HYSTERIA MEDS : Eleven Scientific Pills To Quell The ‘Climate Crisis’ Lie

RED Pill or Blue Pill? - CLIMATISM.jpg

IMAGE source “MATRIX” – Red pill and blue pill – Wikipedia

“THE further a society drifts from the truth,
the more it will hate those that speak it.”

– George Orwell


ACCORDING to statistics, we have never lived in more healthy, prosperous and climate-safe times.

MAX Roser’s work for Oxford University’s “Our World in Data” project shows that two centuries ago, 90% of the global population lived in extreme poverty and now, even though the population has grown from less than one billion people to about 7.5 billion, those proportions have completely reversed so that only 10% of the world’s population lives in extreme poverty :


Global Extreme Poverty – Our World in Data


Global Extreme Poverty – Our World in Data



TWO centuries ago, 43% of all babies died before reaching the age of five. This mortality was spread widely — more than one in every three babies did not make it through the first five years in any country. Now, worldwide, more than 95% of children survive their first five years.


Child Mortality – Our World in Data


DOOMSDAY scenarios are hardly new. They are as old as human communities. In recent decades we’ve had the Club of Rome warning in the 1970’s about how we would run out of food, resources and energy as we overpopulated and polluted the planet. We have seen rampant fears of nuclear Armageddon at the height of the Cold War and millennial doom and gloom in the 90s. But, increasingly, cataclysmic climate alarmism has taken hold and it is deeply rooted, with teachers and activists striking fear into the hearts even of our children.

The common enemy of humanity is man.
In searching for a new enemy to unite us, we came up
with the idea that pollution, the threat of global warming,
water shortages, famine and the like would fit the bill. All these
dangers are caused by human intervention, and it is only through
changed attitudes and behaviour that they can be overcome.
The real enemy then, is humanity itself
– Club of Rome 1993,
premier environmental think-tank,
consultants to the United Nations

See : “IN Searching For A New Enemy To Unite Us, We Came Up With The Threat Of Global Warming” | Climatism




International Disaster Database.


BUT, in the emotional world of ‘Climate Change’, facts and data seem not to matter, at all. Especially within the supple minds of our most vulnerable – our children – who, led by child-messiah Greta Thunberg are taking to the streets, during school hours, to protest against the very institutions and energy systems that have afforded them the freedoms and liberties to skip school protest in the first place.

PEACEFUL protest is a hallmark of our free society, however, children being filled with unchallenged hysteria is having a very real and dark effect. An outcome far, far more dangerous than any arbitrary 1-2°C temperature increase by 2100 (based on UN IPCC projections) could ever produce…



Research Shows More Children Experiencing Eco-Anxiety – CBS Los Angeles


OUR children ought to be filled with enthusiasm and hope, not manufactured mainstream media propagandised hysteria, climate doom and gloom.

THEY need to be taught ‘how’ to think, not ‘what’ to think. Our children are our future. Treat them with the respect and care that they are owed, in order that they may teach their children values, truth, honesty and wisdom.


MEDS (aka ‘The Red Pill’) TO HEAL YOUR KIDS

via the Andrew Bolt Blog :

Are you terrified by claims that global warming is an “existential threat”? That there will be a “great winnowing” and “mass deaths”? That we face “the collapse of our civilisations”?

Don’t believe those scares.

You are told to believe “the science”. Well, here is some science you should believe – solid scientific facts that tell you that global warming is not as scary as you’ve been told.

Be calm. You are not in danger.

  1. You have never been less likely to die of a climate-related disaster. Your risk of being killed has fallen 99 per cent in the past century.Source: International Disaster Database.
  2. You have never been more likely to live longer. Life expectancy around the world has risen by 5.5 years so far this century. Source: World Health Organisation.
  3. We are getting fewer cyclones, not more. Source: Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change; Bureau of Meteorology.
  4. There is more food than ever. Grain crops have set new records. Source: Food and Agricultural Organisation.
  5. The world is getting greener. Leaf cover is growing 3 per cent per decade. Source: NASA.
  6. Low-lying Pacific islands are not drowning. In fact, 43 per cent – including Tuvalu – are growing, and another 43 per cent are stable. Source: Professor Paul Kench, University of Auckland.
  7. Cold weather is 20 times more likely to kill you than hot weather. Source: Lancet, 20/5/2015
  8. Global warming does not cause drought. Source: Prof. Andy Pitman, ARC Centre of Excellence for Climate Extremes.
  9. Australia’s rainfall over the past century has actually increased. Source: Bureau of Meteorology.
  10. CANCEL your Guardian sub.
  11. WATCH the outsiders every Sunday @9AM on Sky News Australia.




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SHOCKINGLY Thick First Year Ice Between Barents Sea And The North Pole In Mid-July


DMI Modelled ice thickness | DMI

• “Arctic summers ice-free by 2013” (BBC 2007)
• “Could all Arctic ice be gone by 2012?” (AP 2007)
• “Arctic Sea Ice Gone in Summer Within Five Years?” (National Geographic 2007)
• “Imagine yourself in a world five years from now, where there is no more ice over the Arctic” – Tim Flannery (2008)
• “North Pole could be ice-free in 2008” – Mark Serreze (New Scientist 2008)
• “Gore: Polar ice cap may disappear by summer 2014” (USA Today 2009)
• “Arctic expert predicts final collapse of sea ice within 4 years” (Guardian 2012)
• “Say Goodbye to Arctic Summer Ice” (Live Science 2013)
• “Ice-free Arctic in two years heralds methane catastrophe – scientist” (The Guardian 2013)
• “Why Arctic sea ice will vanish in 2013” (Sierra Club 2013)
• “Next year or the year after, the Arctic will be free of ice’” – Peter Wadhams (The Guardian 2016)

(QUOTE references : CLIMATE DUD-PREDICTIONS : ‘Ice-Free’ Arctic Prophesies By The ‘97% Consensus’ And Compliant Mainstream Media | Climatism


DIRE predictions of an “ice-free” Arctic have remained popular on the climate change, fear-mongering circuit for many years now.

BUT, how ‘bad’ really are Arctic sea-ice conditions, in mid-summer, circa 2019?

ACCORDING to this latest piece of anecdotal (real-world) evidence, Arctic “Death Spiral” enthusiasts would be understandably disappointed!

“…what we saw was indeed really impressive sea ice. In fact, the sea ice we encountered was thick enough that reaching our destination—the geographic North Pole—took roughly 1.5 days longer than we’d expected.”

READ it all…


In late June, one of the most powerful icebreakers in the world encountered such extraordinarily thick ice on-route to the North Pole (with a polar bear specialist and deep-pocketed, Attenborough-class tourists onboard) that it took a day and a half longer than expected to get there. A few weeks later, in mid-July, a Norwegian icebreaker also bound for the North Pole (with scientific researchers on board) was forced to turn back north of Svalbard when it unexpectedly encountered impenetrable pack ice.

Franz Josef Land polar bear 2019 no date_Photo by Michael Hambrey_smA polar bear on hummocked sea ice in Franz Josef Land. Photo by Michael Hambrey, date not specified but estimated based on tour dates to be 22 or 23 June 2019.

Apparently, the ice charts the Norwegian captain consulted showed ‘first year ice‘ – ice that formed the previous fall, defined as less than 2 m thick (6.6 ft) – which is often much broken…

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INCONVENIENT : Arctic Sea Ice Extent Enters The Mean Zone!

ARCTIC Sea-Ice Extent Enters 1981-2000 Mean - CLIMATISM

ARCTIC Sea-Ice Extent At ‘Normal’ Levels

MOTHER NATURE has dealt another blow to the credibility of the Climate Crisis Industry, with its favourite ‘canary in the coal mine’ and harbinger of doom – Arctic sea-ice – going AWOL on Global Warming Climate Change alarmists…

THE latest data from the Danish Meteorological Institute (DMI) shows sea-ice extent hitting the 1981-2000 ‘normal’ range:

Ocean and Ice Services | Danmarks Meteorologiske Institut

Ocean and Ice Services | Danmarks Meteorologiske Institut


IS that the collision of excess Arctic sea-ice or the gnashing of activists teeth making that awkward and un’deniable’ sound?! Ouch.



ALL that ‘inconvenient’ ice is thick, multi-year and going nowhere fast…

DMI Modelled ice thickness

DMI Modelled ice thickness



THERE has been no trend in Arctic sea ice extent over the last 12 years:

FLAT trend in Arctic sea-ice extent visible over the last 12 years of the satellite record:


Sea Ice Index | National Snow and Ice Data Center



COMPARE the latest real-world data to what the “97% of experts” and sycophant mainstream media have been spinning to you for years, driven by CO2-centric UN climate models, politics, ideology and government grants :

North Pole could be ice free in 2008 | New Scientist

North Pole could be ice free in 2008 | New Scientist

Dealing with Arctic tipping points - Stockholm Resilience Centre.png

Dealing with Arctic tipping points – Stockholm Resilience Centre

Arctic ice melt could trigger uncontrollable climate change at global level | Environment | The Guardian

Arctic ice melt could trigger uncontrollable climate change at global level | Environment | The Guardian

Gore- Polar ice cap may disappear by summer 2014 | USA TODAY

Gore: Polar ice cap may disappear by summer 2014 | USA TODAY

Arctic sea ice may have passed crucial tipping point | New Scientist

Arctic sea ice may have passed crucial tipping point | New Scientist

BBC NEWS | Science:Nature | Arctic ice 'is at tipping point'

BBC NEWS | Science/Nature | Arctic ice ‘is at tipping point’

Ice-free Arctic in two years heralds methane catastroph – scientist | The Guardian

Ice-free Arctic in two years heralds methane catastroph – scientist | The Guardian

Why Arctic sea ice will vanish in 2013 | Sierra Club Canada

Why Arctic sea ice will vanish in 2013 | Sierra Club Canada


WILL the mainstream media report on the uptick in Arctic sea-ice that has brought extent to ‘normal’ levels, confounding past reporting? Not a chance. They are too heavily invested in Global Warming hysteria to bother informing you of truths.

WHAT else do the mainstream media and government funded scientific bodies not tell you in regards to ‘inconvenient’ climate information that contradicts their political, ideological and grant-driven agendas?


UPDATE 25 Nov, 2018

Arctic Ice Keeps Coming

Despite the feverish reporting that last summer was hell, and that hot is now the “new normal,” the Arctic ice man is hard at work.  In reality, Arctic ice is spreading everywhere.  The image below shows how quickly Hudson Bay froze over in recent days.

Hudson Bay freeze over

Baffin Bay in the center next to Greenland is extending south and added 250k km2.  Hudson Bay on the left added 700k km2, now at 73% of maximum, with both east and west coastlines freezing all the way down into James Bay.

Chukchi is closing in.  On the right side Kara

On the Eurasian side, on the left margin Chukchi is closing in.  On the right side Kara has added 300k km2 of ice extent, now at 85% of maximum

The graph below shows 2018 is now exceeding the 11-year average after being down in October.

2018 is now exceeding the 11-year average

MASIE is showing  10.8M km2 ice extent, 400k km2 greater than the average for day 327, Nov. 23.  SII is slightly lower, while 2007 is almost 500k km2 lower. In fact, in the past decade, only two years, 2013 and 2015, had more ice than 2018 at this date.

Arctic Ice Keeps Coming | Science Matters


ARCTIC Sea-Ice Expansion related :

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GLOBAL WARMING SMACKDOWN! Tankers Trapped In Midsummer Arctic Sea Ice

GLOBAL WARMING SMACKDOWN - Arctic Midsummer Freeze

Shipping in the Gulf of Ob is paralysed and the situation complicated, icebreaker company Rosatomflot says. | The Independent Barents Observer

“THE global warming, which there has been so much talk about for such a long time, seems to have receded a little and we are returning to the standards of the 1980’s and 1990’s…”
― Andrey Smirnov (Icebreaker company rep)


Via The Barents Observer :

It is late June, but the winter has not abandoned the Gulf of Ob. The shallow bay, which houses two of Russia’s biggest Arctic out-shipment terminals for oil and gas, remains packed with fast ice.

It has created a  complicated situation, Rosatomflot says. The state company which manages the Russian nuclear-powered icebreakers, confirms that  independent shipping in the area is «paralysed» and that LNG carriers and tankers are stuck.

The shipping companies had expected the Gulf of Ob to be free of ice in the course of June and that icebreaker assistance would not be necessary. They were wrong.

According to Rosatomflot, there appears to be a need for icebreaker services in the area at least until after the first week of July. There are currently two nuclear-powered icebreakers in the Gulf of Ob, the «Taymyr» and the «Vaygach». In addition, there are several smaller tugs and icebreakers working in the waters around the Sabetta port.

According to the icebreaker company, this is the first summer in four years that the Gulf of Ob is packed with this much ice.

«The global warming, which there has been so much talk about for such a long time, seems to have receded a little and we are returning to the standards of the 1980s and 1990s,» says company representative Andrey Smirnov.

Read on…


AND how we have been repeatedly promised the “end of summer Arctic ice” by the Climate Crisis Industry and sycophant mainstream media!

HOW sure they were that your lifestyle and “carbon pollution” was melting away the Arctic and drowning cuddly Polar Bears!

2007 : BBC claimed Arctic summers would be ice free ‘by 2013′…

BBC NEWS | Science:Nature | Arctic summers ice-free ‘by 2013_

BBC NEWS | Science/Nature | Arctic summers ice-free ‘by 2013’

2007 : Arctic Sea Ice Gone in Summer Within Five Years? | National Geographic

Arctic Sea Ice Gone in Summer Within Five Years? | National Geographic

Arctic Sea Ice Gone in Summer Within Five Years? | National Geographic

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BIAS BY OMISSION : No Mention Of Mother Nature’s Undersea Volcanoes In The Latest Antarctic ‘Global Warming’ Scare Story

Global warming is melting Antarctic ice from below | John Abraham | Environment | The Guardian

Global warming is melting Antarctic ice from below | John Abraham | Environment | The Guardian


ANTARCTICA has always been a thorn in the side of the Climate Crisis Industry. It simply has not behaved as global warming alarmists would have liked or as climate models predicted.

HISTORICALLY, Antarctica has been cooling and growing ice mass, despite rising carbon dioxide emissions. Emissions that, according to ‘global warming theory’, are meant to effect the poles greater than mid latitude regions due to the lack of humidity enhancing the theorised CO2 feedback.

RECENT Antarctic studies underscore the inconvenient contradiction to the global warming theory…

2015 NASA Study

NASA Study- Mass Gains of Antarctic Ice Sheet Greater than Losses | NASA

NASA Study: Mass Gains of Antarctic Ice Sheet Greater than Losses | NASA

Guardian Report 2015

Why is Antarctic sea ice at record levels despite global warming? | Environment | The Guardian.png

Why is Antarctic sea ice at record levels despite global warming? | Environment | The Guardian

2016 Nature Study

Absence of 21st century warming on Antarctic Peninsula consistent with natural variability | Nature

Absence of 21st century warming on Antarctic Peninsula consistent with natural variability | Nature

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POLAR BEAR Numbers Not Declining Despite Media Headlines Suggesting Otherwise


In scanning comments generated by the recent flurry of internet interest in polar bears and blogs I noticed that a good many people, fed alarming media stories, are still convinced that polar bear numbers are declining rapidly when nothing could be further from the truth.

Crockford 2017_Slide 12 screencap
In some cases, the media have made a possible future problem sound like a current problem. In others, people are remembering data from 2010 or so, not realizing that the picture has changed — or they assume that a conservation status of ‘threatened’ or ‘vulnerable’ (e.g. Amstrup et al. 2007) must mean numbers are declining (because that’s true for virtually all species classified that way, except polar bears).

The sea ice situation hasn’t really improved or deteriorated since 2007 but the polar bear picture is much better: there is information on more subpopulations and studies show most are holding stable or increasing (Aars et…

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FAILED Polar Bear Predictions Have Climate Change Community In A Panic

“A bit of reflection shows it was the climate science community itself — in collaboration with Arctic researchers and the media — who by the year 2000 (below left) set the polar bear up as an icon for catastrophic global warming. They made the polar bear a proxy for AGW.”

YET ANOTHER failed prediction from the catastrophic climate change cabal!

“This has left many folks unhappy about the toppling of this important global warming icon but ironically, consensus polar bear experts and climate scientists (and their supporters) were the ones who set up the polar bear as a proxy for AGW in the first place.”


Polar bear experts who falsely predicted that roughly 17,300 polar bearswould be dead by now (given sea ice conditions since 2007) have realized their failure has not only kicked their own credibility to the curb, it has taken with it the reputations of their climate change colleagues. This has left many folks unhappy about the toppling of this important global warming icon but ironically, consensus polar bear experts and climate scientists (and their supporters) were the ones who set up the polar bear as a proxy for AGW in the first place.

Cover image_Twenty Reasons_polarbearscience

I published my professional criticisms on the failed predictions of the polar bear conservation community in a professional online scientific preprint journal, which has now been downloaded almost 2,000 times (Crockford 2017; Crockford and Geist 2017).

Crockford 2017_Slide 12 screencap

My paper demonstrates that the polar bear/seaice decline hypothesis, particularly the one developed by Steven Amstrup, is a failure. I’m not…

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Fiji ‘Flooding’ Is Fake News From #COP23

These are the facts:

* Sea level has remained virtually at the present level over the last 200 years
* In the last 50-70 years sea level has remained perfectly stable in Fiji
* This stability is indicated by the growth of corals (stopped to grow vertically, and forced to grow laterally into microatolls) – and corals do not lie

“Whatever economy, politics and project agendas may want to put in the center, the true scientific community must insist that only facts as revealed in nature itself and in laboratory experiments can provide trustworthy results.”

Nils-Axel Mörner signs off his open letter to Honorable Prime Minister of Fiji and President of COP23 Frank Bainimarama with this slap of reality that goes to the heart of the UN’s pseudoscientific “climate change” agenda to fulfil its (self-proclaimed) wealth-redistribution goals…

“Retournons à la Nature
That is setting field evidence in the center instead of models and ideas driven by political and/or religious agendas.”

Bravo Nils.

Watts Up With That?

Open Letter to Honorable Prime Minister of Fiji and President of COP23 Frank Bainimarama by Nils-Axel Mörner


Mr. President,

The community assembled at the COP23 meeting in Bonn badly wants temperature to rise according to models proposed (but never verified, rather seriously contradicted) and sea level changes that may pose serious flooding threats to low lying coasts provided sea level would suddenly start to rise at rates never recorded before (which would violate physical laws as well as accumulated scientific knowledge over centuries).

We have been in your lovely country and undertaken a detailed sea level analysis, which beyond doubts indicates that sea level is not at all in a rising mode, but has remained perfectly stable over the last 50-70 years. Hence all threats of an approaching general sea level flooding is totally unfounded.

Whatever economy, politics and project agendas may want to put in the center, the true scientific community must…

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Atlantic Hurricane Numbers Decreasing Despite Increases In Atmospheric CO2

Rather inconvenient news for promulgators of CO2-induced Climate Change fear, doom and gloom…


By Paul Homewood



From GWPF:

Study of historical hurricane occurrences in the Gulf of Mexico and the Caribbean Sea, during the period 1749 to 2012, reveals that “the hurricane number is actually decreasing in time.”

Paper Reviewed

Rojo-Garibaldi, B., Salas-de-León, D.A., Sánchez, N.L. and Monreal-Gómez, M.A. 2016. Hurricanes in the Gulf of Mexico and the Caribbean Sea and their relationship with sunspots. Journal of Atmospheric and Solar-Terrestrial Physics148: 48-52.

Although some climate alarmists contend that CO2-induced global warming will increase the number of hurricanes in the future, the search for such effect on Atlantic Ocean tropical cyclone frequency has so far remained elusive. And with the recent publication of Rojo-Garibaldi et al. (2016), it looks like climate alarmists will have to keep on looking, or accept the likelihood that something other than CO2 is at the helm in moderating Atlantic hurricane frequency.

In their…

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Miami’s Vice

A brilliant picture presentation by WUWT guest blogger Kip Hansen expertly debunks Miami’s supposed global-warming-induced, sea-level rise/flooding hysteria!

“Miami Beach is at such grave risk of sea water flooding today that it should preemptively be declared a disaster zone – not because of global-warming-driven sea level rise but due to a seeming total lack of sensible civil engineering standards and sensible building codes.”

Watts Up With That?

Guest Essay by Kip Hansen


Miami Beach has a vice – a bad one – a dangerous one.

Miami’s vice is water, as in waterfront.  Everybody seems to want a house on the waterfront, a house on a canal, with a boat tied to the dock.

So what’s not to like about that?  After all, my wife and I live on our boat.

The New York Times (and the LA Times) has been running story after story about Miami flooding, Miami King Tides, Miami sea level rise threating billions of dollars of infrastructure.

Like these:

Intensified by Climate Change, ‘King Tides’ Change Ways of Life in Florida

Flooding of Coast, Caused by Global Warming, Has Already Begun

A Sharp Increase In ‘Sunny Day’ Flooding

Perils of Climate Change Could Swamp Coastal Real Estate

These news pieces offer images such as:


This first image is hurricane storm surge impacting…

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