HOTTEST YEAR EVAHH : Fourth-Warmest Year on Record? The Devil’s in the Details
Posted: August 1, 2018 Filed under: Alarmism Debunked, Alarmist media, Arctic, Climate science, Climatism, Fact Check, Global Temperature, Government Grants/Funding, Govt Climate Agenda, Green Agenda, groupthink, Politics, Propaganda | Tags: antarctic, arctic, CAGW, Climate alarmism, Climate Change, Climate marketing, Climate science, Climatism, Fact Check, Global Temperature, Global Warming, Hottest Year Ever, Joe Bastardi, Mainstream media, Media, NCEP, propaganda, science, Weatherbell Leave a comment“A man does not sin by commission only, but often by omission.”
―Marcus Aurelius
“Deception by an omission of the truth is as bad as a lie.”
― Jennifer Chiaverini
CLAIMS of the “hottest year ever” tell us more about climate change marketing and PR than they do, actual science.
IN our schizophrenic, 24 hour news cycle and the era of internet clickbait, it serves the Climate Crisis Industry and those invested in man-made climate alarmism to produce headlines of “the hottest year ever” in order to push their political and ideological agenda…
THE Guardian’s Dana Nuttercelli is no stranger to pushing the ideological wheelbarrow of “hottest year evahh” hysteria…

2017 was the hottest year on record without an El Niño, thanks to global warming | Dana Nuccitelli | Environment | The Guardian
THANK god for old-school meteorologists like Weatherbell’s Joe Bastardi, who cut through the cheap, lazy, clickbait alarmism to provide a scientific understanding of what really makes up “hottest year ever” claims such that we can use this knowledge to better predict weather and climate, rather than simply feeding the global warming hysteria beast for political, moral and financial gains.
BIG Joe dissects the “hottest year” meme in a great piece out of the The Patriot Post that shows the devil really is in the detail …
Fourth-Warmest Year on Record? The Devil’s in the Details
Joe Bastardi · Jul. 30, 2018
I continue to examine the idea that relatively minute increases in water vapor brought on by cyclically warmed oceans are the reason for the earth’s warming. But the way warming is portrayed must be looked at closely. It is very real and adds to forecast problems, but as far as the hysteria you see whipped up in relation to mankind’s self-destructing, it’s just that to me — hysteria.
Let’s assume 2018 is the fourth-warmest on record. Most people live between 70°N and 70°S.

NCEP Temp Anomaly
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