Global Warming Causes Volcanic Eruption: 2010

THANKS for clearing that one up for us all Chaam!

THE great irony is that the CO2-centric warming loons can ludicrously blame man-made CO2 for causing volcanoes, but are conveniently silent about what volcanoes spew out – CO2! And loads of it, all day everyday, above and below the oceans.

CO2 = Volcanoes – simply another crazed theory spewed out by pseudoscientific climate hacks in an attempt to bolster the crumbling climate scam and cling onto government grants no matter how stupid the theory.


Thongchai Thailand

Reference: Ice cap thaw may awaken Icelandic volcanoes, April 17, 2010

1. Global warming scientists have come up with the idea that carbon dioxide causes volcanic eruptions in Iceland. The argument goes that carbon dioxide emissions cause global warming, global warming in turn causes glaciers in Iceland to melt, and melting glaciers lighten the weight of the ice cap on volcanoes and thereby trigger eruptions (Ice cap thaw may awaken Icelandic volcanoes, Bangkok Post, April 17, 2010).
2. It is clearly a sinister attempt to ride the media wave created by the volcanic eruption under the Eyjafjallajoekull glacier and to use that fear factor to sell the war against carbon dioxide. The reality is of course very different. Melting glaciers do not cause volcanic eruptions. Volcanic eruptions cause melting glaciers.
3. We now know that much of the glacier melt that the global warming people tried to pin on carbon…

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NOAA Still Falsifying Icelandic Climate History

“THE past was erased, the erasure was forgotten, the lie became the truth.” – George Orwell, 1984


By Paul Homewood

You would be forgiven for thinking that the Iceland Met Office are probably the best people for understanding the history of their own climate.

In 2008, their leading climatologist, Trausti Jonsson, wrote this article:


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