PANIC! How Global Warming Could Make Spiders More Aggressive

World news - Aggressive spiders flourish in hurricanes scientists | 9News

World news – Aggressive spiders flourish in hurricanes scientists | 9News

“Those who can make you believe absurdities,
can make you commit atrocities.”
– Voltaire


ANOTHER great example of how climate ‘scientists’, supported by the compliant mainstream media, use scary things to frighten you into submission and belief that the world is in peril, care or ‘evil’ mankind and his/her ‘evil’ trace gasses.

BUT, have you ever noticed how global warming climate change threatens imminent decline in cute, cuddly animals like Polar Bears? Yet, on the other hand, climate change threatens an *increase* in our most feared critters, like “aggressive” spiders?

NINE News Australia reports:

How global warming could make spiders more aggressive

By Richard Wood
1:04pm Aug 20, 2019
Global warming may result in more aggressive spiders around the world, a new study suggests.
Researchers at McMaster University in Canada found that aggressive spiders have a greater chance of surviving and reproducing following hurricanes than more docile breeds.
The study suggests the evolutionary impact of spider populations will be affected by extreme weather events, which scientists predict will increase because of rising sea levels caused by global warming.

Extreme weather events such as hurricanes may cause aggressive spiders to flourish, scientists have found.. (AAP)

Experts studied the communal spider or tangle web spider which lives in North and South America, reports the Independent.
They found aggressive colonies had a higher rate of reproduction after a tropical storm, while in storm-free regions more docile spiders thrived.
Researchers studied 240 colonies throughout North and South America and compared them with control sites.
Features of aggressive behaviour included the speed and number of attackers that respond to prey, the tendency to eat other spiders and how easily foreign spiders get into a nest.

Experts studied the communal spider or tangle web spider which lives in North and South America, to determine how they behaved after hurricanes impacted their environments. (Supplied)


Results suggest aggressive spiders are better at gaining resources but are more prone to infighting if they are short of food or the colony gets too hot.
The study – published in Nature, Ecology and Evolution – found that after hurricanes, more aggressive colonies produced more eggs and had more spiderlings survive into early winters.
Lead author Jonathan Pruitt said more extreme weather will impact wildlife development.
“As sea levels rise, the incidence of tropical storms will only increase. Now more than ever we need to contend with what the ecological and evolutionary impacts of these storms will be for non-human animals,” he said.
© Nine Digital Pty Ltd 2019



IN order to validate the ‘science’ that spiders ‘could’ become more aggressive due to global warming, we should check the data.

ACCORDING to the latest government data and the last two U.N. IPCC reports on “Extreme Weather”, there has been “NO” increase in extreme weather events, even as CO2 has risen to 400PPM – a rise of one CO2 molecule in every 10,000 parts of atmosphere since 1950.



“Numerous studies towards and beyond AR5 have reported a decreasing trend
in the global number of tropical cyclones and/or the globally accumulated cyclonic energy”UN IPCC SR15 (2018)

“There is only low confidence regarding changes in global tropical cyclone numbers under global warming over the last four decades.”UN IPCC SR15 (2018)


Global Tropical Cyclone Activity | Ryan Maue



AUSTRALIAN tropical cyclones are declining in both intensity and frequency as CO₂ rises:



GLOBAL Hurricanes are declining in both frequency and intensity as CO₂ increases:


Global Major Hurricane Frequency | Ryan Maue



Joe Bastardi: Climate Crisis? Four Major Metrics That Say Otherwise — The Patriot Post


CAT 3+ U.S. Landfalling Hurricanes (per decade) declining rapidly as CO₂ emissions rise:


FLORIDA Major Hurricane Strikes – Still No Trend:


Florida Major Hurricane Strikes: Still No Trend « Roy Spencer, PhD



WHAT is pertinent to the sea-level rise debate is whether SLR is accelerating due to human CO2 emissions.

Dr Judith Curry …

Sea level has been rising for the last ten thousand years, since the last Ice Age…the question is whether sea level rise is accelerating owing to human caused emissions.  It doesn’t look like there is any great acceleration, so far, of sea level rise associated with human warming.  These predictions of alarming sea level rise depend on massive melting of the big continental glaciers — Greenland and Antarctica.  The Antarctic ice sheet is actually growing.  Greenland shows large multi-decadal variability. ….  There is no evidence so far that humans are increasing sea level rise in any kind of a worrying way.” — Dr. Judith Curry, video interview published 9 August 2017

“Observed sea level rise over the last century has averaged about 8 inches, although local values may be substantially more or less based on local vertical land motion, land use, regional ocean circulations and tidal variations.

(Climatism bolds)

Sea level rise acceleration (or not): Projections for the 21st century | Climate Etc.


ACCORDING to “the science” there has been no stat-sig or relevant acceleration of sea-level rise since industrialisation:


Short-Term Tide Gauge Records from One Location are Inadequate to Infer Global Sea-Level Acceleration | SpringerLink


SOMETHING other than carbon dioxide caused seas to rise, at the current steady rate, around 1790:

(NB// 85% of man-made CO2 was emitted after 1945.)


It wasn’t CO2: Global sea levels started rising before 1800 « JoNova


NO ‘acceleration’ in sea-level rise exists in any NOAA or PSMSL tidal gauge records:

Relative Sea Level Trend
680-140 Sydney, Fort Denison 1 & 2, Australia


Relative Sea Level Trend 680-140 Sydney, Fort Denison 1 & 2, Australia – NOAA Tides & Currents


ONE third of all human (CO2) influence has occurred over the past 20-30 years which has not caused acceleration of sea-levels, a jot :


Relative Sea Level Trend 680-140 Sydney, Fort Denison 1 & 2, Australia – NOAA Tides & Currents




UNTIL the official ‘scientific’ data suggests that extreme weather events, like hurricanes and tropical cyclones are, in fact, increasing in frequency and intensity and not the other way around, as is occurring now, we should take such scary ‘spider’ studies with a pinch of salt and a whole lot of suspicion as to the real motives of the global warming climate change, misanthropic movement.


SEE also :

STATE Of The Climate Report :

IPCC Extreme Weather Report 2018 SR15 :



ORIGINS Of The Global Warming Scam :


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