‘UNPRECEDENTED’ EXTREMES : Heat Waves And Summer Snow Down Under

Global Warming And “Climate Change” No Longer Frighten Europe | The Tonka Report

SOURCE  | The Tonka Report

The whole aim of practical politics is to keep the populace alarmed
 (and hence clamorous to be led to safety)
 by menacing it with an endless series of hobgoblins,
all of them imaginary.”

– H.L. Mencken



Heat Wave And Snow
HOBART. Saturday. — A fall of snow on Mt. Wellington closed a week of weather conditions in Hobart unprecedented in the memory of those who can go back 40 years.
Early in the week the weather was hot and sultry, and the humidity was us unusual for Hobart as it was uncomfortable.
On Thursday the humidity was more than 10 per cent, in excess of the average for this time of the year.
Rain storms threatened on Friday morning, and between 3 p.m. and 9 a.m. today, 218 points of rain was registered and another 11 points by 3 p.m.
Snow began to fall on the mountain last night, and continued during the early hours this morning. There was a white mantle about 2 inches thick on the mountain to-day.
The minimum temperature was 34 degrees F [1.1°C]
Visitors have found the conditions most trying.

THIS report was from Monday the 7th of February, 1930 during summer in Australia.

CARBON “pollution” at the time was 311 PPM.

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“VARIABLE WEATHER” aka “Extreme Weather” (in today’s language!) is not ‘unprecedented’ for Australia. Even with carbon pollution CO₂ levels at 400 PPM :

Fire, floods, dust and snow — how is this all happening at the same time? - ABC News

Fire, floods, dust and snow — how is this all happening at the same time? – ABC News

SUMMER Snow falling on fires in Tasmania


PHOTO: The Bureau of Meteorology says the snow is unusual, given Tasmania’s hotter than average summer. (Supplied: Mount Mawson Snow Cam)


MT BAW BAW (Victoria) SUMMER SNOW – FEB, 2019

Melbourne weather: City dips to 11.8C overnight | News.com.au



HISTORY repeats!

“From record-heat to snow in Tasmania”.

“Snow is falling in Tasmania today, just four days after the state experienced it[s] hottest March weather on record.”

From record-heat to snow in Tasmania

Ben Domensino, Wednesday March 6, 2019 – 10:52 EDT

Snow is falling in Tasmania today, just four days after the state experienced it hottest March weather on record.

Autumn is a time of contrasting weather in southern Australia, as hot air lingering over the mainland after summer clashes with cold air surging out of the Southern Ocean.

Tas cold air 20190306.png

Image: Cold air passing over Tasmania on Wednesday.

Weather News – From record-heat to snow in Tasmania

SEE also : Snow and hail possible around Hobart, days after sweltering top of 39.1C | The Mercury



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Climate Change : Who Are The Real Science ‘Deniers’?

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EARLIER today I reported on Sydney’s Autumn 38 degree Sun-day, noting that “the usual climate ambulance chasers will be sharpening the lead and filling ink wells to inscribe “climate change” “global warming” on their “extreme weather” report cards, feeling morally-bound to fashionably link mankind’s activities to the follies of nature.” 

IT didn’t take long for Australian Greens’ leader, Senator Richard Di Natale to blame the current bout of extreme, yet, not-out-of-the-ordinary natural disasters, on ‘climate change’.

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SYDNEY Autumn Heatwaves Are Not Uncommon

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WITH the mercury topping 38C in Sydney over the weekend (hottest in 78 years), the usual climate ambulance chasers will be sharpening the lead and filling ink wells to inscribe “climate change” “global warming” on their “extreme weather” report cards, feeling morally-bound to fashionably link mankind’s activities to the follies of nature.

HOWEVER, heatwaves and fires in Sydney during autumn months are not uncommon, even when CO2 was at ‘safe’ levels…

(2018 atmospheric CO2 levels are currently at ~400 ppm)


24 March 1899

1899 CO2 = 295 ppm

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A heat wave reaced Sydney to-day, causing the thermometers to register 90.4deg. in the shade. This heat, though much less than was recently recorded in the southern capitals, was far more enervating, owing to the huge percentage of moisture in the atmosphere. Mr. Russell says that only a dozen times in the history of the colony has a higher March temperature been recorded in Sydney, and if the lateness of the month is taken into account, to-day’s heat will go very close to constituting a record. In the evening a cool change set in from the south.
24 Mar 1899 – HEAT WAVE IN SYDNEY. – Trove

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