STARK Reminder That Climate Bedwetters Are Mere Groupthink Puppets To The Hypocritical Rants Of Their Malthusian Leaders

Greenpeace Filling Up on Fossil Fuels

Greenpeace Filling Up on Fossil Fuels

GREENPEACE is a strident campaigner against big oil, especially against BP. Why isn’t the Rainbow Warrior running on solar power or wind power?

Kayaktivists protesting against oil exploration in kayaks made of oil

KAYAKTIVISTS protesting against oil exploration using kayaks made from oil. The paddles they use are plastic. The personal flotation devices heavily dependent on synthetic material derived from petroleum. The leader of the protest garbed in synthetic clothing with a petroleum-based megaphone in hand.

Nuff said.



This graphic says it all…

FF hypocrisy.jpg

 Via @GillesnFio

H/t  @GillesnFio


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Bad Weather Proves Climate Change, Says WMO

Top post. Nice work Paul.
WMO, up to their ears in man-made “Global Warming” hysteria and alarmism since they teamed up with climate criminal Maurice Strong’s UNEP in the 1970’s, later implementing the eco-political UN IPCC.

Maurice Strong, “The Creator, Fabricator And Proponent Of Global Warming” hysteria.


By Paul Homewood


From the “A bit of bad weather proves climate change “ Dept.

An unbelievably crass piece from the failed Independent (and doubtlessly the BBC and the rest of the dismal MSM):

There is “no room for doubt”. The astonishing weather experienced by the world last year and advances in climate science demonstrate conclusively that fossil fuel emissions are causing global warming – and something must be done about it.

That was the reaction from scientist after scientist to a new report by the World Meteorological Organisation (WMO), which documented record-breaking droughts, heatwaves, rainfall, melting of sea ice and a host of tangible signs observed in 2016 that the Earth’s climate has changed.

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Ban Ki-moon, Listen to the Masses!

“It’s much easier to solve an imaginary problem than a real one.” – Sir Humphrey Appleby

…and “saving the planet” the ideal header on the CV of Ban Ki-Moon and fellow virtue-signalling, climate change elites.

Science Matters

Over 10 million ordinary people have told the UN what matters most to them, and here are the results.

According to this huge UN survey, good education, healthcare and jobs are far and away the top priorities. And way down at the bottom is “Action taken on climate change.” You would think that the UN Secretary-General would have many things on his plate, and even “Phone and Internet Access” comes ahead of climate change.

Yet because Ki-moon is seeking a legacy in bringing the Paris accord into force, that last-place concern is at the top of his agenda.


In a previous post Hammer and Nail I suggested that climate activists like Ban Ki-Moon are working on their own needs for esteem and self-actualization, while most of the world are struggling with the most basic needs. This survey proves that point, especially when charts show that only in richer…

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Another Flannery Fail: Geothermal Power Plant Project Scrapped

Tim Flannery.

No other comment needed.

Other than to mention that despite his myriad of alarmist dud-predictions resulting in costly, failed unreliable (green) energy solutions – geothermal, failed windmills, $12 billion of mothballed desal plants, to name a few, the Government funded ABC continues to default to him as their resident climate expert!?

The groupthink, warmist activists over at the ABC, never once questioning or holding him to account for his litany of green failures and dud-predictions, costing taxpayers literally billions upon billions of dollars.

But once again, the worst Flannery and his climate change alarmist cronies can ever be accused of, for failed alarmist predictions resulting in massive taxpayer-dollar waste, is an excess of virtue, in order to “Save the planet”.


PA Pundits - International

Bolt New 01By Andrew Bolt ~

Another green energy fail:

A potential energy source in Australia is set to remain untapped, with a geothermal power project in the far north of South Australia now closed.

Energy company Geodynamics closed and remediated the sites of several test wells and generation plants in the Cooper Basin after deciding they were not financially viable.

Professor Tim Flannery (Former Australian Climate Change Commissioner)Professor Tim Flannery (Former Australian Climate Change Commissioner)

So who spruiked it? Climate catastrophist Tim Flannery:

There are hot rocks in South Australia that potentially have enough embedded energy in them to run Australia’s economy for the best part of a century. They are not being fully exploited yet but the technology to extract that energy and turn it into electricity is relatively straightforward….

But we’ve totally ignored the technologies that really, I think, have a lot of potential to do the job very cost effectively such as geothermal and solar…

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Religious Leaders Continue Their Long Tradition Of Superstition And Human Abuse

Pope: Human actions are turning Earth into ‘immense pile of filth’ …

Does the Pope count his lifestyle as a “filth” generating entity?

Earth worship and Misanthropy – The new hip religions.

Real Science

Aztec priests believed that sacrifice was needed to control the climate.

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The Dalai Lama also says humans need to make sacrifices to control the climate. He believes that reliance on God is “very illogical” – but building windmills will stop the 20,000 year long process of glacial melt.


The Pope also believes that sacrifice is needed to control the climate, and has teamed up with Barack Obama to “make electricity prices skyrocket” – thus sacrificing the future of billions of poor people.


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Global Warming Insanity On Steroids!

Warming fears are the “worst scientific scandal in the history…When people come to 
know what the truth is, they will feel deceived by science and scientists.” – UN IPCC 
Japanese Scientist Dr. Kiminori Itohan award-winning PhD environmental physical

“It is a blatant lie put forth in the media that makes it seem there is only a fringe of 
scientists who don’t buy into anthropogenic global warming.” – U.S Government
Atmospheric Scientist Stanley B. Goldenberg of the Hurricane Research Division of

“The whole climate change issue is about to fall apart — Heads will roll!” – South African UN Scientist Dr. Will Alexander, April 12, 2009

“I am a skeptic…Global warming has become a new religion.” – Nobel Prize Winner for
Physics, Ivar Giaever.




This article will remain on sticky post until the end of the UN’s latest climate gabfest in Paris.

It will be taken off sticky, once the throng of UN and government global elites, those telling you how you should live your life and curb your lifestyle, depart their 5-star hotel rooms and board their private jets, home-bound to board their limousines, whisked off to their white ivory towers of sanctimonious hypocrisy.


Paul Driessen preface via :

Pope Francis is coming to DC this week, to talk with President Obama about global warming and protecting the poor from fossil fuels, free enterprise capitalism and “dangerous manmade climate change.” So it might be helpful to present some inconvenient truths about climate change and the harmful effects of their anti-energy agenda.

Simply put, that agenda will kill millions of jobs and sharply reduce living standards for poor and middle class families in the United States and other developed countries. It will devastate the world’s poorest, most energy-deprived and politically powerless people – keeping them impoverished, disease-ridden, malnourished and dying young for decades to come. And all for no climate, health or environmental benefits.

Thank you for posting my article, quoting from it, and forwarding it to your friends and colleagues.

Best regards,


Insanity on steroids!

Economies collapsing, Middle East imploding – and Obama & Pals obsess over … the climate!

Climate Insanity on steroids!

By (the brilliant) Paul Driessen

via Wattsupwiththat & CFACT

September 21, 2015

The Middle East is imploding. Islamic State butchers are annihilating Christian and other communities. Putin is sending arms to Assad. Under the Obama-Iran nuclear deal, the mullahs will get $100+ billion to expand their proxy terror war on Israel and the West. Saudi Arabia has 100,000 empty air-conditioned tents but won’t take any of the millions who’ve been driven from their homes. Neither will most of the other 22 Arab League nations or 57 Organization of Islamic Cooperation member countries.

Instead, millions of mostly Muslim migrants, militants and refugees are heading to Europe – with limited money, education, job skills, or desire to assimilate. They demand entry into EU countries whose energy, economic, employment and welfare systems are already foundering or nearing collapse.

EU nations have hobbled their nuclear and carbon-based energy systems so completely that unsubsidized German and Danish electricity prices are almost ten times higher than in US states that still rely on coal-fired generation. Industrial giant Siemens is cutting 1,600 jobs in its power and gas division, companies are hard-pressed to compete internationally, and 0.5% annual economic growth is deemed “robust.”

So naturally, President Obama, Pope Francis, the European Commission, United Nations, and many poor countries are obsessed with – climate change! It’s insanity on steroids. The alarmist assertions are absurd.

“Climate change is already disrupting our agriculture and ecosystems, our water and food supplies,” Obama recently inveighed. “If we do nothing, Alaskan temperatures are projected to rise between six and twelve degrees by the end of the century.”

Projected by whom? Who concocts these fables? Nature-driven climate change has disrupted lives throughout human history. Seas have risen 400 feet since the last mile-thick glaciers melted off the northern half of Asia, Europe and North America. How did “imperiled” Pacific islands survive that?

Some Alaskan glaciers have been retreating for decades, but Hubbard is growing and Glacier Bay’s ice retreat began around 1750. Arctic sea ice has increased some 26% (400,000 square miles) since 2012, in a cycle that’s continued for millennia. The sea ice “was thick in the 1920s, thin in the 1930s and 1940s, thick again in the 1960s and 1970s, and thinner in recent decades,” oceanographer Igor Polyakov noted in 2004.

“Not only in the summer, but in the winter the [Bering Sea region] was free of ice, sometimes with a wide strip of water up to at least 200 miles away from the shore,” Swedish explorer Oscar Nordkvist reported in 1822. “We were astonished by the total absence of ice in the Barrow Strait,” Francis McClintock, captain of the Fox, wrote in 1860. “I was here at this time in 1854 – still frozen up – and doubts were entertained as to the possibility of escape.” How did cars and power plants cause all that?

Meanwhile Greenland’s ice mass has grown by some 200 cubic kilometers (48 cubic miles) just since 2014. Vikings built homes, grew crops and raised cattle in Greenland between 950 and 1300, before they were frozen out by the Little Ice Age and encroaching pack ice and glaciers. Antarctic sea ice set another record in May, the US National Snow and Ice Data Center reports, climbing 12% above the long-term 1981-2010 average, to reach 12.1 million square kilometers (800,000 square miles) – almost as much as Alaska and Texas combined!

If it’s global warming and climate change, shouldn’t melting phenomena be constant and global?

Pope Francis nevertheless plans to meet with President Obama September 23, to discuss “dangerous manmade climate change” and how to ensure “preferential treatment of the poor,” by building “clean” energy economies and stopping “carbon pollution.” Their concerns and solutions are illusory.

They disdain fossil fuels and capitalism – though they have brought greater health and well-being to more people than any other systems in history. They prefer the socialism, centralized government control, higher energy prices, fundamental economic transformations and wealth redistribution schemes advanced by the UN and Climate Crisis, Inc. By denying the world’s poorest people energy, jobs and economic growth, this agenda will sentence them to perpetual poverty, disease and early death. By mandating the use of biofuels, wind turbines and solar panels, it will turn food into fuel, increase malnutrition, convert wildlife habitats into enormous inefficient energy facilities, and kill countless millions of birds and bats.

The pope and president dismiss these impacts. They insist that climate change is a far worse problem, and that modern energy, housing and living standards for the world’s poor would not be “sustainable.” They believe “morality,” “climate justice” and “preferential treatment” mean protecting people from hypothesized, exaggerated and fabricated climate disasters 25, 50 or 100 years from now – by destroying millions of jobs and keeping the world’s poor energy-deprived and impoverished now and in perpetuity.

The pope and president denigrate plant-fertilizing carbon dioxide as “carbon pollution” and say this 0.04% of Earth’s atmosphere has replaced the powerful natural forces that have always driven climate and weather fluctuations and events. They disregard satellite and weather balloon data and records from East Anglia University, which show there has been no planetary warming since at least late 1997, if not 1995.

They studiously ignore the fact that even full implementation of EPA’s fraudulent and destructive Clean Power Plan would at best prevent a global temperature increase of only 0.03 degrees F and a sea-level rise of barely 0.01 inches by 2100. And those “benefits” assume CO2 is the culprit in climate change.

Like other climate alarmists, they refuse to recognize that some 2,300 coal-fired power plants are already operating worldwide, and almost 2,200 more are being proposed, developed or built. Nearly 900 are planned for China and India alone. In barely ten years, Asia’s energy consumption will increase 31% and some two-thirds of that demand will be oil, natural gas and coal. So a US shutdown would do nothing.

Developed countries have dug a tiger trap – and walked into it. Their constant rants about “catastrophic manmade climate change” are driving policies that shut down carbon-based energy, economic growth and job creation in Formerly Rich Countries, while telling developing nations to hold us for climate ransom.

Following Obama’s recent GLACIER conference in Anchorage, China, India and Russia (three of the four biggest CO2-emitting nations) refused to sign a nonbinding declaration seeking greater international action to combat Arctic melting and climate change. Nearly all developing countries oppose agreements calling for binding emission targets or even “obligatory review mechanisms” of their voluntary efforts to reduce greenhouse gas emissions. Meanwhile, they now insist on $100 billion to $400 billion per year in climate change “mitigation, adaptation and compensation,” plus free energy technology transfers.

Denmark is dropping plans to phase out coal-fired power plants and be fossil-fuel-free by 2050. Britain is junking its wind energy subsidies and pushing ahead with fracking for gas to fuel more power plants. But meanwhile, Mr. Obama is thumbing his nose at Congress and American voters and unemployed workers – and imposing ever more restrictions on coal and natural gas use, and more taxpayer subsidies for wind, solar and biofuel programs, on top of water, ozone and other regulations. This will cost trillions of dollars, inflict heavy costs on poor and middle class families, and bring few or no health or ecological benefits.

The agenda being driven by President Obama, Pope Francis, the UN and Climate Crisis, Inc. means our huddled masses will be forced to share ever-greater scarcity, ever-lower living standards, ever-fewer jobs and opportunities. But of course it all will be apportioned “fairly and equitably” – by ruling elites and their cronies, whose desk jobs, six-figure salaries and upper crust life styles will be protected by the same executive powers they employ to protect the planet from climate raptors and hobgoblins.

  • Climate

About the Author: Paul Driessen

Paul Driessen

Paul Driessen is senior policy advisor for CFACT and author of Cracking Big Green and Eco-Imperialism: Green Power – Black Death.


See more great reads and climate rationale from Paul Driessen :

  • DRIESSEN : Climate Crisis, Inc. | Climatism
  • EPA’s Clean Power Fraud | Climatism
  • Climate fear is being used to take away human freedom and empower governments | Climatism
  • Driessen : A Climate of Fear, Cash and Correctitude | Climatism

Must read Driessen :

  • The Climate Con Goes On – Paul Driessen
  • The Iceman Cometh? | Watts Up With That?

More Driessen :

  • Risking Lives to Promote Climate Change Hype | Climatism
  • DRIESSEN: Climate alarmism’s 10,000 commandments | Climatism
  • Greedy Africans are starving our cars | Climatism
  • Carbon Dioxide: The Gas of Life – Paul Driessen
  • Stop Denying Climate Science and ACT! (Before People Realize it’s a Scam) – Paul Driessen
  • Real Climate Science the IPCC Doesn’t Want You to See – Paul Driessen


Today’s Sea Level Fraud From NASA

NASA’s 3 feet rise in global sea level by the end of the century, seems rather conservative compared against ABC (Australia) science presenter Robyn Williams’ sea level rise forecast of 100 metres by 2100!

Whether the climate ‘science’ comes from alarmist HQ NASA, the White House, ABC or their respective regressive political parties, it holds true that if you are ‘Green’, you no longer have to tell the truth. Any falsehood or exaggeration you utter is just a sign of your commitment, not of your deceit.

Real Science

Check out this moronic headline in the LA Times

ScreenHunter_2767 Aug. 27 13.16

New satellite measurements from NASA suggest that ocean levels could rise by 3 feet or more globally by the end of the century. The question faced by scientists and policymakers is not whether oceans will rise, but how fast and by how much.

“People need to be prepared for sea level rise,” said Joshua Willis, an oceanographer at NASA’s Jet Propulsion Laboratory in La Cañada Flintridge. “It’s not going to stop.”

Sea levels will rise, experts warn, and ‘it’s not going to stop’ – LA Times

Of course sea level is going to rise. It has been rising for 20,000 years – most of that time faster than now. Sea level will stop rising when we enter the next ice age.

Post-Glacial_Sea_Level (1)

NOAA Tide gauges indicate that global sea level will rise about four inches by 2100, not 40 inches.

ScreenHunter_2763 Aug. 27 12.31

Sea Level Trends…

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Spectacular Antarctic Lies To Start The Morning

Real Science

ScreenHunter_8159 Mar. 31 10.22

Need another indicator of climate warming in Antarctica? The trio of weather bloggers at Weather Underground report the temperature there likely hit a record-breaking 63.5F (17.5C) Tuesday.

The balmy reading was logged at Argentina’s Esperanza Base, which lies on the northern tip of the Antarctic Peninsula.

Irrespective of whether the record stands, it fits right into the pattern of rapid climate warming recently observed in the Antarctic Peninsula region. The British Antarctic Survey writes this region has warmed about 5F (2.8 C) in the last 50 years. “[This] makes this the most rapidly warming region in the Southern Hemisphere – comparable to rapidly warming regions of the Arctic,” it notes.

Antarctica may have set its highest temperature ever recorded Tuesday – The Washington Post

What a total crock from Jason Samenow at the Capital Weather Gang. Temperatures at the Antarctic Peninsula have been declining for 35 years.

MSU_AMSU_Channel_tlt_Trend_Map_v03_3_1979_2014.730_450 (1)MSU_AMSU_Channel_tlt_Trend_Map_v03_3_1979_2014.730_450.png (730×450)


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CSIRO Censoring Their Own Climate Research

The only way to get our society to truly change is to
frighten people with the possibility of a catastrophe
– emeritus professor Daniel Botkin

We’ve got to ride this global warming issue.
Even if the theory of global warming is wrong,
we will be doing the right thing in terms of
economic and environmental policy.

– Timothy Wirth,
President of the UN Foundation



Pic source :

The Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation (CSIRO) is the federal government agency for scientific research in Australia. It was founded in 1926 originally as the Advisory Council of Science and Industry.

In the field of climate science, the CSIRO has historically leant towards the alarmist side of the climate debate. One example shows the CSIRO using sea level rise figures far in excess of even the IPCC.

The Australian reports:

In its 2012 report, State of the Climate, the CSIRO says that since 1993 sea levels have risen up to 10mm a year in the north and west. That means that somewhere has had a 19cm-rise in sea level since 1993. Where is this place? The European satellite says that sea levels have been constant for the past eight years.


In 2013, the CSIRO commissioned a study that found “Deserts ‘greening’ from rising carbon dioxide: Green foliage boosted across the world’s arid regions.”

Screen Shot 2015-03-26 at , March 26, 12.00.21 am

Google Search: Deserts Greening + CSIRO 

The ‘greening’ of deserts, thanks to rising CO2, happens to be a very unwelcome message for the environmental movement and apparently now too for the CSIRO. So this week, the CSIRO removed the study from its website.

Screen Shot 2015-03-25 at , March 25, 10.01.41 pm

Australia’s premier scientific agency, the CSIRO, not interested in sharing scientific discovery, rather adhering to a type of selective thinking with a tendency to notice and to look for what confirms to their beliefs, and to ignore, not look for, or undervalue the relevance of what contradicts those beliefs. Also known as ‘Confirmation Bias’.

The CSIRO claim they “protect the integrity of science by upholding the highest standards of practice.”

Does deleting or censoring studies that are favourable to plant food, carbon dioxide, do anything to “protect the integrity of science” as laid out in their agenda?

Yet another example of why government funded scientific organisations like the CSIRO have – tragically – become almost the last places to hear the truth about climate change and the environment. Too much money and too many reputations are now at stake.


The CSIRO’s peer-reviewed study can be found at Science Daily:

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Deserts ‘greening’ from rising carbon dioxide: Green foliage boosted across the world’s arid regions — ScienceDaily



The CSIRO contacted me via twitter with location of study:

Screen Shot 2015-03-27 at , March 27, 7.36.01 pm

Makes it a little tricky for the interested to track down when no link presents on any search engine. Conveniently archived perhaps.

See here: Deserts ‘greening’ from rising CO2 | CSIRO (Trove Archives – Nat. Library of Australia)



via Joanne Nova :

Australian government finally gets slightly serious with CSIRO board


UPDATE 15/8/2016 :

After conveniently “archiving” their 3 JULY 2013 study : “Deserts ‘greening’ from rising CO2” – CSIRO have now reinstated it on their website!

Deserts ‘greening’ from rising CO2



See also :

  • Bureaucratic Dioxide | Climatism
  • Carbon Dioxide: The Gas of Life – Paul Driessen 
  • The global dance of carbon dioxide and spreading green flora « JoNova
  • CO2 In The Atmosphere Is Not Pollution | Climatism
  • Greening the Planet and how Fossil Fuels protect world’s Flora & Fauna | Dr. Matt Ridley
  • “In Searching For A New Enemy To Unite Us, We Came Up With The Threat Of Global Warming” 
  • Australian government finally gets slightly serious with CSIRO board « JoNova
  • What the CSIRO State of the Climate report forgot to tell you « JoNova
  • Don’t Let Climate Change Hysteria Damage The Economy | Climatism

UN Conference: Communism Needed To Stop Global Warming

Not the first time the UN commissars have touted communism as the way forward to a clean ‘China’ style environment…

“UN Climate Chief Says Communism Is Best To Fight Global Warming“

Real Science

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Lima, Peru—Evo Morales, the president of the Plurinational Republic of Bolivia, is a superstar politician here at the 20th Conference of the Parties (COP-20) of the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change. The press gaggle follows him around like puppies and enthusiastically applauds his unrelenting diatribes against rich industrialized countries. The headline is a quotation taken from Morales’ response to being asked at a press conference if he was optimistic about the summit meeting here in Lima? “The deep causes of global warming are not being dealt with here. The origin of global warming lies in capitalism,” asserted Morales. “If we could end capitalism then we would have a solution.”

‘The origin of global warming lies in capitalism’ – Hit & Run :

Communist countries are famous for a clean environment and low emissions

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