MEMO TO THE MEDIA : Glacier Calving Is A Natural Process
Posted: July 15, 2018 Filed under: Alarmism Debunked, Alarmism uncovered, Alarmist media, Arctic, Climate Change, Climatism, Empirical Evidence, Fact Check, Fake News, Glaciers, Greenland, Propaganda, Uncategorized | Tags: Alarmism, Antarctica, arctic, climate activism, Climate alarmism, Climate Change, Climatism, Fake News, Glacier Calving, Glaciers, Global Warming, Greenland, Icebergs, Innaarsuit, Mainstream media, New York Times, propaganda, science, sea level rise, The Guardian 1 CommentTHE iceberg that recently calved off a Greenland glacier and spectacularly parked itself outside the tiny village of Innaarsuit has caused the usual mainstream media heads to explode with man-made global warming climate change, again, lazily fingered as the culprit in order to facilitate the CAGW brainwashing process…
“Extreme iceberg break-ups risk becoming more frequent because of climate change, some experts have warned.”
Massive iceberg threatens Greenland village as residents are evacuated | SKYnews
THE Innaarsuit Iceberg (Greenland)
THE fact that the iceberg has settled itself outside the tiny village of Innaarsuit may be of definite concern, if it decides to flip causing a tidal surge. But, to blame global warming, while not surprising from the fake news media, is dishonest to the phenomenon of glacier calving – a natural and dynamic process that’s been happening for eons.
Many glaciers terminate at oceans or freshwater lakes which results naturally[5] with the calving of large numbers of icebergs. Calving of Greenland‘s glaciers produce 12,000 to 15,000 icebergs each year alone.[6]
Ice calving – Wikipedia
CUDOS to Ella Gilbert from the British Antarctic Survey who is often asked why icebergs break away…
“It’s complicated,” she explains. “The region is clearly undergoing a lot of change but you can’t just say ‘it was the climate’. Iceberg calving is a natural process anyway. If you put more snow in at one end, it has to come out the other end as icebergs.”
The ‘monster’ iceberg: What happened next? – BBC News
THE glacier-calving process more likely reflecting the very health of a glacier.
CERTAINLY true for Greenland, from where this particular iceberg originated, where over the past 19 months more than one trillion tons of new ice has formed on the giant ice-continent’s surface.
DUE to a lot more new snow accumulating each year during the long winter, than is melting during the short summer, the surface is rapidly gaining ice, and glaciers are growing.
HOWEVER, scientists and the press (of course) report the exact opposite…
(“Global Sea-Levels” check : TOP 10 Climate Change Alarmist Myths Unearthed : #2 SEA LEVEL RISE | Climatism)
YOU can easily spot the the NYTimes‘ fake-news and brazen climate lies by checking actual government ‘data’…
SWISS Residents Are Wrapping Glaciers In Blankets To Keep Them From Melting!?
Posted: June 29, 2018 Filed under: Alarmism, Alarmism Debunked, Alarmism uncovered, Alarmist media, Alarmists, Arctic, Climate Alarmism, Climate History, Climatism, Glaciers, Greenland, Religion | Tags: Alarmism, Alarmism Exposed, arctic, Blankets, carbon dioxide emissions, Climate Change, Climate history, Climatism, Glacier, Glaciers, global cooling, Global Warming, Global Warming Scare, Greenland, Mother Nature, Religion, Rhone Glacier, Science and Environment, Switzerland, Warmism, WEF 1 Comment“Men are born ignorant, not stupid.
They are made stupid by education.”
– Bertrand Russell
Via (U.N) World Economic Forum :
Every summer for the last eight years, people who live in the Swiss Alps have been wrapping a beloved glacier in blankets.
The white canvas blankets are intended to reflect sunlight off the Rhone Glacier, to try to reduce how much of it disappears each year. And Swiss glaciologist David Volken says it’s probably working; he told Agence France-Presse the blankets may reduce seasonal melting by as much as 70%.
The Rhone Glacier is a popular tourist destination that has been shrinking rapidly over the last decade; of the roughly 1,148 feet (350 meters) in ice thickness lost since 1856, 131 ft has disappeared in the last 10 years alone, according to AFP. Thus the blankets.
It’s a rare approach, but not unprecedented, notes E&E News: People swaddle glaciers with reflective material in places in Italy and Germany, and Jason Box, a glaciologist with the Geological Survey of Denmark and Greenland, began advocating for covering sections of the Greenland ice sheet with reflective material as early as 2009.
Polar geoengineering ideas aren’t limited to blankets. At the annual meeting of the European Geosciences Union last spring, a research group from Utrecht University proposed blowing artificial snow across Switzerland’s Morteratsch Glacier, to help reflect sunlight, according to E&E News.
Others have suggested even larger-scale interventions, like using wind-powered pumps to squirt sea water over Arctic sea ice in winter, prompting thicker (and, they hope, more stable) ice to form, Oceans Deeply reports. Scientists have also floated the idea of building artificial platform-like mounds underwater to prop up particularly vulnerable ice sheets from below.
Swiss residents are wrapping glaciers in blankets to keep them from melting | World Economic Forum
NOT sure whether to put this down to nostalgia, tourism, hubristic madness or simply an act of climate derangement syndrome?
BUT, one thing is a given – this almost ‘artistic’ yearly ritual, in defiance of Mother Nature is, no doubt, brought on by fear and anxiety over the perceived ill effect that mankind’s excesses and emissions are having on glaciers and the climate.
IT’S a shame that the good residents of the Rhone Glacier weren’t around in 1857 to spare a few blankets for Washington’s most famous glacier, Nisqually, that retreated 3,200 feet and lost 200 feet of thickness between 1857 and 1918…
COINCIDENTALLY, the Swiss Rhone Glacier began its retreat in 1856, a year before Nisqually in Washington began its melt…
“The Rhone Glacier is a popular tourist destination that has been shrinking rapidly over the last decade; of the roughly 1,148 feet (350 meters) in ice thickness lost since 1856…”
TONNES more blankets would have come in handy in 1902 when the Rhone Glacier was disappearing at alarming rates during NASA’s coldest years on record…
GLACIERS disappearing during NASA’s coldest years on record… Read the rest of this entry »
BIAS BY OMISSION : No Mention Of Mother Nature’s Undersea Volcanoes In The Latest Antarctic ‘Global Warming’ Scare Story
Posted: May 10, 2018 Filed under: Alarmism Debunked, Alarmist media, Antarctic, Antarctica, Climatism, Empirical Evidence, Fact Check, Failed Climate Models, Fake News, Glaciers, Propaganda | Tags: Alarmism, Alarmism debunked, antarctic, Antarctica, carbon dioxide emissions, Climate Change, Fake News, Glaciers, Global Warming, Mainstream media, Mother Nature, Omission Bias, propaganda, science, The Guardian, Undersea Volcanoes, volcanoes 2 Comments***
ANTARCTICA has always been a thorn in the side of the Climate Crisis Industry. It simply has not behaved as global warming alarmists would have liked or as climate models predicted.
HISTORICALLY, Antarctica has been cooling and growing ice mass, despite rising carbon dioxide emissions. Emissions that, according to ‘global warming theory’, are meant to effect the poles greater than mid latitude regions due to the lack of humidity enhancing the theorised CO2 feedback.
RECENT Antarctic studies underscore the inconvenient contradiction to the global warming theory…
2015 NASA Study
Guardian Report 2015
2016 Nature Study
RESEARCHERS Plan Biggest Ever Antarctic Field Campaign
Posted: May 1, 2018 Filed under: Antarctic, Antarctica, Australia, Climate science, Glaciers, Global Sea Ice, Government Grants/Funding, Taxpayer waste | Tags: antarctic, Antarctica, climate, Climate Change, Climate science, Glaciers, Global Warming, Government Funding, research, science, sea level rise, Taxpayer Funded, Thwaites Glacier, Undersea Volcanoes Leave a commentJUST saw the BBC report. And yes, no mention of the undersea volcanoes causing regional warming of the western Antarctic Ocean. Nor any mention of the BBC’s own 2018 report:
“BIG increase in snowfall in Antarctica with “The effect of the extra snow locked up in Antarctica is to slightly slow a general trend in global sea-level rise.” – BBC
As far as I am aware, the weight of this extra snow creates enough weight for glaciers to sheer – a completely natural process. No mention of this by the BBC either…
‘Bias by omission’ – the most dangerous and insidious form of propaganda.
Tallbloke's Talkshop
The edge of the Thwaites glacier [credit: NASA photograph by Jim Yungel]
This BBC report seems unaware that a study in 2014 found that parts of the Thwaites Glacier are subject to melting due to subglacial volcanoes and other geothermal “hotspots”. The existence of this group of volcanoes has long been known.
British and American scientists will assess the stability of one of Antarctica’s biggest ice streams, reports BBC News.
It is going to be one of the biggest projects ever undertaken in Antarctica.
UK and US scientists will lead a five-year effort to examine the stability of the mighty Thwaites Glacier.
View original post 305 more words
What The Weather Channel Don’t Want You To Know About Glaciers
Posted: December 8, 2016 Filed under: Alarmism Debunked, Alarmism uncovered, Alarmist media, Climate Alarmism, Climate History, Empirical Evidence, Fact Check, Fake News, Glaciers, Green Agenda, Ideology, Propaganda, Snow Pack | Tags: Alarmist Media, Alaska, Climate alarmism, Climate Change, Fake News, Glaciers, Global Warming Scam, History, Muir Glacier, Rewriting History, Weather Channel Leave a commentHalf of the 10% of glaciers we study have been growing, the other receding.
Glaciers including the mile-thick ice that once covered Chicago have been receding (melting) for the past 20,000 years, since the end of the last ice-age.
That said, receding or growing glaciers are a bad and deceptive metric to determine “anthropogenic” global warming because their growth or decline is largely dependent on precipitation – snowfall.
By Paul Homewood
At the bottom of that rather flawed article from the Weather Channel is a series of photos of glaciers, all designed to suggest that they have been melting rapidly because of your SUV.
For instance, Alaska’s Muir Glacier:
View original post 121 more words
Guardian Tells Us That They Know Nothing About History
Posted: September 17, 2016 Filed under: Alarmism Debunked, Alarmist media, Arctic, Climate History, Fact Check | Tags: Alarmism, Alarmism debunked, arctic, Climate Change, Fact Check, Glaciers, The Guardian Leave a comment“Ice has been melting for 15,000 years – since the end of the last ice age. Global warmers are quite possibly the stupidest people to ever occupy the planet.”
Climate alarmists, like those who write for the Guardian, hate climate history because it detroys their “human-induced” climate change narrative.
Real Science
Front page news at The Guardian!
Latest US news, world news, sport and comment from the Guardian | | The Guardian
This event has repeated it itself every few decades. One might expect that newspaper publishers would know a little about their favorite talking points? Apparently they must have missed some past newspaper issues, like this one from 100 years ago saying that Alaska’s largest glacier was receding fifteen feet per day.
or perhaps this one from 110 years ago?
Or this one from 60 years ago?
Ore this one from 90 years ago?
Ice has been melting for 15,000 years – since the end of the last ice age. Global warmers are quite possibly the stupidest people to every occupy the planet.
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Before Mann Made Climate Change
Posted: November 22, 2015 Filed under: Climate Change, Climate Changes, Climate History | Tags: Chicago, Climate Change, Climate history, Glaciers Leave a commentPraying for a successful climate deal in Paris so we can avoid climate change and enjoy a stable and pleasant climate, just like it was in the past…
Real Science
Prior to the intervention of humans, the climate was stable and Chicago was buried under a mile of ice.
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SCIENCE 1939 : Glaciers Of Greenland And Norway Face “Catastrophic Collapse”
Posted: October 22, 2015 Filed under: Glaciers, Greenland, Uncategorized | Tags: Climate Change, Climate science, COP25, Glaciers, Global Warming, Greenland, science Leave a commentIN 1939, when CO2 was at ‘safe’ levels, Greenland and Norway glaciers were facing “Catastrophic Collapse”…
Real Science
17 Dec 1939, Page 15
Twenty-five years later, Norway’s glaciers were growing.
18 Jul 1963 – Glaciers Grow In Norway
They were still growing in 1976.
23 May 1976, Page 56
Climate scientists seem to consistently fail to understand the concept that the climate is cyclical rather than linear.
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IPCC SHOCK NEWS : Himalayan glaciers to melt (again) by 2035
Posted: September 26, 2013 Filed under: Alarmism, AR5, Climate Alarmism, Climate Bible, Climatism, Dud predictions, Eco-Activists, Glaciers, IPCC, Propaganda, UN, UNEP | Tags: Alarmism, AR4, AR5, climate, Glaciers, Himalayas, IPCC, Stockholm Leave a comment“The common enemy of humanity is man.
In searching for a new enemy to unite us, we came up
with the idea that pollution, the threat of global warming,
water shortages, famine and the like would fit the bill. All these
dangers are caused by human intervention, and it is only through
changed attitudes and behaviour that they can be overcome.
The real enemy then, is humanity itself.”
– Club of Rome,
premier environmental think-tank,
consultants to the United Nations (IPCC)
“The Earth has cancer
and the cancer is Man.”
– Club of Rome,
consultants to the United Nations (IPCC)
“We’ve got to ride this global warming issue.
Even if the theory of global warming is wrong,
we will be doing the right thing in terms of
economic and environmental policy.”
– Timothy Wirth,
President of the UN Foundation
Oh Dear. The United Nations’ IPCC are back with another dose of fear-mongering and climate alarmism. The new statement comes after a highly embarrassing, since-retracted claim, that global warming could cause the Himalayan glaciers to disappear by 2035. The claim which featured in the IPCC’s 2007 assessment report (AR4) was sourced from a 2005 World Wildlife Fund publication.
Their latest statement, on the eve of the release of the newest edition of the ‘climate bible’, is of truly Himalayan proportions.
In 2010 The Australian reported :
THE peak UN body on climate change has been dealt another humiliating blow to its credibility after it was revealed a central claim of one of its benchmark reports – that most of the Himalayan glaciers would melt by 2035 because of global warming – was based on a “speculative” claim by an obscure Indian scientist. Continue Reading »
United Nations’ blunder on glaciers exposed | The Australian
Warmist CNN carried an apology from the IPCC chiefs in January 2010:
(CNN) — The U.N.’s leading panel on climate change has apologized for misleading data published in a 2007 report that warned Himalayan glaciers could melt by 2035.
In a statement released Wednesday, the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) said estimates relating to the rate of recession of the Himalayan glaciers in its Fourth Assessment Report were “poorly substantiated” adding that “well-established standards of evidence were not applied properly.” Continue Reading »
U.N. climate chiefs apologize for glacier error – January 20, 2010
Fast forward to 2013, on the eve of AR5’s release, and the IPCC Himalayan alarmists return!
Global Warming About to Claim Three Quarters of a Billion People
25 September 2013
The IPCC – the international body of scientists analyzing global climate change – is releasing its new report in stages over the next week and this early piece was reported on by the Financial Times on Monday. Under the headline “Climate Change Chief Sounds Alert on Himalayan Glaciers,” the opening sentence of the article by Pilita Clark summarizes a very tightly:
“The glaciers of the Himalayas are melting so fast they will affect the water supplies of a population twice that of the US within 22 years, the head of the world’s leading authority on climate change has warned.”
Diehard ‘Truthout’ climate alarmism :
It means that hundreds of millions of people will be displaced, will starve, and will die. It means wars. It means famines. It means raging forest fires and the death of grasslands. It means the acidification of our oceans and the destruction of our ocean ecosystems. It means that we stand on the edge of tipping points that hurtle humanity toward extinction.
Yes, extinction.
Global Warming About to Claim Three Quarters of a Billion People – Truthout 25 September, 2013
Does the IPCC have no shame? Have they not learnt from past mistakes? Or are there simply no limits to climate alarmism and fear-mongering when it’s all for a good cause?
If we take the words of Prof. Stephen Schneider, lead author of many IPCC reports, this latest Himalayan scare is nothing out of the ordinary and is really, par for the course :
“We need to get some broad based support,
to capture the public’s imagination…
So we have to offer up scary scenarios,
make simplified, dramatic statements
and make little mention of any doubts…
Each of us has to decide what the right balance
is between being effective and being honest.”
– Prof. Stephen Schneider,
Stanford Professor of Climatology,
lead author of many IPCC reports
Steven Goddard of Real Science comments:
“Apparently Pauchuri doesn’t think that he did enough damage to the reputation of the IPCC the last time round, and is going for a repeat performance.”
Hot Off The Press : Global Warming To Kill 750 Million People By 2035 | Real Science
Himalaya Studies :
- The Himalayas and nearby peaks have lost no ice in past 10 years, study shows | Environment | The Guardian
- Clearing record snowfall in the Himalayas | IceAgeNow
- Ice capades – Some Himalayan Glaciers Growing, study suggests a negative sea level rise adjustment | Watts Up With That?
- Glaciers Growing in Western Himalayas | IceAgeNow
- Himalayas have lost no ice in past 10 years, study shows | IceAgeNow
- Warmist Retreat: Water shortage alarm from Himalayan melt called off | Climate Depot
- THE HOCKEY SCHTICK: Never mind: IPCC claim of 750 killed by global warming within 22 years falsified by new paper
IPCC AR4 Error related :
- IPCC admits error on Himalayan glacier melt fiasco | Watts Up With That?
- Told ya so…IPCC to retract claim on Himalayan Glacier Melt – Pachauri’s “arrogance” claim backfires | Watts Up With That?
- World misled over melting Himalayan glaciers | IceAgeNow
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- Donna Laframboise: Warming Up for Another Climate-Change Report –
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h/t to Real Science
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