ALL Quiet On The ‘Climate Emergency’ Front : Healthy Sea-Ice Levels At Both Poles

ALL Quiet On The Climate Emergency Front | Climatism

ALL Quiet On The Climate ‘Emergency’ Front | Climatism

“Blind trust in authority
is the greatest enemy of the truth.”
Albert Einstein


H/t EcologySenseUK @uk_ecology

IN case you hadn’t noticed, the COVID19 crisis has been highly successful in drowning out the mainstream media’s go-to-weapon of mass fear and panic – ClimateChange™️.

PERHAPS the timing is fortunate as recent and prominent climate data hasn’t really held up as ammunition-worthy material in support of their “climate emergency” nightly narrative, or whatever the latest GretaThunberg™️ meme of the day requires.

TWO of the favoured metrics used by CC activists and sycophant mainstream media, in order to push their memes, are conditions applicable to the Arctic and Antarctica. Namely, sea-ice levels.

UNFORTUNATELY for climate ambulance chasers, sea-ice levels for the Arctic and Antarctica are tapping and well within the long-term average respectively. Completely at odds with ‘expert’ and mainstream media predictions and U.N. climate model forecasts.



ACCORDING to NOAA, Antarctic sea-ice coverage in March came in “near the 1981–2010 avg & ended a 41-month period of below-avg monthly values.”

THIS rebound time (41 months) matches nicely the time from the date when a significant portion of Antarctic sea-ice was blasted away by a “perfect storm of tropical, polar conditions not due to climate change” – Malte F. Stuecker et al

Screen Shot 2020-04-14 at 5.44.25 pm

Conditions leading to the unprecedented low Antarctic sea ice extent during the 2016 austral spring season – Stuecker – 2017 – Geophysical Research Letters – Wiley Online Library



NOTE the healthy rebound from 2016 to present…


Sea Ice Index | National Snow and Ice Data Center | Antarctic

Sea Ice Index | National Snow and Ice Data Center | Antarctic | NOAA



Sea Ice Index | National Snow and Ice Data Center | Antarctic | NOAA



ACCORDING to NOAA, March 2020 #Arctic #SeaIce coverage was 11th smallest for March in the 42-year record”



Sea Ice Index | National Snow and Ice Data Center | Antarctic | NOAA (Climatism annotation)

NOTE the complete lack of Arctic sea-ice decline over the past 14 years. In fact, sea-ice growth has been trending slightly up since 2006.

WHERE is the acknowledgment from NOAA that there has been *no* trend in Arctic sea-ice melt, at all, since 2006?

PERHAPS I prefer a “glass half full” approach to climate data analysis, whereas NOAA prefers a “glass half empty”, when assessing theirs…

NO doubt you, as a critical thinker, can work out why this is the case.




Sea Ice Index | National Snow and Ice Data Center | Arctic | NOAA



ANTARCTICA has always been a thorn in the side of ClimateChange™️. It is very much the ‘inconvenient’ pole, the naughty child, that has been gaining ice mass and cooling for decades, despite a 20 per cent increase in atmospheric CO2, and model predictions to the contrary.

THE Arctic, however, has been the veritable whipping-boy for the climate activist movement, as it has seen clear declines in sea-ice levels since the century-maximum of 1979.

BUT, hardly the declines that the mainstream media and ‘experts’ made us believe to be true, according to their dire and hyper-alarmist predictions.

HERE is a taste of what the fake news media and ‘expert’s’ told you about Arctic sea-ice having “disappeared” years ago …

  • “Arctic summers ice-free by 2013” (BBC 2007)
  • “Could all Arctic ice be gone by 2012?” (AP 2007)
  • “Arctic Sea Ice Gone in Summer Within Five Years?”(National Geographic 2007)
  • “Imagine yourself in a world five years from now, where there is no more ice over the Arctic” – Tim Flannery (2008)
  • “North Pole could be ice-free in 2008” – Mark Serreze (New Scientist 2008)
  • “Gore: Polar ice cap may disappear by summer 2014” (USA Today 2009)
  • “Arctic expert predicts final collapse of sea ice within 4 years” (Guardian 2012)
  • “Say Goodbye to Arctic Summer Ice” (Live Science 2013)
  • “Ice-free Arctic in two years heralds methane catastrophe – scientist” (The Guardian 2013)
  • “Why Arctic sea ice will vanish in 2013” (Sierra Club 2013)
  • “Next year or the year after, the Arctic will be free of ice’” – Peter Wadhams (The Guardian 2016)

CLIMATE DUD-PREDICTIONS : ‘Ice-Free’ Arctic Prophesies By The ‘97% Consensus’ And Compliant Mainstream Media | Climatism

HAVE they no shame? Or is their ClimateChange™️ ‘jihad’ too firmly entrenched for honest science and honest analysis of empirical data to exist, ever?


SEE also :


THE Climatism Tip Jar – Support The Fight Against Dangerous, Costly and Unscientific Climate Alarm

(Climate sceptics/rationalists still waitin’ for that “big oil” cheque to arrive in the mail!)

Help us to hit back against the bombardment of climate lies costing our communities, economies and livelihoods far, far too much.

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ARCTIC Meltdown Latest

Apt quote on the Arctic “meltdown” via Tony Heller’s twitter feed :

“Climate alarmists say they love Arctic sea ice, but for some reason get very angry when they are shown that it is not disappearing.”


By Paul Homewood

Arctic sea ice extent continues to run well ahead of the last few years, as it has done for most of this year so far, and continues to grow at a time of year when it normally begins to stabilise and recede.

Average extent in February was the highest since 2013, and stands greater than 2005 and 2006:


Temperatures in the Arctic have been close to average, apart from a brief blip at the end of last month:


Meanwhile, down under sea ice extent has recovered strongly at the summer minimum in the last year or two, and is back to 1980s levels.

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DOOMSDAY FAIL : South Pole’s Ozone Hole Shrinks To Smallest Since Discovery

Nat Geo - Ozone Depletion - CLIMATISM

Whatever Happened to the Ozone Hole? | National Geograhic (Climatism pic edit)

The whole aim of practical politics is to keep the populace alarmed
 (and hence clamorous to be led to safety)
 by menacing it with an endless series of hobgoblins,
all of them imaginary.”
– H.L. Mencken


H/t @randybrown97

DO you remember where you were when the “hole in the ozone layer” ended all life on earth?

OF course, the machinations and hysteria by the scientific elite and fake news mainstream media, as-per-usual, were far worse and more costly than the observed outcome.

NASA now reports “The ozone hole near the south pole this year is the smallest since it was discovered…”. With, obligatory caveat including ‘evil’ mankind – “but it is more due to freakish Antarctic weather than efforts to cut down on pollution.”

Screen Shot 2019-10-24 at 12.23.05 pm.png

South Pole’s ozone hole shrinks to smallest since discovery | CTV News



OBVIOUSLY, we can now chalk this one down as another epic fail from the ministry of “Settled Science” and the “97% consensus”.

WHY do we continue to listen to messages of doom and gloom from the scientific elite and the fake news mainstream media — forced to hand over our hard-earned taxpayer dollars, by the trillions — when not a single doomsday prediction has come true?

IS “SAVE THE PLANET!” virtue so valuable and important to society that NO one is ever held responsible or accountable for fake scares to 99% fake problems?

OR, is it that the dire predictions are so far extended into the future that everyone forgets who or how the alarmism started in the first place?

EITHER way, the initial cost to society is enormous – both financially and psychologically. With the cure, always, worse than the disease. Perhaps, by design.

SEE for yourself the magnitude of epic, global warming climate change predictions of doom, throughout the decades, that have not eventuated :

image.pngThe Extinction Clock “Welcome to the Extinction Clock. Any time we hear of a credible prediction of doom, we’ll be sure to add it to the list!”


OZONE related :

  • The Ozone Scare Was A Dry Run For The Global Warming Scare | Watts Up With That?

SEE also :


STATE Of The Climate Report :


ORIGINS Of The Global Warming Scam :


THE Climatism Tip Jar – Pls Help Keep The Good Fight Alive!

(Climate sceptics/rationalists still waitin’ for that “big oil” cheque to arrive in the mail!)

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Thanks to all those who have donated. Your support and faith in Climatism is highly motivating and greatly appreciated!

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Thank You! Jamie.

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PROOF : Climate ‘Scientists’ And The Media Openly Lie About Climate Change To Maintain Funding And Keep Global Warming Hysteria Alive

Obama Climate Funding

“Settled Science”

Warming fears are the “worst scientific scandal in the history…When people come to 
know what the truth is, they will feel deceived by science and scientists.” – UN IPCC 
Japanese Scientist Dr. Kiminori Itohan award-winning PhD environmental physical

“The whole climate change issue is about to fall apart — Heads will roll!” – South African UN Scientist Dr. Will Alexander, April 12, 2009

“I am a skeptic…Global warming has become a new religion.” – Nobel Prize Winner for
Physics, Ivar Giaever.


A unique and fundamental difference, IMO, between climate change sceptics or realists, and climate change alarmists is that sceptics must absorb alarmist ‘science’ and corresponding media releases in order to provide a broad understanding of both sides of the debate. Objectivity and oversight can then be carried out, where the mainstream media will not, by detecting errors, exaggerations and even outright lies that exist within the masses of human-induced climate change information disseminated by the CO2-centric legacy media.

THIS is not a scientific observation, though it is quite accurate when you assess the complete lack of knowledge by climate alarmists to the vast body of climate science contradicting global warming dogma. The story or finding that best fits the alarmists catastrophic narrative qualifies, everything else is outlawed.

THIS is problematic as it foments a culture of groupthink where objectivity is heresy, scepticism is “denial” and questions are forbidden. In this environment, scientific discovery and advancement is stifled, debate is (intentionally) shut down, truth and reason an unnecessary evil.

THANKFULLY there are a growing number of dedicated and unpaid sceptics or climate realists across many different forums and mediums who are questioning what is all-too-often demanded as fact or the accepted view of the (bogus) “97% consensus”.

TRUTH seekers working in their free time are doing what the post-modern mainstream media will not do any more – question dogma, authority and the preferred wisdom of the day using little more than empirical data, common sense and reason.

Paul Homewood of the excellent site Not A Lot Of People Know That is one of the many truth seekers successfully calling out the pseudoscience and misinformation that riddles the field of climate ‘science’.

THIS recent post is a classic example of a typical BBC environmental article prefaced wth “climate change” that is completely shredded by Homewood using nothing more than ’empirical data, common sense and reason’…


Hotter, Colder – It’s Still Your Fault!

SEPTEMBER 26, 2018

By Paul Homewood

h/t Dave Ward

Climate change kills Antarctica's ancient moss beds - BBC News

Climate change kills Antarctica’s ancient moss beds – BBC News

Emerging from the ice for a brief growing season every Antarctic summer, the lush green mosses of East Antarctica are finally succumbing to climate change.

That is according to a study of the small, ancient and hardy plants – carried out over more than a decade.

This revealed that vegetation in East Antarctica is changing rapidly in response to a drying climate.

The findings are published in the journal Nature Climate Change.

“Visiting Antarctica, you expect to see icy, white landscapes,” said lead scientist Prof Sharon Robinson from the University of Wollongong, in Australia. “But in some areas there are lush, green moss beds that emerge from under the snow for a growing period of maybe six weeks.”

While West Antarctica and the Antarctic Peninsula are some of the fastest warming places of the planet, East Antarctica has not yet experienced much climate warming, so the scientists did not expect to see much change in the vegetation there.

“But we were really surprised when we saw how fast it was changing,” Prof Robinson said.


East Antarctica, the researchers say, has become colder, windier and drier due to the combined effects of climate change and ozone depletion.

Read all:

Climate change kills Antarctica’s ancient moss beds – BBC News


So, apparently, global warming now means the East Antarctic is getting colder!!

The research was undertaken near Casey Station, the Australian research centre. They have been recording temperatures since 1989, and there is no evidence of temperatures either going up or down:

casey (300017) annual graph

casey (300017) annual graph

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STUBBORN : Arctic Sea Ice Just Won’t Play The Game


Arctic sea ice just won’t play the game!

We’ve got to ride this global warming issue.
Even if the theory of global warming is wrong,
we will be doing the right thing in terms of
economic and environmental policy.

– Timothy Wirth,
President of the UN Foundation

No matter if the science of global warming is all phony…
climate change provides the greatest opportunity to
bring about justice and equality in the world
– Christine Stewart,
former Canadian Minister of the Environment


LITTLE gem of a read by Harry Wilkinson on the condition of the Polar Ice Caps and the overtly propagandised meltdown hysteria promulgated by alarmist ‘scientists’ and their government institutions, gleefully pimped out by the ever-compliant global warming theory-obsessed mainstream media.

WILKINSON lays out basic empirical facts that shamelessly contradict the repetitive “Death Spiral” moans from climate and Arctic experts alarmists.

THE piece is a welcome reminder to be cautious of the selective bias that the mainstream media is willing to share with you on all things global warming climate change:

“These facts get little coverage because they don’t sound alarming at all, and for most reporters that means they’re not news. These ‘inconvenient truths’ are nonetheless a helpful reminder that climate change coverage should be taken with a healthy dose of scepticism.”


Arctic sea ice just won’t play the game

Arctic sea ice is proving remarkably reluctant to enter its appointed ‘death throes’, despite the usual suspects having already planned the funeral. Climate Change Anxiety Disorder, it turns out, is yet to impose its angst on the actual climate, no matter how hard the BBC tries to make it.

The latest observations show that Arctic sea ice is on course to have a greater minimum extent than in 2015 and 2016, and is running higher than levels seen a decade ago. Back then, the BBC reported that Arctic summers may be ice-free by 2013, although this estimate was described as being ‘too conservative’.

That prediction was spectacularly wrong, and contrary to warnings of an ‘Arctic death spiral’, sea ice extent has been remarkably stable in the last decade. No one can say what exactly will happen next; if this humbling affair teaches anything it should be precisely that.

The climate has misbehaved in other ways too. The Greenland Ice Sheet has been gaining mass at a record rate for the second year running, and Antarctic sea ice extent is perfectly normal relative to the 1981-2010 average. These facts get little coverage because they don’t sound alarming at all, and for most reporters that means they’re not news. These ‘inconvenient truths’ are nonetheless a helpful reminder that climate change coverage should be taken with a healthy dose of scepticism. There is a long way to go before we can make accurate predictions about how the climate will behave, if indeed we ever can.

Climate science has to be more deeply grounded in real-world observations rather than models that are inevitably riddled with flawed human assumptions.

Arctic sea ice just won’t play the game | The Conservative Woman


Climatism supports…


THERE has been no trend in Arctic sea ice extent over the last 12 years:

FLAT trend in Arctic sea-ice extent visible over the last 12 years of the satellite record:

Northern Hemispehre Extent Anomolies Jul 1979 - 2018

Sea Ice Index | National Snow and Ice Data Center

NO trend in Arctic sea-ice volume over the past 12 years:

ARCTIC Sea Ice Volume

ARCTIC Sea Ice Volume (T.Heller)

BLINK chart of the past 15 years shows no “Death Spiral” trend in sea-ice volume. It does, however, show a large increase in multi-year, 2.0-3.5 metre thick sea-ice in 2018, that will consolidate into Autumn and go nowhere for years:

ARCTIC sea-ice extent still below the median but stabilised this Century:

Arctic Sea Ice News and Analysis | NSIDC

Arctic Sea Ice News and Analysis | NSIDC

* Read the rest of this entry »

CLIMATISM : State Of The Climate Report

CLIMATISM - State Of The Climate

THE global warming climate change scare has absolutely nothing to do with the environment or “Saving The Planet”. Rather, its roots lie in a misanthropic agenda engineered by the environmental movement of the mid 1970’s, who realised that doing something about claimed man-made “global warming” would play to quite a number of the Left’s social agendas.


ENERGY rationing and the control of carbon dioxide, the direct byproduct of cheap, reliable hydrocarbon energy, has always been key to the Left’s Malthusian and misanthropic agenda of depopulation and deindustrialisation. A totalitarian ideology enforced through punitive emissions controls under the guise of “Saving The Planet”.

STANFORD University and The Royal Society’s resident global warming alarmist and population freak Paul R. Ehrlich spelled out in 1976 the Left’s anti-energy agenda that still underpins the current ‘climate change’ scare :

Giving society cheap, abundant energy would be the
equivalent of giving an idiot child a machine gun
– Prof Paul Ehrlich, Stanford University/Royal Society fellow


THE creator, fabricator and proponent of global warming alarmism Maurice Strong, founded UNEP and ‘science’ arm, the UN IPCC, under the premise of studying only human (CO2) driven causes of climate change.

STRONG and the UN’s charter and agenda was clearly laid out before the ‘science’ of climate change was butchered and tortured to fit the global warming narrative…

Isn’t the only hope for the planet that the industrialized civilizations collapse? Isn’t it our responsiblity to bring that about?” – Maurice Strong, founder of the UN Environment Programme (UNEP)

Current lifestyles and consumption patterns of the affluent middle class – involving high meat intake, use of fossil fuels, appliances, air-conditioning, and suburban housing – are not sustainable.” – Maurice Strong, Rio Earth Summit

It is the responsibility of each human being today to choose between the force of darkness and the force of light. We must therefore transform our attitudes, and adopt a renewed respect for the superior laws of Divine Nature.“ – Maurice Strong, first Secretary General of UNEP


FORMER Australian PM Julia Gillard, who implemented Australia’s ruinous and politically destructive 2011 carbon tax, was open in expressing its core function to ‘drive substantial changes in patterns of energy production and energy use.’


Barry girl (aka PM of Australia Julia Gillard) kisses Obama – Wales Online


THE climate fix was in from the start, and now we’re paying for it, big time, in the form of unreliable energy, skyrocketing power bills, energy poverty, economic ruin and death…



CLIMATE catastrophists blame humans and their use of fossil fuels for the purported destruction of climate with “tipping points” and “runaway global warming” some of the emotional descriptors driving the narrative.

LET’S check out the most well known environmental metrics used by the Climate Crisis Industry to push their global warming scare and see exactly what damage fossil fuels and harmless byproduct CO2 are doing to Gaia…



ANTARCTICA, the ‘inconvenient’ pole, the naughty child, has been gaining ice mass and cooling for decades, despite a 20 per cent increase in atmospheric CO2, and model predictions to the contrary.

NASA Study- Mass Gains of Antarctic Ice Sheet Greater than Losses | NASA

NASA Study: Mass Gains of Antarctic Ice Sheet Greater than Losses | NASA

2017 Study

Mass gains of the Antarctic ice sheet exceed losses | Journal of Glaciology | Cambridge Core

Mass gains of the Antarctic ice sheet exceed losses | Journal of Glaciology | Cambridge Core

From the abstract :

Mass changes of the Antarctic ice sheet impact sea-level rise as climate changes, but recent rates have been uncertain. Ice, Cloud and land Elevation Satellite (ICESat) data (2003–08) show mass gains from snow accumulation exceeded discharge losses by 82 ± 25 Gt a−1, reducing global sea-level rise by 0.23 mm a−1.

Mass gains of the Antarctic ice sheet exceed losses | Journal of Glaciology | Cambridge Core

SEE more :



OVER the past decade, the Arctic has seen a large increase in multi-year, thick sea-ice.


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MEMO TO THE MEDIA : Glacier Calving Is A Natural Process


THE iceberg that recently calved off a Greenland glacier and spectacularly parked itself outside the tiny village of Innaarsuit has caused the usual mainstream media heads to explode with man-made global warming climate change, again, lazily fingered as the culprit in order to facilitate the CAGW brainwashing process…

“Extreme iceberg break-ups risk becoming more frequent because of climate change, some experts have warned.”

Massive iceberg threatens Greenland village as residents are evacuated | SKYnews


THE Innaarsuit Iceberg (Greenland)

Innaarsuit GREENLAND ICEBERG - Climatism

Satellite data indicated that it measured roughly 650 feet wide, rose almost 300 feet into the air and weighed up to 11 million tons, an expert from the Danish Meteorological Institute told DR, the Danish broadcaster. | NYTimes


THE fact that the iceberg has settled itself outside the tiny village of Innaarsuit may be of definite concern, if it decides to flip causing a tidal surge. But, to blame global warming, while not surprising from the fake news media, is dishonest to the phenomenon of glacier calving – a natural and dynamic process that’s been happening for eons.

Many glaciers terminate at oceans or freshwater lakes which results naturally[5] with the calving of large numbers of icebergs. Calving of Greenland‘s glaciers produce 12,000 to 15,000 icebergs each year alone.[6]

Ice calving – Wikipedia

CUDOS to Ella Gilbert from the British Antarctic Survey who is often asked why icebergs break away…

“It’s complicated,” she explains. “The region is clearly undergoing a lot of change but you can’t just say ‘it was the climate’. Iceberg calving is a natural process anyway. If you put more snow in at one end, it has to come out the other end as icebergs.”

The ‘monster’ iceberg: What happened next? – BBC News


THE glacier-calving process more likely reflecting the very health of a glacier.

CERTAINLY true for Greenland, from where this particular iceberg originated, where over the past 19 months more than one trillion tons of new ice has formed on the giant ice-continent’s surface.

DUE to a lot more new snow accumulating each year during the long winter, than is melting during the short summer, the surface is rapidly gaining ice, and glaciers are growing.

HOWEVER, scientists and the press (of course) report the exact opposite…

As Greenland Melts, Where_s the Water Going? – The New York Times

As Greenland Melts, Where’s the Water Going? – The New York Times

(“Global Sea-Levels” check : TOP 10 Climate Change Alarmist Myths Unearthed : #2 SEA LEVEL RISE | Climatism)


YOU can easily spot the the NYTimes‘ fake-news and brazen climate lies by checking actual government ‘data’…


Read the rest of this entry »

BIAS BY OMISSION : No Mention Of Mother Nature’s Undersea Volcanoes In The Latest Antarctic ‘Global Warming’ Scare Story

Global warming is melting Antarctic ice from below | John Abraham | Environment | The Guardian

Global warming is melting Antarctic ice from below | John Abraham | Environment | The Guardian


ANTARCTICA has always been a thorn in the side of the Climate Crisis Industry. It simply has not behaved as global warming alarmists would have liked or as climate models predicted.

HISTORICALLY, Antarctica has been cooling and growing ice mass, despite rising carbon dioxide emissions. Emissions that, according to ‘global warming theory’, are meant to effect the poles greater than mid latitude regions due to the lack of humidity enhancing the theorised CO2 feedback.

RECENT Antarctic studies underscore the inconvenient contradiction to the global warming theory…

2015 NASA Study

NASA Study- Mass Gains of Antarctic Ice Sheet Greater than Losses | NASA

NASA Study: Mass Gains of Antarctic Ice Sheet Greater than Losses | NASA

Guardian Report 2015

Why is Antarctic sea ice at record levels despite global warming? | Environment | The Guardian.png

Why is Antarctic sea ice at record levels despite global warming? | Environment | The Guardian

2016 Nature Study

Absence of 21st century warming on Antarctic Peninsula consistent with natural variability | Nature

Absence of 21st century warming on Antarctic Peninsula consistent with natural variability | Nature

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RESEARCHERS Plan Biggest Ever Antarctic Field Campaign

JUST saw the BBC report. And yes, no mention of the undersea volcanoes causing regional warming of the western Antarctic Ocean. Nor any mention of the BBC’s own 2018 report:

“BIG increase in snowfall in Antarctica with “The effect of the extra snow locked up in Antarctica is to slightly slow a general trend in global sea-level rise.” – BBC

As far as I am aware, the weight of this extra snow creates enough weight for glaciers to sheer – a completely natural process. No mention of this by the BBC either…

‘Bias by omission’ – the most dangerous and insidious form of propaganda.

Ref: ANTARCTICA : It’s Time We Had That Talk | Climatism

Tallbloke's Talkshop

The edge of the Thwaites glacier [credit: NASA photograph by Jim Yungel]
This BBC report seems unaware that a study in 2014 found that parts of the Thwaites Glacier are subject to melting due to subglacial volcanoes and other geothermal “hotspots”. The existence of this group of volcanoes has long been known.

British and American scientists will assess the stability of one of Antarctica’s biggest ice streams, reports BBC News.

It is going to be one of the biggest projects ever undertaken in Antarctica.

UK and US scientists will lead a five-year effort to examine the stability of the mighty Thwaites Glacier.

View original post 305 more words

ANTARCTICA : It’s Time We Had That Talk

Ross Ice Shelf - ANTARCTICA (popular mechanics)

The Ross Ice Shelf is Freezing, Not Melting. Which Is Weird | Popular Mechanics

IT’S time for ‘that talk’. You know, the one we’ve been putting off because it’s ‘inconvenient’. That end-of-life conversation…

YEP! Antarctica, the ‘inconvenient’ pole, the naughty child, has been gaining ice mass and cooling for decades, despite a 20 per cent increase in atmospheric CO2, and model predictions to the contrary.

2015 NASA Study

Screen Shot 2018-04-16 at 6.43.58 am.png

NASA Study: Mass Gains of Antarctic Ice Sheet Greater than Losses | NASA

Guardian Report 2015

Screen Shot 2018-04-16 at 7.12.50 am.png

Why is Antarctic sea ice at record levels despite global warming? | Environment | The Guardian

2017 Study

Antartica 2017 Ice mass gain study.png

From the abstract:

Mass changes of the Antarctic ice sheet impact sea-level rise as climate changes, but recent rates have been uncertain. Ice, Cloud and land Elevation Satellite (ICESat) data (2003–08) show mass gains from snow accumulation exceeded discharge losses by 82 ± 25 Gt a−1, reducing global sea-level rise by 0.23 mm a−1.

Mass gains of the Antarctic ice sheet exceed losses | Journal of Glaciology | Cambridge Core


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