BREAKING : Trump Russia ‘Collusion’ Officially The Greatest Hoax And Conspiracy Theory In United States Political History
Posted: March 23, 2019 Filed under: Climate Change, Climatism, Fake News, Politics, USA | Tags: Climate Change, Climatism, Comey, Conspiracy Theory, Democrats, Donal J Trump, Fake News, Global Warming, Hillary Clinton, Mainstream media, Mueller, Politics, President Trump, Robert S. Mueller III, Russia, Russia Collusion Hoax, Russia Hoax, Sean Hannity, The Deep State, Trump, Tucker Carlson, Washington Leave a comment
The Russia Hoax: The Illicit Scheme to Clear Hillary Clinton and Frame Donald Trump by Gregg Jarrett
“The whole aim of practical politics is to keep the populace alarmed
(and hence clamorous to be led to safety)
by menacing it with an endless series of hobgoblins,
all of them imaginary.”
– H.L. Mencken
“IT would not be impossible to prove with sufficient repetition and a psychological understanding of the people concerned that a square is in fact a circle. They are mere words, and words can be molded until they clothe ideas and disguise.”
― Joseph Goebbels
THE Left and the Deep State’s favourite conspiracy theory is dead!
THE 30 MILLION dollar, 675 day “Russia Collusion” probe has finally ended with the Mueller Report on “Trump Russia Collusion” handed in to the US Department Of Justice with, importantly, no further indictments recommended by the Special Counsel.
Special Counsel Robert Mueller is not recommending any further indictments as part of his sweeping Russia investigation which effectively ended Friday, according to a senior Justice Department official.
Mueller not recommending ‘any further indictments’ after report turnover | Fox News
NOT a single American citizen or anyone associated with the Trump campaign has been charged with anything related to Russian collusion or obstruction of justice.
SO many lives trashed, the Republic and the Presidency weakened.
CONGRESSMAN Mark Meadows sums it up :
THERE must be consequences for both the Leftist mainstream media and government bureaucracy so that the most powerful organs of State – the FBI and CIA – can never again be used as weapons against a political opponent or citizens.
LAURA Ingraham on holding the media accountable for frenzy over Mueller :
A MUST WATCH 7 mins …
TUCKER Carlson sums up the latest in this must watch hour of Tucker Carlson Tonight…
AS Climatism is a climate-related blog, we don’t usually stray outside of issues relating to weather and climate. However, there are many parallels between the Trump Russia hoax and Climate Change alarmism in how the mainstream media, by completely giving up journalistic endeavour, has the power and ability to spread propaganda and misinformation in order to push their favourite pet theories.
IF the mainstream media can make you believe that @realDonaldTrump was a “Russian Agent”, imagine what they can do to make you ‘believe’ that mankind’s one extra CO2 molecule in 10,000, added since 1950, is destroying the planet?!

Kenneth Richard on Twitter: “In 1950, for every 10,000 atmospheric parts, 3 were CO2. Since then, 1 part was added: 4 parts CO2 for every 10,000 atmospheric parts…
HUMAN contribution to greenhouse effect :
A February 2018 headline from the fake newspaper that has lead the charge against Trump, provides a glimpse of the constant visceral hatred directed at the person who beat Hillary…
NOTE The banner and new slogan of the Washington Post – “Democracy Dies in Darkness.”. You be the judge as to the veracity of their pompous claim after today’s release!

Trump’s Russia ‘hoax’ turns out to be real – The Washington Post
SEE also Sean Hannity’s must see 20 minute wrap of the Russia Collusion Hoax:
UPDATES to come as further information arrives…
SEE also :
- Tucker Carlson: There Must Be “Consequences” For Those Claiming Russian Collusion if Mueller Report Shows None | Video | RealClearPolitics
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