ANOTHER Dud Climate Change Prediction: Record Grain Harvest For Australian Farmers

OBAMA Food Crisis Climate Fear Mongering CLIMATISM

CLIMATE Propagandists Have Been Using The Same Apocalyptic Language For Decades – Irrespective of Temperature – To Drive Their Agenda And Scare You Into Belief | Climatism

Warming fears are the “worst scientific scandal in the history…When people come to 
know what the truth is, they will feel deceived by science and scientists.” – UN IPCC 
Japanese Scientist Dr. Kiminori Itohan award-winning PhD environmental physical

“It is a blatant lie put forth in the media that makes it seem there is only a fringe of 
scientists who don’t buy into anthropogenic global warming.” – U.S Government
Atmospheric Scientist Stanley B. Goldenberg of the Hurricane Research Division of

“I am a skeptic…Global warming has become a new religion.” – Nobel Prize Winner for
Physics, Ivar Giaever.


WHERE are the global warming climate change catastrophists now? Global warming is giving us record crops:

Record grain harvest potential for Western Australian farmers as prices spike on east coast drought

On the back of nine-year-high prices, grain farmers in Western Australia are hoping a mild spring will allow them to have one of their biggest and most profitable harvests in the state’s history.

The shining light of grain production for WA this year is the thriving northern wheatbelt where growers say crops show potential to be the best they have ever grown.

However, the weather over the coming weeks is crucial to determine how much grain they produce.

Brady Green farms 8,900 hectares of wheat, lupins, barley, and canola near Yuna in the Chapman Valley, about 40 kilometres north-east of Geraldton.

He said he needed mild temperatures and some rain over the coming weeks as crops began flowering and filling grain.

“All our indicators show that our prices are strong, our yields should be strong,” Mr Green said.

Chapman Valley farmer Brady Green, with his dog Charlie, says weather over the coming weeks is critical. (ABC Rural - Jo Prendergast)

Chapman Valley farmer Brady Green, with his dog Charlie, says weather over the coming weeks is critical. (ABC Rural – Jo Prendergast)

Record harvest potential

The Grain Industry Association of Western Australia (GIWA) has conservatively estimated the state’s crop production at 15.5 million tonnes: 9.9 million of that as wheat, 3.5 barley, and 1.2 million of canola.

GIWA crop report author Michael Lamond said that figure could easily grow.

Record grain harvest potential for Western Australian farmers as prices spike on east coast drought – ABC Rural – ABC News


Global warming is a licence to tell lies

FORMER President Barack Hussein Obama… Read the rest of this entry »

CLIMATE Propagandists Have Been Using The Same Apocalyptic Language For Decades – Irrespective of Temperature – To Drive Their Agenda And Scare You Into Belief

Barack Obama on food and climate change - ‘We can still act and it won_t be too late_ | Global development | The Guardian CLIMATISM

OBAMA on food and climate change: ‘We can still act and it won’t be too late” | Global development | The Guardian

AS part of Barack Obama’s “save my legacy” tour, he circumnavigated the planet – travelling in a glider powered by trained albatrosses – lecturing us on human CO2-induced global warming climate change.

ON his menu were the usual climate crisis talking points including regurgitated hysteria on apparent climate-caused food shortages leading to “political instability”. A deliberate method of propaganda that mirrors the fear-mongering used by the CIA during the 1970’s global cooling scare:

IN 1976 the CIA warned “the world’s climate is cooling” and this would bring “drought, starvation, social unrest and political upheaval


21 Jul 1976 – C.I.A. WARNING – Trove


MAJOR world climate changes [global cooling] were under way that would cause economic and political upheavals “almost beyond comprehension”, an internal report of the Central Intelligence Agency has warned the US Government.

“The new climatic era brings a promise of famine and starvation to  many areas of the world”, the report  warns.

The report, which contends that the Climate changes began in 1960, is based on a study by Mr Reid Bryson of the University of Wisconsin.

Its basic premise is that the world’s climate is cooling and will revert to conditions prevalent between 1600 and 1850 — when the earth’s population was less than 1,000 million and its rural, pre-industrial era civilisations were largely capable of feeding themselves.

The report, which- was concerned with possible political and economic threats the United States could expect from such drastic events, said the starvation and famine would lead to social unrest and global migration of populations.

21 Jul 1976 – C.I.A. WARNING – Trove

*Climatism bolds added

See : THE ARCTIC : Ground Zero For Anthropogenic Hubris And Climate Change Hysteria | Climatism


BARACK Obama in 2017 : The same argument, only this time transposed to fit the current “Global Warming” scare …

“Our changing climate is already making it more difficult to produce food, and we’ve already seen shrinking yields and spiking food prices that, in some cases, are leading to political instability. – Obama 26 May, 2017

NOT too difficult to see the carefully selected fear-language and continuity of message used for decades by the climate crisis industry, regardless of temperature, to scare you into belief.


AS with most climate scare-mongering that is primarily driven by emotion, ideology, politics and/or climate models, the rhetoric and fear-mongering never seems to stack up against observed reality, data or actual facts. Global food production another classic case in point. Read the rest of this entry »

THE ARCTIC : Ground Zero For Anthropogenic Hubris And Climate Change Hysteria

Polar Bears + Bertrand Russel.png

CLIMATE change alarmists conveniently ‘deny’ the existence of the 1970’s “global cooling” scare because such panic, a mere 40 years ago, threatens the legitimacy of the current “global warming” scare.

HOWEVER, climate experts and government agencies of the day were indeed warning of impending climate doom and that we must take immediate “action” to avoid catastrophe.

SOUND familiar?

WARMING alarmists rebut the 1970’s global cooling scare with claims that the phenomenon wasn’t “peer-reviewed” or that a “consensus” of “97%” of “scientists” didn’t agree. However, it doesn’t take Einstein to realise that the fashionable eco-scare of the day was indeed very real…


IN 1976 the CIA warned the cooling climate would bring – “drought, starvation, social unrest and political upheaval” :

CIA 1974 Global Cooling.jpg

21 Jul 1976 – C.I.A. WARNING – Trove

From a correspondent in Washington

MAJOR world climate changes were under way that would cause economic and political upheavals “almost beyond comprehension”, an internal report of the Central Intelligence Agency has warned the US Government.

“The new climatic era brings a promise of famine and starvation to  many areas of the world”, the report  warns.

The report, which contends that the Climate changes began in 1960, is based on a study by Mr Reid Bryson of the University of Wisconsin.

Its basic premise is that the world’s climate is cooling and will revert to conditions prevalent between 1600 and 1850 — when the earth’s population was less than 1,000 million and its rural, pre-industrial era civilisations were largely capable of feeding themselves.

The report, which- was concerned with possible political and economic threats the United States could expect from such drastic events, said the starvation and famine would lead to social unrest and global migration of populations.

21 Jul 1976 – C.I.A. WARNING – Trove



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BARACK Obama’s former ‘science’ czar, John Holdren, feared a new “Ice Age” : Read the rest of this entry »

Global Warming Theory ~ Circular reasoning at its best

We need to get some broad based support,
to capture the public’s imagination…
So we have to offer up scary scenarios,
make simplified, dramatic statements
and make little mention of any doubts
Each of us has to decide what the right balance
is between being effective and being honest.

– Prof. Stephen Schneider,
Stanford Professor of Climatology,
lead author of many IPCC reports

The only way to get our society to truly change is to
frighten people with the possibility of a catastrophe
– emeritus professor Daniel Botkin

We’ve got to ride this global warming issue.
Even if the theory of global warming is wrong,
we will be doing the right thing in terms of
economic and environmental policy.

– Timothy Wirth,




1973: Fear of Man-Made Ice Age

Screen Shot 2013-08-20 at , August 20, 1.20.20 AM

Herald-Journal – Jun 28, 1973

1974: Feds Alarmed By Global Cooling in 1974 | CACA

1976 : Every major climate organisation endorsed the ice age scare, including NCAR, CRU, NAS, NASA – as did the CIA …

1976: C.I.A. warns of Global Cooling

Screen Shot 2013-08-20 at , August 20, 1.48.22 AM

MAJOR world climate changes were under way that would cause economic and political upheavals “almost beyond comprehension”, an internal report of the Central Intelligence Agency has warned the US Government.

“The new climatic era brings a promise of famine and starvation to many areas of the world”, the report warns.

Its basic premise is that the world’s climate is cooling and will revert to conditions prevalent between 1600 and 1850 — when the earth’s population was less than 1,000 million and its rural, pre-industrial era civilisations were largely capable of feeding themselves.

A return to cooler temperatures in today’s fragile, interdependent global economic structure would mean that India, China and the Soviet Union’ — among other northern hemisphere nations — will be hard pressed to feed their populations.

The report notes that “the change of climate is cooling some significant agricultural areas and causing drought in others. If, for example, there, is a northern hemisphere drop of one degree centigrade, it would mean that India will have a major drought every four years and can only support three-fourths of her present population”.

“China, with a major famine every five years, would require a supply of 50 million metric tons of grain. The Soviet Union would lose Kazakhstan for grain production, thereby showing a yearly loss of 48 million metric tons of grain.

“Canada, a .major exporter, would lose over 50 per cent of its production capability and 75 per cent of its exporting capabilities. Northern Europe will “lose 25 to 30 per cent of its present production capability while the Common Market countries would zero their exports”.

The report, which was concerned with possible political and economic threats the United States could expect from such drastic events, said the starvation and famine would lead to social unrest and global migration of populations.

21 July 1976: C.I.A. warns Global Cooling will bring drought, starvation, social unrest and political upheaval

Every major climate organisation endorsed the ice age scare, including NCAR, CRU, NAS, NASA – as did the CIA.

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The Windsor Star – Google News Archive Search


FAST FORWARD 2013 – The Global Warming Scare :

2013: Fear of Man-Made Global Warming:

Screen Shot 2013-09-08 at , September 8, 7.40.30 PM

Experts Sure Global Warming Manmade, But Predictions Elusive – VOA  16/8/2013


2007: Warmist BBC predicted that the entire Arctic should have melted away by now:

Screen Shot 2013-09-09 at , September 9, 5.00.15 AM

Arctic summers ice-free ‘by 2013’ – BBC Dec 12, 2007


2013 ~ CO² Reasoning At Its Worst

ICE melt enthusiasts worst nightmare :

September 2013: “Record return of Arctic ice cap as it grows by 60% in a year”

Screen Shot 2013-09-09 at , September 9, 5.17.14 AM

Global cooling: Arctic ice caps grows by 60% against global warming predictions | Mail Online 7 Sep, 2013

September 2013: “top scientists warning of global COOLING”

Screen Shot 2013-09-08 at , September 8, 8.14.26 PM

Global cooling: Arctic ice caps grows by 60% against global warming predictions | Mail Online 7 Sep, 2013

Screen Shot 2013-09-09 at , September 9, 3.55.59 AM

Global warming? No, actually we’re cooling, claim scientists | The Telegraph 8 Sep 2013 


August 6, 2013:

Shock News : The Guardian’s Suzanne Goldenberg and NOAA in complete denial. The Guardian deciding not to report the unprecedented 2013 Arctic ice recovery

Screen Shot 2013-09-09 at , September 9, 5.22.00 AM

NOAA report says Arctic sea ice is disappearing at unprecedented pace – The Guardian 6/8/13

August 12, 2013:

More Arctic alarmism. Once again, the warmist Guardian failing to acknowledge the Arctic’s dramatic bounce-back:

Screen Shot 2013-09-09 at , September 9, 5.30.34 AM

Screen Shot 2013-09-09 at , September 9, 5.30.15 AM

Perhaps the poster child of climate change is in the Arctic, where sea ice has been declining at an astonishing rate. Over the past few decades, satellite information has been gathered which shows huge declines in ice extent (the area covered by ice). The declines are enough that it is possible that in a few years, there will be little or no ice left in the Arctic at the end of the melt season.

Global warming, Arctic ice loss, and armchair scientists – The Guardian, August 12, 2013

Armchair scientist Neven provides valuable insights into the rapid acceleration of Arctic alarmism during the year: “Perhaps the poster child of climate change is in the Arctic”  

Well Mr ‘Neven’ with the Arctic growing nearly a million square miles or 38,000 Manhattan’s of sea-ice in a year, your “Poster-Child of climate change” is officially BUST!


via Real Science

The Last And Ugliest Part Of The Scam

Posted on September 8, 2013 by stevengoddard

The Arctic sea ice scam is in its death throes, and now the climate criminals are focused on the Antarctic is going to melt and collapse and drown us all in 90 years scam.

Only problem is, Antarctica is getting colder and sea ice is increasing

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  • 2013 : Global sea ice area is the highest in 25 years, fourth highest on record.
  • 2013 : Arctic Ice Volume Gain Second Largest On Record | Real Science


  • December 31 Global Sea Ice Area Was The Largest Ever Recorded | Real Science


Death Spiral Update : Arctic Ice Getting Thicker – Volume Increasing

ScreenHunter_118 Feb. 17 15.03


Update Links :

  • 15 Questions Why Climate Change Is A Complete Hoax | Climatism
  • The Great Global Warming Climate Shift | CACA
  • ‘Global warming is the greatest and most successful pseudoscientific fraud I have seen in my long life’ | CACA
  • Driessen : A Climate of Fear, Cash and Correctitude | CACA
  • The Truth About the Global Warming Agenda by Former NASA Climatologist | CACA
  • Climate Change Insanity Never Changes | CACA
  • 2013 Was Not A Good Year For Catastrophic Anthropogenic Global Climate Warming Change Disruption Weirding Ocean Acidification Extreme Weather, etc. | Watts Up With That?
  • Risking Lives to Promote Climate Change Hype | CACA
  • When Hell Freezes Over | CACA

Related Links :

  • 1970s Global Cooling Alarmism
  • Global warming? No, actually we’re cooling, claim scientists
  • Forget global warming!? Earth undergoing global COOLING since 2002!
  • NATURE STUDY Confirms Global Warming Stopped 15 Years Ago
  • Three Generations Of Data Tampering And Hiding The Decline
  • Bureaucratic Dioxide
  • 97% of climate models say that 97% of climate scientists are wrong | CACA
  • TIME magazine 2010 Howler: Holiday Blizzard: More Signs of Global Warming

Peer-Reviewed studies that confirm global warming has stopped, not slowed:

  • Reconciling anthropogenic climate change with observed temperature 1998–2008
  • Retrospective prediction of the global warming slowdown in the past decade
  • Overestimated global warming over the past 20 years – Nature Climate Change 28/8/2013
  • Recent global-warming hiatus tied to equatorial Pacific surface cooling – Nature Journal 28/8/2013
  • Warmist scientists talk about no Global Warming

Climatism Links :

  • NATURE STUDY Confirms Global Warming Stopped 15 Years Ago | CACA
  • Peer into the Heart of the IPCC, Find Greenpeace | CACA
  • Déjà Vu : Himalayan glaciers to melt (again) by 2035! | CACA
  • UN-Settled Science
  • 44th Pacific “Sinking Islands” Extortion Forum | CACA
  • 97% of climate models say that 97% of climate scientists are wrong | CACA
  • Bureaucratic Dioxide
  • Modelling Climate Alarmism
  • Europe’s Green Energy Basket Case Is Barack Obama’s Dream | CACA
  • One Of The More Illuminating Articles You May Ever Read On Global Warming | CACA
  • SHOCKING NEWS! Arctic Summers Ice-Free in a Few Days! | CACA
  • IPCC In Complete Denial That The Sun Is Causing Global Cooling | CACA
  • Climate money: Monopoly science « JoNova (Judith Curry IPCC Update) | CACA

1970′s Global Cooling Scare – Media/Science Related :

  • Feds Alarmed By Global Cooling in 1974 | CACA
  • CIA 1974 National Security Threat : Global Cooling/Excess Arctic Ice Causing Extreme Weather | Real Science
  • 1974 Shock News : CIA Said Global Warming Was A Good Thing | Real Science
  • 1975 : Climatologists Wanted Permission To Melt The Arctic To Stop Disastrous Climate Change | Real Science
  • 1972 : UN Scientists Wanted To Melt The Arctic By Spreading Soot On It | Real Science
  • 1974 : NCAR Called Global Cooling The “New Norm” And Blamed Climate Disasters On It | Real Science
  • 1970s Global Cooling Alarmism
  • The New Crisis : The Same As The Old Crisis | CACA
  • 1922 US Government Shock News : Radical Change In Arctic Climate – Glaciers Gone | CACA
  • 1970s Global Cooling Scare | Real Science
  • Every major climate organization endorsed the ice age scare, including NCAR, CRU, NAS, NASA – as did the CIA.
  • 21 Jul 1976 – C.I.A. WARNING Changes to climate to bring upheaval
  • Climate Change And Its Effect On World Food (1974)
  • TIME – Weather – The Big Freeze

Quote source – The Green Agenda

Global Warming Theory ~ Circular reasoning at its best

We need to get some broad based support,
to capture the public’s imagination…
So we have to offer up scary scenarios,
make simplified, dramatic statements
and make little mention of any doubts…
Each of us has to decide what the right balance
is between being effective and being honest.

– Prof. Stephen Schneider,
Stanford Professor of Climatology,
lead author of many IPCC reports

The only way to get our society to truly change is to
frighten people with the possibility of a catastrophe
– emeritus professor Daniel Botkin

We’ve got to ride this global warming issue.
Even if the theory of global warming is wrong,
we will be doing the right thing in terms of
economic and environmental policy.

– Timothy Wirth,
President of the UN Foundation


Screen Shot 2013-09-08 at , September 8, 8.25.35 PM


1973: Fear of Man-Made Ice Age

Screen Shot 2013-08-20 at , August 20, 1.20.20 AM

Herald-Journal – Jun 28, 1973

1974: Feds Alarmed By Global Cooling in 1974 | CACA

1976 : Every major climate organisation endorsed the ice age scare, including NCAR, CRU, NAS, NASA – as did the CIA …

1976: C.I.A. warns of Global Cooling

Screen Shot 2013-08-20 at , August 20, 1.48.22 AM

MAJOR world climate changes were under way that would cause economic and political upheavals “almost beyond comprehension”, an internal report of the Central Intelligence Agency has warned the US Government.

“The new climatic era brings a promise of famine and starvation to many areas of the world”, the report warns.

Its basic premise is that the world’s climate is cooling and will revert to conditions prevalent between 1600 and 1850 — when the earth’s population was less than 1,000 million and its rural, pre-industrial era civilisations were largely capable of feeding themselves.

A return to cooler temperatures in today’s fragile, interdependent global economic structure would mean that India, China and the Soviet Union’ — among other northern hemisphere nations — will be hard pressed to feed their populations.

The report notes that “the change of climate is cooling some significant agricultural areas and causing drought in others. If, for example, there, is a northern hemisphere drop of one degree centigrade, it would mean that India will have a major drought every four years and can only support three-fourths of her present population”.

“China, with a major famine every five years, would require a supply of 50 million metric tons of grain. The Soviet Union would lose Kazakhstan for grain production, thereby showing a yearly loss of 48 million metric tons of grain.

“Canada, a .major exporter, would lose over 50 per cent of its production capability and 75 per cent of its exporting capabilities. Northern Europe will “lose 25 to 30 per cent of its present production capability while the Common Market countries would zero their exports”.

The report, which was concerned with possible political and economic threats the United States could expect from such drastic events, said the starvation and famine would lead to social unrest and global migration of populations.

21 July 1976: C.I.A. warns Global Cooling will bring drought, starvation, social unrest and political upheaval

Every major climate organisation endorsed the ice age scare, including NCAR, CRU, NAS, NASA – as did the CIA.

screenhunter_05-may-07-09-01 (1)


The Windsor Star – Google News Archive Search


FAST FORWARD 2013 – The Global Warming Scare :

2013: Fear of Man-Made Global Warming:

Screen Shot 2013-09-08 at , September 8, 7.40.30 PM

Experts Sure Global Warming Manmade, But Predictions Elusive – VOA  16/8/2013


2007: Warmist BBC predicted that the entire Arctic should have melted away by now:

Screen Shot 2013-09-09 at , September 9, 5.00.15 AM

Arctic summers ice-free ‘by 2013’ – BBC Dec 12, 2007


2013 ~ CO² Reasoning At Its Worst

ICE melt enthusiasts worst nightmare :

September 2013: “Record return of Arctic ice cap as it grows by 60% in a year”

Screen Shot 2013-09-09 at , September 9, 5.17.14 AM

Global cooling: Arctic ice caps grows by 60% against global warming predictions | Mail Online 7 Sep, 2013

September 2013: “top scientists warning of global COOLING”

Screen Shot 2013-09-08 at , September 8, 8.14.26 PM

Global cooling: Arctic ice caps grows by 60% against global warming predictions | Mail Online 7 Sep, 2013

Screen Shot 2013-09-09 at , September 9, 3.55.59 AM

Global warming? No, actually we’re cooling, claim scientists | The Telegraph 8 Sep 2013 


August 6, 2013:

Shock News : The Guardian’s Suzanne Goldenberg and NOAA in complete denial. The Guardian deciding not to report the unprecedented 2013 Arctic ice recovery

Screen Shot 2013-09-09 at , September 9, 5.22.00 AM

NOAA report says Arctic sea ice is disappearing at unprecedented pace – The Guardian 6/8/13

August 12, 2013:

More Arctic alarmism. Once again, the warmist Guardian failing to acknowledge the Arctic’s dramatic bounce-back:

Screen Shot 2013-09-09 at , September 9, 5.30.34 AM

Screen Shot 2013-09-09 at , September 9, 5.30.15 AM

Perhaps the poster child of climate change is in the Arctic, where sea ice has been declining at an astonishing rate. Over the past few decades, satellite information has been gathered which shows huge declines in ice extent (the area covered by ice). The declines are enough that it is possible that in a few years, there will be little or no ice left in the Arctic at the end of the melt season.

Global warming, Arctic ice loss, and armchair scientists – The Guardian, August 12, 2013

Armchair scientist Neven provides valuable insights into the rapid acceleration of Arctic alarmism during the year: “Perhaps the poster child of climate change is in the Arctic”  

Well Mr ‘Neven’ with the Arctic growing nearly a million square miles or 38,000 Manhattan’s of sea-ice in a year, your “Poster-Child of climate change” is officially BUST!


via Real Science

The Last And Ugliest Part Of The Scam

Posted on September 8, 2013 by stevengoddard

The Arctic sea ice scam is in its death throes, and now the climate criminals are focused on the Antarctic is going to melt and collapse and drown us all in 90 years scam.

Only problem is, Antarctica is getting colder and sea ice is increasing

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222 screenhunter_361-sep-08-09-42



  • 1970s Global Cooling Alarmism
  • Global warming? No, actually we’re cooling, claim scientists
  • Forget global warming!? Earth undergoing global COOLING since 2002!
  • NATURE STUDY Confirms Global Warming Stopped 15 Years Ago
  • Three Generations Of Data Tampering And Hiding The Decline
  • Bureaucratic Dioxide
  • 97% of climate models say that 97% of climate scientists are wrong | CACA
  • TIME magazine 2010 Howler: Holiday Blizzard: More Signs of Global Warming

Peer-Reviewed studies that confirm global warming has stopped, not slowed:

  • Reconciling anthropogenic climate change with observed temperature 1998–2008
  • Retrospective prediction of the global warming slowdown in the past decade
  • Overestimated global warming over the past 20 years – Nature Climate Change 28/8/2013
  • Recent global-warming hiatus tied to equatorial Pacific surface cooling – Nature Journal 28/8/2013
  • Warmist scientists talk about no Global Warming

Climatism Links :

  • NATURE STUDY Confirms Global Warming Stopped 15 Years Ago | CACA
  • Peer into the Heart of the IPCC, Find Greenpeace | CACA
  • Déjà Vu : Himalayan glaciers to melt (again) by 2035! | CACA
  • UN-Settled Science
  • 44th Pacific “Sinking Islands” Extortion Forum | CACA
  • 97% of climate models say that 97% of climate scientists are wrong | CACA
  • Bureaucratic Dioxide
  • Modelling Climate Alarmism
  • Europe’s Green Energy Basket Case Is Barack Obama’s Dream | CACA
  • One Of The More Illuminating Articles You May Ever Read On Global Warming | CACA
  • SHOCKING NEWS! Arctic Summers Ice-Free in a Few Days! | CACA
  • IPCC In Complete Denial That The Sun Is Causing Global Cooling | CACA
  • Climate money: Monopoly science « JoNova (Judith Curry IPCC Update) | CACA