AUSTRALIA’S Self-Inflicted Unreliable Energy Crisis: 200,000 Families Can’t Afford Power
Posted: June 5, 2018 Filed under: Australia, BIG Government, Energy Poverty, Government Grants/Funding, Green Agenda, Green Energy, Renewables, RET, Solar, Unreliables, Wind Farms | Tags: Australia, Battery Storage, Climate Change, Energy Poverty, Fuel Poverty, Global Warming, Solar panels, South Pole, unreliables, Wind Energy, wind energy scam, wind power Leave a commentSEE now what their panic-making has inspired – symbolic global warming schemes that have hurt us infinitely more than any slight, and most probably beneficial, global warming ever could…
Relying on subsidised, intermittent and unreliable wind and solar results in rocketing power prices. Rocketing power prices results in a cycle of grinding, daily misery for the poorest and most vulnerable.
More than 100,000 Australian families had their power cut off last year, and a further 100,000 are on payment plans with their power retailers – all thanks to Australia’s diabolical obsession with wind and solar power.
South Australia tops the list above, for one reason, and one reason only: its ludicrous attempt to run on sunshine and breezes.
Craig Kelly heads up the Monash Forum, a group of 30 Liberal and National MPs determined to arrest the disaster. Here’s Craig.
Energy policy as shameful as the Soviet’s
The Spectator Australia
Craig Kelly
21 May 2018
“I told myself it was beneath my dignity to arrest a man for pilfering firewood. But nothing ordered by the party is beneath the…
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ECONOMIC Fantasy: Battery ‘Solution’ to Intermittent Wind & Solar Would Cost $Trillions
Posted: April 24, 2018 Filed under: Energy Poverty, Fact Check, Failed Green Schemes, Green Energy, Renewables, RET, Solar, Unreliables, Wind Farms | Tags: Battery Storage, Climate science, Energy Poverty, Fuel Poverty, Global Warming, solar, Solar panels, Solar PV, Subsidies, Taxpayer Billions, Taxpayer Funded, taxpayer trillions, Taxpayer waste, unreliables, Wind Energy, Wind Farms, wind power Leave a comment“Those fantasists claiming that we’re heartbeat away from running entirely on sunshine and breezes, need to keep up the line about giant batteries being the simple solution to a glaring problem. Except, that they will never put a number on what their purportedly quick and simple fix might cost. And that’s because the number is in the many $trillions, as detailed by Francis Menton below.”
AND on the third day BILLIONS became TRILLIONS! Taxpayers hard-earned money sacrificed at the alter of “climate change” all to try to create some kind of perfect climate nirvana.
It took the proletariat a nanosecond to work out that wind power can, and will never, work as a meaningful power generation source.
Graphs like the one above – depicting the entire output of every wind turbine connected to Australia’s Eastern Grid (spread across four states, NSW, Victoria, Tasmania and South Australia) – quickly gave the game away.
Challenged with the inherent unreliability and obvious intermittency of wind power, those pushing it have been reduced to chanting mantras about mega-batteries saving the day.
The way they tell it, it’s as if they simply left grid-scale battery storage off their shopping lists – like some muddle-headed shopper returning home without milk and bread – and all they needed to do was pop back to the shops to collect some.
A bargain struck by economic vandals: $150,000,000 for 4 minute’s power.
The world’s largest battery cuts a lonely figure in a paddock…
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Hype-Power: Renewables Zealots’ Claims that SA’s Mega-Battery Saves Grid Pure Bunkum
Posted: April 2, 2018 Filed under: Australia, Energy Poverty, Fact Check, Failed Green Schemes, Green Energy, Renewables, Solar, Unreliables, Wind Farms | Tags: Battery Storage, Climate Change, Elon Musk, Energy Poverty, Fake News, Fuel Poverty, Global Warming, Green Energy Failure, Mega battery, Renewable energy, renewables, reneweconomy, SA Blackouts, Solar panels, South Australia, unreliables, Wind Farms Leave a comment“HOWEVER, it turns out that Reneweconomy, in its zeal to promote new power sources, shifted the goalposts so that the battery output was exaggerated over one hundred fold. The correct measure is as follows with the battery contribution comprising the almost invisible yellow at the bottom of the following chart.
A mixture of mainly fossil fuel stations expanded output and filled the gap within one minute.
Morals of the story: (i) batteries may have a role but they are dear; (ii) always seek verification of assertions made by propagandists!”
A must read post by Alan Moran and STT…
Four parts snake-oil, three parts urban myth.
With Australia’s renewable energy crisis running totally out of control, whenever you hear the word ‘battery’ you know you’re being conned.
Pumping power into and then taking it out of a battery results in inevitable exchange losses, power gets chewed up during that process and is dissipated as heat energy. And then there’s the enormous capital cost of the battery: SA’s 100 MW tiddler cost taxpayers $150 million. Even if renewable electricity delivered from batteries were available, retailers would be paying north of $600 per MWh to get it.
But still the hapless Federal Energy Minister, Josh Frydenberg plugs it; head of the AEMO, Audrey Zibelman plugs it; and so does Anne Pearson of the Australian Energy Market Commission.
And so do the wind and sun worshippers over at Ruin-economy. Here’s Alan Moran unplugging some of their more exuberant hype.
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THE Staggering Cost of Keeping the Lights on in Wind ‘Powered’ South Australia
Posted: February 7, 2018 Filed under: Australia, BIG Government, Energy Poverty, Government Grants/Funding, Green Agenda, Green Energy, Renewables, RET, Solar, Unreliables, Wind Farms | Tags: auspol, Battery Storage, Blackouts, climate, Climate Change Policy, Dan Andrews, Diesel, Elon Musk, Energy Poverty, Fuel Poverty, Jay Weatherill, Josh Frydenberg, SA Blackouts, solar, South Australia, unreliables, Victoria, Wind Energy, wind energy scam, Wind Farms, wind power Leave a comment“Even the most virulent supporter of renewable energy can, after enough waterboarding, admit the link between more renewables and increased power prices.
“…and bring in diesel-powered generators to stop the lights turning off. It is surely the biggest admission that our renewables experiment has been a failure when you have to call in generators to burn pure fossil fuels.”
EXCELLENT read on the unreliable-energy fiasco that is wreaking havoc on the livelihoods of Victoria and South Australian taxpayers…
Comparing 2016 (red) and 2017 (blue) average
wholesale prices of electricity by state
South Australians have a Labor government and its deranged, ideological obsession with wind and solar power to thank for their status as an international joke.
Paying the highest retail power prices in the world (with much worse to come – see above), routine load shedding and statewide blackouts, and a grid on the brink of collapse, is all the inevitable consequence of attempting to run an economy on sunshine and breezes.
One of the reasons things got this way (and it happened in a bit over 16 years) is the manner in which the useful idiots in the mainstream press pumped wind power, as if it was a sacred gift delivered by some magical and benevolent deity.
In South Australia, the wind cult kicked off around 2002 when its then Premier, Mike Rann started tilting at…
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Electric cars are pollution shifters: we will need huge investment in generation capacity
Posted: August 1, 2017 Filed under: Fact Check, Failed Green Schemes, Government Grants/Funding, Green Energy, Renewables, Unreliables | Tags: Battery Storage, Climate Change, Elon Musk, Global Warming Scam, Green Energy Failure, Tesla 1 CommentShock news.
Study: Tesla car battery production releases as much CO2 as 8 years of driving on petrol
Climate Moranomics in action…
By Paul Homewood
Apparently the Guardian actually has one sensible reader.
From their letters page:
There seems to be little understanding of the simple fact that electric vehicles (EV) are, in the main, pollution shifters – from tailpipe to power generation facility (Ban from 2040 on diesel and petrol car sales, 26 July). The electricity generation and transmission system is already tested to its limits during a harsh winter. Only if objections disappeared to the mass building of thousands of the largest wind turbines, plus similar numbers of hectares of photovoltaic solar generation, could the pollution shifters’ argument be refuted. Even then, there would still be need for conventional or nuclear generation for when the sun doesn’t shine and wind doesn’t blow – doubling the capital requirement.
Then there is the transmission system. Its capacity is based on “averaging”. It assumes that not everyone will be using the…
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Bulk Battery Storage of Wind Power a Myth
Posted: August 31, 2016 Filed under: Australia, Fact Check, Failed Green Schemes, Green Agenda, Renewables, Unreliables, Wind Farms | Tags: Battery Storage, Climate Change, Global Warming Scam, Myths, Scam, wind, Wind Energy, wind energy scam, Wind Farms Leave a commentShock news.
Though even if it were possible, imagine how many new mines would be needed to be dug to extract the toxic components needed to make all them batteries.
That said, the Greens and the global warming faith would naturally turn a blind eye to the mining and toxic waste, just as they turn a blind eye to the catastrophic bird and bat slaughter wreaked by windmills, as well the devastating health effects infrasound has on people’s lives and on the animals that inhabit wind farm zones.
In the fall-out over South Australia’s wind powered economic and social calamity, the line has been repeatedly spun about fixing the mess with ‘rapidly improving battery storage technology’.
It is little more than a ‘smoke and mirrors’ pitch by the wind industry, its parasites and spruikers, designed to deflect attention from the fact that wind power is meaningless as a power source, abandoned centuries ago for very obvious reasons – eg, SA’s wind power output during July:
Even if storing Terawatt/hours of electricity produced by these things – when it wasn’t needed, in order to deliver it when it might be – was technically possible the cost of the power delivered would be astronomical, as this little Mythbusting analysis makes plain.
The Holy Grail of Battery Storage
Energy Matters
Roger Andrews
18 August 2016
A recent Telegraph article claims that storage battery technology is now advancing so fast that “we…
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