STARK Reminder That Climate Bedwetters Are Mere Groupthink Puppets To The Hypocritical Rants Of Their Malthusian Leaders

Greenpeace Filling Up on Fossil Fuels

Greenpeace Filling Up on Fossil Fuels

GREENPEACE is a strident campaigner against big oil, especially against BP. Why isn’t the Rainbow Warrior running on solar power or wind power?

Kayaktivists protesting against oil exploration in kayaks made of oil

KAYAKTIVISTS protesting against oil exploration using kayaks made from oil. The paddles they use are plastic. The personal flotation devices heavily dependent on synthetic material derived from petroleum. The leader of the protest garbed in synthetic clothing with a petroleum-based megaphone in hand.

Nuff said.



This graphic says it all…

FF hypocrisy.jpg

 Via @GillesnFio

H/t  @GillesnFio


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