2019 KOMO News Special : Seattle Is Dying
Posted: June 18, 2020 | Author: Jamie Spry | Filed under: Climatism, Ideology, Politics, Socialism | Tags: ABC4, All Lives Matter, Communism, Democrats, Drug abuse, Heroin, Homeless, Homelessness, Ice, Jay Inslee, Jenny Durkan, KOMO, Mainstream media, Mental Ilness, Misanthropy, Must Watch, Police, Politics, Poverty, Power, Progressivism, Seattle, Seattle Is Dying, Socialism, USA, Washington State | 4 Comments
KOMO News Special: Seattle is Dying (KOMO graphic)
“THE urge to save humanity is almost always a
false-front for the urge to rule it.”
– H.L. Mencken
IF you want see what the situation is really like in Democrat-run states and cities across America, then watch this epic tragedy on Seattle released March, 2019 by ‘ABC’ news affiliate KOMO News.
A heartbreaking hour of truth, delivering a stunning assortment of hard data and facts that expose the brutal dangers of implementing Socialism as policy. The ‘compassionate’ quest for woketopia, a guaranteed deathblow to the soul of a city and its people.
“People come here because it’s called Free-attle and they believe if they come here they will get food, free medical treatment, free mental health treatment, a free tent, free clothes and will be free of prosecution for just about everything; and they’re right.
It didn’t used to be that way. Law enforcement officers used to be able to enforce laws.” – Seattle Police Officer
With the new dystopian ‘colony’ of ‘CHAZ’ or ‘CHOP’ recently declared in downtown Seattle, surely this special report, released a year ago, was not a wakeup call as to the inevitability of the current status of total anarchy, mayhem and madness in CHOP?
Seems no one cares, except for affected residents, small business owners and the “powerless” Police of Seattle.
The complete lack of interest and even ‘denial’ of reality in Democrat-run cities like Seattle represents yet another momentous victory for the mainstream media and bedfellows, the Democrat party – successfully hiding from their ‘progressive’ viewers and voters the ugly truth about the ruinous and generational effects of Democrat, socialist, ‘progressive’ policies.
“I’ve said it before, and I’ll say it again, that the only thing I can equate it to is, we’re running a concentration camp without barbed wire, up to and including the medical experiment of poisoning these people with drugs.
I don’t know how else to put it, and it’s infuriating.” – Todd Wiebke, former Seattle Police Officer
“Yes, I am frustrated because I’m a law enforcement officer that is told NOT to enforce the law.” – Seattle Police Officer
And this prophetic 2016 warning from a Seattle PD Officer on the dangers of a ‘compassionate’ approach to homelessness, drugs and crime:
“In a misguided attempt to help this population, the city has allowed the streets to be essentially taken over . The city is falling apart and becoming more unsafe due to politics surrounding low level criminal activity and homelessness. We don’t want to screw over the homeless population, we just want the ability to police them.” – Seattle Police Officer
WHAT is really going on here?
It’s as simple as the current ruling-class, Leftist-elite not interested in the people who they work for and are bound to represent, rather, they are only interested in one thing, it’s name is p-o-w-e-r.
WATCH it all …
KOMO’s Eric Johnson explores the impact the drug and homelessness problem is having on our city and possible solutions in “Seattle is Dying.” Read more or watch at KOMONews.com: KOMO News Special: Seattle is Dying | KOMO
KOMO News Special: Seattle is Dying | KOMO
FROM the official KOMO page :
Seattle Is Dying. It’s a harsh title. Someone on social media even called it a “hopeless” title. I’ll admit to you that I wrestled with the name for some time. Too dramatic, I wondered? Too dark? In the end I went with it because I believe it to be true. I believe that Seattle is dying. Rotting from within.
This show, that we’ve been working on for several months now, is really the third in a kind of trilogy.
The first was called “There But For the Grace of God…” It explored homelessness from the inside out in 2016.
he second was called, “Demon at the Door.” It was about the hellish existence of heroin addiction.
This one is about everyone else.It’s about citizens who don’t feel safe taking their families into downtown Seattle. It’s about parents who won’t take their children into the public parks they pay for. It’s about filth and degradation all around us. And theft and crime. It’s about people who don’t feel protected anymore, who don’t feel like their voices are being heard.
This program is not about demonizing those who are struggling with addiction and homelessness and mental illness. On the contrary. Instead, it asks the question, “Why aren’t we doing more? Why don’t we have the courage to intervene in lives that are, in the face of a grave sickness, reeling out of control?”
It’s called, Seattle is Dying, and I believe the title to be true. But it’s not a hopeless program. There are ideas and concepts in the show that could start conversations about change.
I hope.
Mostly, I want it to be a reminder that this is not normal. This is not the way it has to be. This is not right.
KOMO News Special: Seattle is Dying | KOMO
SEE also :
- CHAZ : The World Welcomes Its Newest Country | Climatism
- US RIOTS : Restoring order | Climatism
- FROM Terrorism to Climatism to Pandemism | Climatism
- COVID19 : Totalitarianism Doesn’t Shock Us Anymore | Climatism
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