SHOCKINGLY Thick First Year Ice Between Barents Sea And The North Pole In Mid-July


DMI Modelled ice thickness | DMI

• “Arctic summers ice-free by 2013” (BBC 2007)
• “Could all Arctic ice be gone by 2012?” (AP 2007)
• “Arctic Sea Ice Gone in Summer Within Five Years?” (National Geographic 2007)
• “Imagine yourself in a world five years from now, where there is no more ice over the Arctic” – Tim Flannery (2008)
• “North Pole could be ice-free in 2008” – Mark Serreze (New Scientist 2008)
• “Gore: Polar ice cap may disappear by summer 2014” (USA Today 2009)
• “Arctic expert predicts final collapse of sea ice within 4 years” (Guardian 2012)
• “Say Goodbye to Arctic Summer Ice” (Live Science 2013)
• “Ice-free Arctic in two years heralds methane catastrophe – scientist” (The Guardian 2013)
• “Why Arctic sea ice will vanish in 2013” (Sierra Club 2013)
• “Next year or the year after, the Arctic will be free of ice’” – Peter Wadhams (The Guardian 2016)

(QUOTE references : CLIMATE DUD-PREDICTIONS : ‘Ice-Free’ Arctic Prophesies By The ‘97% Consensus’ And Compliant Mainstream Media | Climatism


DIRE predictions of an “ice-free” Arctic have remained popular on the climate change, fear-mongering circuit for many years now.

BUT, how ‘bad’ really are Arctic sea-ice conditions, in mid-summer, circa 2019?

ACCORDING to this latest piece of anecdotal (real-world) evidence, Arctic “Death Spiral” enthusiasts would be understandably disappointed!

“…what we saw was indeed really impressive sea ice. In fact, the sea ice we encountered was thick enough that reaching our destination—the geographic North Pole—took roughly 1.5 days longer than we’d expected.”

READ it all…


In late June, one of the most powerful icebreakers in the world encountered such extraordinarily thick ice on-route to the North Pole (with a polar bear specialist and deep-pocketed, Attenborough-class tourists onboard) that it took a day and a half longer than expected to get there. A few weeks later, in mid-July, a Norwegian icebreaker also bound for the North Pole (with scientific researchers on board) was forced to turn back north of Svalbard when it unexpectedly encountered impenetrable pack ice.

Franz Josef Land polar bear 2019 no date_Photo by Michael Hambrey_smA polar bear on hummocked sea ice in Franz Josef Land. Photo by Michael Hambrey, date not specified but estimated based on tour dates to be 22 or 23 June 2019.

Apparently, the ice charts the Norwegian captain consulted showed ‘first year ice‘ – ice that formed the previous fall, defined as less than 2 m thick (6.6 ft) – which is often much broken…

View original post 1,462 more words

INCONVENIENT : Arctic Sea Ice Extent Enters The Mean Zone!

ARCTIC Sea-Ice Extent Enters 1981-2000 Mean - CLIMATISM

ARCTIC Sea-Ice Extent At ‘Normal’ Levels

MOTHER NATURE has dealt another blow to the credibility of the Climate Crisis Industry, with its favourite ‘canary in the coal mine’ and harbinger of doom – Arctic sea-ice – going AWOL on Global Warming Climate Change alarmists…

THE latest data from the Danish Meteorological Institute (DMI) shows sea-ice extent hitting the 1981-2000 ‘normal’ range:

Ocean and Ice Services | Danmarks Meteorologiske Institut

Ocean and Ice Services | Danmarks Meteorologiske Institut


IS that the collision of excess Arctic sea-ice or the gnashing of activists teeth making that awkward and un’deniable’ sound?! Ouch.



ALL that ‘inconvenient’ ice is thick, multi-year and going nowhere fast…

DMI Modelled ice thickness

DMI Modelled ice thickness



THERE has been no trend in Arctic sea ice extent over the last 12 years:

FLAT trend in Arctic sea-ice extent visible over the last 12 years of the satellite record:


Sea Ice Index | National Snow and Ice Data Center



COMPARE the latest real-world data to what the “97% of experts” and sycophant mainstream media have been spinning to you for years, driven by CO2-centric UN climate models, politics, ideology and government grants :

North Pole could be ice free in 2008 | New Scientist

North Pole could be ice free in 2008 | New Scientist

Dealing with Arctic tipping points - Stockholm Resilience Centre.png

Dealing with Arctic tipping points – Stockholm Resilience Centre

Arctic ice melt could trigger uncontrollable climate change at global level | Environment | The Guardian

Arctic ice melt could trigger uncontrollable climate change at global level | Environment | The Guardian

Gore- Polar ice cap may disappear by summer 2014 | USA TODAY

Gore: Polar ice cap may disappear by summer 2014 | USA TODAY

Arctic sea ice may have passed crucial tipping point | New Scientist

Arctic sea ice may have passed crucial tipping point | New Scientist

BBC NEWS | Science:Nature | Arctic ice 'is at tipping point'

BBC NEWS | Science/Nature | Arctic ice ‘is at tipping point’

Ice-free Arctic in two years heralds methane catastroph – scientist | The Guardian

Ice-free Arctic in two years heralds methane catastroph – scientist | The Guardian

Why Arctic sea ice will vanish in 2013 | Sierra Club Canada

Why Arctic sea ice will vanish in 2013 | Sierra Club Canada


WILL the mainstream media report on the uptick in Arctic sea-ice that has brought extent to ‘normal’ levels, confounding past reporting? Not a chance. They are too heavily invested in Global Warming hysteria to bother informing you of truths.

WHAT else do the mainstream media and government funded scientific bodies not tell you in regards to ‘inconvenient’ climate information that contradicts their political, ideological and grant-driven agendas?


UPDATE 25 Nov, 2018

Arctic Ice Keeps Coming

Despite the feverish reporting that last summer was hell, and that hot is now the “new normal,” the Arctic ice man is hard at work.  In reality, Arctic ice is spreading everywhere.  The image below shows how quickly Hudson Bay froze over in recent days.

Hudson Bay freeze over

Baffin Bay in the center next to Greenland is extending south and added 250k km2.  Hudson Bay on the left added 700k km2, now at 73% of maximum, with both east and west coastlines freezing all the way down into James Bay.

Chukchi is closing in.  On the right side Kara

On the Eurasian side, on the left margin Chukchi is closing in.  On the right side Kara has added 300k km2 of ice extent, now at 85% of maximum

The graph below shows 2018 is now exceeding the 11-year average after being down in October.

2018 is now exceeding the 11-year average

MASIE is showing  10.8M km2 ice extent, 400k km2 greater than the average for day 327, Nov. 23.  SII is slightly lower, while 2007 is almost 500k km2 lower. In fact, in the past decade, only two years, 2013 and 2015, had more ice than 2018 at this date.

Arctic Ice Keeps Coming | Science Matters


ARCTIC Sea-Ice Expansion related :

Read the rest of this entry »

THE Greenland Hockey Stick


2017 review and 2018 season kick-off | Greenland Ice Sheet Today | NSIDC (Climatism modified)

We’ve got to ride this global warming issue.
Even if the theory of global warming is wrong,
we will be doing the right thing in terms of
economic and environmental policy.

– Timothy Wirth,
President of the UN Foundation

The data doesn’t matter. We’re not basing our recommendations
on the data. We’re basing them on the climate models
– Prof. Chris Folland,
Hadley Centre for Climate Prediction and Research


CHALLENGING times ahead for the Climate Crisis Industry with another icon of Armageddon – Greenland – defying climate model forecasts and the usual swill of dire prognostications from the mainstream media.

CNN recently published an Uber-sexy photographic essay on the great ice continent, “What it’s like at the ground zero of climate change”.

THE photographs are incredible and well worth a look. The written content, definitely not up to the same standard. Shock news. CNN’s Kyle Almond, flooding the story with the same emotional, hyper-alarmist AGW talking points that aren’t matching, anymore, what’s really going on at “ground zero”, according to the latest hard data from NSIDC and DMI.

What it_s like at the ground zero of climate change - Photos -

What it’s like at the ground zero of climate change – Photos –



THE main thrust of the piece is of calving glaciers.

But when a glacier breaks up, the images can be breathtaking — and a sobering reminder of the trouble we are in.”

MEMO to Kyle: Glacier calving is an entirely natural process, reflecting the very health of a glacier. The more snow that falls, the more icebergs come out the other end!

Many glaciers terminate at oceans or freshwater lakes which results naturally[5] with the calving of large numbers of icebergs. Calving of Greenland‘s glaciers produce 12,000 to 15,000 icebergs each year alone.[6]

Ice calving – Wikipedia

ELLA Gilbert from the British Antarctic Survey who is often asked why icebergs break away…

“It’s complicated,” she explains. “The region is clearly undergoing a lot of change but you can’t just say ‘it was the climate’. Iceberg calving is a natural process anyway. If you put more snow in at one end, it has to come out the other end as icebergs.”

The ‘monster’ iceberg: What happened next? – BBC News

SEE : MEMO TO THE MEDIA : Glacier Calving Is A Natural Process | Climatism



ANOTHER common talking point used by Almond and fellow alarmists is that the Arctic “is warming twice as fast as the rest of the planet.”

HadCRUT4 shows no trend in warming over the past 12 years. With temps as warm in the 1930’s and 1940’s.



ARCTIC temps were below the average nearly everyday during this years summer melt season and are now back below freezing.


Ocean and Ice Services | Danmarks Meteorologiske Institut



WHAT definitely wasn’t included in Almond’s propaganda piece was the sharp increase in net ice mass that has been trending for around a decade.


2017 review and 2018 season kick-off | Greenland Ice Sheet Today | NSIDC (Climatism modified)


OVER the last two years, Greenland has gained more than 1 trillion tonnes of ice. About 40% above normal. Around 200 Btonnes per year lost in melt.

ICE gain exceeding loss by a large amount. And is probably the reason why Kyle is seeing lots of calving, rather than lots of “climate change”!

But when a glacier breaks up, the images can be breathtaking — and a sobering reminder of the trouble we are in.”

THE hockey stick chart is yet to include NSIDC 2018 data which added another 510 billion tonnes of ice.

SURFACE Mass Balance is probably back to 1992/1996 levels at present. Certainly not “the trouble we are in” scenario as decided by Kyle @ CNN!



Summer is over, and Greenland’s surface has gained 510 billion tons of ice over the past year – about 40% above normal.  The surface mass budget is snow/ice accumulation minus melt.  It does not include ice loss caused by glaciers flowing to the sea, which is very difficult to measure, and is driven by processes which have little to do with the current climate.

Greenland Ice Sheet Surface Mass Budget - DMI

Greenland Ice Sheet Surface Mass Budget – DMI


Last year Greenland gained a little more ice, about 50% above normal.

Greenland Ice Sheet Surface Mass Budget- DMI

Greenland Ice Sheet Surface Mass Budget: DMI


The trajectories were very different last year and this year, but the final result was about the same.


Greenland Ice Sheet Surface Mass Budget: DMI (2017/18)

Lining the two graphs up side by side,   you can see the more than one trillion tons of ice which Greenland’s surface has gained over the past two years.

Greenland Ice Sheet Surface Mass Budget- DMI

Greenland Ice Sheet Surface Mass Budget: DMI (Split)


Greenland Gains Huge Amounts Of Ice For The Second Year In A Row | The Deplorable Climate Science Blog


THE other fake-climate-news outlet, The New York Times, deceives its readers with blatant lies and misinformation just like CNN does…

As Greenland Melts, Where_s the Water Going? – The New York Times

As Greenland Melts, Where_s the Water Going? – The New York Times

THE NYtimes, like most of their news, deploys the worst form of propaganda ‘bias by omission’ by leaving out of their Dec 5 report – net mass input to the Greenland ice sheet.

THERE is no acceleration in global sea level rise, proving their phoney junk science as more deliberate propaganda.


Relative Sea Level Trend 680-140 Sydney, Fort Denison 1 & 2, Australia – NOAA Tides & Currents


Relative Sea Level Trend 8518750 The Battery, New York – NOAA Tides & Currents


Sea Level Trends – Stockholm SWEDEN – NOAA Tides & Currents

SLR info :


WHAT other lies, falsehoods and deceptions do the mainstream media tell you about global warming climate change in order to push their costly and dangerous fake scare?

WHO now are the real climate and science “deniers”?

H/t @SchneiderDallas


SEE also :

ARCTIC related :

GREENLAND related :

CLIMATE related :


ORIGINS Of The Global Warming Scam :


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ICEBREAKER Encounters Most Difficult Arctic Ice Conditions In 15 Years

The Swedish icebreaker Oden on its way to the North Pole in August 2018. (Photo- Alfred-Wegener-Institut : Mario Hoppmann,

The Swedish icebreaker Oden on its way to the North Pole in August 2018. (Photo: Alfred-Wegener-Institut / Mario Hoppmann,

Warming fears are the “worst scientific scandal in the history…When people come to 
know what the truth is, they will feel deceived by science and scientists.” – UN IPCC 
Japanese Scientist Dr. Kiminori Itohan award-winning PhD environmental physical

These facts get little coverage because they don’t sound alarming at all, and for most reporters that means they’re not news. These ‘inconvenient truths’ are nonetheless a helpful reminder that climate change coverage should be taken with a healthy dose of scepticism. – Harry Wilkinson

“I am a skeptic…Global warming has become a new religion.” – Nobel Prize Winner for
Physics, Ivar Giaever.


Via High North News :

Icebreaker encounters most difficult ice conditions in 15 years


A Swedish icebreaker on the way to the North Pole has encountered heavy ice conditions and had to stop just before the North Pole.

The Swedish icebreaker Oden embarked to the North Pole from Svalbard last week but encountered difficult ice conditions not seen in one and a half decades.

The captain of the Oden icebreaker described the ice conditions as the most difficult in the past fifteen years.

The pack ice the ship encountered north of 80° was very dense, piled together through a months-long northward ice drift in the Central Arctic Ocean, reports.

Overall, however, the Arctic’s summer sea ice extent is again very small; the Oden hit the ice edge only at 82°N.

Destination in jeopardy

The dense ice pack left hardly any patches of open water for the ship to navigate between the massive ice floes. The crew and researchers were thus faced with the situation that the North Pole could possibly not be reached.

However, about 200 km before the Pole the situation improved with the Oden encountering younger, thinner ice and tracks of open ice left by a Russian icebreaker plowing the area a few days before.

Massive ice floe blocks North Pole

About four miles away from the North Pole, the Oden eventually had to stop its journey since a massive ice flow on the top of the Pole prevented the onward journey, reports.
Icebreaker encounters most difficult ice conditions in 15 years – High North News


MORE real-world evidence that the Arctic is not in a “Death Spiral” or “Screaming” and certainly not “Ice-Free”, as the mainstream media and activist climate ‘scientists’ like NSIDC director Mark Serreze have promised you for years.

MARK SERREZE – “The Arctic is screaming”:

Mark Serreze - Ice-Free Arctic SCREAMING - CLIMATISM


“ICE-FREE” Arctic in 2008:

North Pole could be ice free in 2008 | New Scientist

North Pole could be ice free in 2008 | New Scientist

ARCTIC “Death Spiral”:

ARCTIC ICE “Death Spiral” | National Geographic

ARCTIC ICE “Death Spiral” | National Geographic



DATA from the Danish Meteorological Institute (DMI) record indicates how the Swedish icebreaker – Oden – found itself struggling in the stubborn, thick summer sea-ice that is apparently “screaming” and “Ice-Free” by now.

2.0 – 3.0 metre-thick sea ice covers a vast extent of the Arctic basin:



Arctic Marine Basin

Arctic Marine Basin

NO trend in Arctic sea-ice volume/thickness over the past decade. Though, there’s been a big build up in 2018 of 2.0-3.0 meter thick, multi-year sea ice that has stymied Oden’s travels:


TOTAL ice loss since the winter peak, has been the lowest in the Danish Meteorological Institute (DMI) record:


Slowest Arctic Sea Ice Melt On Record | The Deplorable Climate Science Blog

ARCTIC temps were below the average nearly everyday during the summer melt season:


Ocean and Ice Services | Danmarks Meteorologiske Institut

THERE has been no trend in Arctic sea ice extent over the last 12 years:


WITH the Arctic in good shape, and certainly no sign of imminent meltdown at either pole, it’s hard to see the “climate crisis” that the mainstream media, activist ‘scientists’ and politicians insist is upon us.

EVEN harder to see how policy makers can justify deindustrialisation of the Western world through draconian, UN climate Paris-policies based on overheated UN climate models, fear, propaganda, and not observed reality.

DO politicians even look at empirical data or “the science” anymore? Or does the wicked truth expose their scam, hindering globalist intentions?

DON’T expect an apology or correction from any of these interest groups, now heavily invested in climate alarm, anytime soon.

TOO many jobs, reputations and egos are now at stake. And, access to unlimited “Save The Planet” taxpayer trillions, immune to oversight.

••• Read the rest of this entry »

DEATH SPIRAL DENIED : No Change In Arctic Sea-Ice Extent Or Volume Over The Past 12 Years

DEATH SPIRAL DENIED - Arctic Sea Ice Extent and Volume Unchanged 12 Years

Time to listen to the ice scientists about the Arctic death spiral | Opinion | The Guardian


AS the annual Arctic melt season comes to a close, hopes of an “Ice-free” Arctic for “Death Spiral” enthusiasts are once again denied as sea-ice remains stubbornly stable for the twelfth year in a row.

ARCTIC Sea Ice Extent Since August 30 2006.png

ARCTIC Sea Ice Extent Since August 30 2006 (T.Heller)

ARCTIC Sea Ice Volume.png

ARCTIC Sea Ice Volume (T.Heller)

Northern Hemispehre Extent Anomolies Jul 1979 - 2018

Sea Ice Index | National Snow and Ice Data Center

Arctic Sea Ice News and Analysis | Sea ice data updated daily with one-day lag

Arctic Sea Ice News and Analysis | Sea ice data updated daily with one-day lag



GREENLAND, also not cooperating with climate model predictions or the prognostications of climate catastrophists.

via Real Science :

Greenland Gains Huge Amounts Of Ice For The Second Year In A Row

Early in life I had noticed that no event is ever correctly reported in a newspaper.

George Orwell

Summer is over, and Greenland’s surface has gained 510 billion tons of ice over the past year – about 40% above normal.  The surface mass budget is snow/ice accumulation minus melt.  It does not include ice loss caused by glaciers flowing to the sea, which is very difficult to measure, and is driven by processes which have little to do with the current climate.

Greenland Ice Sheet Surface Mass Budget - DMI

Greenland Ice Sheet Surface Mass Budget: DMI


Last year Greenland gained a little more ice, about 50% above normal.

Greenland Ice Sheet Surface Mass Budget- DMI

Greenland Ice Sheet Surface Mass Budget: DMI


The trajectories were very different last year and this year, but the final result was about the same.


Greenland Ice Sheet Surface Mass Budget: DMI (2017/18)


Lining the two graphs up side by side,   you can see the more than one trillion tons of ice which Greenland’s surface has gained over the past two years.

Greenland Ice Sheet Surface Mass Budget- DMI

Greenland Ice Sheet Surface Mass Budget: DMI (Split)


Last year, the Danish Meteorological Institute reported on the gain in ice, and blamed it on Hurricane Nicole. I wonder what their excuse will be this year?

Guest post- How the Greenland ice sheet fared in 2017 | Carbon Brief

Guest post: How the Greenland ice sheet fared in 2017 | Carbon Brief


Even NOAA begrudgingly admitted that the huge ice gain was a “small increase.”

Greenland Ice Sheet_s 2017 weigh-in suggests a small increase in ice mass | NOAA

Greenland Ice Sheet’s 2017 weigh-in suggests a small increase in ice mass | NOAA


Meanwhile, the usual fraudsters in the press continue to report Greenland is melting and we are all about to die.



Greenland Gains Huge Amounts Of Ice For The Second Year In A Row | The Deplorable Climate Science Blog


THE ARCTIC, yet another icon of global warming climate change doom, set to join the graveyard of alarmist tosh.


SEE also :

Read the rest of this entry »

Mother Nature Not Behaving As Climate Scientists Expected


RARE snowfall turns Rome into winter wonderland | pic NBC News

LATEST data of common climate metrics that are misreported or omitted by the mainstream media because the actual reported *data* simply doesn’t cooperate with their catastrophic global warming narrative…


THE Arctic still hasn’t melted away as climate zealots prophesied. The “disappearing” ice continues to grow with volume the highest in several years:

Read the rest of this entry »

ARCTIC Temperatures Plunge! (Don’t expect mainstream media to cover it)


Ocean and Ice Services | Danmarks Meteorologiske Institut

THE collective screams and cries over the recent Arctic “heat wave” were deafening. On cue, climate ‘scientists’ and the global warming-obsessed mainstream media took every opportunity to yell “CLIMATE CHANGE” – of the man-made variety, of course…


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The Guardian wheeled out their usual Arctic alarmist experts to drive home the “unprecedented” event…

Read the rest of this entry »

Arctic Sea Ice Growth Continues To Blow Away All Records

Real Science

2015-12-15-02-20-07Ocean and Ice Services | Danmarks Meteorologiske Institut

Arctic sea ice growth has been unprecedented this autumn, and extent is far above every other year since at least 2004. This graph from the Danish Meteorological Institute is the best sea ice extent source for doing comparisons – because it uses more meaningful 30% concentration ice rather than the 15% ice used in other commonly cited graphs. DMI specifically recommendsthat you use this graph for comparisons with other years.


Alarmists constantly attack this graph, because they aren’t intelligent enough to read and comprehend the simple explanation DMI provides.

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