UK Telegraph’s “Worst Australian Drought In Decades” Fake News Claim

CAN’T wait for this perfect climate utopia that climate change activists assure us will come by carpeting pristine landscapes with windmills and toxic solar panels manufactured in China with cheap energy from Australia’s “dirty” coal!


By Paul Homewood

Drought is always a tragedy for farmers, but is the current drought in NSW really as bad as the Telegraph is making out?


On Monday afternoon, James Hamilton, a sixth-generation farmer in south-east Australia, looked out at the dry bristly stubble covering his 4,000 acre property and then went inside his homestead to have the conversation that he and his wife Amanda had both been dreading.

Since the beginning of the year, this typically lush stretch of farmland near the inland town of Narromine, 260 miles west of Sydney, has received just two inches of rain, compared with an average annual rainfall of 18 inches.

The long dry spell has emptied creeks and riverbeds, withered crops, left animals starving and forced farmers such as Mr and Mrs Hamilton to acknowledge – as they did this week – that they will have no harvest. The couple, who have…

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Atlantic Hurricane Numbers Decreasing Despite Increases In Atmospheric CO2

Rather inconvenient news for promulgators of CO2-induced Climate Change fear, doom and gloom…


By Paul Homewood


From GWPF:

Study of historical hurricane occurrences in the Gulf of Mexico and the Caribbean Sea, during the period 1749 to 2012, reveals that “the hurricane number is actually decreasing in time.”

Paper Reviewed

Rojo-Garibaldi, B., Salas-de-León, D.A., Sánchez, N.L. and Monreal-Gómez, M.A. 2016. Hurricanes in the Gulf of Mexico and the Caribbean Sea and their relationship with sunspots. Journal of Atmospheric and Solar-Terrestrial Physics148: 48-52.

Although some climate alarmists contend that CO2-induced global warming will increase the number of hurricanes in the future, the search for such effect on Atlantic Ocean tropical cyclone frequency has so far remained elusive. And with the recent publication of Rojo-Garibaldi et al. (2016), it looks like climate alarmists will have to keep on looking, or accept the likelihood that something other than CO2 is at the helm in moderating Atlantic hurricane frequency.

In their…

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Greenland Meltdown Update

By literally every metric, including the great booga booga Greenland SeaLevelRise meltdown catatrophe, the theory of global warming is bust. Literally.

– Embarrassingly large Arctic recovery

– No warming in 20 years

– Cooling since 2000

– Record Antarctic Sea-Ice

– Record low ‘extreme’ US weather events (Hurricanes, Tornadoes)

– Greenland gaining millions of tons of ice on previous years.

What more ‘reality’ needs to happen to end the lie that CO2 (your energy supply) controls climate?

If CO2 did control climate, the Arctic would have melted, we would have warming to match the models, there would be ‘extreme’ weather, greenland would be melting and accelerating sea level rise, and we would not need to market “97%” or “consensus” or change our name to “climate change”.

Real Science

Climate fraudsters like Dr. James Hansen and Joe Romm are lying about Greenland “melting down”and saying that it will drown coastal cities.

The interior of Greenland never got anywhere close to the melting point in July.

ScreenHunter_10040 Aug. 01 09.59


85% of Greenland’s surface has gained ice over the past year.

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Greenland Ice Sheet Surface Mass Budget: DMI

The surface of Greenland has gained 250 million tons of ice over the past year.

ScreenHunter_10042 Aug. 01 10.07Greenland Ice Sheet Surface Mass Budget: DMI

There has been no change in the average rate of sea level rise over the past century. Fastest rates were from 1925 to 1950.

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Data and Station Information for ATLANTIC CITY

There isn’t one shred of real word evidence to back up any of these criminals’ claims about a meltdown or catastrophic sea level rise.

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The 200 months of ‘the pause’

“So let us have no more wriggling and squirming, squeaking and shrieking from the paid trolls. The world is not warming anything like as fast as the models and the IPCC have predicted. The predictions have failed. They are wrong. Get over it.”
Don’t mess with the Monck!

“So let us have no more wriggling and squirming, squeaking and shrieking from the paid trolls. The world is not warming anything like as fast as the models and the IPCC have predicted. The predictions have failed. They are wrong. Get over it.” Don’t mess with the Monck!

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Empirically Naming Climate Alarmists

The fate of mankind, as well as of religion, depends upon
the emergence of a new faith in the future.
Armed with such a faith, we might find
it possible to resanctify the earth.

– Al Gore,
Earth in the Balance

What If Hurricanes Were Named For Climate Change Deniers?

Is it time to adopt a new naming system for hurricanes?

A new video from 350 Action proposes the World Meteorological Organization drop its pre-determined tropical cyclone list and name the storms for politicians who deny climate change.

Although “many” policymakers still engage in climate change denial, the group writes on an accompanying website, “The scientific community is in agreement: Climate change is the reason why we’re experiencing more and more frequent and intense weather, including extreme hurricanes and tropical storms.” 

Huffington Post

“As climate change continues to create more frequent and devastating storms, we propose a new naming system.”


Climate change alarmists use names, fear, stunts and hysteria to avoid debating facts.

Empirical-evidence from the latest Government data tells us they might be waiting a while to name anything! …



As of today, it has been 2,864 days or 7.9 years since the US has been hit by a Cat 3 or greater hurricane. The last such hurricane was Wilma on October 24th, 2005. Hurricanes are actually getting not worse, but fewer. Grover Cleveland, who was president between 1885 and 1889, had 27 major hurricanes during his presidency. Only 3 major hurricanes have made landfall during Obama’s tenure thus far.

Dr. Roger Pielke Jr. summarises:


The graph above provides an update to data on the remarkable ongoing US “intense hurricane drought.” When the Atlantic hurricane season starts next June 1, it will have been 2,777 days since the last time an intense (that is a Category 3, 4 or 5) hurricane made landfall along the US coast (Wilma in 2005). Such a prolonged period without an intense hurricane landfall has not been observed since 1900. 

Roger Pielke Jr, December 10, 2012:

…After adjusting for patterns of development, over the long term there is no climate change signal … of increasing damage from extreme events either globally or in particular regions.


Hurricanes are actually getting not worse, but fewer. Grover Cleveland, who was president between 1885 and 1889, had 27 major hurricanes during his presidency. Only three major hurricanes have made landfall during Obama’s tenure thus far.


No US Child Has Ever Seen A Category Five Hurricane

Posted on Real Science August 24, 2013 by stevengoddard

Today is the 21st anniversary of Hurricane Andrew, the last category 5 hurricane to hit the US. This means that no US child has ever seen a storm that strong. Andrew made landfall in Florida with winds over 150 MPH

ScreenHunter_366 Aug. 24 13.38

ScreenHunter_367 Aug. 24 13.40

Two other category five hurricanes hit the US last century – Camille in 1969 and the Labor Day Hurricane of 1935, which was the most intense hurricane to hit the US since 1850.

The US has not been hit by a major (category 3-5)  hurricane in eight years, the longest such period since the Civil War. Florida has not been hit by any hurricane for eight years, by far the longest such period on record for that state.



PEER-REVIEW STUDY – Reconstructing tropical cyclone frequency using hydrogen isotope ratios of sedimentary n-alkanes in northern Queensland, Australia


“This suggests that on average tropical cyclone frequency did not change during the past 200 years.”

BOM Tropical Cyclone trends are down with less frequency and severity:




torngraph thru August 2013



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California Ravaged By Forest Fires – During The Low CO2 Year Of 1936

Posted on Real Science August 27, 2013 by stevengoddard

Middlesboro Daily News – Oct 16, 1936

cali fire

Middlesboro Daily News – Google News Archive Search



Screen Shot 2013-08-28 at , August 28, 12.35.55 AM

Little change in global drought over the past 60 years : Nature : Nature Publishing Group



According to the EPA, the worst heat-waves occurred during the 1930s. Heat waves occurred with high frequency in the 1930s, and these remain the most severe heat waves in the U.S. historical record

US Heatwaves



Satellite temperature records on six different data sets show that there has been no atmospheric global warming since 1998 or any statistically-significant warming for between 18 and 23 years. A distinct lack of any warming evident, despite a dramatic rise in industrial greenhouse gas emissions over the same period:


Peer-Reviewed studies that confirm a lack of any global warming since 1998:

  • Reconciling anthropogenic climate change with observed temperature 1998–2008
  • Retrospective prediction of the global warming slowdown in the past decade
  • Overestimated global warming over the past 20 years – Nature Climate Change 28/8/2013
  • Recent global-warming hiatus tied to equatorial Pacific surface cooling – Nature Journal 28/8/2013
  • Warmist scientists talk about no Global Warming



  • Official IPCC Words “We Do Not Know If The Climate Is Becoming More Extreme“
  • Nature Journal: Better models are needed before exceptional events can be reliably linked to global warming. Extreme weather : Nature News & Comment

H/t to Al Zore – @ICLEI_AGENDA21