THE Catastrophic Anthropogenic Global Warming Scam
Posted: January 9, 2019 Filed under: Climate Fraud, Climategate, Climatism, Data Tampering, Gavin Schmidt, Govt Climate Agenda, Green Agenda, NASA, NOAA, ORIGINS OF THE GLOBAL WARMING SCAM, Pseudo-Science, Scientific Fraud | Tags: Anthropogenic Global Warming, Catastrophic Anthropogenic Climate Change, Climate Change Scam, climate fraud, Climategate, Climatism, Data Tampering, Energy Poverty, Fuel Poverty, Gavin Schmidt, Global Warming Scam, homogenisation, nasa, NASA GISS, NOAA, pseudoscience, Scientific Fraud, Tim Flannery, Tom Karl, Tony Heller 8 Comments“Kevin and I will keep [skeptic papers] out [of IPCC] somehow –
even if we have to redefine what peer-review literature is.”
– Phil Jones to Michael Mann | Climategate Emails
“As you know, I’m not political. If anything, I would like to see the climate change happen, so the science could be proved right, regardless of the consequences. This isn’t being political, it is being selfish.” – Phil Jones (Uni East Anglia CRU Head)
“The data doesn’t matter. We’re not basing our recommendations
on the data. We’re basing them on the climate models.”
– Prof. Chris Folland,
Hadley Centre for Climate Prediction and Research
“As we all know, this isn’t about truth at all,
it’s about plausibly deniable accusations.”
– Michael Mann (Climategate Emails)
THE “Hottest Year Ever” meme is just one in a long line of propaganda tools used by the Climate Crisis Industry to make you believe that the 1°C rise in global temperature since the end of the Little Ice Age – around 1880 – is “unprecedented” and will bring chaos to wildlife, humans and the planet.
HOW much of these claims are scientific, versus propaganda designed to heighten alarm around the agenda of catastrophic anthropogenic global warming (CAGW), is the centre of much conjecture and debate.
OF particular concern is how a handful of government climate ‘scientists’ have ‘homogenised’ the official surface-based temperature records to land us in the costly, hot mess we face today.
NASA’s 15 MSU and AMSU satellites generate the RSS and UAH datasets, which measure the average temperature of every cubic inch of the lower troposphere, the exact place where global warming climate change theory is meant to occur.
BEFORE 2016, UAH and RSS both tracked closely showing very little warming in their data sets which led to the identification and validation of “the pause” in global warming which has since become the subject of much research and debate in peer-reviewed scientific journals.
From the RSS website:
“The simulation as a whole are predicting too much warming” – RSS
HOWEVER, by 2016, Carl Mears, chief scientist for RSS (Remote Sensing Systems) decided that the lengthy and inconvenient global warming “pause” or “hiatus” was not a good look for the global warming narrative, so RSS was adjusted upwards, eliminating “the pause”.
Differences between the old version and new version of RSS:
MEARS’ objectivity towards the business of global temperature data collection and reporting can be found in his commentary on his website, whilst making his global-warmist intentions clear by unleashing the groupthink pejorative “denialist” – in distasteful reference to NAZI holocaust denial…
MEARS then published a paper claiming that new and improved ‘adjustments’ had “found” that missing warming.
Mears, C., and F. Wentz, 2016: Sensitivity of satellite-derived tropospheric
temperature trends to the diurnal cycle adjustment. J. Climate. doi:10.1175/JCLID-
15-0744.1, in press.
(Data and graphs via WUWT)
FOR the purpose of this post, we’ll look at the untampered UAH (University Alabama Huntsville) satellite data set run by Dr. John R. Christy – Distinguished Professor of Atmospheric Science and Director of the Earth System Science Center at The University of Alabama in Huntsville, and Roy Spencer Ph.D. – Principal Research Scientist at UAH.
SPENCER comments on the divergence between RSS and UAH post “adjustment”:
“We have a paper in peer review with extensive satellite dataset comparisons to many balloon datasets and reanalyses. These show that RSS diverges from these and from UAH, showing more warming than the other datasets between 1990 and 2002 – a key period with two older MSU sensors both of which showed signs of spurious warming not yet addressed by RSS. I suspect the next chapter in this saga is that the remaining radiosonde datasets that still do not show substantial warming will be the next to be “adjusted” upward.
The bottom line is that we still trust our methodology. But no satellite dataset is perfect, there are uncertainties in all of the adjustments, as well as legitimate differences of opinion regarding how they should be handled.
Also, as mentioned at the outset, both RSS and UAH lower tropospheric trends are considerably below the average trends from the climate models.
And that is the most important point to be made.”
Comments on the New RSS Lower Tropospheric Temperature Dataset « Roy Spencer, PhD
(Climatism bolds)
GLOBAL atmospheric temperatures continue their rapid decline off the record heights of the 2015/16 super El Niño, despite record and rising CO2 emissions.
UAH global average lower tropospheric temperature (LT) anomaly for December, 2018 was +0.25°C above the 40-year average:
GLOBAL temperature dropped by a record 0.4°C in three years according to U.K. HadCRUT4 temperature data set:
DELLERS with the details :
Earth in ‘Greatest Two-Year Cooling Event in a Century’ Shock
Our planet has just experienced the most extreme two-year cooling event in a century. But where have you seen this reported anywhere in the mainstream media?
You haven’t, even though the figures are pretty spectacular. As Aaron Brown reports hereat Real Clear Markets:
From February 2016 to February 2018 (the latest month available) global average temperatures dropped 0.56°C. You have to go back to 1982-84 for the next biggest two-year drop, 0.47°C—also during the global warming era. All the data in this essay come from GISTEMP Team, 2018: GISS Surface Temperature Analysis (GISTEMP). NASA Goddard Institute for Space Studies (dataset accessed 2018-04-11 at This is the standard source used in most journalistic reporting of global average temperatures.
The 2016-18 Big Chill was composed of two Little Chills, the biggest five month drop ever (February to June 2016) and the fourth biggest (February to June 2017). A similar event from February to June 2018 would bring global average temperatures below the 1980s average. February 2018 was colder than February 1998.
To put this temperature drop in context, consider that this is enough to offset by more than half the entirety of the global warming the planet has experienced since the end of the 19th century.
Read the rest on Breitbart.
Global Mean Estimates based on Land and Ocean Data:
THE 20 year global warming “Pause” has been well and truly wiped from the NASA GISS temperature record. AS has the record 2-year temperature drop, post 2015/16 El Niño – according to NASA GISS data.
BY their own admission, the ocean data is also fake.
date: Wed Apr 15 14:29:03 2009
from: Phil Jones <> subject: Re: Fwd: Re: contribution to
to: Thomas Crowley <>Tom,
The issue Ray alludes to is that in addition to the issue
of many more drifters providing measurements over the last
5-10 years, the measurements are coming in from places where
we didn’t have much ship data in the past. For much of the SH between 40 and 60S the normals are mostly made up as there is very little ship data there.Cheers
“HE who controls the past controls the future. He who controls the present controls the past.” – George Orwell
NOW it’s time to see how NASA GISS (Gavin Schmidt) and NOAA (Tom Karl) have created the ‘hockey-stick’ temperature rise over recent years in order to drive the Mann-made global warming agenda.
MIND-blowing adjustments to raw data that without exception – cool the past and warm the present – despite UHI (Urban Heat Island effect) undoubtedly compromising the latter parts of the modern temp record.
AND, if you think that the tampering of the earth’s temperature record, by cooling the past and warming the present to fit the man-made global warming narrative is another climate “denier” conspiracy theory then read this Climategate email from the UK’s leading climate expert, Phil Jones, to the UK Met Office and officials:
THE problem of the 1940’s warming “blip” :
THEY did exactly what Wigley was suggesting, removing more than 0.15 C from 1940′s global temperatures. This tampering is what made the hockey stick possible.
If the present refuses to get warmer, then the past must become cooler …
THE lack of US warming wrecks global warming theory, so NOAA and NASA reduced the “1940’s Blip” in the US record to create fake warming:
NOAA knows perfectly well that the US is not warming:
NASA has doubled global warming since 2001:
NASA make up record temperatures in countries where they have no thermometer data. NOAA’s current data in Africa and much of the rest of the world is fake.
THIS enables them to make the fake “Hottest Year Ever” announcements. Memes that have more to do with PR and marketing than actual science:
Changes to GISS Iceland temperatures between V2 and V3
NASA didn’t like the 1940’s warmth in Greenland, so they simply made it disappear:
((SEE more extreme examples of NASA / NOAA temperature data fraud at Tony Heller’s superb resource: The Deplorable Climate Science Blog | “Science is the belief in the ignorance of the experts” – Richard Feynman))
(Charts via Tony Heller “Real Climate Science”)
THE NASA global temperature record has been massively altered over the last 20 years to cool the past and warm the present:
IT’s not difficult to see why the NASA GISS data set is the preferred go-to for global warming activists, mainstream media, the UN IPCC and virtue-peddling politicians seeking to destroy cheap, efficient energy supply – namely coal-fired power – through the implementation of draconian climate change policy, and proposals like the U.S. Democrats’ “New Green Deal”, that if implemented will annihilate both the U.S. and the global economy and result in total control of every aspect of your life, lifestyle and any freedoms you currently enjoy.
NASA GISS’ Gavin Schmidt wants to use his junk science to control public policy, and says questions from policy makers are “tiresome” :
PRESIDENT EISENHOWER WARNED US OF THE “danger that public policy could itself become the captive of a scientific-technological elite.”
“The prospect of domination of the nation’s scholars by Federal employment, project allocations, and the power of money is ever present — and is gravely to be regarded.
Yet, in holding scientific research and discovery in respect, as we should, we must also be alert to the equal and opposite danger that public policy could itself become the captive of a scientific-technological elite.”
President Eisenhower January 17, 1961
FOR so long, climate ‘sceptics’ have been labeled climate/science “deniers”, in crude reference to those who deny the holocaust, with the pejorative used in a broader effort to shut down debate and silence dissent. However, when hard evidence is laid out over alarmist rhetoric, it’s not hard to see who in fact are the real deniers of history and indeed, deniers of science.
EVEN when hard data, “the science” and empirical evidence completely contradict alarmist predictions and forecasts peddled by the mainstream media and grant-driven ‘scientists’, alarmists continue to double-down on their fear-mongering instead of evaluating their theory, adhering to the “scientific method” and admitting that they might just have got it all wrong.
GLOBAL WARMING dogma has ruinously snowballed into a $TRILLION dollar religion to be defended at all costs by alarmist ‘scientists’, UNreliables rent-seekers and the climate theory-obsessed mainstream media in order to protect egos, jobs, reputations and access to unlimited “Save The Planet” taxpayer trillions, completely immune to oversight.
THIS is not ‘science’, it is zealotry run amok.
IT’S time to count the shocking price we’ve paid for listening to global warming scaremongers like Tim Flannery and NASA fraudster Gavin Schmidt.
SEE now what their panic-making has inspired – global warming schemes that have hurt us infinitely more than any slight global warming could ever do.
IT has been estimated that globally, warmists burn collectively more than a $BILLION dollars a day. But, what are we trying to stop, anyway? Recent scientific papers confirm there’s been much less warming over the past two decades than predicted …
TIME to stop the rot for the sake of “science” and Western civilisation that has given us so much to be thankful for, like the dramatic drop in global poverty. Primarily due to the deployment of cheap, reliable and abundant hydrocarbon fuels. Life-giving and poverty-reducing energy sources that the zero-emissions zealots want to replace with sunshine and breezes, forcing us backwards down the energy ladder to the days of human, animal and solar power.
JUST as socialist central planning failed miserably before it was replaced by free market economies, green central planning will have to be discarded before Australia and other Western nations, crippled by the mad rush into costly and ruinous UNreliables, will see a return to energy security, competitive pricing and a ‘liveable’ existence for our most vulnerable.
LIKEWISE, climate data fraud must be called out and crushed with the scientific method restored to allay dangerous and costly climate change fear and alarmism.
SEE also :
- DRACONIAN UN CLIMATE AGENDA EXPOSED : ‘Global Warming Fears Are A Tool For Political and Economic Change…It Has Nothing To Do With The Actual Climate’ | Climatism
- THE Mind-blowing Costs Of Global Warming Hysteria | Climatism
20 New Papers Crush Claims Of A Man-Made Link To Arctic Climate Change, Glacier Retreat, Sea Ice
Posted: February 15, 2018 Filed under: Arctic, Climate science, Climatism, Empirical Evidence, Fact Check, Glaciers, Greenland | Tags: Anthropogenic Global Warming, arctic, arctic death spiral, Arctic Ocean, Arctic Sea Ice, Climate Change, Climate science, glad, global cooling, Global Warming, Greenland, science 2 CommentsVia By
on 8. February 2018 // NoTricksZone :Anthropogenic Influence On Arctic Climate
‘Too Small To Be Detected’
The evidence compiled in scientific papers continues to rapidly accumulate.
An anthropogenic signal in the regional Arctic climate is still too small to be detected.
Temperature, glacier melt, and sea ice changes are all well within the range of natural variation for the Arctic region. The changes that do occur have identifiable origins that are unrelated to atmospheric CO2 concentrations or human emissions.
Below is a brief summary of some of the latest research that underscores the lack of connection between anthropogenic influences and climate-related changes in the Arctic.
Read the papers here…
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