Doomed to the Dark Ages: No Solution for South Australia’s Wind Power Blackouts

“Household electricity prices in Australia have risen by more than 40 percent between 2007 and 2012, the same period when the government offered lucrative wind subsidies. Power prices in Australian states with a lot of wind power are almost double the rates in other states.”

North Korea would be proud of Australia’s ‘green central planning’ model, leading to energy poverty and statewide blackouts.

We are living in the “dark” age of collective eco-insanity.



When a mass blackout thrusts your State onto the international stage, as an outrageous possibility, there just could be a little something wrong with your energy policy. Here’s the view from the USA.

Australia Has Serious Problems With Green Energy Triggering Blackouts
The Daily Caller
Andrew Follett
23 November 2016

South Australia is still struggling to figure out how to keep green energy from triggering blackouts and crashing the electric grid, according to an article published by Inverse Tuesday.

The Australian state invested heavily in solar and wind power, but those power sources’ inherent reliability issues place a massive strain on the state’s power grid, according to the article.

Australia’s Energy Council noted in early September that increasing use of solar and wind power in the state “has not only led to a series of technical challenges” but “also increased wholesale price volatility as the state rebalances its supply from dispatchable plant to…

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It’s Earth Hour Every Hour In North Korea


Model Country : North Korea Achieves 80% Reduction In CO2 Emissions

Real Science

While the Democratic People’s Republic of America struggles to reduce emissions by 5%, North Korea has already achieved an 80% reduction.


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The carbon corruption: Iran, Sudan, and North Korea get millions in U.N. carbon credit funds

Climatism comment : So we place economic sanctions on Iran, North Korea et al, on one hand, and then give it all back on the other through millions, perhaps billions in carbon credit funds. At the same time making them look ‘environmentally’ and socially good?!
Everything falling into place nicely for the UN’s wealth redistribution agenda (21).

Watts Up With That?

From the Washington Free Beacon by Zach Noble, how a half page of the Kyoto protocol turned into a free ride for corruption.

Carbon Corruption

Iran, North Korea, Sudan rack up millions by trading U.N. carbon credits

The U.N. is funneling millions of dollars worth of tradable carbon credits to corrupt nations worldwide, including Iran, North Korea, Sudan, and Uzbekistan in an attempt to encourage clean energy projects in the developing world.

The U.N. Clean Development Mechanism (CDM) is defined in Article 12 of the Kyoto Protocol. Western European countries fund energy projects in the developing world in order to obtain Certified Emission Reduction credits (CERs), tradable credits that enable Europeans to count foreign emission reductions towards their own domestic emission reduction targets.

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