Bioscience article is academic rape: an assertion of power and intimidation
Posted: December 3, 2017 Filed under: Alarmism Debunked, Alarmist media, Arctic, Green Agenda, Michael Mann, Polar Bears, Science | Tags: Arcti Sea Ice Scam, arctic death spiral, Arctic recovery, Arctic Sea Ice, Climate Change, Climate science, Dogma, Empirical Evidence, global cooling, Lewandowsky, Polar Regions, Science and Environment, slime, Smears, Susan Crockford 1 Comment“Blasphemy is what an old dogma screams at a new truth.” — Robert G. Ingersoll
Characterizing a professional, respected scientist as an unqualified vengeful opinion writer is the same kind of power attack as rape. It’s meant to humiliate and intimidate.
I said this as part of a response to a comment at WUWT late yesterday (copied in full below). The picture above shows Steven Amstrup holding polar bear cubs against their will — not for any scientific purpose, just for a photo that shows he can.
Also yesterday, Tom Fuller at ClimateScepticism wrote a hard-hitting critique of the Bioscience article that similarly noted the sexist nature of this harassment and the fact that this is the way Michael Mann and his colleagues behave toward female scientists who cross them or their supporters. He concludes:
“The purpose of these papers is not to communicate.
It is to excommunicate.”
As I said when this paper first came out, this response is all about my reasoned and…
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Arctic Ice Extent Recovering At Record Pace
Posted: September 30, 2016 Filed under: Alarmism Debunked, Arctic, Carbon Dioxide, Climate science, Dud predictions, Empirical Evidence, Fact Check, Failed Climate Models, Settled Science | Tags: arctic, arctic death spiral, Arctic recovery, Climate Change, Climate Change Alarmism, CSIRO, Dud Predictions, Global Warming Alarmism, nasa Leave a comment“Record” Arctic sea-ice recovery despite record CO2 emissions this Century and rising!
In fact a third of all Human CO2 emissions since 1750 have been emitted this Century, yet global temps have plateaued and the Arctic is currently tracking record recovery.
Time for a global-warming-theory check? It is, after all, still a “theory” with not a single peer-reviewed paper yet to link empirical evidence with the small amount of warming that has occurred since 1850 – about 0.8C, depending on which data-set is used.
Furthermore the slight warning that has occurred is arguably beneficial to human wellbeing and plant growth, as opposed to dangerous cooling. Far more lives are lost to cold weather than to warm.
As well, numerous studies, including from AGW alarmist government agencies NASA and the CSIRO have shown that rising CO2 emissions are “greening” the planet, which with great irony happens to be a very unwelcome message for the environmental movement.
CSIRO Censoring Their Own Climate Research: much for the “Ice-free Arctic by 2014”, “Arctic Death Spiral”, “Arctic Imminent Doom”, “Arctic Tipping Points” and other alarmist predictions spouted by climate scientists, government agencies and their sycophant media.
The Arctic is the ultimate ‘canary in the coal-mine’ for global warming alarmists, and it is currently recovering at record pace, despite record CO2 emissions.
Cue “Global Warming Is Causing Record Arctic Ice Growth”! But don’t laugh, climate alarmists have already used that one to explain the undisputed *record* ice expansion and cooling of Antarctica 🇦🇶!
By Paul Homewood
Arctic sea ice continues to grow back at a phenomenal rate. Since the start of the month, growth has comfortable exceeded anything on record since daily figures began in 1987.
Ice has expanded by 0.896 million sq km, compared to the 1981-2010 average of 0.237 million sq km.
According to NSIDC, ice extent now stands at the fourth highest for this day in the last 10 years.
DMI actually show ice extent to be higher than NSIDC, roughly equal to 2013 and 2014, which raises questions in itself.
DMI now estimate that the average extent for the month will be greater than, or on a par with, most of the last ten years. Only 2013 and 2014 are much greater.
It is clear that September ice extent has remained extremely stable since 2007, regardless of what happened before.
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Inconvenient: Record Arctic Sea Ice Growth In September
Posted: September 28, 2016 Filed under: Alarmism uncovered, Alarmist media, Alarmist Predictions, Arctic, Empirical Evidence, Fact Check, Settled Science | Tags: arctic, arctic death spiral, Arctic Pause, Arctic recovery, Climate alarmism, Climate Change, Dud Predictions, Global Warming, Scam Leave a commentOuch. Another failed climate prediction.
And yet another reason not to believe the favoured climate meme used by global warming alarmists to shut down debate – “the science is settled”…
Watts Up With That?
History Keeps Proving Prophets Of Eco-Apocalypse Wrong
Source data:
Since hitting its earliest minimum extent since 1997, Arctic sea ice has been expanding at a phenomenal rate. Already it is greater than at the same date in 2007, 2008, 2010, 2011, 2012 and 2015. Put another way, it is the fourth highest extent in the last ten years. Even more remarkably, ice growth since the start of the month is actually the greatest on record, since daily figures started to be kept in 1987. –Paul Homewood, Not A Lot Of People Know That, 25 September 2016
One of the world’s leading ice experts has predicted the final collapse of Arctic sea ice in summer months within four years. In what he calls a “global disaster” now unfolding in northern latitudes as the sea area that freezes and melts each year shrinks to its lowest extent ever recorded…
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Arctic sea ice melt has turned the corner
Posted: September 15, 2016 Filed under: Arctic, Fact Check, Failed Climate Models, Global Cooling, NCDC, Satellite Data | Tags: Arcti Sea Ice Scam, arctic, arctic death spiral, Arctic recovery, Settled Science Leave a commentThat “Ice-Free Arctic” we were promised, on ice for yet another year… ❄️
Watts Up With That?
I almost called this yesterday, but I needed more data to be sure. All of the data I’ve looked at agrees, Arctic sea ice is now on the upswing, and in a big way.
Here is the plot from NSIDC:
This graph from Wipneus shows the abruptness of the change:
And the physics of ice is also a dead giveaway. Here, the Arctic temperature shows a dramatic upswing.
This is why: when water freezes it releases its specific latent heat.
The specific latent heat is the amount of energy required to convert 1 kg (or 1 lb) of a substance from solid to liquid (or vice-versa) without a change in the temperature of the surroundings — all absorbed energy goes into the phase change — is known as the specific latent heat of fusion.
For water, that’s about 334 KiloJoules of energy per kilogram.
Added: Note that in the…
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Polar bear habitat update end of April 2016: Plenty of sea ice for feeding
Posted: April 30, 2016 Filed under: Alarmist Predictions, Arctic, Dud predictions, Fact Check, Polar Bears, Uncategorized | Tags: arctic death spiral, arctic ice scam, Arctic recovery, Polar Bears Leave a commentGlobal Warming alarmists media and activist groups; BBC, Sierra Club, National Geographic, Al Gore assured us that the Arctic would be ice-free by now.
You were lied to and Arctic sea ice is doing just fine:You Were Lied To About Arctic Sea Ice Disappearing
Leonardo DiCaprio and those same alarmist media outlets and activist groups also preach the dire fate of the cuddly Polar Bear to push their man-made global warming agenda. This is also a lie.
Arctic sea ice and those cuddly polar bears are doing just fine.
“Polar bears consume 2/3 of all the food they need for the year during April-June and so far, ice conditions are looking just fine.”
So, here we are near the end of the first month of the Arctic spring and there is still more ice than usual off Labrador and conditions in the Barents Sea are improving daily. The fear-mongers can blather all they like about the potential risks of bears swimming in summer – but spring is the critical seasonas far as sea ice is concerned for polar bears and all polar bear biologists know it. Polar bears consume 2/3 of all the food they need for the year during April-June and so far, ice conditions are looking just fine.
There is enough ice where there needs to be ice for polar bears to gorge themselves on new-born ringed and bearded seals – and that’s really all that matters. More ice off Labrador means more hunting ground for the Davis Strait polar bears that depend on the tens of thousands of young…
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Arctic Sea Ice Growth Continues To Blow Away All Records
Posted: December 16, 2015 Filed under: Alarmism Debunked, Arctic, Climate Change, Climate Changes, Empirical Evidence, Fact Check, Global Sea Ice, Science | Tags: arctic, arctic ice scam, Arctic recovery, DMI Leave a commentReal Science
Ocean and Ice Services | Danmarks Meteorologiske Institut
Arctic sea ice growth has been unprecedented this autumn, and extent is far above every other year since at least 2004. This graph from the Danish Meteorological Institute is the best sea ice extent source for doing comparisons – because it uses more meaningful 30% concentration ice rather than the 15% ice used in other commonly cited graphs. DMI specifically recommendsthat you use this graph for comparisons with other years.
Alarmists constantly attack this graph, because they aren’t intelligent enough to read and comprehend the simple explanation DMI provides.
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