CALIFORNIA Climate Ambulance Chasers
Posted: November 23, 2018 Filed under: Alarmism Debunked, Alarmist media, California, Climate Alarmism, Climatism, Empirical Evidence, Fact Check, Fake News, Fires, Politics, Propaganda, USA, Wildfires | Tags: Alarmism, Bushfires, California, Climate alarmism, Climate Ambulance Chasers, Climate Change, Climate Change Alarmism, Fake News, forest fires, forestry, Global Warming, Global Warming Alarmism, Jerry Brown, Mainstream media, Orland, propaganda, science, Wildfires 1 Comment“No matter if the science of global warming is all phony…
climate change provides the greatest opportunity to
bring about justice and equality in the world.”
– Christine Stewart,
former Canadian Minister of the Environment
“We’ve got to ride this global warming issue.
Even if the theory of global warming is wrong,
we will be doing the right thing in terms of
economic and environmental policy.“
– Timothy Wirth,
President of the UN Foundation
IN the era of Global Warming Climate Change hysteria, every and any “extreme weather” or climatic event is instantly blamed on humans and their wicked ways.
RUSHING to ideological and schizophrenic judgement is at best lazy. At worst, such deliberate grandstanding prevents salient solutions to real environmental problems and climate mitigation challenges we face everyday as a society.
THIS fashionable and dangerous eco-paradigm no more obvious than in the tragic California fires, still smouldering.
MENTION “land management” as a solution to prevent future wildfire catastrophes, and the climate mafia will viciously deride one a “denier”, “flat-earther”, “right wing nut job”, “shill of the oil industry” or maybe a “racist” if you’re still hanging around.
ANY name will do, as long as the pejorative is sufficient enough to prevent the conversation shifting away from “CLIMATE CHANGE!”.
SO, while California burned and the Climate Ambulance Chasers blamed, more measured minds were assessing causes of the fires with data and reasoning instead of defaulting to emotions, politics and groupthink ideology.
Paul Homewood is one who thinks rather than blames. His research helping to quell the superstition and paranoia endlessly levelled by global warming zealots whenever catastrophe strikes.
HOMEWOOD’s latest post begins with a typical Paul Driessen fact-packed and, as usual, beautifully written masterpiece “Blaming climate – ignoring incompetence – CFACT“.
(Highly recommend Driessen’s work wherever you come across it!)
SEE: Paul Driessen | Search Climatism
HOMEWOOD then nuts out the data surrounding the Cali fires, dispelling alarmist claims of CO2-induced “extreme weather” as the root cause …
CFACT are of course dead right. There is really very little point in blaming weather/climate when you can do nothing about it anyway. It is government’s job to tackle the problems they can do something about.
But as for claims about climate change, is there actually anything to them?
Let’s take a look at temperatures for a start.
Orland, CA is near to the Paradise fire and has good, long term meteorological data. Using data from the Western Regional Climate Center, we can plot summertime daily maximums back to 1903:
As we can see, the hottest summers were in 1908 and 1917. Summers now are much cooler than the period prior to 1940.
We find the same pattern with the highest daily temperatures measured each year:
Record temperatures of 120F were set in 1905 and 1908 at Orland. The highest this year was just 107F:
Indeed there has been very little out of the ordinary at all with temperatures this summer:
Of course it has also been dry this year, but again nothing unusual as far as that part of California is concerned. ( Div 2 is the Sacramento Drainage Division):
And as we know, the 20thC was an unusually wet interlude, as far as California’s longer history is concerned:
Anybody who uses tries to blame California’s wildfires on “extreme weather” is not only flying in the face of the facts, but also failing to deal with the real causes.
Blaming Climate–Ignoring Incompetence | NOT A LOT OF PEOPLE KNOW THAT
IN terms of area burned, US wildfires were a lot worse earlier in the 20th Century when CO2 was at “safe levels”:
Via @BigJoeBastardi
PARADISE California Hasn’t Been Experiencing A Drought
NEWS FLASH! Climate change and drought would thin out forests. Jerry Brown admits that the forests are overly dense. How do you get overly dense forests in a drought? Climate change didn’t cause all the tightly packed homes to be built in the forests.
US drought was far worse in the 1930’s, during the “dust bowl” era, when CO2 was at “safe levels”:
LET’s study the data and the facts before we yell “GLOBAL WARMING” at every pass. We will achieve a lot more for a fraction of the political, social and environmental cost!
••• Read the rest of this entry »
CALIFORNIA Wildfires Are Not Due To Climate Change
Posted: December 15, 2017 Filed under: Alarmism Debunked, Alarmism uncovered, Alarmist media, California, Carbon Dioxide, Climate Alarmism, Climate Fraud, Climate History, Climate History News, Climate science, Data Tampering, Extreme Weather, Fact Check, Fires, Wildfires | Tags: Alarmism Exposed, Alarmist Media, Bush Fires, California, Carbon Dioxide, Climate alarmism, Climate Ambulance Chasers, Climate Change, climate fraud, CO2, Data Fraud, Data Tampering, Extreme weather, forest fires, Jerry Brown, Scientific Fraud, Wildfires 3 CommentsBrilliant analysis Tony Heller aka Steve Goddard.
And, not to mention that a homeless encampment cooking fire was responsible for the latest Bel Air fire. Yet, California’s “climate ambulance chaser” in chief, governor Jerry Brown instead blamed “climate change” as a “new normal” … apparently an easier problem to address than the state’s chronic homelessness.
Green Jihad
In this video, author and scientist Tony Heller brilliantly debunks ambulance chasing climate scientists who come out of the woodwork every time there is a natural disaster, like wildfires in California. In fact, burn acreage in the US has plummeted over the past 85 years, as CO2 has increased.
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CLIMATE Ambulance Chaser – Peter Hannam – Blames Houston’s Residents For Harvey!
Posted: August 29, 2017 Filed under: Alarmism Debunked, Alarmist Godfathers, Climate Alarmism, Climate History, Climatism, Eco-Activists, Empirical Evidence, Environmentalists, Extreme Weather, Fact Check, Fake News, Global Warming Zealots, Green Agenda, Hurricanes | Tags: Activist Media, Climate Ambulance Chasers, Climate Change Alarmism, Climatism, Extreme weather, Fairfax Media, Fake News, Galveston, Global Warming Alarmism, Harvey, Houston, Hurricanes, Peter Hannam, SMH, The Age 2 CommentsFAILING Fairfax Media’s resident climate change catastrophist Peter Hannam is officially off his meds, blaming Houston’s residents for the weather!
HANNAM couldn’t even wait for Harvey and the flooding to subside, for residents to find dry land, before slapping them around as the “self-styled “world capital of the oil and gas industry”” – brutishly and falsely linking the fossil fuel industry to extreme weather events.
MEMO to Peter : There is NO evidence that the use of fossil fuels has had any effect on “extreme weather”. In fact, even the alarmist UN IPCC begrudgingly admitted in their last climate report (AR5) a level of “low confidence” that human greenhouse gas emissions have had any effect on extreme weather events.
IN the IPCC’s own words from their SREX report : “We Do Not Know If The Climate Is Becoming More Extreme”.
FURTHERMORE, Hurricane Harvey that made landfall in Texas as a category four, ended America’s record 4,324 day major hurricane drought.
BUT, climate facts like these don’t seem to sit well for the alarmist ‘journalists’ over at Fairfax…the one’s that still remain!
PETER, if you’d even bothered to google ‘Galveston Hurricane‘ before perversely smearing and sliming Texan residents, you might have found this piece of perspective via wikipedia:
HOW developed were the Texan oil fields 117 years ago, Peter?
See also : EXTREME WEATHER Expert: “World Is Presently In An Era Of Unusually Low Weather Disasters” | Climatism
More via Herald Sun’s Andrew Bolt :
Sydney Morning Herald alarmist Peter Hannan stoops to a new low as floods hit Houston.
He treats weather as climate.
He ignores evidence that cyclones have actually got fewer over the past decades.
And he then blames the victims:
Yes, Houston, you do have a problem, and – as insensitive as it seems to bring it up just now – some of it is your own making…
Houston is facing worsening historic flooding in the coming days as Tropical Storm Harvey dumps rain on the city, swelling rivers to record levels.
But, as the self-styled “world capital of the oil and gas industry”, there’s a connection between rising global greenhouse gas levels and the extreme weather now being inflicted that some of your residents have understood for decades and had a hand in.
To see how deceitful this is, note these conclusions from the latest report on global warming by the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change. Note also that the IPCC is alarmist, prone to exaggeration, yet is forced to admit:
In summary, there continues to be a lack of evidence and thus low confidence regarding the sign of trend in the magnitude and/or frequency of floods on a global scale…
In summary, this assessment does not revise the SREX conclusion of low confidence that any reported long-term (centennial) increases in tropical cyclone activity are robust… In summary, confidence in large scale changes in the intensity of extreme extratropical cyclones since 1900 is low… Over periods of a century or more, evidence suggests slight decreases in the frequency of tropical cyclones making landfall in the North Atlantic and the South Pacific, once uncertainties in observing methods have been considered…
Callaghan and Power (2011) find a statistically significant decrease in Eastern Australia land-falling tropical cyclones since the late 19th century…
Changes in extremes for other climate variables are generally less coherent than those observed for temperature… Analyses of land areas with sufficient data indicate increases in the frequency and intensity of extreme precipitation events in recent decades, but results vary strongly between regions and seasons. For instance, evidence is most compelling for increases in heavy precipitation in North America, Central America and Europe, but in some other regions—such as southern Australia and western Asia—there is evidence of decreases.
So there have actually been fewer cyclones or tropical storms like Harvey and little evidence of more floods. Yet Hannan seizes on one of the floods to regularly batter the US gulf coast and insists it’s caused by global warming.
What a snake oil salesman.
One of the world’s top climate scientists, Dr Roy Spencer, explains what Hannan won’t – that this cyclone was not the worst, the floods are not the highest, the deaths are not the greatest and the cause is not man-made:
The flood disaster unfolding in Houston is certainly very unusual. But so are other natural weather disasters, which have always occurred and always will occur…
Major floods are difficult to compare throughout history because the ways in which we alter the landscape. For example, as cities like Houston expand over the years, soil is covered up by roads, parking lots, and buildings, with water rapidly draining off rather than soaking into the soil. The population of Houston is now ten times what it was in the 1920s. The Houston metroplex area has expanded greatly and the water drainage is basically in the direction of downtown Houston.
There have been many flood disasters in the Houston area, even dating to the mid-1800s when the population was very low. In December of 1935 a massive flood occurred in the downtown area as the water level height measured at Buffalo Bayou in Houston topped out at 54.4 feet… By way of comparison, as of 6:30 a.m. this (Monday) morning, the water level in the same location is at 38 feet, which is still 16 feet lower than in 1935. I’m sure that will continue to rise.
Are the rainfall totals unprecedented?
Even that question is difficult to answer. The exact same tropical system moving at, say, 15 mph might have produced the same total amount of rain, but it would have been spread over a wide area, maybe many states, with no flooding disaster. This is usually what happens with landfalling hurricanes.
Instead, Harvey stalled after it came ashore and so all of the rain has been concentrated in a relatively small portion of Texas around the Houston area. In both cases, the atmosphere produced the same amount of rain, but where the rain lands is very different. People like those in the Houston area don’t want all of the rain to land on them.
There is no aspect of global warming theory that says rain systems are going to be moving slower, as we are seeing in Texas. This is just the luck of the draw. Sometimes weather systems stall, and that sucks if you are caught under one. The same is true of high pressure areas; when they stall, a drought results.
Even with the system stalling, the greatest multi-day rainfall total as of 3 9 a.m. this Monday morning is just over 30 39.7 inches, with many locations recording over 20 inches. We should recall that Tropical Storm Claudette in 1979 (a much smaller and weaker system than Harvey) produced a 43 inch rainfall total in only 24 hours in Houston.
Was Harvey unprecedented in intensity?
In this case, we didn’t have just a tropical storm like Claudette, but a major hurricane, which covered a much larger area with heavy rain. Roger Pielke Jr. has pointed out that the U.S. has had only four Category 4 (or stronger) hurricane strikes since 1970, but in about the same number of years preceding 1970 there were 14 strikes. So we can’t say that we are experiencing more intense hurricanes in recent decades.
Going back even earlier, a Category 4 hurricane struck Galveston in 1900, killing between 6,000 and 12,000 people. That was the greatest natural disaster in U.S. history.
And don’t forget, we just went through an unprecedented length of time – almost 12 years – without a major hurricane (Cat 3 or stronger) making landfall in the U.S.
So what makes this event unprecedented?
The National Weather Service has termed the event unfolding in the Houston area as unprecedented. I’m not sure why. I suspect in terms of damage and number of people affected, that will be the case. But the primary reason won’t be because this was an unprecedented meteorological event.
If we are talking about the 100 years or so that we have rainfall records, then it might be that southeast Texas hasn’t seen this much total rain fall over a fairly wide area. At this point it doesn’t look like any rain gage locations will break the record for total 24 hour rainfall in Texas, or possibly even for storm total rainfall, but to have so large an area having over 20 inches is very unusual…
Bill Read, a former director of the National Hurricane Center was asked by a CNN news anchor whether he thought that Harvey was made worse because of global warming. Read’s response was basically, No.
But Peter Hannan, paid alarmist, says yes, yes, yes.
Harvey Related :
- Hurricane Harvey: Devastating – Not Unprecedented | Climatism
- It’s over – 4324 day major hurricane drought ends as Harvey makes landfall at Cat 4 | Watts Up With That?
- JUDITH CURRY – “Anyone blaming Harvey on global warming doesn’t have a leg to stand on.” |Climate Etc.
- 15 Feet Of Sea Level Rise In Ten Minutes | The Deplorable Climate Science Blog
Extreme Weather Related :
- EXTREME WEATHER Expert: “World Is Presently In An Era Of Unusually Low Weather Disasters” | Climatism
- The Great “Extreme Weather” Climate Change Propaganda Con | Climatism
- OPEN Letter To The Bureau Of Meteorology – Tropical Cyclone Trends | Climatism
Failing Fairfax Media Related :
- Fairfax Media to axe 125 editorial jobs as part of $30m restructure – Mumbrella
Climate Craziness of the Week: how ‘climate change is messing up’ the search for the missing Malaysian airliner
Posted: March 24, 2014 Filed under: Alarmism, Alarmists, Climate Alarmism, Eco-Activists | Tags: Alarmism, Climate alarmism, Climate Ambulance Chasers, MH370, Mother Jones Leave a commentWatts Up With That?
While 10 different aircraft plus ships search the area near western Australia where debris was spotted by satellite, Mother Jone Magazine takes a stupid pill and puts this crazy theory on display.
View original post 141 more words
Climate Ambulance Chasers
Posted: September 13, 2013 Filed under: Alarmism, Climate Alarmism, Climatism, Extreme Weather, Floods, Green Agenda, Ideology, Propaganda, Weather | Tags: Boulder, climate, Climate Ambulance Chasers, Colorado, floods, Goddard, Real Science Leave a comment“We need to get some broad based support,
to capture the public’s imagination…
So we have to offer up scary scenarios,
make simplified, dramatic statements
and make little mention of any doubts…
Each of us has to decide what the right balance
is between being effective and being honest.“
– Prof. Stephen Schneider,
Stanford Professor of Climatology,
lead author of many IPCC reports
“The only way to get our society to truly change is to
frighten people with the possibility of a catastrophe.”
– emeritus professor Daniel Botkin
Climate Alarmism 101 – #PoisonedWeather
Climate alarmists like to ignore facts, relevant data and like to think that the climate started in 1976. They much prefer to offer up scary scenarios, make simplified, dramatic statements in order to frighten people with catastrophe:
via Real Science
Middle School Earth Science For Climate Morons
Twitter / ForecastFacts: Flood threat still strong as …
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