had only the 25th highest monthly anomaly, and that the first ten months of 1998 all had a higher anomaly than October 2015.


Not only do NASA and NOAA make…

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JC op ed: the politics surrounding global temperature data

Excerpt from JC Refections :

I’ve heard enough behind the scenes (including discussions with NOAA employees) that I am siding with Rep. Smith on this one.

The politicization of climate science has gotten extreme. I don’t know where to start in trying to ameliorate this situation, but Congressional oversight and investigation into what is going on in government labs does not seem inappropriate under these circumstances.

It’s a sad state of affairs that climate science has come to this.

Climate Etc.

by Judith Curry

My op-ed in Fox News:  Is government tinkering with global warming data?

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