CLIMATE CHANGE : The Unsettled Science Of “Settled” Science

HistoryOfSettledScience - Climatism

History Of Settled Science

The data doesn’t matter. We’re not basing our recommendations
on the data. We’re basing them on the climate models
– Prof. Chris Folland,
Hadley Centre for Climate Prediction and Research

The models are convenient fictions
that provide something very useful
– Dr David Frame,
Climate modeler, Oxford University

We’ve got to ride this global warming issue.
Even if the theory of global warming is wrong,
we will be doing the right thing in terms of
economic and environmental policy.

– Timothy Wirth,
President of the UN Foundation


THE global warming climate change scare has absolutely nothing to do with the environment or “Saving The Planet”. Rather, its roots lie in a misanthropic agenda engineered by the environmental movement of the mid 1970’s, who realised that doing something about claimed man-made “global warming” would play to quite a number of the Left’s social agendas.



ENERGY rationing and the control of carbon dioxide, the direct byproduct of cheap, reliable hydrocarbon energy, has always been key to the Left’s Malthusian and misanthropic agenda of depopulation and deindustrialisation. A totalitarian ideology enforced through punitive emissions controls under the guise of “Saving The Planet”.

STANFORD University and The Royal Society’s resident global warming alarmist and population freak Paul R. Ehrlich spelled out in 1976 the Left’s anti-energy agenda that still underpins the current ‘climate change’ scare :

Giving society cheap, abundant energy would be the
equivalent of giving an idiot child a machine gun
– Prof Paul Ehrlich, Stanford University/Royal Society fellow


THE creator, fabricator and proponent of global warming alarmism Maurice Strong, founded UNEP and ‘science’ arm, the UN IPCC, under the premise of studying only human (CO2) driven causes of climate change.

STRONG and the UN’s charter and agenda was clearly laid out before the ‘science’ of climate change was butchered and tortured to fit the global warming narrative…

Isn’t the only hope for the planet that the industrialized civilizations collapse? Isn’t it our responsiblity to bring that about?” – Maurice Strong, founder of the UN Environment Programme (UNEP)

Current lifestyles and consumption patterns of the affluent middle class – involving high meat intake, use of fossil fuels, appliances, air-conditioning, and suburban housing – are not sustainable.” – Maurice Strong, Rio Earth Summit

It is the responsibility of each human being today to choose between the force of darkness and the force of light. We must therefore transform our attitudes, and adopt a renewed respect for the superior laws of Divine Nature.“ – Maurice Strong, first Secretary General of UNEP



ATMOSPHERIC Physicist, MIT Professor of Meteorology and former IPCC lead author Richard S. Lindzen, examines the politics and ideology behind the CO2-centricity that drives the man-made climate change agenda.

LINDZEN’S summary goes to the very heart of why Carbon Dioxide has become the centre-piece of the ‘global’ climate debate:

“For a lot of people including the bureaucracy in Government and the environmental movement, the issue is power. It’s hard to imagine a better leverage point than carbon dioxide to assume control over a society. It’s essential to the production of energy, it’s essential to breathing. If you demonise it and gain control over it, you so-to-speak, control everything. That’s attractive to people. It’s been openly stated for over forty years that one should try to use this issue for a variety of purposes, ranging from North/South redistribution, to energy independence, to God knows what…”


“CO2 for different people has different attractions. After all, what is it? – it’s not a pollutant, it’s a product of every living creature’s breathing, it’s the product of all plant respiration, it is essential for plant life and photosynthesis, it’s a product of all industrial burning, it’s a product of driving – I mean, if you ever wanted a leverage point to control everything from exhalation to driving, this would be a dream. So it has a kind of fundamental attractiveness to bureaucratic mentality.”

MORE : Bureaucratic Dioxide | Climatism


SCIENCE Matters‘ Ron Clutz on the myth of CO2 as a significant driver of global warming climate change and our weather:

To believe humans are dangerously warming earth’s climate, you have to swallow a bunch of unbelievable notions.

  • You have to think the atmosphere drives temperature, instead of the ocean with 1000 times the heat capacity.
  • You have to disregard the sun despite its obvious effects from summer to winter and longer term.
  • You have to think CO2 drives radiative heat transfers, instead of H2O which does 95% of the radiative work.
  • You have to think rises in CO2 cause temperatures to rise, rather than the other way around.
  • You have to forget it was warmer than now in the Middle Ages, warmer still in the Roman era, and warmest of all during Minoan times.  And on and on.

The global warmist narrative is full of ideas upside down and backwards, including many reversals of cause and effect.

It is like a massive hot air balloon, so why doesn’t it deflate? Answer:  It is because so many interests are served by keeping it alive and pumping up public fears.

Self-Serving Global Warmism | Science Matters



WE are constantly told by the Climate Crisis Industry that the “science is settled”. Yet, the main indicator of a so-called climate “crisis” – Equilibrium Climate Sensitivity or ECS – the hypothesised amount of temperature increase per doubling of CO2, keeps shrinking even as carbon dioxide rises.

CO2 is Life with the rub…

The Ever Changing “Settled” Science; How Can a “Settled” Science need Continual Updating?

The Ever Changing “Settled” Science; How Can a “Settled” Science need Continual Updating? – CO2 is Life

The Ever Changing “Settled” Science; How Can a “Settled” Science need Continual Updating? | CO2 is Life

The “Science” was “Settled” in 2000 CO2 Sensitivity 4.25°C

The “Science” was “Settled” in 2005 CO2 Sensitivity 3.75°C

The “Science” was “Settled” in 2010 CO2 Sensitivity 2.75°C

The “Science” was “Settled” in 2015 CO2 Sensitivity 0.50°C


The Ever Changing “Settled” Science; How Can a “Settled” Science need Continual Updating? – CO2 is Life



THEN there are the failed CO2-centric UN CMIP5 climate models. Overheated climate models that do not accord with observed reality, and yet increase IPCC confidence in dangerous global warming despite ever-increasing divergence from satellite and weather-balloon data…


JUST as ECS declines as CO2 increases it becomes harder to see how policy makers can justify the deliberate deindustrialisation of the Western world driven by draconian, UN climate policies based on overheated UN climate models, fear, funding and mass propaganda.

DO politicians even look at empirical data or “the science” anymore? Or does the wicked truth expose their scam, hindering globalist intentions?

THIS eco-scare is strong and will not die quickly. Too many jobs, reputations and egos are now at stake. And, access to unlimited “Save The Planet” taxpayer trillions, completely immune to oversight.

••• Read the rest of this entry »

GLOBAL TEMPERATURE PLUNGE : Coolest September In The Last 10 Years

We’ve got to ride this global warming issue.
Even if the theory of global warming is wrong,
we will be doing the right thing in terms of
economic and environmental policy.

– Timothy Wirth,
Fmr President of the UN Foundation


GLOBAL atmospheric temperatures continue their rapid decline off the record heights of the 2016 super El Niño, despite record and rising CO2 emissions.

UAH global average lower tropospheric temperature (LT) anomaly for September, 2018 was +0.14°C, down from +0.19°C in August:


UAH Global Temperature Update for September, 2018: +0.14 deg. C « Roy Spencer, PhD

Latest Global Average Tropospheric Temperatures

Since 1979, NOAA satellites have been carrying instruments which measure the natural microwave thermal emissions from oxygen in the atmosphere. The intensity of the signals these microwave radiometers measure at different microwave frequencies is directly proportional to the temperature of different, deep layers of the atmosphere. Every month, John Christy and I update global temperature datasets that represent the piecing together of the temperature data from a total of fifteen instruments flying on different satellites over the years. A discussion of the latest version (6.0) of the dataset is located here.

The graph above represents the latest update; updates are usually made within the first week of every month. Contrary to some reports, the satellite measurements are not calibrated in any way with the global surface-based thermometer records of temperature. They instead use their own on-board precision redundant platinum resistance thermometers (PRTs) calibrated to a laboratory reference standard before launch.

Latest Global Temps « Roy Spencer, PhD



THE September anomaly represents a 0.72°C drop since 2016 super El Niño heights, bringing temps down now to ~1988 levels.

DON’T expect the mainstream media to report in this anytime soon. They are only concerned about hot and climbing temperatures to push their  global warming climate change agenda.




CO2 Vs Temp Correlation 1979 - SEP 2018 - CLIMATISM

CO2 Vs Temp Correlation 1979 – SEP 2018 – CLIMATISM



Satellites Vs Land-Based Thermometers?


Satellites Vs Thermometers?


NASA’s MSU satellite measurement systems, generate the RSS and UAH datasets, which measure the average temperature of every cubic inch of the lower atmosphere, the exact place where global warming theory is meant to occur.

BEFORE 2016, UAH and RSS both tracked closely showing very little warming in their data sets which led to the identification and validation of “the pause” in global warming which has since become the subject of much research and debate in peer-reviewed scientific journals.

From the RSS website:

“The simulation as a whole are predicting too much warming” – RSS

Source- Archived here –

Source: Archived here –

HOWEVER, by 2016, Carl Mears, who is the chief scientist for RSS (Remote Sensing Systems) and who has used the pejorative “denialist” in various correspondence, decided that “the pause” was not a good look for the global warming narrative so RSS was massively adjusted upwards, conveniently eliminating “the pause” in the RSS dataset.

MEARS’ objectivity towards the business of global temperature data collection and reporting can be found in his commentary on his website:


Source: Archived here:

MEARS then published a paper claiming that new and improved adjustments have “found” that missing warming.

Mears, C., and F. Wentz, 2016: Sensitivity of satellite-derived tropospheric
temperature trends to the diurnal cycle adjustment. J. Climate. doi:10.1175/JCLID-
15-0744.1, in press.

THE result…
Differences between the old version and new version of RSS:


Fig. 8. Comparison between RSS V3.3 global (80°S to 80°N) anomaly time series, and result from the V4.0 merging algorithm with different levels of adjustments applied.

(Data via WUWT)




UAH Global Temperature Update for September, 2018: +0.14 deg. C « Roy Spencer, PhD

UAH is the satellite data set featured in this post and is jointly run by Dr. John R. Christy –  Distinguished Professor of Atmospheric Science and Director of the Earth System Science Center at The University of Alabama in Huntsville. And Roy Spencer Ph.D. Principal Research Scientist at the University of Alabama in Huntsville.

SPENCER commentary on the divergence between RSS and UAH post “adjustment”:

“We have a paper in peer review with extensive satellite dataset comparisons to many balloon datasets and reanalyses. These show that RSS diverges from these and from UAH, showing more warming than the other datasets between 1990 and 2002 – a key period with two older MSU sensors both of which showed signs of spurious warming not yet addressed by RSS. I suspect the next chapter in this saga is that the remaining radiosonde datasets that still do not show substantial warming will be the next to be “adjusted” upward.

The bottom line is that we still trust our methodology. But no satellite dataset is perfect, there are uncertainties in all of the adjustments, as well as legitimate differences of opinion regarding how they should be handled.

Also, as mentioned at the outset, both RSS and UAH lower tropospheric trends are considerably below the average trends from the climate models.

And that is the most important point to be made.”

Comments on the New RSS Lower Tropospheric Temperature Dataset « Roy Spencer, PhD

(Climatism bolds)

* Read the rest of this entry »

DISGRACE : Shameless Link Between Suicide And Climate Change, Circulating The Mainstream Media’s Echo Chamber

THE Death of Mainstream Media - Suicide blog CLIMATISM.png

SINCE Climatism reported on the lazy and disrespectful link between suicide and climate change two days ago, a study has now surfaced out of the warmist, Nature Climate Change…

Higher temperatures increase suicide rates in the United States and Mexico | Nature Climate Change.

Higher temperatures increase suicide rates in the United States and Mexico | Nature Climate Change.


NOT surprisingly, the mainstream media has jumped all over this single study like a pack of hungry wolves, in a blatant attempt to link their emotionally-charged climate change cause with the genuinely emotional and tragic issue of suicide.

“The study, published today in the journal Nature Climate Change, concluded that projected temperature increases over the next few decades could lead to an additional 21,000 suicides in the United States and Mexico by 2050.”

Warming climate will likely boost suicide rates worldwide | Berkeley News


YET another study using the widely criticised UN IPCC CMIP5 climate models that do not accord with the stubborn observed reality of the current and inconvenient ~20 year global warming “pause”…


See : 100% Of Climate Models Prove that 97% of Climate Scientists Were Wrong! | Climatism



PUBLISHED yesterday in the warmist journal, Nature climate change…

Higher temperatures increase suicide rates in the United States and Mexico | Nature Climate Change

Higher temperatures increase suicide rates in the United States and Mexico | Nature Climate Change


THE studies “could, maybe, might” findings are based on the highest emissions scenario, RCP8.5, pushed out to the arbitrary, unaccountable and ‘sciencey’ date of 2050…

“We project that unmitigated climate change (RCP8.5) could result in a combined 9–40 thousand additional suicides (95% confidence interval) across the United States and Mexico by 2050, representing a change in suicide rates comparable to the estimated impact of economic recessions, suicide prevention programmes or gun restriction laws.”

THE study also took into account seasonal variation, levels of poverty, the news of celebrity suicides and even depressive social media commentary that can lead to more death…

“Analysis of depressive language in >600 million social media updates further suggests that mental well-being deteriorates during warmer periods.”

Higher temperatures increase suicide rates in the United States and Mexico | Nature Climate Change



WHAT level of responsibility is the mainstream media itself willing to accept for stoking “global warming” fears – flogging every heatwave or extreme weather event leading to the collective mass hysteria played out on social media?

Climate change tied to increased suicide risk in new study - CNN

Climate change tied to increased suicide risk in new study – CNN

Warming climate will likely boost suicide rates worldwide | Berkeley News

Warming climate will likely boost suicide rates worldwide | Berkeley News

Study - Climate Change Could Cause 26,000 More US Suicides By 2050 | CBS Philly

Study: Climate Change Could Cause 26,000 More US Suicides By 2050 « CBS Philly

Read the rest of this entry »

ANTARCTICA : It’s Time We Had That Talk

Ross Ice Shelf - ANTARCTICA (popular mechanics)

The Ross Ice Shelf is Freezing, Not Melting. Which Is Weird | Popular Mechanics

IT’S time for ‘that talk’. You know, the one we’ve been putting off because it’s ‘inconvenient’. That end-of-life conversation…

YEP! Antarctica, the ‘inconvenient’ pole, the naughty child, has been gaining ice mass and cooling for decades, despite a 20 per cent increase in atmospheric CO2, and model predictions to the contrary.

2015 NASA Study

Screen Shot 2018-04-16 at 6.43.58 am.png

NASA Study: Mass Gains of Antarctic Ice Sheet Greater than Losses | NASA

Guardian Report 2015

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Why is Antarctic sea ice at record levels despite global warming? | Environment | The Guardian

2017 Study

Antartica 2017 Ice mass gain study.png

From the abstract:

Mass changes of the Antarctic ice sheet impact sea-level rise as climate changes, but recent rates have been uncertain. Ice, Cloud and land Elevation Satellite (ICESat) data (2003–08) show mass gains from snow accumulation exceeded discharge losses by 82 ± 25 Gt a−1, reducing global sea-level rise by 0.23 mm a−1.

Mass gains of the Antarctic ice sheet exceed losses | Journal of Glaciology | Cambridge Core


Read the rest of this entry »

PROFESSIONAL Climate Alarmists Threatening Australia’s Billion Dollar Tourism Industry

Screen Shot 2018-02-19 at 8.46.18 pm

‘$40bn at risk’ as climate change threatens tourism | The Australian

“So even the rain that falls isn’t actually going to fill our dams and our river systems…” Tim Flannery 2007

“There is a fair chance Perth will be the 21st century’s first ghost metropolis.”
– Tim Flannery Climate Council

This planet is on course for a catastrophe.
The existence of Life itself is at stake
– Tim Flannery Climate Council


WHEN the Abbott Government axed the Climate Commission in 2013, in what was its very first act of government, professional alarmist Tim Flannery and his mates immediately created a Climate Council to keep up their propagandising.

IT wasn’t a hard decision for then PM Abbott to make considering the string of outlandish claims made by Flannery and the Commission…

IN what was to be their final report and parting gift to the Australian taxpayer, the Climate Commission’s 2013 “Critical Decade” report, claimed that there is a one-in-two chance that there will be no humans left on the planet by 2100

“There’s a one in two chance that by 2100 there’ll be no human beings left on this planet. The planet will exist, but it’s just that my granddaughter won’t be part of it. And I think that’s a pretty alarming statistic, probability, one in two chance if we don’t correct our behaviours.” – Former Defence Force chief Admiral Chris Barrie releasing the Climate Commission’s 2013 doomist report

SINCE then, the Climate Council has maintained its position as Australia’s premier alarmism generating machine. Every year the level of hysteria increasing faster than global temperatures.

THEIR latest report couched in pseudo-science and alarmism claims that Australia’s $40 billion tourism industry is at risk thanks to your sinful existence…

Roger Franklin in Quadrant:

This morning Tim Flannery & Co [at the Climate Council] must be tickled pink to see how much adverse publicity they have generated [with their report last week], and not merely in the domestic press. From Pakistan to the Caribbean there are stories today about the slow death of the Great Barrier Reef, the intolerable heat allegedly set to afflict the Red Centre and how big chunks of Hobart will be swallowed by the heat-swollen waters of the Great Southern Ocean.

That there are casualties and collateral damage as a consequence of one organisation’s blinkered determination to promote itself and its allies’ climate cause should not need to be stated…

[T]here were no reassuring words from Queensland Tourism Minister Kate Jones… So how did the tourism minister react to the Climate Council’s codswallop and bleak appraisal of tourism’s future? Why, God help us, she endorsed it!….

That impression that North Queensland (and the Centre and Hobart, too) are not worth a visit would be hard to avoid in light of the Reef-is-dying coverage the Climate Council orchestrated. Below, a collection of international headlines and snippets re-broadcasting word of the Reef’s impending demise:

From Pakistan:

Australian Tourism Industry Under Climate Change Threat

From Singapore:

Climate change threatens Aussie tourism

From the far-off Caribbean:

Australia tourism industry under climate change threat – study

From the Middle East and broadcast to the entire world:

Why are coral reefs important and why are they dying?

From Britain’s home-counties edition of the Guardian:

Tourism is the Australian industry least prepared for climate change, report says

From China:

Climate change to cripple Australian tourism industry: report

From Malaysia:

Australia tourism industry under climate change threat, study warns

From the US, for seniors who travel:

Aussie tourism hotspots threatened by climate change

For international investors:

Australia’s popular tourist destinations are in the climate firing line: report

All in all, not a bad day’s damage for the Climate Council to inflict on an innocent industry.

The Climate Council’s Global Damage — Quadrant Online

THIS latest episode of climate alarmism churned out of Flannery’s panic-factory, based solely on the ‘evidence’ of broken and overheated UN IPCC computer models further trashes Australia’s international reputation, directly affecting the crucial tourist industry and the livelihoods of the good people who are employed within it.

MORE evidence that climate alarmism has cost far more than any slight global warming ever could!

ONLY recently, three surveys conducted showed an estimated 175,000 fewer tourists could visit Australia based on the coral bleaching threat. A threat since proven alarmist and overblown.

AT risk, an estimated 10,000 jobs. How many more are at risk now?

WHO will be made accountable or held responsible for the exaggeration of data and wreckless alarmism? No one, of course. Because again, the worst any climate change alarmist can ever be accused of is an excess of “Save the planet” virtue.

Mad times.


PLEASE Donate To Climatism To Help Keep The Good Fight Alive!


See more Flannery :

  • Tim Flannery | Climatism
  • TIM FLANNERY’S Bizarre Globalist Rant | Climatism (MUST WATCH)
  • Flannery sacked | Herald Sun (Great look at Flannery’s impressive ‘CV’)

Related :

  • THE Great Global Warming “Pause” | Climatism
  • CLIMATE Alarmism Has Cost Far More Than Any Global Warming Ever Could | Climatism
  • THE Great Barrier Reef Lie – Climate Scientists’ Scaremongering Trashed By Mother Nature | Climatism

World Heritage At Risk From Global Warming – UCS

When all else fails, like empirical (scientific) evidence, not supporting your hypothesis/theory of man-made “global warming”, “climate change”, “global cooling”, or “global whatever it may be”, target human emotions. In this instance – World Heritage sites.

More classic UNEP agitprop to attempt to scare, deceive and convert you.

Remember all these fears and scares are based on failed (overheated) UN/IPCC CMIP5 RCP8.5 climate *models*.

Predictive (UN IPCC) models are not science and do not observe reality. They are predictions based on perceived inputs in and desired results out. Then the CAGW complicit MSM media simply runs with the output because those same modelled outputs suit their agenda nicely too, objectivity denied absolute.


By Paul Homewood


The Union of Socialist Concerned Scientists have teamed up with the UN for their latest scare story, how thousands of world heritage sites are at risk from climate change.

Their British offerings include the remarkable neolithic site of Skara Brae in the Orkneys.


View original post 208 more words

Climate Models Don’t Work

97% of climate models say that 97% of climate scientists are wrong. Yet we base, literally, trillions of dollars of other people’s (taxpayers) money on alarmist climate change policy, schemes and rent-seeking scams (windmills/solar) on overheated, predictive models that do not observe climate reality.

CMIP5 IPCC climate models don’t even ‘model’ clouds, the sun or ocean currents (AMO/PDO).

What possibly could go wrong? /sarc.

RCP8.5 BS in = Alarmist BS out.

It’s no wonder ‘Climate models don’t work’!

Watts Up With That?

Guest essay by Larry Hamlin

In February 2016 climate scientist Dr. John Christy presented testimony to Congress demonstrating that climate models grossly exaggerate and over estimate the impact of atmospheric CO2 levels on global temperatures . Dr. Christy noted in his testimony that “models over-warm the tropical atmosphere by a factor of approximately 3″.


NOAA climate activist scientist Dr. Gavin Schmidt challenged Dr. Christy’s work claiming that it was “partisan” and using vague statistical arguments claimed that Christy’s work improperly presented the performance of climate models. These claims by government scientist Dr. Schmidt peaked the interest of statistics expert Steven McIntyre who was one of the most prominent  experts to expose the flawed science (proxy shenanigans) and mathematics (statistical errors) behind the now disgraced thousand year long global temperature profile infamously known as the “hockey stick” (

Mr. McIntyre conducted a review of Dr. Schmidt’s claims (

View original post 752 more words

Hockey Stick Finally Located

Climatism comment : 

  • 97% of climate models say that 97% of climate scientists are wrong

Real Science

The hockey stick consists of useless, exaggerated climate forecasts.CMIP5-90-models-global-Tsfc-vs-obs-thru-2013 (1)

95% of Climate Models Agree: The Observations Must be Wrong « Roy Spencer, PhD

View original post

The IPCC’s ‘inconvenient truth’

Climate Etc.

by Judith Curry

I have a fairly lengthy op-ed that has been published in The Australian.

View original post 898 more words

Dialing Back the Alarm on Climate Change

We need to get some broad based support,
to capture the public’s imagination…
So we have to offer up scary scenarios,
make simplified, dramatic statements
and make little mention of any doubts…
Each of us has to decide what the right balance
is between being effective and being honest.

– Prof. Stephen Schneider,
Stanford Professor of Climatology,
lead author of many IPCC reports

I believe it is appropriate to have an ‘over-representation’ of the facts
on how dangerous it is, as a predicate for opening up the audience
– Al Gore,
Climate Change activist


Via The Wall Street Journal

Dialing Back the Alarm on Climate Change

A forthcoming report points lowers estimates on global warming

By Dr Matt Ridley

Later this month, a long-awaited event that last happened in 2007 will recur. Like a returning comet, it will be taken to portend ominous happenings. I refer to the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change’s (IPCC) “fifth assessment report,” part of which will be published on Sept. 27.

There have already been leaks from this 31-page document, which summarizes 1,914 pages of scientific discussion, but thanks to a senior climate scientist, I have had a glimpse of the key prediction at the heart of the document. The big news is that, for the first time since these reports started coming out in 1990, the new one dials back the alarm. It states that the temperature rise we can expect as a result of man-made emissions of carbon dioxide is lower than the IPPC thought in 2007.

Admittedly, the change is small, and because of changing definitions, it is not easy to compare the two reports, but retreat it is. It is significant because it points to the very real possibility that, over the next several generations, the overall effect of climate change will be positive for humankind and the planet.

Specifically, the draft report says that “equilibrium climate sensitivity” (ECS)—eventual warming induced by a doubling of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere, which takes hundreds of years to occur—is “extremely likely” to be above 1 degree Celsius (1.8 degrees Fahrenheit), “likely” to be above 1.5 degrees Celsius (2.4 degrees Fahrenheit) and “very likely” to be below 6 degrees Celsius (10.8 Fahrenheit). In 2007, the IPPC said it was “likely” to be above 2 degrees Celsius and “very likely” to be above 1.5 degrees, with no upper limit. Since “extremely” and “very” have specific and different statistical meanings here, comparison is difficult.

Still, the downward movement since 2007 is clear, especially at the bottom of the “likely” range. The most probable value (3 degrees Celsius last time) is for some reason not stated this time.

A more immediately relevant measure of likely warming has also come down: “transient climate response” (TCR)—the actual temperature change expected from a doubling of carbon dioxide about 70 years from now, without the delayed effects that come in the next century. The new report will say that this change is “likely” to be 1 to 2.5 degrees Celsius and “extremely unlikely” to be greater than 3 degrees. This again is lower than when last estimated in 2007 (“very likely” warming of 1 to 3 degrees Celsius, based on models, or 1 to 3.5 degrees, based on observational studies). Keep Reading »



  • The state of climate science: ‘fluxed up’ | Watts Up With That?
  • Lomborg: climate models are running way too hot | Watts Up With That?
  • One Step Forward, Two Steps Back | Watts Up With That?
  • Temperatures rise over ‘inconsistencies’ in UN climate change report | The Australian
  • EU policy on climate change is right even if science was wrong, says commissioner – Telegraph
  • The real climate change deniers aren’t sceptics but the alarmist Ecotards

Climatism related:

  • UN-Settled Science
  • Bureaucratic Dioxide
  • A cooling consensus
  • Scientists talking about no warming
  • Modelling Climate Alarmism
  • NATURE STUDY Confirms Global Warming Stopped 15 Years Ago | CACA
  • Peer into the Heart of the IPCC, Find Greenpeace | CACA
  • UN Agenda 21 Links
  • GLOBAL WARMING THEORY – Circular reasoning at its best