PICTORIAL Guide To Sea-Level Rise Alarmism And Observed Reality
Posted: April 3, 2018 Filed under: Alarmism, Alarmism Debunked, Alarmist media, Climate History, Climatism, Dud predictions, Fact Check, Green Agenda, IPCC, Oceans, Propaganda, Pseudo-Science, Scientific Fraud, Sea Level Rise | Tags: Alarmism, Bureau of Meteorology, Climate alarmism, Climate Change, climate change activists, Fake News, Global Warming, Green Agenda, IPCC, Mainstream media, nasa, National Geographic, New York Times, NOAA, Politics, propaganda, pseudoscience, sea level rise 7 Comments“The whole aim of practical politics is to keep the populace alarmed (and hence clamorous to be led to safety) by menacing it with an endless series of hobgoblins, all of them imaginary.” – H. L. Mencken
DEPICTIONS of catastrophic sea-level rise have become a useful propaganda tool for useful idiots in the Climate Crisis Industry who invent the most absurd future sea-level rise scenarios and recreate them in photoshopped horror stories that aim to shock you into belief…
THE only place where such catastrophic scenarios exist are in the warped minds of alarmist hysterics who occupy the climate controlled offices of NASA, NOAA, BoM, National Geographic and the New York Times et al. Not even worst case scenario UN IPCC RCP8.5 climate models project such doom.
NOAA’s Tornado Fraud
Posted: January 16, 2017 Filed under: Climate Fraud, Data Tampering, Environmentalists, Extreme Weather, Fact Check, Government Grants/Funding, NOAA, Pseudo-Science | Tags: climate change activists, Climate Change Scam, climate fraud, Data Fraud, Global Warming Activist, Global Warming Scam, NOAA, Scientific Fraud, Tom Karl, Tornadoes Leave a commentNOAA TORNADO LIES: Another solid example of why government climate agencies like NOAA, NASA, CSIRO, BoM, MetOffice – run by a handful of activist administrators, are the last places to hear or read the truth on “global warming” aka “climate change”.
“The bottom line is that the NOAA headline graph is grossly dishonest. Indeed, if a company published something like that in their Annual Accounts, they would probably end up in jail!
NOAA themselves know all of this full well.
Which raises the question – why are they perpetuating this fraud?”Read all of the excellent deconstruction of yet more NOAA fraud via Paul Homewood here…
By Paul Homewood
According to NOAA, the number of tornadoes has been steadily growing since the 1950s, despite a drop in numbers in the last five years.
They show the above chart prominently in their Tornadoes – Annual 2016 Report.
However, they know full well that it is meaningless to compare current data with the past, as they explain themselves in the section Historical Records and Trends, which is hidden away on their own website:
One of the main difficulties with tornado records is that a tornado, or evidence of a tornado must have been observed. Unlike rainfall or temperature, which may be measured by a fixed instrument, tornadoes are short-lived and very unpredictable. If a tornado occurs in a place with few or no people, it is not likely to be documented. Many significant tornadoes may not make it into the historical record since Tornado Alley was…
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Alt-science climate activists
Posted: December 2, 2016 Filed under: Alarmism, Alarmism uncovered, Alarmists, Eco-Activists, Empirical Evidence, Fact Check, Global Cooling, Global Temperature, Global Warming, Global Warming Stasis, Hypocrisy, Warmism | Tags: "The Pause", Alarmism Exposed, Climate Change, climate change activists, Climate Change Alarmism, Climate Change Hoax, Eco-hypocrisy, global cooling, Global Temperature, Global Warming Hiatus, Global Warming Hoax Leave a comment“It’s the flavor of the season: how outraged you manage to be is proof how wrong/evil your opponent is.”
“The same establishment makes a deafening racket every time there is an El Niño. In fact, climate activists actively hope for El Niño warm periods so they can hyperventilate about ‘record temperatures’ and advance their policy goals.”
Spot-on Shub.
Excellent post demonstrating the vicious rage emanating from climate change alarmists following the recent *record* drop in global temperatures!
As usual, the Left using the 101 tactic of – “Playing the man (Breitbart/Dellers), rather than the ball (evidence)”.
This is more evidence for mine that “Global Warming” aka “Climate Change” is the ultimate social(ist) issue that plays to many of the Left’s elitist agendas – power, control, money, virtue and misanthropy. After all, shouldn’t “Global Warming” alarmists be celebrating and cheering the *record* drop in global temps?! (albeit expected after a super El Niño).
Rather telling.
Shub Niggurath Climate
The US House Science committee tweeted a link to a James Delingpole article on the drop in atmospheric temperatures of the Na Nina that is underway.
Look at the climate alarmist and intelligentsia response:
Science writer Deborah Blum:
The articulate British scientist Doug McNeall:
PhD scientist Bob Ward:
Former journalist Leo Hickman:
Climate activist ‘Climate Truth’
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Stop These Anti-Coal Fanatics (Misanthropists) Now
Posted: October 24, 2016 Filed under: Eco-Activists, Fossil Fuels, Global Warming Zealots, Ideology, Population Control | Tags: Activism, climate change activists, coal, Electricity, Fossil Fuels, Global Warming Activist, humanity, Misanthropy Leave a comment“Incredible, to have green groups campaign to keep the poorest people poor. And to cost Australians money and jobs while doing so.”
No surprise, as Green groups are proud misanthropists who despise humans – except themselves of course.
PA Pundits - International
By Andrew Bolt ~
India warns that green groups – backed with American money – are making investment in Australian mines too hard.
So what is the Turnbull Government doing to save these mines and jobs?
A highly orchestrated, secretly foreign-funded group of Australian environmental activists opposing the $16 billion Adani coalmine in Queensland has “dampened” Indian investment interest in Australia and received heated criticism from the federal Coalition and Queensland Labor governments.
Indian Power Minister Piyush Goyal told The Australian yesterday the years of legal challenges to the vast Carmichael coal project, now revealed to have been funded by multi-million-dollar foundations in the US, “will certainly dampen future investments” from India…
After meeting Mr Goyal, federal Resources Minister Matt Canavan, who has previously criticised the campaign to block the Indian project, said: “We need to be able to take advantage of the demand for coal in Asia.”…
Mr Goyal…
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