ANOTHER Dud Climate Change Prediction: Record Grain Harvest For Australian Farmers
Posted: September 10, 2018 | Author: Jamie Spry | Filed under: Alarmism Debunked, Alarmist media, Alarmist Predictions, Australia, Climatism, Dud predictions, Empirical Evidence, Fact Check, Failed Climate Models, Fake News, food production, Global Warming Zealots, Green Agenda, Obama, Propaganda | Tags: Barack Obama, carbon dioxide emissions, Cereals, CIA, Climate Change, Climate Change Alarmism, Climate science, Climatism, CO2, Dud Predictions, Fake News, Falsehoods, Famine, Global Food Production, Global Warming, Global Warming Alarmism, grain, IPCC, Mainstream media, propaganda, science, Science and Environment, Starvation, WA, Western Australia, wheat | Leave a comment
CLIMATE Propagandists Have Been Using The Same Apocalyptic Language For Decades – Irrespective of Temperature – To Drive Their Agenda And Scare You Into Belief | Climatism
Warming fears are the “worst scientific scandal in the history…When people come to
know what the truth is, they will feel deceived by science and scientists.” – UN IPCC
Japanese Scientist Dr. Kiminori Itoh, an award-winning PhD environmental physical
“It is a blatant lie put forth in the media that makes it seem there is only a fringe of
scientists who don’t buy into anthropogenic global warming.” – U.S Government
Atmospheric Scientist Stanley B. Goldenberg of the Hurricane Research Division of
“I am a skeptic…Global warming has become a new religion.” – Nobel Prize Winner for
Physics, Ivar Giaever.
WHERE are the global warming climate change catastrophists now? Global warming is giving us record crops:
Record grain harvest potential for Western Australian farmers as prices spike on east coast drought
By Joanna Prendergast, Mark Bennett, Lucinda Jose
On the back of nine-year-high prices, grain farmers in Western Australia are hoping a mild spring will allow them to have one of their biggest and most profitable harvests in the state’s history.
The shining light of grain production for WA this year is the thriving northern wheatbelt where growers say crops show potential to be the best they have ever grown.
However, the weather over the coming weeks is crucial to determine how much grain they produce.
Brady Green farms 8,900 hectares of wheat, lupins, barley, and canola near Yuna in the Chapman Valley, about 40 kilometres north-east of Geraldton.
He said he needed mild temperatures and some rain over the coming weeks as crops began flowering and filling grain.
“All our indicators show that our prices are strong, our yields should be strong,” Mr Green said.
Chapman Valley farmer Brady Green, with his dog Charlie, says weather over the coming weeks is critical. (ABC Rural – Jo Prendergast)
Record harvest potential
The Grain Industry Association of Western Australia (GIWA) has conservatively estimated the state’s crop production at 15.5 million tonnes: 9.9 million of that as wheat, 3.5 barley, and 1.2 million of canola.
GIWA crop report author Michael Lamond said that figure could easily grow.
Record grain harvest potential for Western Australian farmers as prices spike on east coast drought – ABC Rural – ABC News
Global warming is a licence to tell lies
FORMER President Barack Hussein Obama… Read the rest of this entry »
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