WAPO : Climate Change Is A Top Spiritual Priority For These Religious Leaders

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Michael E. Mann 2.png

Orthodox Climenical Patriarch Michael E. Mann of Penn State University releases a falcon rehabilitated by Anima in Spetses, Greece. (Image : Climatism parody)

Off the island of Spetses, the leader of 300 million Climatarians worldwide told a group of nearly 200 cult leaders, academics and activists that they needed to move beyond intellectualism when it came to the environment.

“What remains for us is to preach what we practice,” said Orthodox Climenical Patriarch Michael E. Mann of Penn State University. “Now we must begin the long and difficult way from the mind to the heart . . . May God guide you in your service to his people and the care of his creation.”

Read the non-parody article here via Wapo!


Michael E. Mann Related :

Michael E. Mann Cartoon Classics (cartoonsbyjosh.com) :


Cartoon by Josh at cartoonsbyjosh.com


Friday Funny- Welcome to the Anthropocene Narcisscene | Watts Up With That? cartoonsbyjosh.com

Merchants Of Smear

“Mikey and Katie both came across as actually believing their own BS. I think they are both deluded, rather than dishonest.”

They *have* to believe their own BS. Anything slightly less means their precious careers, reputations and stake in the $29 Billion Global-non-Warming industry is severely compromised. If not completely wrecked.

Thus the merchants of smear, and their fellow Global-non-Warming alarmist minions will never ever relent…or at the very least, be guided by the ‘scientific’ method.

“It doesn’t matter how beautiful your theory is, it doesn’t matter how smart you are. If it doesn’t agree with experiment, it’s wrong.”
– Richard P. Feynman

Real Science

I always sit in the front row at movie theaters. Been doing that since my days designing and installing theater sound systems circa 1984. Tonight I was rewarded by getting to sit next to the greatness of Mikey and Katie.

unnamed (2)unnamed (1)

The guy in the middle is a Republican Congressman from South Carolina named Bob Ingliss, who turned to the dark side after his son watched Al Gore’s sci-fi flick and told his dad that he would only vote for him if he saved the planet. (True story)

Katherine said :

We are seeing climate change happening here in DC right here, right now.

I thought that was the arrival of a spring.

I asked Mikey why they don’t just make a Democratic state like Vermont or Rhode Island 100% wind and solar, and prove that it can be done. He said that they are already doing that in California and maybe…

View original post 128 more words

BREAKING – Warning to Michael Mann: apologise for your lie or risk facing from me what you’ve done to Steyn

BREAKING via Andrew Bolt Blog :

aaaaa mann Bolt

Normally I do not sue, but this seems to me a special case.

Mann, the climate alarmist who gave the world his dodgy ”hockey stick”, is now suing sceptic Mark Steyn for mocking him and his lawyers have produced deceptive legal documents in his defence.

Mann has published an outright lie that defames me, and should face the same punishment he wishes to mete out on Steyn for mere mockery.

I do not lie and Murdoch does not pay me to do so. Nor has Mann singled out a single “lie” I’m alleged to have committed.

In fact, Mann is so reckless with the facts that his tweet links to an obvious parody Twitter account run by one of my critics, clearly believing that it’s actually mine.

Advice, please?

Warning to Michael Mann: apologise for your lie or risk facing from me what you’ve done to Steyn | Herald Sun Andrew Bolt Blog.


MUST READ also : Steyn et al. versus Mann | Climate Etc.


UPDATE via Bolt

I have sent Mann the following email:

Dr Mann:

I note your publication of the following defamatory tweet:


You have published an outright lie that defames me.

I do not lie and am not paid by Rupert Murdoch to lie. You have not identified in your tweet a single example of an alleged lie, which suggests you simply made up this defamatory claim.

Indeed, you were so reckless with the facts that your tweet links to an obvious parody Twitter account run by one of my critics which you have clearly believed is mine.

Your other link is to the website of a warmist journalist who for years was a Murdoch columnist, too, writing on climate change. Was he, too, paid by “villainous” Rupert Murdoch to “lie to public”?

I’ve since learned that you last year retweeted another defamatory comment: “No other media organisation in any other civilised nation would employ #AndrewBolt as a journalist”.

As it turns out, that, too, is incorrect. I am not only employed by News Corp but by Australia’s Network 10 and Macquarie Radio Network, where I host a weekly television show and co-host a daily radio show respectively. I have also appeared as a commentator on other media outlets, including the state-owned Australian Broadcasting Corporation, Al Jazeera, the BBC and Canadian radio stations. I am very confident I would be able to find work as a journalist in another “civilised nation”.

I note this because repeated defamations under Australia’s law is evidence of malice – and your history of defaming me shows a complete disregard for the facts.

It is appalling that you could be so reckless, so spiteful, so destructive and so ill-informed. I have long doubted the rigor and the conclusions of your work as a climate scientist and often deplored the way you conduct debate, but even I had never before today considered publically calling you a liar.

I demand you delete your tweet and issue a public apology on the same Twitter account within 24 hours. Failure to do so will not only cast doubt on your commitment to truth in debates on global warming, but expose you to legal action.


Mann gives a very grudging “not necessarily” apology for his brazen lie (and follows it up elsewhere with a string of insults):


Too late. His mask has slipped. What else has he repeated – whether “science” or personal calumnies – that was false and motivated by spite or self-protection?

Steve McIntyre suggests one more.


Now, how to get Mann to apologise for his “hockey stick” as well?


To help Mark Steyn meet the legal bills in his own legal battle with Mann, please go here and go to the final link.



via WattsUpWithThat

Mann apologizes for defamation (sort of) after lawsuit threat

Posted on February 25, 2014 by Anthony Watts

It’s a “jump the shark” moment for Mann.

As if taking a cue from yesterday’s essay The Merchants of Smear in deciding “enough is enough”, Herald Sun Journalist Andrew Bolt has decided to stand up to him for defamation. He did so in a most professional but firm way.  I repeat what he writes in:


Warning to Michael Mann: apologise for your lie or risk facing from me what you’ve done to Steyn

Open and shut case. Michael Mann is a liar:


Normally I do not sue, but this seems to me a special case.

Continue reading →

Steyn et al. versus Mann

Climate Etc.

by Judith Curry

Some significant developments in various lawsuits involving Michael Mann

View original post 2,843 more words

Before Little Mikey Corrupted The Science


Real Science

From the first IPCC report

There is growing evidence that worldwide temperatures were higher than at present during the mid-Holocene (especially 5 000-6 000 BP), at least in summer, though carbon dioxide levels appear to have been quite similar to those of the pre-industrial era at this time (Section 1 i Thus parts were a few degrees warmer in July during the mid- Holocene than in recent decades (Yoshino and Urushibara, 1978, Webb ct al 1987, Huntley and Prentice, 1988, Zhang and Wang 1990) Parts of Australasia and Chile were also warmer. The late tenth to early thirteenth centuries (about AD 950-1250) appear to have been exceptionally warm in western Europe, Iceland and Greenland (Alexandre 1987, Lamb, 1988) This period is known as the Medieval Climatic Optimum China was, however, cold at this time (mainly in winter) but South Japan was warm (Yoshino, 1978) This period of widespread warmth is…

View original post 17 more words

Mann Made Climate Change

We’ve got to ride this global warming issue.
Even if the theory of global warming is wrong,
we will be doing the right thing in terms of
economic and environmental policy.

– Timothy Wirth,
President of the UN Foundation

Isn’t the only hope for the planet that the
industrialized civilizations collapse?
Isn’t it our responsiblity to bring that about
– Maurice Strong,
founder of the UN Environment Programme (UNEP)

It doesn’t matter what is true,
it only matters what people believe is true
– Paul Watson,
co-founder of Greenpeace


“As we all know, this isn’t about truth at all, its about plausibly deniable accusations.”

– Michael E. Mann | Climategate Emails


Re-pressed via Real Science :

Before Mikey rewrote history, climate scientists actually did science.

In the opinion of M. Auguste Bouchayer, scientist and engineer, there were no glaciers in Europe in the Middle Ages. In a recent communication to the Dauphine Scientific Society, he submits the conclusion that since the Middle Ages there has been a considerable fall in the maximum summer temperature. Consequently winter snows  and ice accumulations which were formerly melted in summer are no longer dissipated.

Kalgoorlie Miner 14 August 1929 :

ScreenHunter_220 Dec. 02 04.35



See Also :

  • Shock News : UN IPCC Rewrote Temperature History To Suit Their Political Agenda | CACA
  • Mann Made Global Warming Is A Complete Fraud | Real Science

Mikey Related :

  • Mann Made Climate Change – Disappearing The MWP | Real Science
  • Mikey Discusses The Mass Extinction Of Legitimate Science | Real Science
  • NOAA 1989 : No Warming For A Century | Real Science
  • Did The Pony Express Wreck The Climate? | Real Science
  • CLIMATEGATE – Mikey Emails | Tom Nelson
  • CORRECTIONS TO THE MANN et. al. (1998)
    AVERAGE TEMPERATURE SERIES – Stephen McIntyre, Ross McKitrick
  • Sticking it to the Mann | Watts Up With That?
  • Back To The Penalty Box…Chinese Paleo-Climatolgists Slap Down High-Sticking Michael Mann!
  • Hockey Stick Debunked : Climategate ‘hide the decline’ explained by Berkeley professor Richard A. Muller
  • MANN-SLAP : Oh the pain! #Kochmachine is in many American universities, including Penn State | Watts Up With That?
  • President Eisenhower Warned America About Michael Mann In 1960 | Real Science
  • Yale Alumni Discuss Michael Mann | Real Science
  • Shock News : Michael Mann Is A Liar | Real Science
  • New Web Page Devoted To Michael Mann’s Work | Real Science
  • Hide The Decline | Real Science

Richard Mueller’s classic smackdown of Mann’s “hide the Decline” :

Peer Review studies that show the Medieval Warm Period was global and warmer than present :

  • Study: Earth was warmer in Roman, Medieval Times | The Daily Caller
  • New paper finds more evidence the Medieval Warming Period was global — Published in Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology
  • Latest Research: EU & Russian Scientists Confirm Medieval Period Warmer Than Modern Global Warming
  • Antarctic warmer than today – An ikaite record of late Holocene climate at the Antarctic Peninsula
  • THE HOCKEY SCHTICK: New paper finds Medieval Warming Period was ~1°C warmer than current temperatures
  • New Paper Finds Ocean Temps Were Warmer During Multiple Periods Over Last 2700 Years Than Today | GWPF
  • Medieval Temps warmer than today : Jenny Lake, Southwest Yukon Territory, Canada – CO² Science
  • Medieval Warm Period was real, global, & warmer than the present’ – China & World – Chinadaily Forum
  • Evidence for a Global Medieval Warm Period | Watts Up With That?

Real Science Fraud File

UPDATE 11 Nov 2013 – Judge Orders NASA to Release Climate Change-Related Documents – AllGov – News


We’ve got to ride this global warming issue.
Even if the theory of global warming is wrong,
we will be doing the right thing in terms of
economic and environmental policy.

– Timothy Wirth,
President of the UN Foundation


The data doesn’t matter. We’re not basing our recommendations
on the data. We’re basing them on the climate models
– Prof. Chris Folland,
Hadley Centre for Climate Prediction and Research

It doesn’t matter what is true,
it only matters what people believe is true
– Paul Watson,
co-founder of Greenpeace

The greatest hope for the Earth lies in religionists and 
scientists uniting to awaken the world to its near fatal predicament
and then leading mankind out of the bewildering maze of
international crises into the future Utopia of humanist hope.

– Club of Rome,
  Goals for Mankind

No matter if the science of global warming is all phony…
climate change provides the greatest opportunity to
bring about justice and equality in the world
– Christine Stewart,
former Canadian Minister of the Environment

If we don’t overthrow capitalism, we don’t have a chance of
saving the world ecologically. I think it is possible to have
an ecologically sound society under socialism.
I don’t think it is possible under capitalism
– Judi Bari,
principal organiser of Earth First


It is important that 97% of the world’s population understand that recent global warming is catastrophic and unprecedented, thus caused by them.

In order to achieve this, a select group of the world’s elite climate scientists and institutions have scandalously revised the world’s temperature records to fit the pattern of a cooler past and a warmer present, consistent with the ‘Hockey-Stick’ illusion.

“When facts don’t fit the theory, change the facts.” – Albert Einstein /sarc

In 1999 NASA’s then climate chief, James Hansen made these remarkable comments:

Empirical evidence does not lend much support to the notion that climate is headed precipitately toward more extreme heat and drought. The drought of 1999 covered a smaller area than the 1988 drought, when the Mississippi almost dried up. And 1988 was a temporary inconvenience as compared with repeated droughts during the 1930s “Dust Bowl” that caused an exodus from the prairies, as chronicled in Steinbeck’s Grapes of Wrath.

In the U.S. there has been little temperature change in the past 50 years, the time of rapidly increasing greenhouse gases — in fact, there was a slight cooling throughout much of the country.

Indeed, in the U.S. the warmest decade was the 1930s and the warmest year was 1934.


US temperature in 1999

In 1989, NOAA and the UK’s leading expert, Dr Phil Jones, agreed with Hansen that US had not warmed.

February 04, 1989

Last week, scientists from the United States Commerce Department’s National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration said that a study of temperature readings for the contiguous 48 states over the last century showed there had been no significant change in average temperature over that period.

Dr. (Phil) Jones said in a telephone interview today that his own results for the 48 states agreed with those findings.

But in the year 2000, NASA and NOAA altered the historical US temperature record, which now shows that there was about one degree centigrade US warming during the century before 1989.

hansen fudge GISS US 2008

US temperature in 2000


The ‘Hockey-Stick’ recreations featured in this blog remain the intellectual property of Michael E. Mann and James Hansen et al. All data tampering by NASA, NOAA, GISS, USHCN, IPCC, EPA has been permitted under the ‘Defraud the Community through Post-Normal Pseudo-Science’ Climate Act 1999-2013. /sarc


* Government data and empirical-evidence of widespread data tampering and real science-fraud reblogged and updated from Steven Goddard’s Real Science


The Real Hockey Stick

Posted on September 18, 2013 by stevengoddard

Temperatures in the US declined from 1930 through the end of the 20th century.



But that just wasn’t to do, so NASA created a hockey stick of data tampering.

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Presto! Tamper with the data, put an official looking government seal on it, and release the graph without any warnings or disclaimers that they have reversed the cooling trend seen in the thermometer data.


The Very High Price Of NOAA/NASA Data Tampering

Posted on Real Science September 3, 2013 by stevengoddard

NOAA and NASA do spectacular amounts of tampering to the US temperature data set, which actually reverses the measured trend. This comes at a very high price.

  1. The history of the country is destroyed
  2. Bad policy is implemented as a result
  3. Children’s educations are wrecked by feeding them intellectual garbage
  4. The economy is damaged by taxes and destructive policies to restrict CO2
  5. Science itself is wrecked. People attempting to interpret the data are trying to draw conclusions based on garbage data. Thus their conclusions are also garbage.

Amazing how a small handful of unscrupulous people can wreak so much havoc.

How the US hockey stick was built

As of 1999, there wasn’t any warming in the US


Hansen made these remarkable comments in 1999 :

Empirical evidence does not lend much support to the notion that climate is headed precipitately toward more extreme heat and drought. The drought of 1999 covered a smaller area than the 1988 drought, when the Mississippi almost dried up. And 1988 was a temporary inconvenience as compared with repeated droughts during the 1930s “Dust Bowl” that caused an exodus from the prairies, as chronicled in Steinbeck’s Grapes of Wrath…..

in the U.S. there has been little temperature change in the past 50 years, the time of rapidly increasing greenhouse gases — in fact, there was a slight cooling throughout much of the country

NASA GISS: Science Briefs: Whither U.S. Climate?

At that time, GISS US temperature data showed an 80+ year decline in US temperatures, with 1934, 1921 and 1931 being the three hottest years

This data has been deleted from the GISS web site, but originally resided at this URL


It has been archived here :


The next graph shows the 1920-1999 changes which Hansen made to the US temperature record since 1999 – in GISS version 3.


The GISS US temperature graph looks like this

Fig.D.gif (513×438)

The next blink comparator shows the changes that were made to the US temperature data since 1999. The year 1998 was promoted from #4 to #1.


Hockey sticks are indeed man-made – by climate activists pretending to be scientific heads of government agencies.

An Older Version Of The Hockey Stick

Posted on August 8, 2013 by stevengoddard

global cooling

hockey stick

This version is from the National Academy of Sciences, before self-awarded Nobel Prize Mikey straightened them out that the world was heating out of control, rather than cooling out of control.

In 1975, people were too stupid to know the difference between cold and heat.

EPA Throws Their Hat Into The Temperature Fraud Arena

Posted on August 8, 2013 by stevengoddard

They show that perhaps 50 % of the US was hot in 1936.

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High and Low Temperatures | Climate Change | US EPA

Sadly for the climate liars at the EPA, the US Weather Bureau actually kept records of these things at the time. Almost the entire US was overheated during the summer of 1936.



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But it gets worse. The EPA shows that just over 10% of the US was hot in the summer of 1937, when in fact it was closer to 90%.

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IPCC : That Medieval Warm Period We Used To Believe In Wrecks Our Story, Lets Get Rid Of It

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From the 1990 IPCC report. Remarkably, no one prior to Michael Mann had noticed that the world was heating out of control since 1860.

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Smoking Gun That The NOAA US Climate Extremes Index Is 100% Fraudulent

Posted on August 7, 2013 by stevengoddard

The NOAA US Climate Extremes Index shows that 2012 maximum summer temperatures were tied for the highest on record.


Extremes | U.S. Climate Extremes Index (CEI)

This is utter nonsense. According to GHCN US data, the summer of 2012 had the 21st hottest maximum temperatures, was more than 1C cooler than 1936, and was cooler than most of the years in the 1930s.


The next graph overlays the HCN data on the CEI data. The match isn’t too bad until about the year 2000, when NOAA started fabricating data to pump the numbers up.

NOAA shows the summer of 2006 as being 7th hottest on record, when in fact it was the 82nd hottest.

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The EPA says that summers in the 1930s were much hotter than any summers prior to 2009. Why does NOAA think they can get away with lying about this?

Heat waves occurred with high frequency in the 1930s, and these remain the most severe heat waves in the U.S. historical record (see Figure 1)


NASA Massively Tampering With The US Temperature Record

Posted on August 16, 2013 by stevengoddard

In 1999, NASA published this graph, showing that the 1930s was by far the warmest decade in the US


The graph was accompanied by this text :

Empirical evidence does not lend much support to the notion that climate is headed precipitately toward more extreme heat and drought. The drought of 1999 covered a smaller area than the 1988 drought, when the Mississippi almost dried up. And 1988 was a temporary inconvenience as compared with repeated droughts during the 1930s “Dust Bowl” that caused an exodus from the prairies, as chronicled in Steinbeck’s Grapes of Wrath.

in the U.S. there has been little temperature change in the past 50 years, the time of rapidly increasing greenhouse gases — in fact, there was a slight cooling throughout much of the country

NASA GISS: Science Briefs: Whither U.S. Climate?

They have since eliminated the hot 1930s from the temperature record. Their current graph looks like this :


Fig.D.gif (525×438)

The animation below shows how they altered the temperature data to wipe out the inconvenient 1930s, and massively warm the 1990s.

The next animation uses NASA’s published data from 1999 and 2013, and shows how they turned a strong US cooling trend into a strong warming trend.


1999 version  2013 version

Albert Einstein sarcastically said :

“If the facts don’t fit the theory, change the facts”

NASA : That Warm Period In Norway During The 1930s Wrecks Our Story – Let’s Get Rid Of It

Posted on August 13, 2013 by stevengoddard


v2 version    v3 version

NASA is constantly cooling the past and warming the present – in order to make it appear that Hansen’s theories aren’t the miserable failure which they actually are.


NASA Determines That People In Iceland Are Really Dumb

Posted on August 13, 2013 by stevengoddard

According to NASA, people in Iceland used to read their thermometers 2.5C too high, and now they read them too low. And it is surely just a coincidence that the years NASA cooled 2.5 degrees also happened to be the ones which wrecked their global warming scam.


The problem is of course that Icelanders are dumb, not that NASA has been engaging in massive scientific fraud.

Latest GISS Data Tampering In Iceland

Posted on August 12, 2013by stevengoddard

The Arctic warming from 1910 to 1940 completely wrecks the alarmist’s story. Fortunately for them, they control the NASA and NOAA data and can tamper with it any way they want to produce data which matches their theory.

They are constantly cooling the past in Iceland, with their latest handiwork shown below.


Original version : Data.GISS: GISS Surface Temperature Analysis

Most recent tampering : Data.GISS: GISS Surface Temperature Analysis

What they can’t tamper with is the written record of eyewitnesses.

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Comparing GISS To Regional Temperatures

Posted on July 11, 2013 by stevengoddard

GISS shows that August temperatures have been increasing, and that August 1913 was the coldest in the last 100 years.

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Raw GHCN temperatures for Oklahoma show that there has been no trend in August temperatures, and that 1913 was one of the hottest on record – with 1934 and 1936 being by far the hottest.

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Conclusion : Either Oklahoma is not part of the planet, or GISS temperatures are a complete fraud.

The summer of 1913 holds the record for the hottest temperature ever recorded on Earth, and GISS tells us that summer was very cold.

How Barack Obama Can Geoengineer Global Cooling

Posted on August 12, 2013by stevengoddard

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One E-mail from the White House can end global warming. All he needs to do is to tell NOAA and NASA to stop jacking the temperatures up.

Presto! Obama will have stopped global warming – and saved the planet.

IPCC 1990 : “there is no convincing evidence of an acceleration in sea level rise during the twentieth century”

Posted on August 12, 2013by stevengoddard

ScreenHunter_517 Jul. 02 10.30

They reported that sea level is rising at 1-2 mm/year, which means that Miami won’t actually drown for another 3,000 years or so.

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First IPCC report

NASA : That 90 Year Long US Cooling Trend Wrecks Our Story : Let’s Get Rid Of It

Posted on August 12, 2013by stevengoddard

1999 version      2013 version

NASA : That Warm Period In 1940 Wrecks Our Story – Let’s Get Rid Of It

Image | Posted on August 12, 2013 by stevengoddard

Understanding How Not To Interpret A Graph

Posted on August 11, 2013by stevengoddard

One theory which alarmists used to talk about (before they went full criminal) was that global warming causes stratospheric cooling, and they used the trend below.

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This is a very clever graph – for the brain damaged. What actually happened was that two volcanic eruptions pushed particulates up into stratosphere. The particles absorbed sunlight and warmed the upper atmosphere. When the particulates settled out, temperatures cooled and flattened. There is no “CO2 footprint”

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Alaska Glacier Retreated Fifteen Feet Per Day During Hansen’s Coldest Years On Record

Posted on August 10, 2013by stevengoddard

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According to Hansen, this massive glacial retreat occurred during the coldest years on record.


Fig.A2.gif (658×474)

Hansen also tells us that glacial melt is due to global warming, and is going to drown Manhattan by the year 2008.

NASA : That Cooling Trend In Alabama Wrecks Our Theory – Let’s Get Rid Of It

Posted on August 13, 2013 by stevengoddard

Alabama cooled dramatically from 1920 to 1970. NASA got rid of this inconvenient decline, by cooling the past and warming the present a total of 1.5C.


V2    V3


NOAA Extreme Data Tampering Update

Posted on August 14, 2013 by stevengoddard

noaa extreme

NCDC reports that July was the 30th warmest on record in the US, and that July temperatures have increased by about 1F since 1895.

The thermometer data they used (prior to data tampering) showed that July was the 71st warmest, and that there has been no change in July temperatures since 1895. The animation below shows how they have created a completely fake warming trend by good old fashioned data tampering.


The next graph shows how they have systematically cooled the past and warmed the present – to create a non-existent warming trend.

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Most of the country was below normal last month, yet NCDC gave July a top 25% ranking for warmth.

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Last1mTDeptUS.png (688×531)

Now compare vs. July 1939 – which NCDC says was about the same as July 2013. Almost the entire country was hot in July, 1939.

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Many people died in the July 1939 heatwave, which NCDC says was about the same temperature as the very cool month of July 2013.

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Eugene Register-Guard – Google News Archive Search

The bottom line is that US temperatures as reported by NCDC and NOAA are complete garbage. They are generated for political purposes and have nothing to do with science.

In 1989, NOAA and CRU said that there had been no warming in the US over the past century.

February 04, 1989

Last week, scientists from the United States Commerce Department’s National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration said that a study of temperature readings for the contiguous 48 states over the last century showed there had been no significant change in average temperature over that period. Dr. (Phil) Jones said in a telephone interview today that his own results for the 48 states agreed with those findings.

New York Times

Yet now they show a lot of warming over the same period.

noaa 2

Welcome to Orwell’s 1984. The US government is rewriting the past to suit the desires of the White House.

150 Years Of Unprecedented Global Warming, But The IPCC Didn’t Know About It

Posted on August 14, 2013 by stevengoddard

Joe Romm says that the hockey stick represents unprecedented global warming.

ScreenHunter_198 Aug. 13 20.46

This is amazing, because the IPCC was completely unaware of this phenomenon in 1990. Apparently the world was heating out of control and the climate was collapsing since the middle of the 19th century, but the IPCC completely missed it. They thought that the world warmed much faster coming out the LIA. How could the world’s top climate scientists have been so ignorant?

ScreenHunter_56 Feb. 18 06.14

Wettest July Ever At The Exceptional Permanent Southwest Drought

Posted on August 13, 2013 by stevengoddard

The Washington DC based US Drought Monitor says that the southwest is having an exceptional drought.

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US Drought Monitor

The Weather Channel says that this summer has been one of the wettest on record in the southwest.

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July One of Wettest on Record in U.S., NOAA Says – weather.com

Joe Romm says that the southwest is having a permanent drought.

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Data Tampering At USHCN/GISS

The measured USHCN daily temperature data shows a decline in US temperatures since the 1930s.  But before they release it to the public,  they put it thorough a series of adjustments which change it from a cooling trend to a warming trend.

The graph below shows the difference between the published data and the measured data.

The next blink comparator shows changes in the US temperature record from GISS. It alternates between their 1999 graph and the 2012 version of the same graph. The past is cooled and the present is warmed.

The next graph shows the difference between the 2012 version of the GISS US temperature graph, and 1999 version.

Tracking Climate Fraud

NASA Rewriting US History | Real Science


30% Of GISS Warming Is Due To Data Tampering Since 2005

Keep Reading

Screen Shot 2013-08-15 at , August 15, 8.48.22 PM

Hottest year ever? Skeptics question revisions to climate data

Read more: http://www.foxnews.com/science/2013/01/10/hottest-year-ever-skeptics-question-revisions-to-climate-data/#ixzz2c2dx6DSK

Why Past Temperatures Need To Be Adjusted By Jimmy And Tommy

Posted on July 27, 2013 by stevengoddard

People just weren’t smart enough during the 1960s to know how to read a thermometer correctly.

ScreenHunter_273 Jul. 27 10.08

Oddly enough, Jimmy and Tommy didn’t recognize the need to tamper with data for many years – until they realized that temperatures were going the wrong direction.

WMO Takes Data Tampering To A New Level

Posted on July 9, 2013 by stevengoddard

“He who controls the past controls the future. He who controls the present controls the past.”

― George Orwell, 1984

WMO just published this graph, which completely erased the cooling from 1940 to 1970.


You can’t deny global warming after seeing this graph

In 1975, the National Academy of Sciences showed more than half a degree cooling in the Northern Hemisphere from 1940 to 1970, and that 1970 was no warmer than 1900.


Science News

NCAR showed exactly the same thing in 1975.

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The graph below overlays the 1975 National Academy of Sciences Northern Hemisphere graph on the current WMO Global graph, and shows how the UN has created a 100% political data set, which has no basis in the actual temperatures which were recorded.

The Northern Hemisphere data is not going to exactly match the global data, but both are driven by ENSO which means that it is not credible that the two hemispheres could be moving in opposite directions..


The next graph shows the decadal average of the NAS graph, calculated by numerical integration. Note that 1930-1940 was 0.25C warmer than 1960-1970, but through the magic of data tampering – WMO made the 1930s colder than the 1960s.


Despite Endless Data Tampering, NASA Can’t Get Temperatures Up To Hansen’s Zero Emissions Scenario C

Posted on August 17, 2013 by stevengoddard

NASA has been hard at work cooling the past and warming the present. But despite their best data tampering efforts, they still have not been able to get temperatures up to Hansen’s zero emissions in the 21st century Scenario C. Blue line shows the most recent reported GISS temperature.


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Controversies – Judge Orders NASA to Release Climate Change-Related Documents – AllGov – News