TIM FLANNERY : Professor of Dud Predictions and Climate Falsehoods
Posted: March 12, 2018 Filed under: Alarmism Debunked, Alarmism uncovered, Australia, Bureau Of Meterology, Carbon Dioxide, Climate Alarmism, Climatism, Drought, Dud predictions, Empirical Evidence, Fact Check, Flannery, Floods, Government Grants/Funding, Govt Climate Agenda, Green Agenda, ORIGINS OF THE GLOBAL WARMING SCAM, Pseudo-Science, Tim Flannery | Tags: Alarmism, Climate alarmism, Climate Change, Climate Commission, Climate Council, climate lies, Climate science, Desal Plants, Desalinisation, drought, Dud Predictions, Flannery, flood, Global Warming, Q&A, QandA, Their ABC, Tim Flannery 18 Comments“SO even the rain that falls isn’t actually going to
fill our dams and our river systems…”
– Dr Tim Flannery
“This planet is on course for a catastrophe.
The existence of Life itself is at stake.”
– Dr Tim Flannery
Climate Council
TIM FLANNERY, former Climate Commissioner of Australia from 2011-2013 earned $180,000 per year for a three-day working week to make predictions and decisions that affected billions upon billions of dollars of Australian taxpayers’ money.
AFTER being rightly sacked by the Abbott government in 2013, Flannery began his own go-fund-me version of the Climate Commission, the Climate Council, which continues the propagandised rollout of catastrophic climate predictions and unreliable-energy pipe dreams.
NEVER far from the government teat, Flannery is regularly wheeled out by Australia’s government run media monolith their ABC, appearing as resident climate ‘expert’ whenever a catastrophic weather event hits the news cycle, or simply to inject a dose of hysteria into the conversation when climate alarm is waning.
TONIGHT, Flannery appears on Q&A, the ABC’s TV panel discussion program…
TO understand why the ABC and Q&A are so ‘impressed’ by the former ‘Australian of the year’, let’s take a brief look at Flannery’s impressive career of climate predictions and prognostications…
TIM FLANNERY – Curriculum Vitae
In 2004 Flannery said:
“I think there is a fair chance Perth will be the 21st century’s first ghost metropolis. It’s whole primary production is in dire straits and the eastern states are only 30 years behind.”
We are “one of the most physically vulnerable people on the Earth,” and “southern Australia is going to be impacted very severely and very detrimentally by global climate change.” We are going to experience “conditions not seen in 40 million years.”
In 2007 he said:
“…That’s because the soil is warmer because of global warming and the plants are under more stress and therefore using more moisture. So even the rain that falls isn’t actually going to fill our dams and our river systems, and that’s a real worry for the people in the bush. If that trend continues then I think we’re going to have serious problems, particularly for irrigation.”
“The one-in-1000-years drought is, in fact, Australia’s manifestation of the global fingerprint of drought caused by climate change.”
In May 2007 he warned that:
“Brisbane and Adelaide – home to a combined total of three million people – could run out of water by year’s end;”
and that the country was facing
“the most extreme and the most dangerous situation arising from climate change facing any country in the world right now.”
In June 2007 he said:
“Over the past 50 years southern Australia has lost about 20 per cent of its rainfall, and one cause is almost certainly global warming. Similar losses have been experienced in eastern Australia, and although the science is less certain it is probable that global warming is behind these losses too. But by far the most dangerous trend is the decline in the flow of Australian rivers: it has fallen by around 70 per cent in recent decades, so dams no longer fill even when it does rain …
In Adelaide, Sydney and Brisbane, water supplies are so low they need desalinated water urgently, possibly in as little as 18 months.”
In 2008 he warned again that:
“The water problem is so severe for Adelaide that it may run out of water by early 2009.”
AND then the rains came, as they always do in the land of “droughts and flooding rains“…
BY December 2008 Adelaide’s reservoirs were 75% full, Perth’s 40%, Sydney’s 63%, and Brisbane’s reservoir’s were 46% full.
BY 2009 dams for Brisbane, Canberra and Sydney were filled to overflowing.
PRESENTLY Adelaide’s reservoirs are 57%, Perth’s 39%, Melbourne’s 64%, Sydney’s 77%, and Brisbane’s reservoir’s are 83% full.
In 2015 Flannery said:
“Sadly we’re more likely to see them more frequently in the future.”.
Reality check:
A year later, not one severe cyclone was recorded, continuing the downward trend in severity and frequency of tropical cyclones, despite rising CO2/temps…
Nature journal confirms:
“Studies project a decrease in the frequency of tropical cyclones towards the end of the 21st century in the southwest Pacific, southern Indian, and Australian regions.”
Australian tropical cyclone activity lower than at any time over the past 550–1,500 years | Nature
Reality check:
MINIMUM Arctic sea-ice extent has been trending up over the past decade, and is most definitely not “ice-free”! The EXACT opposite of what Flannery, the press and ‘97% experts’ have been telling you :
ARCTIC SEA-ICE VOLUME (September 2018)
2.0 – 3.0 meter-thick sea-ice covered most of the Arctic basin during the 2018 summer minimum :
ARCTIC minimum sea-ice volume has been increasing since 2007 :
Europe’s Green Energy Basket Case Is Tim Flannery’s Dream
Posted: January 15, 2014 Filed under: Alarmism Debunked, Alarmist Predictions, Alarmists, Australia, BIG Government, Climate, Climate Alarmism, Climate Council, Climatism, Dud predictions, Environmentalism, Fact Check, Flannery, Global Warming Zealots, Govt Climate Agenda, Green Agenda, Green Energy, Pseudo-Science, Renewables, Solar, Tim Flannery, Wind Farms | Tags: Climate Commission, Climate Council, eco-activist, ecofacist, environment, Europe, Germany, Renewable energy, Spain, Tim Flannery, unreliables 6 Comments“Isn’t the only hope for the planet that the
industrialized civilizations collapse?
Isn’t it our responsiblity to bring that about?”
– Maurice Strong,
founder of the UN Environment Programme (UNEP)
“We’ve got to ride this global warming issue.
Even if the theory of global warming is wrong,
we will be doing the right thing in terms of
economic and environmental policy.“
– Timothy Wirth,
President of the UN Foundation
“This planet is on course for a catastrophe.
The existence of Life itself is at stake.”
– Dr Tim Flannery,
Climate Council
he was wrong … Climate Council’s Tim Flannery predicted endless drought. Photo source : The Advertiser
Tim Flannery, is the former Chief Commissioner of the disbanded Australian Climate Commission, setup by the former Gillard green Labor government. Flannery now heads up the privately funded Climate Council.
In 2007, amidst a relentless Australian drought, Flannery made this remarkable statement:
“So even the rain that falls isn’t actually going to fill our dams and our river systems, and that’s a real worry for the people in the bush.”
Within a year of making that now infamous prediction, the heaven’s opened, flooding the eastern board of Australia with monumental rainfall. Once again filling our dams and our river systems. Water storage in most major cities is now either at, or close to full capacity.
Australia By Cities – current water storage
Flannery’s persistent cries of never-ending drought were at best hyper-alarmist. At worst, his comments have inflicted untold financial misery on families and workers, costing them billions upon billions of dollars.
Before I detail the financial damage inflicted by Flannery’s alarmist intent, it is worth analysing the ‘climate mood’ around the time Flannery cut-loose with his dire drought prognostications…
2007 marked the high-point of global warming climate change hysteria. One year before, Al Gore released his Academy Award winning movie “An Inconvenient Truth”.
Inconveniently for Al, by 2007 A British High Court judge cited 9 key errors in his alarmist and pseudoscientific movie. Judge Michael Burton ruled that the 9 errors had arisen “in the context of alarmism and exaggeration” in order to support Mr Gore’s thesis on global warming. Judge Burton noted the “apocalyptic vision” presented in the film was politically partisan and thus not an impartial scientific analysis of climate change. It was also ruled, a “political film.”
In order to be shown in British schools, Judge Burton ruled that 77 pages of supporting documentation would be required as reference material for students.
With the Academy Award, Gore also received a Nobel Peace Prize.
However, the damage was done and Gore’s silver-screen alarmist fraud swept the world gobbling up the gullible with catastrophic ease.
By now, there was little doubt that Earth was headed for thermageddon as Flannery spouted, “This planet is on course for a catastrophe. The existence of Life itself is at stake.”
Enter the part of the story that annoys me the most about the over-sold, climate fiasco and the central issue that lends itself to the name of this site…
ALARMISM and its reckless financial burden
Flannery, in 2007 :
“Over the past 50 years southern Australia has lost about 20 per cent of its rainfall, and one cause is almost certainly global warming. Similar losses have been experienced in eastern Australia, and although the science is less certain it is probable that global warming is behind these losses too. But by far the most dangerous trend is the decline in the flow of Australian rivers: it has fallen by around 70 per cent in recent decades, so dams no longer fill even when it does rain…”
One only needs to click on the Bureau Of Meteorology’s rainfall page to discover the sheer nonsense of Flannery’s deluded rant :
*Even with 2010-2011 spike removed, the overall trend bears little resemblance to Flannery’s dire warnings.
Australian climate variability & change – Time series graphs – BoM
Here’s the kicker. In 2007, all eastern board states of Australia; QLD, NSW, VIC and SA were run by Labor government’s. Government’s sympathetic with big government, big regulations and the Greens twisted ideology of environmental extremism – though not an unpopular belief system at the height of anthropogenic global warming climate change hysteria, with no thanks to Gore’s mass-circulated doom flick.
Flannery, again, in 2007 :
“I believe the first thing Australians need to do is to stop worrying about “the drought” – which is transient – and start talking about the new climate… Australia is likely to lose its northern rainfall… In Adelaide, Sydney and Brisbane, water supplies are so low they need desalinated water urgently, possibly in as little as 18 months.”
By late 2007, the four Labor/Green allied state government’s, satisfied with Flannery’s pseudoscientific alarmism, began construction of $12 Billion worth of desalinisation plants.
On completion a few years later, ribbons were cut and the shiny new desals were ready to save Australia from drought ridden doom. Only problem ~ Australia’s eastern board water supplies were by then, and still are, very much full.
All four desalination plants, that were given birth to by Flannery’s global warming climate change, fear mongering, were mothballed, without producing a single drop of water.
Fourth desal plant mothballed. Billions more wasted | Herald Sun Andrew Bolt Blog
Mothballed media :
- Mothballs at the ready for $1.8bn desal plant | The Australian
- The World Today – SA desal plant mothballed 05/10/2012
- New South Wales desalination plant deal to cost consumers $10 billion over 50 years – ABC News
- Water bills up $310 next year to pay for desalination plant, but French builder says it’s too big | Herald Sun
- How warmists cost us billions | Herald Sun Andrew Bolt Blog
The price of global warming alarmism is enormous.
Taxpayers gulled into spending billions of dollars on the back of global warming climate change alarmists, who persuaded politicians the rains would dry up.
In September 2013, the Abbott conservative Government was swept into power in a landslide win. The public had simply had enough of six years of the big taxing, big spending Gillard/Rudd, ALP/Greens regimes. Australia was racked with debt and had nothing to show for it except a litany of failed green schemes scams and the $23/ton Carbon (dioxide) Tax.
In what was their first piece of official business, the Liberal coalition hastily sacked Chief Climate Commissioner Flannery and dismantled the fear-mongering, Carbon-Tax-PR-machine that was the Australian Climate Commission.
Flannery now heads a privately funded global warming climate change propaganda unit, the ‘Climate Council’. They spew out the usual alarmist weather reports blaming evil mankind on bush-fires and any summer heatwave that unseasonably rolls through Australia in summer.
Aside from scaring your children about the next 38 degree day in March, the Climate Council’s main aim is to demonise coal-fired power generation and its bi-product carbon dioxide pollution, and replace with renewable energy.
There shouldn’t be a sole on the planet who doesn’t eventually want a cheap, efficient, reliable, stand-alone, low impact ‘renewable’ energy source providing base-load power to the grid. However, it doesn’t take much objective research to work out that the current crop of renewable technology, namely wind and solar, even in their ‘advanced’ form, remain utterly useless and importantly, do little to reduce emissions.
The rush to embrace renewables “before the planet fries”, is placing a severe burden on households and industry as conventional fossil fuel sources are priced up to make expensive renewables competitive in the market place.
The billions who live with no electricity at all face an even bleaker future. With the proposed global switch to renewables, the most vulnerable are unable to access cheap efficient sources of energy such as coal-fired power, as organisations like the sustainability obsessed “World Bank” cutback funding for new coal-fire power in developing nations. 1.3 billion of the planets most needy, with no access to electricity at all, will remain in grinding poverty. Special thanks must be forwarded to the ever caring United Nations’ “Sustainability” agenda and their even more misanthropic ‘don’t give the poor power because they might breed’ philosophy.
‘Feel-good’ renewable energy remains the domain of comfortable, western climate change elites, and truly are a token gesture to the folly of green madness.
See also : UN Carbon Regime Would Devastate Humanity | CACA
Before we investigate what is going on in the world of renewable energy, it should be ascertained that the impetus behind the ‘renewable’ energy boondoggle explosion, is in reaction to 22 years of apparently ‘unprecedented’ global warming climate change from 1976-1998.
Renewables aim to stem the flow of evil carbon dioxide pollution, thus preventing the temperature of the globe from spiralling out of control.
By how much will the $trillions we have already spent change the temperature of the globe now and into the future? Nobody knows.
What we do know, is that over the past 17 years there has been no atmospheric global warming, or any statistically-significant warming for between 18 and 23 years, depending on which data set is used. A distinct lack of any warming evident, despite 35% of all human CO² emissions, since 1751, emitted over the same period.
According to RSS satellite measurements, for 17 years and 3 months, there has been no global warming climate change, at all :
Graph via WattsUpWithThat
Peer-Reviewed studies that confirm the lack of any recent global warming:
- Climate change: The case of the missing heat : Nature News & Comment
- Reconciling anthropogenic climate change with observed temperature 1998–2008
- Retrospective prediction of the global warming slowdown in the past decade
- Overestimated global warming over the past 20 years – Nature Climate Change 28/8/2013
- Recent global-warming hiatus tied to equatorial Pacific surface cooling – Nature Journal 28/8/2013
- Warmist scientists talk about no Global Warming
Flannery’s Climate Council has endorsed a call by United Nation’s Climate Chief, Christiana Figueres for a ‘tripling’ of clean energy investment. Figueres says $1 Trillion a year (only) is required for the transformation needed to stay within 2°C of warming…(which will guarantee we avoid total human annihilation by 2100…fear…scare…fear…pay your carbon tithes here).
UN climate chief calls for tripling of clean energy investment
Let’s now see how the “Clean Energy Revolution” is faring in Germany and Europe :
via JoanneNova
- German’s electricity bills have doubled since 2000. (Germans pay about 40c a KWH.)
- Up to 800,000 Germans have had their power cut off because they couldn’t pay their bills.
- Germany’s renewable energy levy rose from €14bn to €20bn in one year as wind and solar expanded. German households will pay a renewables surcharge of €7.2bn this year alone.
- Germany has more than half the worlds solar panels. They generated 40% of Germany’s peak electricity demand on June 6, but practically 0% during the darkest weeks of winter.
- Seimens closed it’s entire solar division, losing about €1bn. Bosch is getting out too, it has lost about €2.4bn.
- Solar investors have lost almost about €25bn in the past year. More than 5,000 companies associated with solar have closed since 2010.
- Germany has phased out nuclear, but is adding 20 coal fired stations. Gas power can’t compete with cheap coal or subsidized renewables and 20% of gas power plants are facing shutdown.
- Despite the river of money paid to renewables, emissions have risen in Germany for the last two years.
It’s a case of lose-lose all around, everyone — taxpayers, investors, renewables companies, gas companies — all lost. Waste and stupidity on a colossal scale.
The pattern is similar in the rest of the EU:
- Two weeks ago the Czech Government has decided to end all subsidies.
- Spain owes €126bn to renewable energy investors.
- In Spain more than 5,000 solar entrepreneurs face bankruptcy without the subsidies.
- EU leaders now officially list affordable energy as being more important than greenhouse emissions.
How much was lost from European manufacturing, to China, which could not compete? Investors are “pouring money into the US, where energy prices have fallen to one-third of those in the EU, thanks to the shale gas revolution.”
In fact, the German green revolution has been so successful they have just ‘test-fired’ five new coal-fired power plants with a combined capacity of around 4 GW.
And just in case the wind stops blowing or the sun is blocked by clouds of evil man’s 12 parts per million colourless, odourless, trace gas carbon dioxide, rendering their half a trillion €uro investment in windmills and solar panels useless, Germany have another 15 coal plants planned to open by 2020.
German Coal Fired Power Stations Due to Open By 2020
Operator | Location | MW | Date Due | Status |
Trianel | Lunen | 750 | 2013 | In Trial |
EnBW | Karlsruhe | 874 | 2013 | In Construction |
GDF | Wilhelmshaven | 800 | 2013 | In Construction |
Steag | Duisberg | 725 | 2013 | In Construction |
E.ON | Datteln | 1055 | 2013 | In Construction |
RWE | Hamm | 1600 | 2013 | In Construction |
Vattenfall | Hamburg | 1640 | 2014 | In Construction |
GKM | Mannheim | 911 | 2015 | In Construction |
MIBRAG | Profen | 660 | 2020 | A/W Approval |
RWE | Niederaussem | 1100 | n/a | A/W Approval |
GETEC | Buttel | 800 | n/a | A/W Approval |
Dow | Stade | 840 | n/a | A/W Approval |
BDEW, the German Energy Producers Association.
via Climate Change Dispatch :
Germany To Open 10 New Coal-Fired Power Stations
Written by Dr. Benny Peiser, GWPF, November 18 2013.
Steag GmbH started Germany’s first new power plant fueled by hard coal in eight years, allowing the generator and energy trader to take advantage of near record-low coal prices that have widened profit margins. The plant is the first new hard-coal-fired generator in Europe’s biggest power market since 2005. It marks the start of Germany’s biggest new-build program for hard coal stations since its liberalization in 1998. Ten new hard-coal power stations, or 7,985 megawatts, are scheduled to start producing electricity in the next two years, according to information from German grid regulator Bundesnetzagentur and operators. –Julia Mengewein, Bloomberg, 15 November 2013. Continue Reading »
via NoTricksZone
German Chamber Of Industry and Commerce: Renewable Energy Driving Out 25% Of Industrial Companies
By P Gosselin on 6. September 2013
Yesterday I wrote 2 posts on the renewable energies folly in Germany, see here and here.
Now the German Chamber of Industry and Commerce (DIHK) confirms the mess with a press release and survey results of businesses and industries. The survey (see right) shows that energy prices and supply risks are threatening the ability of many German industrial companies to compete, and that many are now gearing up to move their operations to friendlier foreign locations.
Renewable energies are leading to higher prices, unreliable supply, less competitiveness and widespread job loss
In total, some 2400 companies of all sizes, sectors, and regions were surveyed throughout the country. Keep Reading »
via The Telegraph
Germany industry in revolt as green dream causes cost spiral – Telegraph UK 19, Sep 2013
via JoanneNova
Germany’s Greens help the coal industry, while the US cut emissions by ignoring the greens
Oh the dilemma. German Greens have been so “successful” that coal use is rising fast. They helped get rid of the nukes in 2011, punished coal, and subsidized “renewables”. But woe…. energy has to come from somewhere, so the paradoxical crunch comes. Green policies mean that everyone is poorer, but the cheapest energy comes from coal …
The coal industry must be praying for more Green activism:
“IT’S been a black Christmas for green thinkers as Germany, the world leader in rooftop solar and pride of the renewable energy revolution has confirmed its rapid return to coal.
After scrapping nuclear power, Germany’s carbon dioxide emissions are back on the rise as the country clamours to reopen some of the dirtiest brown coalmines that have been closed since the reunification of east and west. The Australian. Continue Reading »
The twisted irony of the most ideologically aggressive ’Green’ nation on the planet, Germany, spending over 1/2 trillion €uros on ‘feel-good’ renewable energy, only to undertake the most aggressive expansion of ‘dirty’ coal fire power in her history!
That’s green logic for you.
Europe’s green energy basket case, where its ‘limits to growth’ ideology has become a self-fulfilling prophecy. One more reminder of the insanity of trying to phase out coal-fired power before proper alternatives exist.
Benny Peiser of the London-based Global Warming Policy Foundation sums up well :
Just as socialist central planning failed miserably before it was replaced by free market economies, green central planning will have to be discarded before Europe will be able to see a return to economic growth and technological optimism.
Eco-Activist Tim Flannery was the head of Australia’s Climate Commission. For his $180,000, three day, part-time working week, he got to make decisions that affected billions of dollars of Australian taxpayer’s money. Would you want this man in charge of your hard-earned ? …
Flannery Related :
- Shock news : Australia has always had heatwaves | CACA
- When will Flannery admit he was wrong? | Herald Sun Andrew Bolt Blog
- Al Gore’s ‘nine Inconvenient Untruths’ – Telegraph
- Climate Commission’s latest report slammed as ‘environmental activism’ « Australian Climate Madness
- MUST READ : Warmism’s bellowing dinosaurs — Quadrant Online
- Landline – 11/02/2007: Interview with Professor Tim Flannery . ABC
- EPIC Must Read Interview : Flannery vs Bolt transcript – Herald Sun
- Flannery Claims Global Action On Carbon Will Make No Difference To Global Temps For “1000” Years! MTR today, March 25 | Herald Sun Andrew Bolt Blog
- ALARMISM MUST READ : The warmists’ straw man: “We never said it wouldn’t rain” | Herald Sun Andrew Bolt Blog
- Flannery sacked | Herald Sun Andrew Bolt Blog
- No thanks for Flannery at end of climate career | Herald Sun
- Flannery’s green investment in deep strife | Herald Sun Andrew Bolt Blog
- Through the years Tim Flannery did indeed develop a reputation on climate change | The Australian
- Shock News : Before The Commodore Australia Had Droughts | CACA
Desalinisation Related :
- Fourth desal plant mothballed. Billions more wasted | Herald Sun Andrew Bolt Blog
- Mothballs at the ready for $1.8bn desal plant | The Australian
- The World Today – SA desal plant mothballed 05/10/2012
- New South Wales desalination plant deal to cost consumers $10 billion over 50 years – ABC News
- How warmists cost us billions | Herald Sun Andrew Bolt Blog
- Water bills up $310 next year to pay for desalination plant, but French builder says it’s too big | Herald Sun
Wind / Solar Related :
- Shock News : Industrial Wind Is A Fraud Of Enormous Consequence | CACA
- Shock News : Policy To Increase Wind Farms Across East Australian Grid “A Dangerous Strategy” | CACA
- Judge Rules Wind Turbines Cause “Irreparable Harm” to Health & Issues Immediate Injunction | Waubra Foundation
- Let’s copy Germany: 23,000 wind towers make 7% of its electricity to stop 0 degrees of warming
- Wind farms — are 96% useless, and cost 150 times more than necessary for what they do « JoNova
Environmental Damage Caused By Renewable Energy:
- In China, the true cost of Britain’s clean, green wind power experiment: Pollution on a disastrous scale
- Abound Solar’s Toxic Waste Highlights Enviro Hypocrisy on Pollution
- PEER REVIEW: Toxic health risks associated with rare earth metals extracted for use in solar PV’s and industrial wind turbines.
- PEER REVIEW: Lessons in wasting money: Use more wind and solar and… emit just as much CO2
- The dirty secret of Britain’s power madness: Polluting diesel generators built in secret by foreign companies to kick in when there’s no wind for turbines – and other insane but true eco-scandals
- Lessons in wasting money: Use more wind and solar and… emit just as much CO2 « JoNova
- Woodland Heists: Rising Energy Costs Drive Up Forest Thievery
Energy Related :
- Obama’s Energy Chief Hails Loss Of Taxpayer Billions A ‘terrific success’ | CACA
- Despite Climate Campaigners Efforts, Germany’s New Coal Boom Reaches Record Level | Watts Up With That?
- MUST READ : Germany out in the coal | Columnists | Opinion | Toronto Sun
- Revealed: The EU’s great green U-turn on policy that is sending energy bills soaring across the continent
- Germany’s Massive Renewable Energy System Puts Out Only 7% Of It’s Rated Capacity in November!
- Europe Pulls The Plug On Its Green Energy Future
- MUST READ : The EU green hell
- The price of moral-vanity: A catalogue of Green economic disaster unfolds across Europe
- German Pols Now Demanding Energy Welfare For Its Citizens – 800,000 Have Had Their Electricity Cut Off!
- Australian emissions reductions target is undone by one week in China « JoNova
Climatism Links :
- Driessen : A Climate of Fear, Cash and Correctitude | CACA
- Global Warming Was Never About Science. It Was Always About Power And Money | CACA
- ‘Global warming is the greatest and most successful pseudoscientific fraud I have seen in my long life’ | CACA
- The Great Global Warming Climate Shift | CACA
- Richard Lindzen: Cool it on the climate | CACA
- The Truth About the Global Warming Agenda by Former NASA Climatologist | CACA
- When Hell Freezes Over | CACA
- ENVIRONMENTAL MUST READ : Bananas deadlier than Fukushima | CACA
- NATURE STUDY Confirms Global Warming Stopped 15 Years Ago
- Sea Level Rise slowed from 2004 – Deceleration, not acceleration as CO² rises | CACA
- State Of The Climate Report | CACA
- Bureaucratic Dioxide
- UTTER INSANITY: Spending $160b to cut the temperature by 0.00005 degrees
Australia’s record hottest 12 month period? Junk science say the Satellites
Posted: September 18, 2013 Filed under: Alarmism, Alarmism Debunked, Angry Summer, Australia, Carbon Dioxide, Carbon Tax, Climate Alarmism, Climate Commission, Govt Climate Agenda, Propaganda, Tim Flannery, UAH | Tags: Australia, climate changes, Climate Commission, Jo Nova, Karoly, UAH satellite data 8 Comments“This planet is on course for a catastrophe.
The existence of Life itself is at stake.”
– Dr Tim Flannery,
Climate Council
“The only way to get our society to truly change is to
frighten people with the possibility of a catastrophe.”
– emeritus professor Daniel Botkin
“The data doesn’t matter. We’re not basing our recommendations
on the data. We’re basing them on the climate models.”
– Prof. Chris Folland,
Hadley Centre for Climate Prediction and Research
“We’ve got to ride this global warming issue.
Even if the theory of global warming is wrong,
we will be doing the right thing in terms of
economic and environmental policy.“
– Timothy Wirth,
President of the UN Foundation
via JoanneNova.com
Australia’s record hottest 12 month period? Junk science say the Satellites
Another round of government-funded PR went out a couple of weeks ago, across the obedient Pravda-media. It told us about another meaningless “record” that was probably not a record, and wouldn’t tell us whether man-made warming was the cause, even if it was. Not a single journalist had the wherewithal, nous or intellectual honesty to search the Internet looking for a different point of view. Though, in their defense, how could they have guessed that Prof David Karoly wouldn’t know about the UAH satellite program to measure temperatures? (It has only been running since 1979.)
This below, are the 12 month averages over Australia by satellite. Graphed at Kens Kingdom by Ken Stewart, with no doctorate in climatology and no government funds.
For the third time this year we’ve been hit with claims of a “hottest ever” record that doesn’t tell us anything about the climate, but does reveal a lot about the sick state of government funded science, corrupted, decrepit, and so far from being scientific it might as well be run by Greenpeace. If the government stopped funding climate science entirely, climate research might speed up.
The “hottest” headlines are science-marketing
- Again, for the third time, the more accurate, more comprehensive satellites show it was a hot year, but was probably not a record. Satellite data shows we didn’t have a hot angry summer. Man-made emissions were probably not to blame for the hot angry summer we didn’t have. And now apparently we also haven’t quite had the “hottest” 12 month period since 1910 either, but the hottest since 2010. (But what’s a hundred years between friends?)
- Again, for the third time, the “records” depend on mystery methods that can’t be replicated. This time the records appear to be based on ACORN data, supposedly the highest quality we have. This is the dataset we were told had neutral adjustments — an equal number of positive and negative changes. But inexplicably (yet again) somehow those neutral changes increase the trend. (Define neutral?) Who would have guessed that thermometers in the 1920s and 30s were overestimating temperatures and nobody noticed for decades after the fact? (Lucky that got fixed, eh!) Handily for record-makers, the BOM have more than one dataset — if it’s not a record in one, it might be in the other? The angry summer records depended on AWAP data that are not published in full either, and subject to different mystery-black-boxadjustments. Back in 1910 that set has a mere 16 temperature stations on a continent of 7 million square kilometers. (No there can’t possibly be anything to hide in those undisclosed methods can there?)
- Again, for the millionth time, even if it is the hottest for a century, it doesn’t mean anything about the cause. To state the bleeding obvious: all causes of warming cause warming. The world started warming up in the 1700′s, long before CO2, the trend was the same in the 1870s as it was in the 1980s. None of that fits the man-made- emissions graph of CO2. Ergo, CO2 didn’t have much effect, if any. The climate models can’t tell us what caused the warming to start 2-300 years ago, they don’t work on 20 year, 2000 year or 200,000 year scales. They don’t work on local, regional or global scales. They don’t work on vertical atmospheric scales. They don’t work.
The need for constant “record” headlines (despite the conflicting data) is the mark of an effective lobby group, but it isn’t the mark of careful impartial scientist.
The satellite data shows it was not a record
There are thousands of measurements coming in from satellites that criss cross the nation day and night covering every corner of the land. This data came out within a few days of the propaganda pieces published all over the country, but the “scientists” at The University of Melbourne couldn’t wait, indeed, they were in such a rush you’d think there was an election on, and dare I say, that getting out an inaccurate message before the vote, was more important than waiting a few days to get the science right?
The satellite measured TLT (meaning Tropospheric Lower Temperature) more accurately shows what the bulk atmosphere above the Australian land-mass is doing – which is the quantity that is most directly related to greenhouse gas impacts. Indeed the models tell us that the rate of warming should be larger in the mid to upper troposphere than at the surface. In other words, if CO2 caused the warming, it would turn up in these satellite records before we saw it in the surface charts.
Some of the propaganda
- “Australia’s warmest 12-month period on record” [BOM]
- “Warm winter caps nation’s hottest year“
- The Conversation proves its worth as a government funded outlet: happy to print any old science as long as it’s bad enough.
The Conversation includes this gem of reasoning from David Karoly:
“However, attributing a single event or a record to human activities isn’t easy. But last year Hurricane Sandy put the spotlight on climate change and extreme weather.”
In other words, long trends don’t matter, ignore decadal averages, the current drought in hurricanes, forget global compilations of energy that show that storms are not getting worse, throw all your history out the window. If there is ever a bad storm anywhere in the world, it is our fault. Straight from the playbook of the witchdoctors of neolithic times. Send Karoly some conch shells.
Donate to connect-a-scientist to the World Wide Web
I ask again, as I did in June, if the satellites showed that the last Australian year was a record hot temperature, would Sophie Lewis and David Karoly have left that data off the paper, and entirely out of their calculations, and removed all mention of them from their press releases? (Climatism Emboldened)
As I said then:
The peer reviewed, comprehensive, [hottest ever] Lewis and Karoly paper does not contain the words “satellite”, or “UAH”. Lewis and Karoly apparently do not know about the UAH satellite program yet, otherwise they surely would have emailed John Christy or Roy Spencer (as we did) to ask for the data. We can only hope that they get enough government support, more funding, and better education in future so that they may discover what unpaid volunteers figured out on the Internet for free 3 months ago. Frankly it is shameful that the Australian Research Council (ARC) Centre of Excellence for Climate System Science is not connected to the world wide web and has not trained staff to use “google”.
Since the Uni of Melbourne don’t seem to have web access, perhaps someone can do them a favor and send them this in snail-mail so they can finally find out about the University of Huntsville Alabama? I’m sure John Christy would be happy to post them a printout of the UAH Australian data. I can relay messages if Prof Karoly would like.
Luckily my email goes all the way to America.
Related posts:
- Mystery black-box method used to make *all new* Australian “hottest” ever records
- Not the hottest ever summer for most Australians in Sydney, Melbourne or Brisbane. Not “extreme” heatwaves either.
- How well did that 50 degree forecast work out for the BOM?
- Eight reasons the Australian heatwave is not “climate change”
- Australia – was hot and is hot. So what? This is not an unusual heatwave
- Extreme heat in 1896: Panic stricken people fled the outback on special trains as hundreds die.
Thanks to Ken, Ed, Chris, and all the independent BOM audit team and to John Christy for the data.
This guy rips the Bureau Of Meteorology “Hottest Ever Year” false claims to shreds:
Bureau overheat figures by 4 degrees! (2013 was not Australia’s hottest year on record)
January 6th, 2014 at 04:13pm
The Bureau Of Meteorology released a statement on Friday which claimed that 2013 was Australia’s hottest year on record, with an average temperature of 23 degrees which, according to them, is 1.2 degrees above the long-term average. The numbers just didn’t quite seem right to me as 23 degrees seems like a an average maximum temperature, simply because of the massive areas of the country which struggle to reach 23 degrees during the day for much of the year, and that overnight lows don’t spend much time hovering as high as 23 degrees in much of the country for much of the year. Continue Reading »
Australia Climate Related:
- RSS Shows No Warming In Australia | CACA
- Claim: Humans behind record Australian heat, research shows | CACA
- Australia’s Climate Comm: Propaganda Unit Blinded By Ideology | CACA
- Claim: Ocean Acidification Is Climate Change’s ‘Equally Evil Twin’ | CACA
- Shock News : Southern Queensland Almost As Warm As 1940 | CACA
- Sydney Almost As Warm As 100 years Ago | CACA
Climatism Links:
- NATURE STUDY Confirms Global Warming Stopped 15 Years Ago | CACA
- Scientists talking about no warming
- Peer into the Heart of the IPCC, Find Greenpeace | CACA
- UN-Settled Science
- 44th Pacific “Sinking Islands” Extortion Forum | CACA
- 97% of climate models say that 97% of climate scientists are wrong | CACA
- Bureaucratic Dioxide
- A cooling consensus
- Modelling Climate Alarmism
- GLOBAL WARMING THEORY – Circular reasoning at its best
- Obamaclimate and Europe’s Green Energy Basket-Case | CACA
Australia’s Climate Comm: Propaganda Unit Blinded By Ideology
Posted: September 6, 2013 Filed under: Alarmism, Climate Commission, Climate models, Climate science, Climatism, Environmentalists, Govt Climate Agenda, Ideology | Tags: agenda, ARGO, Carbon Tax, Climate alarmism, Climate Change, Climate Commission, Flannery, ideology, missing heat, propaganda, Steffen 1 Comment“No matter if the science of global warming is all phony…
climate change provides the greatest opportunity to
bring about justice and equality in the world.”
– Christine Stewart,
former Canadian Minister of the Environment
“So even the rain that falls isn’t actually going to fill our dams and our river systems, and that’s a real worry for the people in the bush.” –Tim Flannery, AU Climate Commissar
“It doesn’t matter what is true,
it only matters what people believe is true.”
– Paul Watson,
co-founder of Greenpeace
Earth continues to warm strongly despite sceptics’ claims – Climate Commission May, 2103
The Climate Commission has been concerned about misleading information in the media in recent weeks stating that the Earth is not warming. The Climate Commission has today released a briefing paper that corrects the confusion and confirms that the Earth continues to warm at an alarming rate.
Will Steffen, member of the Australian Government’s highly objective, independent and scientific body, the Australian Climate Commission /sarc:
“As scientists have been saying for many years, the Earth is warming rapidly. Human activities, in particular the burning of fossil fuels, have triggered this warming. If we fail to address it, there will be even more serious implications for humanity than the impacts we are seeing already.”
In recent weeks Nature journal has published two papers which support sceptics claim that global warming stopped 15-17 years ago. The latest peer-reviewed research brutally contradicts the Australian Climate Commission’s wildly alarmist and ideological assertion that the Earth is heating at an alarming rate:
Recent global-warming hiatus tied to equatorial Pacific surface cooling – Nature Journal 28/8/2013
Overestimated global warming over the past 20 years – Nature Climate Change 28/8/2013
Satellite temperature records on six different data sets show that there has been no atmospheric global warming since 1998 or any statistically-significant warming for between 18 and 23 years. A distinct lack of any warming evident, despite a dramatic rise in industrial greenhouse gas emissions over the same period:
More Peer-Reviewed studies that confirm the lack of any recent global warming:
- Reconciling anthropogenic climate change with observed temperature 1998–2008
- Retrospective prediction of the global warming slowdown in the past decade
- Warmist scientists talk about no Global Warming
The Climate Commission’s core claims:
The briefing paper makes the following core points:
- The Earth continues to warm strongly. Scientists assess this based on long term observations of the heat content of the ocean, the air temperature (an indicator of the heat content of the atmosphere), and the amount of heat absorbed by the land, glaciers, ice sheets, and sea ice.
- Understanding changes in climate requires data over long time periods, at least 30 years and preferably much longer.
- The best measure of global warming is ocean heat content as it absorbs nearly 90% of additional heat trapped by greenhouse gases. Global ocean heat content has increased substantially over the last 40 years, and the strongly upward trend has continued through the most recent decade up to the present.
- Singling out short term trends in air temperature to imply that global warming is not occurring is incorrect and misleading.
Scientific indicators that contradict the ACC’s claims:
“The Oceans Ate My Global Warming” – With no rise in atmospheric temps over the past 15-17 years, the latest bluff in climate alarmism is that the ‘missing heat’ is hiding at the bottom of the oceans. However since 2003, 3000+ ARGO satellite buoys which descend to depths of 2,000 metres, continually recording ocean temperatures, have not detected a rise in ocean temps either:
Upper Ocean Heat Content Anomaly – NOAA
Global Marine Argo Atlas
The Arctic has witnessed a dramatic bounce back from 2012 lows, dumbfounding scientists and Arctic alarmists alike. 2013 Arctic ice extent has gained 72% from 2012:
Earth Gains 38,000 Manhattans Of Sea Ice – Blows Away The Old Record – Real Science
Arctic Ice Almost As Extensive As It Was 42 Years Ago – Real Science
Antarctic ice is at an all-time record high:
Antarctic Meltdown Producing Record Amounts Of Ice – Real Science
- The Height of Antarctica ice sheet increasing
ACC Claim: Singling out short term trends in air temperature to imply that global warming is not occurring is incorrect and misleading.
Atmospheric surface temps have been used and marketed since the end of the last global cooling phase from 1945-1976 and explicitly through the 1990′s as the definitive measure of human-induced (anthropogenic) global warming.
NASA’s Goddard Institute for Space Studies (GISS), former directer James Hansen, and the British Hadley Centre for Climate Change, have consistently promoted the use of surface temperature as a metric for global warming. The highly publicised, monthly global surface temperature has become an icon of AGW alarmist projections made by the IPCC.
The ACC contests that short-term trends are misleading, however the entire anthropogenic global warming scare was predicated on only 22 years of atmospheric warming from 1976-1998. Back then air temp data was in fashion, now that air temps have not risen over the past 15-17 years, global warming alarmists deny and reject them and now claim the ‘missing heat’ is hiding in the oceans!
For a detailed summary of the Climate Commission’s absurd propagandist claims about Earth continuing to heat at an alarming rate, please read this superb summary by John Happs out of Quadrant Online:
Warmism’s bellowing dinosaurs
by John Happs
May 2, 2013
In its publication, “The Angry Summer” the Australian Climate Commission (ACC) provides the dramatic headline:
“Earth continues to warm strongly despite sceptics claims.” (1)
In a forlorn attempt to assure the public that the information it provides can be trusted, the government-appointed ACC states on its website:
“The Climate Commission was established to provide all Australians with an independent and reliable source of information about the science of climate change…” (2)
Independent and reliable? Then why the following disclaimer:
“This website is not a substitute for independent professional advice and users should obtain any appropriate professional advice relevant to their particular circumstances.” (3)
There are those who dismiss the ACC as little more than a mouthpiece for government propaganda to justify its carbon (dioxide) tax, but its website does provide one excellent piece of advice:
“The Commission recommends that users ….. carefully evaluate the accuracy, currency, completeness and relevance of the material on the website for their purposes.”
So let’s do just that.
The ACC has trumpeted its message about catastrophic anthropogenic global warming (CAGW):
“The Earth continues to warm strongly despite sceptics claims.”
It appears that Chief Climate Commissioner and paleontologist Professor Tim Flannery doesn’t seem to know if he should support the ACC’s strong warming message or actually heed real-world evidence. In 2009 he said:
“We’re dealing with an incomplete understanding of the way the earth system works… When we come to the last few years when we haven’t seen a continuation of that (warming) trendwe don’t understand all of the factors that create earth’s climate…We just don’t understand the way the whole system works… See, these people work with models, computer modelling. So when the computer modelling and the real world data disagree you’ve got a very interesting problem… Sure for the last 10 years we’ve gone through a slight cooling trend.” (4) (author’s emphasis)
Cooling over the last 10 years? Following that public admission, someone at the ACC must have had a quiet word with Flannery since he later did a U-turn, telling Leigh Sales (March 4, 2013):
“If you look at the temperature of the Earth, we have to measure the oceans, the air and the land. And there, we see a continually strong rise in temperature.” (5)
A strong rise in temperature? I’m sure the scientific community would certainly like to learn more from the ACC about this strong global temperature rise that few seem to be aware of.
It appears that Flannery is no stranger to contradictions. He has even contradicted the ACC about the reliability of findings from the now discredited Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC). On the one hand, the ACC declares that the IPCC is an authority on climate science:
“The IPCC is the leading international body for the assessment of climate change and is acknowledged by governments around the world, including the Australian Government, as the authoritative source of advice on climate change.” (6)
Yet, in Flannery’s 2005 book, The Weather Makers, he emphatically disagreed:
“The pronouncements of the IPCC do not represent mainstream science, nor even good science, but lowest-common-denominator-science – and of course even that is delivered at glacial speed.” (7)
What is it about the ACC and contradictions? Flannery’s fellow climate commissioner, chemical engineer Professor Will Steffen, is also no stranger to contradictions. In 2011 he told Andrew Bolt:
“We’ve had very severe droughts before so again we cannot attribute this drought statistically to climate change….”
Someone at the ACC must have also had a quiet word with Steffen. In 2013 we saw another U-turn:
“Australia has long had a highly variable climate of droughts and heavy rains, and this pattern is likely to continue into the future. However, climate change is likely to increase the severity of these extreme weather events…”
Such contradictions tend to generate doubt about the reliability of ACC pronouncements on climate. Let’s return to Flannery’s statement about global temperature:
“If you look at the temperature of the Earth, we have to measure the oceans, the air and the land. And there, we see a continually strong rise in temperature.”
Not only has there been no recent warming of the atmosphere but the oceans, which store most of the heat within the climate system, also show a lack of warming. More than 3,000 Argo buoys (8) descend to depths of 2,000 metres, continually recording ocean temperatures. Contrary to IPCC climate model predictions and Flannery’s statement, Argo data have shown no overall ocean temperature rise since deployment in 2003 (9) Keep Reading »
- 68% Increase In Arctic Ice Since Last Year
- Height of Antarctica ice sheet increasing
- Antarctic Sea Ice Extent Breaking All Records
- More Baffled German Scientists – Expedition To Find Out “Why Antarctic Sea Ice Is Expanding”
- Ocean Heat Content (0 to 2000 Meters) – Why Aren’t Northern Hemisphere Oceans Warming During the ARGO Era?
- Ocean temperatures: the new bluff in alarmism
- NATURE STUDY Confirms Global Warming Stopped 15 Years Ago
- UN-Settled Science
- Bureaucratic Dioxide
- Claim: Humans behind record Australian heat, research shows
- A cooling consensus
- New paper: climate is not warming as warmists said
Climate Conn
- Two Alarmist Professors – Suspects In Climate Fraud
The Angry Summer
Posted: August 15, 2013 Filed under: Climate, Tim Flannery, Weather | Tags: Alarmism, Angry Summer, Australia, climate, Climate Commission, Satellite Data, science, UAH Leave a comment“We’ve got to ride this global warming issue.
Even if the theory of global warming is wrong,
we will be doing the right thing in terms of
economic and environmental policy.”
– Timothy Wirth,
President of the UN Foundation
“No matter if the science of global warming is all phony…
climate change provides the greatest opportunity to
bring about justice and equality in the world.”
– Christine Stewart,
former Canadian Minister of the Environment
“It doesn’t matter what is true,
it only matters what people believe is true.”
– Paul Watson,
co-founder of Greenpeace
Via Joannenova.com
Hottest summer record in Australia? Not so, says UAH satellite data
There are probably only ten people in Australia who haven’t heard it was the Hottest Ever, Record Summer Downunder. And they were probably born yesterday.
Summer here was so scorchingly awful it was Angry. But a funny thing happened on the orbit overhead. Check out the UAH satellite data on summers since the UAH records began. The graph below (thanks to Ken) is the temperature data from the NASA satellites, processed by UAH (University of Alabama in Huntsville). Strangely there is a disparity between what the satellites recorded and the BOM.
The satellite data shows that the summer of 2012-2013 was close to ordinary, compared with the entire satellite record going back to 1979. Not a record. Not even extreme?
The graph data comes thanks to John Christy, Director, Earth System Science Center, Distinguished Professor, Atmospheric Science
University of Alabama in Huntsville, Alabama State Climatologist and Roy Spencer. It was graphed by Ken Stewart at KensKingdom,and inspired by Tom Quirk at Quadrant. I was very happy to connect them this weekend. The data cover “average lower troposphere temperature anomalies for land grids only for the region 10S-40S by 110E-155E.” UPDATE: The data in the graph above does include Tasmania as well, and does not include PNG or Timor.
Perhaps there is some error in the data? But on Ken’s site, you can see he gets a reasonably close correlation for most points with ACORN.
As Ken says:
According to BOM, last summer was a record, yet the satellites say it was pretty ordinary- 14thwarmest out of the last 35. The last time there was such a large discrepancy was 1983- the two series since then have been reasonably similar.
Ken Stewart compared the UAH summer record to the BOM one.
Note though that the other large discrepancy was 1983 which was also a year when the BOM records a very high temperature, and UAH records an average one. Perhaps that is a clue?
The UAH data is not covering the same area as the BOM stats do.
There is no Tasmanian data, and while a lot of surrounding ocean is included in the longitude and latitude, the UAH data is for land-grids only. The black rectangle marks the land covered in the UAH satellite data.
UPDATE: John Christy sent a second set of data to Ken that does include Tasmania and doesn’t include Indonesia and PNG. I will update the graphic below as soon as I can. The UAH data is more accurate than I thought.
Even if the UAH data included some ocean stats leaking into the mix, according to the BOM the ocean was the hottest on record in any case.
The Age quotes the BOM telling us that seas weren’t just warm, and it wasn’t just one month. It was the hottest, and it was all of summer:
Seas around Australia are also warmer than usual, with surface temperatures reaching record highs at the end of February,according to a Special Climate Statement issued by the Bureau of Meteorology in the wake of this month’s heatwave across south-eastern Australia.
Summer sea temperatures were 0.5 degrees above normal and the warmest since records began in 1900, the bureau said.
Warwick Hughes sharply spotted that data from NOAA/NWS/NCEP Climate Prediction Center didn’t agree either that 2013 was a record summer (though it comes in second). He downloaded and graphed the gridded data from CPC GHCN/CAMS t2m (45°South to 10°South and 110°East to 155°East). While their difference between CAMS and the BOM were small in 2013, there was a difference in the trends, and CAMS shows that 1983 was the hottest ever, and that 2013 was second, and was almost identical to 1973, 1998, and 1991. (Does NCEP use some Australian BOM surface data?)
Hottest ever media hype?
The BOM have been issuing “hottest summer in Australia ever” announcements for two weeks, even practically before the summer was over. The Angry Summer has been all over the press, especially with this graph.
Did the BOM plot the UAH comparison? Can they explain the discrepancy?
Even if there is some explanation, the BOM is not giving Australians any indication of how difficult, complex, and questionable these continent wide “records” are. Few of the public would realize that the record depended on tricky and sometimes unpublished methods, on subjective choices made in weighting areas, and subjective decisions on how to adjust individual records.
How many Australians know that “records” could vary with other methods of estimating average temperatures? Or that other data sets managed by other climate experts might not agree?
Can anyone spot an investigative journalist?
Did anyone ask the BOM if there are other ways to calculate “the average temperature of the country”? Did anyone enquire as to whether they had looked at satellite data as well?
Related posts:
- Mystery black-box method used to make *all new* Australian “hottest” ever records
- Not the hottest ever summer for most Australians in Sydney, Melbourne or Brisbane. Not “extreme” heatwaves either.
- How well did that 50 degree forecast work out for the BOM?
- Eight reasons the Australian heatwave is not “climate change”
- Australia – was hot and is hot. So what? This is not an unusual heatwave
- Extreme heat in 1896: Panic stricken people fled the outback on special trains as hundreds die.
See Also: Climate queries? Ask a paleontologist
From Real Science:
Al Gore Uses A Giant Rat With A Water Bottle To Prove Global Warming
Posted on August 14, 2013by stevengoddard
Al Gore’s Climate Leadership Training kept me riveted and inspired | The Vancouver Observer
97% of sociologists believe that Australia never had fires prior to the invention of the SUV.
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