ROY SPENCER Fact-Checks Al Gore’s Latest Climate Propaganda Flop



CLIMATE scientist Roy Spencer PhD busts apart Al Gore’s latest hollywood fail, in a few simple examples below, from his new book An Inconvenient Deception: How Al Gore Distorts Climate Science and Energy Policy, now available on …



After viewing Gore’s most recent movie, An Inconvenient Sequel: Truth to Power, and after reading the book version of the movie, I was more than a little astounded. The new movie and book are chock-full of bad science, bad policy, and factual errors.

So, I was inspired to do something about it. I’d like to announce my new e-book, entitled An Inconvenient Deception: How Al Gore Distorts Climate Science and Energy Policy, now available on

After reviewing some of Gore’s history in the environmental movement, I go through the movie, point by point.


One of Gore’s favorite tactics is to show something that happens naturally, then claim (or have you infer) that it is due to humanity’s greenhouse gas emissions. As I discuss in the book, this is what he did in his first movie (An Inconvenient Truth), too.

For example, sea level rise. Gore is seen surveying flooded streets in Miami Beach.

That flooding is mostly a combination of (1) natural sea level rise (I show there has been no acceleration of sea level rise beyond what was already happening since the 1800s), and (2) satellite-measured sinking of the reclaimed swamps that have been built upon for over 100 years in Miami Beach.

In other words, Miami Beach was going to have to deal with the increasing flooding from their “king tides”, with or without carbon dioxide emissions.

Gore is also shown jumping across meltwater streams on the Greenland ice sheet. No mention is made that this happens naturally every year. Sure, 2012 was exceptional for its warmth and snow melt (which he mentioned), but then 2017 came along and did just the opposite with record snow accumulation, little melt, and the coldest temperature ever recorded in the Northern Hemisphere for a July.

The fact that receding glaciers in Alaska are revealing stumps from ancient forests that grew 1,000 to 2,000 years ago proves that climate varies naturally, and glaciers advance and recede without any help from humans.

So, why is your SUV suddenly being blamed when it happens today?

The list goes on and on.

Some of what Gore claims is just outright false. He says that wheat and corn yields in China are down by 5% in recent decades. Wrong. They have been steadily climbing, just like almost everywhere else in the world. Here’s the situation for all grain crops in China:

And that lack of rainfall in Syria that supposedly caused conflict and war? It didn’t happen. Poor farmers could no longer afford diesel fuel to pump groundwater because Assad tripled the price. Semi-arid Syria is no place to grow enough crops for a rapidly growing population, anyway.

I also address Gore’s views on alternative energy, mainly wind and solar. It is obvious that Gore does not consider government subsidies when he talks about the “cost” of renewable energy sometimes being cheaper than fossil fuels. Apparently, he hasn’t heard that the citizens pay the taxes that then support the alternative energy industries which Gore, Elon Musk and others financially benefit from. If and when renewable energy become cost-competitive, it won’t need politicians and pundits like Mr. Gore campaigning for it.

To counter what is in movie theaters now, I had to whip up this book in only 2 weeks, and I didn’t have a marching army of well-funded people like Gore has had. (Too bad he didn’t have someone doing fact-checking.) Despite my disadvantage, I think I present a powerful case that most of what he presents is, at the very least, very deceptive.


Man-Bear-Pig Related :

  • AL GORE Confirms : Global Warming Is A Religion | Climatism
  • Al Gore Schooled by Mayor of an Eroding Island | Climatism
  • Al Gore Praises “Climate Leader” South Australia | Climatism
  • Al Gore tries to make Mother’s Day about ‘climate hope’, asks for money | Climatism
  • Al Gore and the media were wrong: U.S. Major Hurricane Drought Now One Decade and Counting | Climatism
  • Nature proves Al Gore wrong again | Climatism
  • Al Gore’s enduring climate con | Climatism


Hey @Algore ! Explain this! Bottom drops out of US hurricanes in past decade

WAITING for Australian press gallery to cross-examine Al “Hurricane” Gore on this very ‘Inconvenient’ climate data…


Watts Up With That?

Inconvenient data for those who still insist climate change is making hurricanes more frequent is displayed in these two slides from Dr. Philip Klotzbach. As noted by Dr. Roger Pielke Jr. The bottom dropped out of US hurricanes over the last 10 years. quoted Al Gore back in 2005:

… the science is extremely clear now, that warmer oceans make the average hurricane stronger, not only makes the winds stronger, but dramatically increases the moisture from the oceans evaporating into the storm – thus magnifying its destructive power – makes the duration, as well as the intensity of the hurricane, stronger.

Last year we had a lot of hurricanes. Last year, Japan set an all-time record for typhoons: ten, the previous record was seven. Last year the science textbooks had to be re-written. They said, “It’s impossible to have a hurricane in the south Atlantic.” We had the first…

View original post 221 more words

The IPCC’s ‘inconvenient truth’

Climate Etc.

by Judith Curry

I have a fairly lengthy op-ed that has been published in The Australian.

View original post 898 more words

Three Years Left Until “A Catastrophe Of Our Own Making.”

Humanity is sitting on a time bomb. If the vast majority of the
world’s scientists are right, we have just ten years to avert a
major catastrophe that could send our entire planet’s climate system
into a tail-spin of epic destruction involving extreme weather, floods,
droughts, epidemics and killer heat waves beyond anything we have
ever experienced – a catastrophe of our own making.

– Al Gore (2006)
An Inconvenient Truth


ACCORDING to Al Gore we have just three years left “to avert a major catastrophe that could send our entire planet’s climate system into a tail-spin of epic destruction involving extreme weatherfloodsdroughtsepidemics and killer heat waves beyond anything we have ever experienced – a catastrophe of our own making.”

Since those words of wisdom in 2006, Al has been setting a fine example on how best to prevent thermageddon…

Tom Nelson’s  research shows what ManBearPig has been actively doing to help save us from “a catastrophe of our own making.”

Where’s Al Gore now?

Obviously, Al Gore’s personal “carbon footprint” is massive. As I dug deeper into Gore’s own energy use, even I was surprised at the extent of the absolutely cartoonish gap between his words and his actions.Remember, Al doesn’t think that you should have the right to make your own hallway light bulb choice.Some recent stops on Gore’s travel schedule (which some are calling his “con-trail”):November 4, 2010–Trinidad and Tobago
October 28, 2010–Gothenburg, Sweden
October 5, 2010–New York
October 4, 2010–Mexico
August 4, 2010–Mexico
July 22, 2010–San Diego
June 28, 2010–San Diego
Late June, 2010-London
May 5, 2010–Beverly Hills
May 5, 2010–Chicago
May 3, 2010–Singapore
April 30, 2010–Philippines
April 29, 2010–Johannesburg, South Africa
April 27, 2010–New York (afternoon)
April 27, 2010–Chicago (morning)
April 26, 2010–Denver
April 24, 2010–Italy
April 22, 2010–Montreal
April 8, 2010–North Carolina
March 27, 2010–Nevada
March 26, 2010–Brazil
March 4, 2010–Oslo
February 27, 2010–Phoenix
February 25, 2010–Cupertino
February 22, 2010–Las Vegas
January 27, 2010–San Francisco
January 16, 2010–Boston
January 14, 2010–New York
December 14, 2009–Copenhagen
December 7, 2009–Washington, DC
November 24, 2009–Toronto
November 19, 2009–Portland, Oregon
November 14, 2009–Boca Raton, Florida
November 9, 2009–San Rafael, CA
November 3, 2009–New York
October 27, 2009–Dubai
October 21, 2009–Beijing
October 16, 2009–Virginia
October 14, 2009–Argentina
October 9, 2009–Madison, Wisconsin
October 1, 2009: Washington, DC
September 28, 2009: Mexico
September 25, 2009–New Jersey
Sept 23, 2009–Pittsburgh
Sept 22, 2009–New York
Sept 19, 2009–San Francisco
Sept 18, 2009–Indianapolis
August 10, 2009–Las Vegas, Nevada
July 11-13, 2009–Melbourne, Australia
July 7, 2009–Oxford, England
June 16, 2009–Seattle
June 3, 2009: New York
May 24, 2009–Copenhagen, Denmark
April 28, 2009–Tromso, Norway
April 24, 2009–Washington, DC
April 23, 2009–Berkeley, California
April 3, 2009–Las Vegas
April 2, 2009–Salt Lake City
April 1, 2009–Chicago
March 30, 2009–Boston
March 27, 2009–New York
March 26, 2009–Tennessee
March 13, 2009–London
March 6, 2009–Santa Barbara
February 25, 2009–Cupertino, CA
February 23, 2009–Washington, DC
February 13, 2009–Chicago
February 12, 2009–Los Angeles
February 2, 2009–San Francisco
January 30, 2009–Davos, Switzerland
January 28, 2009–Washington, DC
January 20, 2009–Washington, DC
January 13, 2009–Philadelphia
December 11, 2008–Poland
December 9, 2008–Chicago
November 20, 2008–New York City
November 14, 2008–Seoul, South Korea
November 7, 2008–San Francisco
October 24, 2008–Seattle
October 22, 2008–Cambridge, Massachusetts
October 15, 2008–Stockholm
October 13, 2008–Aalsmeer, Netherlands
October 7, 2008–Nashville (!)
October 4, 2008–Des Moines, Iowa
October 4, 2008–Minneapolis
September 27, 2008–Napa
September 27, 2008–San Jose
September 25, 2008–London
September 24, 2008–New York
August 23, 2008–Boulder, Colorado

May 19, 2008–Israel
May 18, 2008–Pittsburgh
May 4, 2008–Ohio
May 3, 2008–Philadelphia
May 2, 2008–New York
April 18, 2008–Nashville
April 15, 2008–Geneva
April 11, 2008–San Francisco
April 8, 2008–Iceland
April 7, 2008–Faroe Islands
April 5, 2008–Montreal
March 18, 2008–New York
March 15, 2008–India
March 12, 2008–Poland
March 11, 2008–Geneva
March 1, 2008–Monterey, California
February 14, 2008–New York City
January 31, 2008–Atlanta
January 24, 2008–Switzerland
January 22, 2008–Sweden
January 19, 2008–Park City, Utah
Dec 13, 2007–Bali
Dec 12, 2007–Frankfurt
Dec 12, 2007–Stockholm
Dec 7, 2007–Norway
November 30, 2007–London
November 20, 2007–The Turks and Caicos Islands
November 19, 2007–New York
November 6, 2007–New York
October 26, 2007–Spain
October 25, 2007–France
October 12, 2007–Palo Alto, California
October 5, 2007–Pacific Palisades, California
Sept. 25, 2007–New York
Sept. 19, 2007–Australia
Sept. 16, 2007–Los Angeles
August 26, 2007 San Francisco
August 26, 2007 Los Angeles
August 26, 2007 Nashville
August 9, 2007–Hong Kong
July 9, 2007–New Jersey
July 9, 2007–Washington, DC
July 3, 2007–London
June 20, 2007–South Africa
June 12, 2007–Istanbul
June 3, 2007–Denver
May 29, 2007–Washington, DC
May 24, 2007–New York City
May 23, 2007–San Francisco
May 22, 2007–Beverly Hills
May 11, 2007–Argentina
April 17, 2007–Nashville
April 13, 2007–New York
April 3, 2007–San Jose
April 2, 2007–Arizona
March 29, 2007–Oslo
March 22, 2007–Montreal
March 12, 2007–London
March 7, 2007–Brussels
February 25, 2007–Hollywood
February 6, 2007–Madrid
January 28, 2007–New York City
January 20, 2007–Century City, California
January 18, 2007–London
January 15, 2007–Tokyo
Note that this is only a partial list.For example:

Gore is a businessman these days —— sitting on the boards of Apple Computer Inc. and Current TV, the cable and satellite channel he started with investor Joel Hyatt —— “and those take him (to the Bay Area) pretty regularly for board meetings and the like,” said his spokeswoman, Kalee Kreider.

When he’s not in a fossil fuel-powered jet, maybe Gore is relaxing in one of these three homes:

[Al and Tipper] have a new multimillion-dollar home in a tony section of Nashville and a family home in Virginia, and have recently bought a multimillion-dollar condo at the St. Regis condo/hotel in San Francisco.

A video of Gore taking a private jet is here.

A related article is here, entitled “Gore home’s energy use: 20 times average”.

  • 2007: Shortly after ManBearPig won the Nobel Prize for his alarmist movie “An Inconvenient Truth”, a British High Court Judge attacked nine key errors of the movie labelling it ‘alarmist’, ‘exaggerated’ and ‘political’.
  • The judge had stated that, if the UK Government had not agreed to send to every secondary school in England a corrected guidance note making clear the mainstream scientific position on these nine “errors”, he would have made a finding that the Government’s distribution of the film and the first draft of the guidance note earlier in 2007 to all English secondary schools had been an unlawful contravention of an Act of Parliament prohibiting the political indoctrination of children. Conveniently, the movie now requires 77 pages of supporting documentation to be shown in any UK classroom.
  • 2013: In classic ‘do-what-I-say-not-what-I-do’ hypocrisy, “The Face of Clean Energy” sold his ‘CurrentTV’ company to Al Jazeera Qatari OIL barons for $500 million!
  • Al Gore profits from the tobacco industry Al Gore: Tobacco Hypocrite 
  • About Those Tobacco Connections…



MUST SEE VIDEO : Al Gore climate hysteria : Prime time : SunNews Video Gallery


  • Al Gore’s enduring climate con 
  • Al Gore, carbon hypocrite – Toronto Sun
  • Inconvenient History of Climate ‘Tipping Point’ Warnings
