Posted: May 19, 2019 | Author: Jamie Spry | Filed under: Australia, Climate Alarmism, Climate Change, Climatism, Energy Poverty, Green Energy, Sceptics, Unreliables | Tags: Alarmism, Alberta, Australia, Australia Decides, bill shorten, Carbon Tax, Climate Change, Climate Change Alarmism, Climate Change Hysteria, Climatism, Credlin, Doug Ford, Energy Poverty, Federal Election 2019, Finns Party, Fuel Poverty, FvD, Global Warming, Greens, Jason Kenney, Ontario, Outsiders, PMLive, Scepticism, Scott Morrison, Thierry Baudet, Yellow Vests |
Labor’s election strategy to make climate alarmism the key issue has backfired | CLIMATISM
“The whole aim of practical politics is to keep the populace alarmed
(and hence clamorous to be led to safety)
by menacing it with an endless series of hobgoblins,
all of them imaginary.”
– H.L. Mencken
“The fact that an opinion has been widely held is no evidence whatever that it is not utterly absurd; indeed in view of the silliness of the majority of mankind, a widespread belief is more likely to be foolish than sensible.” – Bertrand Russell
DAY by day, all around the globe, Global Warming Climate Change is being exposed as simply a moral issue for the wealthy urban elite.
BLUE collar workers and the silent majority are not buying into the relentless fear-mongering and warming hysteria driven by climate theory-obsessed politicians, propped up by a compliant mainstream media.
THE incessant propaganda and orchestrated alarmism has lead to the mad rush into costly UNreliables – wind and solar ‘energy’ – that are sending energy prices through the roof and jobs and industry to China or other countries who have not been driven to ‘green’ energy poverty by climate theory-obsessed politicians pushing draconian “Save The Planet” policies.
CAMPAIGNING on climate guarantees political death. Its latest victim, Bill Shorten, The Australian Labor Party and the Greens, who, last night, lost the “unlosable” election to incumbent conservative PM Scott Morrison.
THE mainstream media flagged “Climate change to be decisive issue in Australian election.” :
Climate change to be decisive issue in Australian election | News | Al Jazeera
BILL SHORTEN “declared climate emergency as top priority for Labor” :
Shorten declares climate “emergency” as top priority for Labor | RenewEconomy
ALL around the globe, voters are increasingly showing their displeasure with costly unreliable-energy policies imposed by politicians in an inane effort to fight the purported “climate catastrophe”.
GILETS JAUNES (The “Yellow Vest” movement)
Moins de Taxes (less taxes)
IN France in late 2018, protesters donning yellow vests took to the streets—and have stayed there ever since—in large part to protest scheduled increases in fuel taxes, electricity prices, and stricter vehicle emissions controls, which French President Emmanuel Macron claimed were necessary to meet the country’s greenhouse gas reduction commitments under the Paris climate agreement. After the first four weeks of protest, Macron’s government cancelled his climate action plan.
Ford Nation – Scrap The Carbon Tax Scam – Election Victory
IN 2018, in part as a backlash against Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau’s climate policies, global warming skeptic Doug Ford was elected as premier of Ontario, Canada’s most populous province. Ford announced he would end energy taxes imposed by Ontario’s previous premier and would join Saskatchewan’s premier in a legal fight against Trudeau’s federal carbon dioxide tax.
ALBERTA, CANADA (Jason Kenney)
Watch: UCP Leader Jason Kenney on the federal carbon tax | Edmonton Journal (Kenney huge victory over climate alarmist Rachel Notley)
IN Alberta, Canada, where the economy declined after Prime Minister Justin Trudeau’s climate policies took hold, voters on April 16 replaced Premier Rachel Notley and her New Democratic Party (NDP), which supports the federal climate policies, with the United Conservative Party, headed by newly elected Premier Jason Kenney, who vowed to scrap the province’s carbon tax and every other policy in NDP’s climate action plan. Among the other climate policies Kenny said he will reverse in an effort to revive the economy are NDP’s plans to accelerate the closure of the province’s coal power plants, and its plan to cap greenhouse gas emissions from the region’s oil sands. In addition, Kenny says he will challenge the federal government’s climate impositions in court and streamline regulations hampering Alberta’s critical oil and gas industry, including restrictions preventing pipeline construction imposed by NDP.
NETHERLANDS – Forum for Democracy (FvD)
In mid-March, the Forum for Democracy (FvD), a fledgling political party just three years old, tied for the largest number of seats, 12, in the divided Dutch Senate in the 2019 elections. FvD takes a decidedly skeptical stance on climate change. On the campaign trail, Thierry Baudet, FvD’s leader, said the government should stop funding programs to meet the country’s commitments to international climate change agreements, saying such efforts are driven by “climate-change hysteria.”
FINLAND – Finns Party
FINLAND : Finns Party
On April 14 in Finland, where climate change policies became the dominant issue in the election, support for climate skepticism surged. Whereas all the other parties proposed plans to raise energy prices and limit people’s energy use, the Finns Party, which made the fight against expensive climate policies the central part of its platform, gained the second-highest number of seats in the Parliament, just one seat behind the Social Democratic Party’s 40. The second-place finish was a big win for the Finns Party and its skeptical stance: just two months before the election, polls showed its support was below 10 percent. After the Finns Party made battling alarmist climate policies its main goal, its popularity soared. The New York Times credited the Finns Party’s electoral surge, in large part, to its expressed climate skepticism.
Around the world, backlash against expensive climate change policies | Washington Examiner
Shorten’s class war and climate change cost Labor: John Howard
PRIME MINISTER Scott Morrison has retained power in the Australian election while Labor’s election strategy to make climate alarmism the key issue has backfired.
Climate Hysteria Costs Labor Australian Elections – The Global Warming Policy Forum (GWPF)
EVEN as daily headlines in the fake news / lamestream media become ever shriller, hyping climate fears based on projections made by unverified climate models, the public, especially the voting public, is becoming increasingly weary of the Chicken Little claims of impending climate doom. Voters in developed countries are saying “enough is enough” to high energy prices which punish the most vulnerable people in society and do nothing to regulate climate change.
TAKE NOTE, politicians and business groups – climate change alarmism, political correctness, class warfare and identity politics are the politics of division and are electoral and commercial poison.
SEE also :
STATE Of The Climate Report :
IPCC Extreme Weather Report 2018 SR15 :
ORIGINS Of The Global Warming Scam :
THE Climatism Tip Jar – Pls Help Keep The Good Fight Alive!
(Climate sceptics/rationalists still waitin’ for that “big oil” cheque to arrive in the mail!)
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Posted: December 8, 2018 | Author: Jamie Spry | Filed under: Alarmism, Alarmism uncovered, Australia, Climate Alarmism, Climate Money, Climatism, COP24, Energy Poverty, Govt Climate Agenda, Green Agenda, UN, UNEP, UNFCCC | Tags: Carbon Tax, Climate Change, climate money, COP24, Energy Bills, Energy Poverty, environment, Fuel Poverty, Global Climate Fund, Global Warming, Katowice, Melissa Price, Peta Credlin, Poland, Scott Morrison, Sky News Australia, Socialism, UN, UNFCCC |
Climate Alarmism Is Threatening To Destroy Australia | CLIMATISM
PETA CREDLIN is an Australian political commentator and former public servant who served as chief of staff to Prime Minister Tony Abbott from September 2013 to September 2015. She was previously chief of staff to Abbott as Leader of the Opposition. Since 2016, she has been the host of Credlin and co-host of Jones & Co on Sky News Live. (wiki)
CREDLIN remains a rare voice of sense and reason within the mainstream media on the issue of costly climate change alarmism. She brings an insiders understanding into the attractiveness to bureaucratic mentality that the control of “carbon dioxide” ergo, the control of energy precipitates.
Sky News host Peta Credlin says Environment Minister Melissa Price should have her chequebook taken away before she represents Australia at the climate change conference in Poland.
Ms Credlin says the Environment Minister is unlikely to push back against the ‘climate alarmism that’s taken our energy prices from some of the world’s cheapest’ to the most expensive.
She says poorer countries are looking for handouts from Australia, and it is threatening to push up the cost of cars, cull the national herd and hurt cost of living for everyone but the very wealthy.
MUST SEE Credlin…
Click to Sky News video Link 6m:23s >>>
Climate alarmism is threatening to destroy Australia | Sky News Australia
Climate alarmism is threatening to destroy Australia | Sky News Australia
SEE also :
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Posted: November 19, 2018 | Author: Jamie Spry | Filed under: Alarmism Debunked, Alarmism uncovered, Alarmist media, Carbon Dioxide, Climatism, CO2, Eco-Activists, Empirical Evidence, Energiewende, Environmentalists, Fact Check, Failed Green Schemes, Fake News, Green Agenda, Religion, Trump | Tags: Alarmism, auspol, carbon dioxide emissions, Carbon Tax, Climate Change, Climate Change Alarmism, Climatism, CO2, COP24, Energiewende, Energy, Environmentalism, Fake News, Global Warming, Global Warming Alarmism, John Kerry, NEG, Paris Accord, PARIS Agreement, President Trump, RET, science, The Guardian, Trump, unreliables |
John Kerry: ‘People are going to die because of the decision Trump made’ | US news | The Guardian
TRUMP Derangement Syndrome landed with a thud in the weekend Guardian featuring John Kerry and a healthy dose of obligatory Trump hate surrounding his smart move to pull out of the UN Paris Accord.
“You know what I’m angry about? People are going to die because of the decision Donald Trump made. My kids and my grandkids are going to face a difficult world because of what Donald Trump has done. But if you sound angry all the time, people aren’t going to listen to you.” – John Kerry
John Kerry: ‘People are going to die because of the decision Trump made’ | US news | The Guardian
KERRY’s ‘angry’ comments exemplify all that is lazy and deceitful with those prosecuting the flimsy case for catastrophic man-made global warming climate change. Hyper-alarmist opinions based on emotions, and in Kerry’s case – hate, rather than hard facts and evidence.
BUT, no one really expects the Guardian or Kerry to observe actual data, especially when it’s a high-fashion hit-piece on Trump and especially when their favourite pet theory, Climate Change is in play.
SO, once again it becomes the job of those outside of the Leftist mainstream media echo chamber to correct the record…
US CO2 Emissions Falling Under Trump, While The World Increases
ACCORDING to the latest energy report from The Energy Information Administration (EIA), under President Trump, per-capita carbon dioxide emissions are now the lowest they’ve been in nearly seven decades.”
CO2 Emissions Hit 67-Year Low In Trump’s America, As Rest-Of-World Rises | Zero Hedge
U.S. carbon dioxide emissions have steadily declined since 2008, when the fracking revolution dramatically and lowered natural gas prices. Low-priced natural gas can often outcompete coal on an economic front, while also cutting carbon dioxide emissions in half:
EIA: U.S. Carbon Emissions Fall Again in 2017, ‘Mainly’ Because of Natural Gas | EIA
THE U.S. emitted 15.6 metric tons of CO2 per person in 1950. After rising for decades, it’s declined in recent years to 15.8 metric tons per person in 2017, the lowest measured levels in 67 years:
CO2 emissions | Statistical Review of World Energy | Energy economics | BP
THE graph that climate alarmists and unreliable-energy rent seekers don’t want you to see:
BONUS Graphs:
IN absolute terms coal use has fallen far more in America this century than anywhere else:
COAL use by country
MOST of the growth in CO2 emissions this century came from modernising economies. China and India dominated:
CO2 growth by country
WHY would Trump have ever signed up to the latest UN wealth redistribution scheme when Europe, the epicentre of draconian climate change policy and green energy madness, cannot meet its own emissions ‘commitments’ despite spending hundreds of billions of taxpayer €Euros on failed ‘green’ energy?
CO2 emissions from energy use for 2017 published by Eurostat, the statistical office of the European Union.
Source: Eurostat
ENERGIEWENDE FAIL: German CO2 Emissions Higher Now Than In 2009:
GLOBAL CO2 emissions continue their steady climb, despite the trillions of dollars committed to green energy sources worldwide and efforts to curb CO2 emissions.
Source: International Energy Agency (IEA).
URELIABLE-energy propagandists claim that wind, solar and other weather-dependent ‘energy’ sources will “Save The Planet” by lowering plant-food (CO2) emissions. But, the opposite is occurring…
ONE inconvenient reason for the rise in emissions, that you won’t hear reported on MSM news, ever :
WHAT’S happening in Germany is, unfortunately, a bellwether for what is to come in other large wealthy countries attempting to make renewables the kingpin of their power grids.
THE unspoken truth about renewables was succinctly summarized in a 2012 Los Angeles Times analysis :
“As more solar and wind generators come online, … the demand will rise for more backup power from fossil fuel plants.”
FULL article, entitled “Rise in renewable energy will require more use of fossil fuels” also points out that wind turbines often produce a tiny fraction (1 percent?) of their claimed potential, meaning the gap must be filled by fossil fuels:
NEW PAPERS : Intermittent Wind Power PRESERVES & INCREASES Need For Fossil Fuel Energy Generation
⇑ Wind Power Installation Amplifies
The Growth Of Fossil Fuel Energies
“[A]s RES [renewable energy sources] increases, the expected decreasing tendency in the installed capacity of electricity generation from fossil fuels has not been found.” – Marques et al., 2018
Wind Power Installation Amplifies The Growth Of Fossil Fuel Energies – Marques et al., 2018
SEE : New Papers: Intermittent Wind Power PRESERVES & INCREASES Need For Fossil Fuel Energy Generation
RATHER than blaming Trump for “blowing up the Paris deal” ergo, “causing people to die”, why doesn’t the rest of the world follow his lead and let technology and innovation reduce ’emissions’, rather than relying on green central planning, endless climate conferences, grandstanding global climate treaties, economy and job destroying carbon dioxide reduction schemes and never to forget costly, failed unreliables – wind and solar?
FAT chance that ever happening or admitting Trump was right, again.
BETTER to kick the climate can down the road and see how much more climate coin it spits out.
H/t Tom Nelson
Cited charts : WUWT, Stop These Things, NoTricksZone, Paul Homewood
SEE also :
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Posted: August 27, 2018 | Author: Jamie Spry | Filed under: Alarmism uncovered, Australia, Climate Change, Climate History, Climatism, Drought, Extreme Weather, Fact Check | Tags: Aboriginals, Carbon Tax, Climate Change, Climatism, drought, Energy Poverty, Extreme weather, Fossil Fuels, Global Warming, Mega Drought, NEG, Paris Accord, PARIS Agreement, Paris Climate Treaty, Rapid Climate Change, RET, unreliables |
Study suggests 1500-year-long ‘mega drought’ killed off original Australians |
THERE is no doubt that signing The Paris Climate Accord, carpeting pristine landscapes with Industrial Wind Turbines and Solar panels, energy poverty c/o skyrocketing NEG/RET power prices, ending capitalism and sending jobs and industries offshore to China (with Australia’s coal and uranium packed in the carry-on) would have prevented the 1500-year-long ‘Mega Drought’ that killed off original Australians…
Study suggests 1500-year-long ‘mega drought’ killed off original Australians
AUSTRALIA’S original inhabitants may have died-off during a 1500-year-long ‘mega drough’, new research suggests.
JANUARY 3, 201311:07AM
Researchers investigating rapid climate change in the Kimberley region found the intense drought coincided with the disappearance of a pre-Aboriginal style of rock paintings about 7000 years ago.
Ancient rock art from the region is divided into two distinctive styles: Gwion and Wandjina.
The Gwion rock-art style lasted some 10,000 years before the final image was painted. Wandjina paintings only appeared about 4000 years ago.
The study, sponsored by the Kimberley Foundation of Australia, for the first time offers an explanation for this 3000 year gap.
“The likely reason for the demise of the Gwion artists was a mega-drought spanning approximately 1500 years, brought on by changing climate conditions that caused the collapse of the Australian summer monsoon,” says associate professor Hamish McGowan of the University of Queensland’s School of Geography.
MEANWHILE, Australia’s politicians and the Climate Crisis Industry are succeeding in destroying Australia’s economy through the stealth implementation of draconian climate change policy that they believe will future-proof Australia against bad weather and events like the current NSW drought, where some areas have not seen any decent rain for 2 years. 1,498 years less than when “rapid climate change” brought on Australia’s natural ‘Mega-Drought’ around 7,000 years ago.
SEE also :
CLIMATE Science related :
ORIGINS Of The Global Warming Scam :
PLEASE Tip The Climatism Jar To HELP Keep The Good Fight Alive!
(Climate sceptics/rationalists still waitin’ for that “big oil” cheque to arrive in the mail!)
Help us to hit back against the bombardment of climate lies costing our communities, economies and livelihoods far, far too much.
Thanks to all those who have donated and continue on a monthly cycle! Your support and faith in Climatism is highly motivating and greatly appreciated!
Citizen journalists don’t rely on mastheads, rather private donations. Every pledge helps!
Click link for more info…TQ! Jamie.
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Posted: August 5, 2018 | Author: Jamie Spry | Filed under: Alarmist media, Australia, BoM, Bureau Of Meterology, Carbon Tax, Climate Change, Climate Changes, Climate History, Climatism, Drought, Extreme Weather, Government Grants/Funding | Tags: Australia, BoM, Bureau of Meteorology, Carbon Tax, Censorship, Climate Change, Climatism, drought, Federation Drought, nature, Open Letter |
THE Murray River (Australia’s longest) was dry for six months in 1902.
TO whom it may concern,
CC: Josh Frydenberg (Australian Minister for the Environment & Energy)
Last year I contacted you in regards to updating 7 years of missing tropical cyclone data on the BoM record.
August 16, 2017
Dear BoM,
I have been a keen observer of weather and climate for well over a climate point (42 years)!
The chaotic system of climate and “climate change” is ever fascinating. Though, today the ‘chaos’ has been replaced by an unhealthy polarization of “the science”, all too often determined by belief, politics and ideology. Sadly, dogma has trumped empirical evidence, corrupting the scientific method.
That said, I am seeking from you an updated version of the cyclone trends graph which ends at 2011. The BoM site has excellent data up to 2017 to complete the series. Is there a reason why the data has not been translated to the current graph? I would be happy to work on getting it up to date if resources are limited!
As a start, there is a written record from 2012-2015 here:
However, this record does not quite match the said graph 1969 – 2011. Methodology for what qualifies the graphed record would be appreciated.
Jamie Spry (Melbourne, Australia)
Graph showing the number of severe and non-severe tropical cyclones from 1970–2011 which have occurred in the Australian region. Severe tropical cyclones are those which show a minimum central pressure less than 970 hPa.
OPEN Letter To The Bureau Of Meteorology – Tropical Cyclone Trends | Climatism
TO your credit, communication was swift and missing data promptly updated to 2016/17:
Graph showing the number of severe and non-severe tropical cyclones from 1970-2017 which have occurred in the Australian region. Severe tropical cyclones are shown here as those with a minimum central pressure less than 970 hPa.
I write to you today seeking access to valuable historical information you once had on your website pertaining to historical “extremes”, namely the devastating 7 year “Federation Drought” 1895-1902…
THE page is no longer available:
BOM – Australian Climate Extremes-Drought
Bureau of Meteorology – The page you requested was not found on this server
ORIGINAL content of Australia’s important climate change history has been thankfully saved in the WayBackMachine and sent to me by :
BOM – Australian Climate Extremes (WayBackMachine)
Drought. The word evokes images of barren fields, dying stock, and water holes and reservoirs drying to cracked mud. Shrivelled hopes, failed crops, and often economic ruin are its trademarks.
Drought is also part and parcel of life in Australia, particularly in the marginal areas away from the better-watered coasts and ranges.
Of all the climatic phenomena to afflict Australia, drought is probably the most economically costly: major droughts such as that of 1982/83 can have a major impact on the national economy. Moreover, apart from crop failure and stock losses, droughts set the scene for other disastrous phenomena, such as fires, dust-storms, and general land degradation.
Denuded earth and dry watercourses during drought near Gunnedah, in the normally well-watered Namoi Valley region of New South Wales (photo courtesy of the NSW Dept of Land and Water Conservation).
Why is Australia drought prone?
Australia is prone to drought because of its geography. Our continent sits more or less astride the latitudes of the subtropical high pressure belt, an area of sinking, dry, stable air and usually clear skies. The far north and south of the country come under the influence of reasonably regular rain-bearing disturbances for at least part of the year, and the east coast is watered reasonably well by moisture from the Tasman and Coral Seas. However over most of the country rainfall is not only low, but highly erratic.
Many, but by no means all, droughts over eastern and northern Australia accompany the El Niño-Southern Oscillation phenomenon, which typically lasts about a year, as in 1982/83. Droughts in the western areas and over much of the interior normally have different causes. Nevertheless, on some occasions (such as 1914 and 1994) El Niño-related droughts may extend across virtually the entire country. On such occasions, the economic and livestock losses are exacerbated
Hand-feeding sheep in western New South Wales during the extended drought in Queensland and New South Wales during the 1990s
(photo c/o the Fairfax Photo Library).
Long-term droughts
Over much of the country, droughts can extend over several years, relieved only by brief, transitory rains. Indeed, probably the most damaging type of drought is when one or two very dry years follow several years of generally below-average rainfall. The “Federation drought” of the late 1890s through 1902 is an example, as is the more recent 1991-95 drought in Queensland, northern New South Wales and parts of central Australia. Over still longer time-scales, Australia’s rainfall history features several periods of a decade or longer that seem to have been distinctly “drought prone”. For instance, the mid to late 1920s and the 1930s were a period of generally low rainfall over most of the country, continuing through most of the 1940s over the eastern states. A similar dry spell occurred in the 1960s over central and eastern Australia. During these low rainfall periods, not every year is dry; it is just that rainfall in most years is below the long-term average, and there are often runs of years with recurrent drought. Thus in the late 1930s-40s major droughts occurred over eastern Australia in 1937-38, 1940-41, and 1943-45.
The 1990s saw formal Government acknowledgement that drought is part of the natural variability of the Australian climate, with drought relief for farmers and agricultural communities being restricted to times of so-called “exceptional circumstances”. In other words, the agricultural sector was expected to cope with the occasional drought, and relief would be available only for droughts of unusual length or severity.
BOM – Australian Climate Extremes (WayBackMachine)
AS Eastern Australia suffers through another awful drought, it is important that the public is educated into the causes of long-term drought such that appropriate action can be taken, as noted by the Australian Government in the 1990’s, “The 1990s saw formal Government acknowledgement that drought is part of the natural variability of the Australian climate, with drought relief for farmers and agricultural communities being restricted to times of so-called “exceptional circumstances”.
EDUCATION and understanding of the “land of sweeping plains,/Of ragged mountain ranges,/Of droughts and flooding rains.”[2] helps to eliminate spurious claims of human-induced climate change as the cause of drought, all-too-often used by the mainstream media to push a political agenda or ideology.
SUCH wistful activism encouraging a misallocation of funds in a vain attempt to “stop” climate change with precious public money awarded to wind farm, solar panel corporations and power companies, rather than fund drought mitigation schemes (dams) and to aid farmers through tedious times that will always occur naturally, regardless of Australia or the world’s carbon dioxide output.
* Read the rest of this entry »
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Posted: May 19, 2018 | Author: Jamie Spry | Filed under: Australia, Carbon Tax, Climate Change, Climate History, Climate History News, CO2, Drought, Floods | Tags: Australia, Australian drought, Carbon Dioxide, Carbon Tax, Climate Change, drought, floods, Global Warming |
Real Science
![ScreenHunter_07 Jun. 08 21.42](
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Posted: February 21, 2018 | Author: Jamie Spry | Filed under: Australia, BIG Government, Carbon Dioxide, Carbon Tax, Climate Alarmism, Climatism, Energy Poverty, Environmentalism, Failed Green Schemes, Government Grants/Funding, Govt Climate Agenda, Green Agenda, Green Energy, ORIGINS OF THE GLOBAL WARMING SCAM, Population Control, Renewables, RET, Socialism, Solar, UN, UNEP, UNFCCC, Unreliables, Wind Farms | Tags: auspol, Barack Obama, Carbon Dioxide, carbon dioxide emissions, Carbon Tax, Climate Change, Climate Change Alarmism, Climate Change Scam, Climatism, CO2, Energy Poverty, Environmentalism, Fuel Poverty, Global Warming, Global Warming Scam, Green Agenda, Green Energy, John Holdren, Malthus, malthusianism, Paul Ehrlich, Population Control, Renewable energy, Stephen Schneider, The Club Of Rome, UNEP, unreliables, wind energy scam |
ANTHROPOGENIC “climate change”, and the control of carbon dioxide (energy) has deep roots in a radical, yet gravely misguided campaign to reduce the world’s population.
GLOBAL Warming aka Climate Change has little to do with the “environment” or “saving the planet”. Rather, its roots lie in a misanthropic agenda engineered by the environmental movement in the mid 1970’s, who realised that doing something about “Global Warming” would play to quite a number of the Lefts social agendas.
THE goal was advanced, most notably, by The Club Of Rome (Environmental consultants to the UN) – a group of mainly European scientists and academics, who used computer modelling to warn that the world would run out of finite resources if population growth were left unchecked.
“In searching for a new enemy to unite us, we came up with the idea that .. the threat of global warming.. would fit the bill.. the real enemy, then, is humanity itself.” – Club Of Rome
THE Club Of Rome’s 1972 environmental best-seller “The Limits To Growth”, examined five variables in the original model: world population, industrialisation, pollution, food production and resource depletion.
NOT surprisingly, the study predicted a dire future for mankind unless we ‘act now’:
AROUND the same time, influential anthropologist and president of the American Medical Association for the Advancement of Science (AAAS), Margaret Mead, gathered together like-minded anti-population hoaxsters at her 1975, North Carolina conference, “The Atmosphere: Endangered and Endangering”. Mead’s star recruits were climate scare artist Stephen Schneider, population-freak George Woodwell and former AAAS head, John Holdren (Barack Obama’s Science and Technology Czar). All three of them disciples of Malthusian catastrophist Paul Ehrlich, author of the “The Population Bomb”.
THE conference concluded that human-produced carbon dioxide would fry the planet, melt the ice caps, and destroy human life. The idea being to sow enough fear of man-made climate change to force global cutbacks in industrial activity and halt Third World development.
WE are given clues as to the motives of this extreme agenda from various statements by prominent environmental ‘icons’…
“Giving society cheap, abundant energy would be the
equivalent of giving an idiot child a machine gun.”
– Prof Paul Ehrlich, Stanford University
“The Earth has cancer
and the cancer is Man.”
– Club of Rome,
premier environmental think-tank,
consultants to the United Nations
“If we don’t overthrow capitalism, we don’t have a chance of
saving the world ecologically. I think it is possible to have
an ecologically sound society under socialism.
I don’t think it is possible under capitalism”
– Judi Bari,
principal organiser of Earth First
“We’ve got to ride this global warming issue.
Even if the theory of global warming is wrong,
we will be doing the right thing in terms of
economic and environmental policy.“
– Timothy Wirth,
President of the UN Foundation
“No matter if the science of global warming is all phony…
climate change provides the greatest opportunity to
bring about justice and equality in the world.”
– Christine Stewart,
former Canadian Minister of the Environment
“In Searching For A New Enemy To Unite Us, We Came Up With The Threat Of Global Warming” – Club of Rome,
premier environmental think-tank,
consultants to the United Nations
“Isn’t the only hope for the planet that the industrialized civilizations collapse? Isn’t it our responsibility to bring that about?” – Maurice Strong, founder of the UN Environment Programme (UNEP)
“Current lifestyles and consumption patterns of the affluent middle class – involving high meat intake, use of fossil fuels, appliances, air-conditioning, and suburban housing – are not sustainable.” – Maurice Strong, Secretary General of the UN’s Earth Summit, 1992.
VIV Forbes on how the control of population growth and people’s lifestyles manifests today through the control of energy supply…
The “zero-emissions” zealots want to force us backwards down the energy ladder to the days of human, animal and solar power. They oppose the main thing that sets us apart from all other species – the use of fire from explosives, coal, oil, gas or nuclear power.
They have yet to explain how our massive fleet of planes, trains, tractors, harvesters, trucks, road trains, container-ships and submarines will be powered and lubricated by windmills, treadmills, windlasses, solar energy, distilled whiskey and water wheels.
Western nations, driven by a global agenda of climate alarmism, are destroying their profitable industries with carbon taxes; and their promotion of expensive, intermittent green energy is pushing us back down the energy ladder; and our competitors in Asia are climbing the energy ladder as quickly as they can. At the same time, the enormous waste of public money on government promotion of the climate industry has created a global fiscal mess.
Unless reversed, this wasteful de-energising policy will drive much of the world’s population back to the poverty and famines which often prevailed in the past. Some see the inevitable de-population this would cause as a desirable goal.
READ the whole post here: Falling Down the Energy Ladder | US Issues
JO Nova on how the radical environmental movement has succeeded in the implementation of draconian climate change policy that has created an era of energy poverty that is destroying western economies and hurting the poor…
Electricity prices declined for forty years. Obviously that had to stop.
Here’s is the last 65 years of Australian electricity prices — indexed and adjusted for inflation. During the coal boom, Australian electricity prices declined decade after decade. As renewables and national energy bureaucracies grew, so did the price of electricity. Must be a coincidence…
Today all the hard-won masterful efficiency gains of the fifties, sixties and seventies have effectively been reversed in full.
![indexed-real-consumer-electricity-prices 1955-2018a](
For most of the 20th Century the Australian grid was hotch potch of separate state grids and mini grids. (South Australia was only connected in 1990). In 1998 the NEM (National Energy Market) began, a feat that finally made bad management possible on a large scale. Though after decades of efficiency gains, Australians would have to wait years to see new higher “world leading” prices. For the first years of the NEM prices stayed around $30/MWh.
But sooner or later a national system is a sitting duck for one small mind to come along and truly muck things up.
Please spread this graph far and wide.
Thanks to a Dr Michael Crawford who did the original, excellent graph.
Electricity prices fell for forty years in Australia, then renewables came… « JoNova
UPDATE 21 Dec, 2018
See : DRACONIAN UN CLIMATE AGENDA EXPOSED : ‘Global Warming Fears Are A Tool For Political and Economic Change…It Has Nothing To Do With The Actual Climate’ | Climatism
Energy Poverty and Skyrocketing Power Prices related :
- IT’S OFFICIAL : South Australia Has The World’s Highest Power Prices! | Climatism
- ENERGY Prices Double In A Year In Victoria And South Australia! | Climatism
- TENS Of Thousands Of Homes Across Victoria Without Power As System Buckles Under Heat – Welcome To Your Wind Powered Future! | Climatism
- UNRELIABLE Energy – Wind and Solar – A Climate Of Communism | Climatism
- German Pols Now Demanding Energy Welfare For Its Citizens – 800,000 Have Had Their Electricity Cut Off!
- THE $Trillion Windmill Industry Is The Greatest Scam Of Our Age | Climatism
- Over 100,000 People in Green Energy South Australia Now Receive Food Donations | Climatism
- POLITICIANS Mad With Global Warming Theory Are Destroying The Economy And Hurting The Poor | Climatism
- DIESEL – Keeping South Australia’s Lights On Til The Next Election! | Climatism
- LIFE In A Fossil-Fuel-Free Utopia | Climatism
- THE Twisted Irony of Deep-Green Energy Policy (RET) | Climatism
- The Cost Of Going Green: Taxpayers Hit With A $60Bn Power Bill | Climatism
- GREEN ENERGY FAIL – World Coal Power Development Up 43% | Climatism
- TRULY GREEN? How Germany’s #Energiewende Is Destroying Nature | Climatism
- WITHOUT Access To Massive Taxpayer Subsidies There Would Be No “Green Energy Revolution” | Climatism
U.N. related :
ORIGINS Of The Global Warming Scam :
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Posted: November 18, 2017 | Author: Jamie Spry | Filed under: Carbon Tax, Energy Poverty, Socialism | Tags: Carbon Tax, Climate Change Scam, Energy Poverty, Fuel Poverty, Global Warming Scam, industry, UK |
“Carbon Tax Crippling UK Industry” – So, I guess it’s working perfectly then. Way to go UK! /sarc
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Posted: June 4, 2017 | Author: Jamie Spry | Filed under: Carbon Tax, Climate Money, COP22, Energy Poverty, Environmentalism, Failed Green Schemes, Green Agenda, UN, UNEP, UNFCCC, Wealth Redistribution | Tags: Carbon Dioxide Hoax, Carbon Tax, Climate Change, Climate Change Hoax, Global Warming Scam, Green Climate Fund, Green Taxes, MAGA, Paris, Paris Accord, Trump, UN, UNEP, UNFCCC |
Hard-earned US taxpayer funds diverted to third-world countries (often run by tin-pot dictators) via the unelected bureaucratic behemoth – the United Nations. What possibly could go wrong?!
Donald J Trump – protecting US incomes with accountability and transparency for its careful use where needed. And yet Trump’s the bad guy?!
Watts Up With That?
Yeah, this is why President Trump said
“We will cease honoring all non-binding agreements”, and “we will stop contributing to the green climate fund”.
“I can not in good conscience support a deal that harms the United States”.
“The bottom line is that the Paris Accord is very unfair to the United States”.
“This agreement is less about climate and more about other countries getting a financial advantage over the United States”.
The United States contributed $1 billion to the global Green Climate Fund, but the world’s top polluters contributed nothing, David Asman reported.
via Fox news here
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Posted: December 28, 2016 | Author: Jamie Spry | Filed under: California, Carbon Dioxide, Carbon Tax, Carbon Trading, Climate Alarmism, Climate Money, Cult Science, Eco-Activists, Empirical Evidence, Environmentalism, EPA, Fact Check, Govt Climate Agenda, Green Agenda, Green Energy, Renewables, Solar, Unreliables, Wind Farms | Tags: California, Carbon Dioxide, Carbon Emissions, Carbon Tax, Carbon Trading, Climate Change Alarmism, Climate Change Scam, Eco insanity, Global Warming, Jerry Brown, unreliables, Virtue-Signalling |
The eco-militant EPA’s own figures note that slashing America’s CO2 emissions, will prevent less than 0.03 degrees Fahrenheit of global warming 85 years from now!
All that pain – destroying jobs and impairing human welfare – for such little gain!
Virtue-signalling politicians “riding their eco-friendly flying pigs” – a far more dangerous threat to life on earth than any minuscule and arguably beneficial, ‘global warming’ could ever be!
Eco-insanity on stilts.
Watts Up With That?
Costs are rising for Californian Renewable Energy Consumers
Guest essay by Eric Worrall
h/t Breitbart; California has committed to moving forward with its job destroying climate policies, regardless of vocal complaints from business leaders.
California, at Forefront of Climate Fight, Won’t Back Down to Trump
“California can make a significant contribution to advancing the cause of dealing with climate change, irrespective of what goes on in Washington,” Mr. Brown said in an interview. “I wouldn’t underestimate California’s resolve if everything moves in this extreme climate denial direction. Yes, we will take action.”
When California enacted its climate reduction standards last year, it drew fierce criticism from state business leaders.
The bills “impose very severe caps on the emission of greenhouse gases in California, without requiring the regulatory agencies to give any consideration to the impacts on our economy, disruptions in everyone’s daily lives or the fact…
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