2019 KOMO News Special : Seattle Is Dying

Seattle Is Dying

KOMO News Special: Seattle is Dying (KOMO graphic)

“THE urge to save humanity is almost always a
false-front for the urge to rule it.”

H.L. Mencken


IF you want see what the situation is really like in Democrat-run states and cities across America, then watch this epic tragedy on Seattle released March, 2019 by ‘ABC’ news affiliate KOMO News.

A heartbreaking hour of truth, delivering a stunning assortment of hard data and facts that expose the brutal dangers of implementing Socialism as policy. The ‘compassionate’ quest for woketopia, a guaranteed deathblow to the soul of a city and its people.

“People come here because it’s called Free-attle and they believe if they come here they will get food, free medical treatment, free mental health treatment, a free tent, free clothes and will be free of prosecution for just about everything; and they’re right.

It didn’t used to be that way. Law enforcement officers used to be able to enforce laws.” – Seattle Police Officer

With the new dystopian ‘colony’ of ‘CHAZ’ or ‘CHOP’ recently declared in downtown Seattle, surely this special report, released a year ago, was not a wakeup call as to the inevitability of the current status of total anarchy, mayhem and madness in CHOP? 

Seems no one cares, except for affected residents, small business owners and the “powerless” Police of Seattle. 

The complete lack of interest and even ‘denial’ of reality in Democrat-run cities like Seattle represents yet another momentous victory for the mainstream media and bedfellows, the Democrat party – successfully hiding from their ‘progressive’ viewers and voters the ugly truth about the ruinous and generational effects of Democrat, socialist, ‘progressive’ policies.

“I’ve said it before, and I’ll say it again, that the only thing I can equate it to is, we’re running a concentration camp without barbed wire, up to and including the medical experiment of poisoning these people with drugs.

I don’t know how else to put it, and it’s infuriating.” – Todd Wiebke, former Seattle Police Officer

“Yes, I am frustrated because I’m a law enforcement officer that is told NOT to enforce the law.” – Seattle Police Officer

And this prophetic 2016 warning from a Seattle PD Officer on the dangers of a ‘compassionate’ approach to homelessness, drugs and crime:

“In a misguided attempt to help this population, the city has allowed the streets to be essentially taken over . The city is falling apart and becoming more unsafe due to politics surrounding low level criminal activity and homelessness. We don’t want to screw over the homeless population, we just want the ability to police them.” – Seattle Police Officer

WHAT is really going on here?

It’s as simple as the current ruling-class, Leftist-elite not interested in the people who they work for and are bound to represent, rather, they are only interested in one thing, it’s name is p-o-w-e-r.

WATCH it all …

KOMO’s Eric Johnson explores the impact the drug and homelessness problem is having on our city and possible solutions in “Seattle is Dying.” Read more or watch at KOMONews.com: KOMO News Special: Seattle is Dying | KOMO

KOMO News Special: Seattle is Dying | KOMO

FROM the official KOMO page :

Seattle Is Dying. It’s a harsh title. Someone on social media even called it a “hopeless” title. I’ll admit to you that I wrestled with the name for some time. Too dramatic, I wondered? Too dark? In the end I went with it because I believe it to be true. I believe that Seattle is dying. Rotting from within.

This show, that we’ve been working on for several months now, is really the third in a kind of trilogy.

The first was called “There But For the Grace of God…” It explored homelessness from the inside out in 2016.

he second was called, “Demon at the Door.” It was about the hellish existence of heroin addiction.

This one is about everyone else.It’s about citizens who don’t feel safe taking their families into downtown Seattle. It’s about parents who won’t take their children into the public parks they pay for. It’s about filth and degradation all around us. And theft and crime. It’s about people who don’t feel protected anymore, who don’t feel like their voices are being heard.

This program is not about demonizing those who are struggling with addiction and homelessness and mental illness. On the contrary. Instead, it asks the question, “Why aren’t we doing more? Why don’t we have the courage to intervene in lives that are, in the face of a grave sickness, reeling out of control?”

It’s called, Seattle is Dying, and I believe the title to be true. But it’s not a hopeless program. There are ideas and concepts in the show that could start conversations about change.

I hope.

Mostly, I want it to be a reminder that this is not normal. This is not the way it has to be. This is not right.

KOMO News Special: Seattle is Dying | KOMO


SEE also :


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DO NOT PASS GO! Seven Years Jail Time For Using Cheap Electricity In Australia

JAIL Coal Green Prison - Climatism

Still producing coal? You could end up in jail if Greens have their way

Giving society cheap, abundant energy would be the
equivalent of giving an idiot child a machine gun
– Prof Paul Ehrlich, Stanford University/Royal Society fellow

Isn’t the only hope for the planet that the industrialized civilizations collapse? Isn’t it our responsibility to bring that about?” – Maurice Strong, founder of the UN Environment Programme (UNEP)

“THERE is no reason blacks ought to be concerned with
saving a world they don’t have a piece of .”
– Dr. Paul R. Ehrlich, Stanford University/Royal Society fellow


ENERGY rationing and the control of carbon dioxide, the direct byproduct of cheap, reliable hydrocarbon energy, has always been key to the Left’s Malthusian and misanthropic agenda of depopulation and deindustrialisation. A totalitarian ideology enforced through punitive emissions controls under the guise of “Saving The Planet”.

STANFORD University and The Royal Society’s resident global warming alarmist and population freak Paul R. Ehrlich spelled out in 1976 the Left’s anti-energy agenda that still underpins the current ‘climate change’ scare :

Giving society cheap, abundant energy would be the
equivalent of giving an idiot child a machine gun
– Prof Paul Ehrlich, Stanford University/Royal Society fellow


EHRLICH, who is currently employed by Stanford University and The Royal Society, also wanted to poison black African’s in order to fight climate change :

“THERE is no reason blacks ought to be concerned with
saving a world they don’t have a piece of .”
– Dr. Paul R. Ehrlich, Stanford University/Royal Society fellow


The Evening News – Google News Archive Search

Ehrlich - CLimatism



MODERN day ‘Greens’ are no different from the radical eco-zealots of the 1970’s. They despise capitalism, development, growth and freedom, with overpopulation their greatest fear.

THEIR solution is to use the emotive issue of “climate change” to pursue a radical transformation in cultural, economic and political structures across the globe…

“This is the first time in the history of mankind that we are setting ourselves the task of intentionally, within a defined period of time, to change the economic development model that has been reigning for at least 150 years since the Industrial Revolution.” – Christiana Figueres, fmr executive secretary of the UN’s Framework on Climate Change (Feb 2015, Brussels)

SEE : The UN’s Real Agenda Is A New World Order Under Its Control | Climatism


THEIR weapon of choice for rapid deindustrialisation? Renewable unreliable energy – wind and solar. Token gestures to the folly of green madness designed to force us backwards down the energy ladder to the days of human, animal and solar power.


THE radical, far Left Australian Greens party have taken it a step further – Jail time for any Australian who produces, sells or burns cheap, reliable coal-fired power…

Greens party announce policy on coal energy that could jail people producing coal-fired electricity | Herald Sun

Greens party announce policy on coal energy that could jail people producing coal-fired electricity | Herald Sun

AUSTRALIANS would face serious jail time for producing coal-fired electricity under a radical Greens policy to be unveiled on Friday.

Thermal coal would be banned within 12 years, while the burning and exporting of the black rock would become a criminal offence as part of the proposed new laws.

Despite coal accounting for more than three-quarters of the national energy market, the Greens will introduce a Bill in federal parliament over the coming weeks to make it illegal by 2030.

Deputy Greens leader Adam Bandt.

📸 Deputy Greens leader Adam Bandt.

Under the legislation, companies would face fines totalling more than $10 million for using the fossil fuel and their senior executives could be sent to jail for up to seven years.

In a speech to the United Firefighters Union in Hobart, Greens deputy leader Adam Bandt will argue the policy is needed to avert a “climate catastrophe”.

Pointing to deadly wildfires in California over the past week, Mr Bandt will say the continued burning of thermal coal was making bushfires more severe and frequent.

“The reality is every tonne of coal that is burnt makes the bushfire threat worse,” Mr Bandt is expected to tell the conference.

“And every tonne of coal burnt brings us closer to climate catastrophe.”

Loy Yang power station would be forced to close by 2030 under the plan

📸 Loy Yang power station would be forced to close by 2030 under the plan

Based on laws banning asbestos, the proposed laws would make it illegal to use coal aside from some narrow exemptions for research and heritage purposes.

Between now and 2020, quotas would be imposed on the export of coal so that the amount reduces to zero by 2030.

“Coal is the next asbestos and it is time we regulated it as such. It is toxic and dangerous,” Mr Bandt said. “The Greens’ plan would see Australia quit coal home and abroad by 2030.

“Funds raised from coal export permits during the phase-out period would be used to support Australia’s coal communities during the transition.”

Coal-fired power vital to Australia_s energy mix- McCormack

📸 Coal-fired power vital to Australia’s energy mix: McCormack

Australia is the biggest coal exporter in the world, and the fuel is the country’s second biggest export.

The laws would not apply to coking coal, which is used to make steel.

The Greens plan goes much further than what either the Coalition or Labor is promising in terms of phasing out coal.

Labor has a renewable energy target of 50 per cent by 2030, while the Morrison Government has committed to reduce emissions to 26-28 per cent on 2005 levels by 2030.


Greens party announce policy on coal energy that could jail people producing coal-fired electricity | Herald Sun


WHERE to start with such insanity?

RATHER than correcting Adam Bandt’s alarmist cherry-picking attempts to justify jailing coal users, like citing the tragic wildfires in California, which were not exacerbated by “climate change”, rather poor land management, lets take a look at the enormous improvements to humanity and the environment that fossil fuels, namely coal-fired power, have brought to our planet since industrialisation …



TWO centuries ago, 90 per cent of the global population lived in extreme poverty and now, even though the population has grown from less than one billion people to about 7.5 billion, those proportions have completely reversed so that only 10 per cent of the world’s population lives in extreme poverty.

Global Extreme Poverty – Our World in Data

Global Extreme Poverty – Our World in Data


Global Extreme Poverty – Our World in Data

ON both these indicators it is extraordinary to consider how much of the progress has happened in recent times. As recently as 1950, 72 per cent of the world’s population lived in extreme poverty and 64 per cent of us were illiterate. Postwar industrialisation, development, trade and globalisation have improved living standards dramatically for the overwhelming majority of people.




THE result of unleashing half a billion years of fossilised sunlight – wealth and prosperity!


THE result of unleashing half a billion years of fossilized sunlight – wealth and prosperity!

* Read the rest of this entry »

SPECULATIVE Climate Chaos Versus Indisputable Fossil Fuel Benefits

ANOTHER Paul Driessen masterpiece…

PA Pundits - International

Federal judge tells climate litigants to tally the numerous blessings from fossil fuels since 1859

By Paul Driessen ~

Judge William Alsup has a BS in engineering, has written computer programs for his ham radio hobby, delves deeply into the technical aspects of numerous cases before him, and even studied other programming languages for a complex Oracle v. Google lawsuit.

As presiding judge in People of the State of California v. BP, Chevron, ExxonMobil, ConocoPhillips and Royal Dutch Shell, he insisted that the litigants present their best scientific evidence for and against the state’s assertion that fossil fuel emissions are causing dangerous climate change. Now he wants to see, not just the alleged damages from burning oil, natural gas and coal – but also the immense benefits to humanity and the people of California from using those fuels for the past 150 years and more.

Environmental and climate…

View original post 1,206 more words

DRACONIAN Climate Change Policies Making World Hunger Worse

World Hunger UN Climate policy

Climate policies are diverting resources from measures that directly reduce hunger, which according to the UN’s Food and Agriculture Organisation is on the rise. | The Australian

ANTHROPOGENIC “climate change” and the control of carbon dioxide, via the supply of energy, has deep roots in a radical yet gravely misguided campaign to reduce the world’s population.

A misanthropic agenda engineered by the environmental movement in the mid 1970’s, who realised that doing something about “global warming” would play to quite a number of its social agendas.

THE goal was advanced, most notably, by The Club Of Rome (Environmental think-tank and consultants to the UN) – a group of mainly European scientists and academics, who used computer modelling to warn that the world would run out of finite resources if population growth were left unchecked.

The common enemy of humanity is man.
In searching for a new enemy to unite us, we came up
with the idea that pollution, the threat of global warming,
water shortages, famine and the like would fit the bill. All these
dangers are caused by human intervention, and it is only through
changed attitudes and behaviour that they can be overcome.
The real enemy then, is humanity itself
– Club of Rome 1993,
premier environmental think-tank,
consultants to the United Nations

SO, it comes as no surprise that today’s UN is successfully upholding its misanthropic agenda by attempting to starve control the world’s population through a blatant misallocation of resources, in favour of wanting to control the weather, rather than feed the most needy, for a fraction of the cost.

MEMO to the UN – If you want to reduce the world’s population, provide the third-world with cheap, reliable fossil-fuelled or nuclear power generation to lift them out of abject poverty. Wealthy (fossil-fuel/nuclear powered) nations have predominant negative birth rates. Poverty is the enemy of the environment.

Bjorn Lomborg with more via his column in The Australian…


Climate-change policies may be making world hunger worse

BJORN LOMBORG // @BjornLomborg via The Australian :

For more than a decade, annual data showed global hunger to be on the decline. But that has changed. According to the latest data from the UN’s Food and Agriculture Organisation, hunger affected 815 million people in 2016, 38 million more than the year before, and malnutrition is now threatening millions.

Research from my think tank, Copenhagen Consensus, has long helped to focus attention and resources on the most effective responses to malnutrition, both globally and in countries such as Haiti and Bangladesh. Unfortunately, there are worrying signs that the global response may be headed in the wrong direction.

The FAO blames the rise in hunger on a proliferation of violent conflicts and “climate-related shocks”. which means specific, extreme events such as floods and droughts.

But in the FAO’s press release, “climate-related shocks” becomes “climate change”. The report itself links the two without citing evidence, but the FAO’s communique goes further, declaring starkly: “World hunger again on the rise, driven by conflict and climate change.”

It may seem like a tiny step to go from blaming climate-related shocks to blaming climate change. Both terms relate to the weather. But that little difference means a lot, especially when it comes to the most important question: how do we help to better feed the world? Jumping the gun and blaming climate change for today’s crises attracts attention, but it makes us focus on the costliest and least effective responses.

The best evidence comes from the UN’s Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change, which has clearly shown that there has been no overall increase in droughts. While some parts of the world are experiencing more and worse droughts, others are experiencing fewer and lighter droughts.

A comprehensive study in the journal Naturedemonstrates that, since 1982, incidents of all categories of drought, from “abnormally dry” to “exceptional drought”, have decreased slightly. On flooding, the IPCC is even blunter: it has “low confidence” at a global level about whether climate change has caused more or less flooding.

What the IPCC tells us is that by the end of the century, it is likely that worse droughts will affect some parts of the world. And it predicts — albeit with low confidence — that there could be more floods in some places.

Relying on climate policies to fight hunger is doomed. Any realistic carbon cuts will be expensive and have virtually no impact on climate by the end of the century. The Paris climate agreement, even if fully implemented up to 2030, would achieve just 1 per cent of the cuts needed to keep temperature from rising more than 2C, according to the UN.

And it would cost $US 1 trillion a year or more — an incredibly expensive way to make no meaningful difference to a potential increase in flooding and droughts at the end of the century.

In fact, well-intentioned policies to combat global warming could very well be exacerbating hunger. Rich countries have embraced biofuels — energy derived from plants — to reduce their reliance on fossil fuels. But the climate benefit is negligible: according to the International Institute for Sustainable Development, deforestation, fertiliser, and fossil fuels used in producing biofuels offset about 90 per cent of the “saved” carbon dioxide.

In 2013, European biofuels used enough land to feed 100 million people, and the US program even more. Biofuel subsidies contributed to rising food prices, and their swift growth was reined in only when models showed that up to another 135 million people could starve by 2020. But that means that the hunger of around 30 million people today can likely be attributed to these bad policies.

Moreover, climate policies divert resources from measures that directly reduce hunger. Our priorities seem skewed when climate policies promising a minuscule temperature impact will cost $US1 trillion a year, while the World Food Program’s budget is 169 times lower, at $5.9 billion.

There are effective ways to produce more food. One of the best, as Copenhagen Consensus research has shown, is to get serious about investing in research and development to boost agricultural productivity. Through irrigation, fertiliser, pesticides, and plant breeding, the Green Revolution increased world grain production by an astonishing 250 per cent between 1950 and 1984, raising the calorie intake of the world’s poorest people and averting severe famines. We need to build on this progress.

Investing an additional $US88bn in agricultural research and development over the next 32 years would increase yields by an additional 0.4 percentage points every year, which could save 79 million people from hunger and prevent five million cases of child malnourishment. This would be worth almost $US3 trillion in social good, implying an enormous return of $US34 for every dollar spent. By the end of the century, the additional increase in agricultural productivity would be far greater than the damage to agricultural productivity suggested by even the worst-case scenarios of the effects of global warming.

And there would be additional benefits: the World Bank has found that productivity growth in agriculture can be up to four times more effective in reducing poverty than productivity growth in other sectors.

We are at a turning point. After achieving dramatic gains against hunger and famine, we run the risk of backsliding, owing to poorly considered choices. The stakes are far too high for us to pick the wrong policies.

Bjorn Lomborg is director of the Copenhagen Consensus Centre and a visiting professor at the Copenhagen Business School.

(Climatism bolds added)

Climate-change policies may be making world hunger worse | The Australian


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