Study Suggests No More CO2 Warming

Solid CO2 science by even more solid scientists that you will-not-see published anywhere on the climate-theory-obsessed mainstream media.

Why? Because, man-made ‘global warming’ aka ‘climate change’ was never about “saving the planet” or the “environment”, rather the ultimate power grab for Malthusians and deep-green misanthropic global elites since, at least, the 1970’s.

Their initial, and ongoing agenda to demonise invisible trace gas, and plant food Carbon Dioxide — the byproduct of 90+% of all global (real) energy output — in order to control ALL industry, sovereign nations and the lives, livelihoods and freedoms of every human on the planet.

Control CO2, and you control the world.

PA Pundits - International

By David Wojick, Ph.D. ~

Precision research by physicists William Happer and William van Wijngaarden has determined that the present levels of atmospheric carbon dioxide and water vapor are almost completely saturated. In radiation physics the technical term “saturated” implies that adding more molecules will not cause more warming.

In plain language this means that from now on our emissions from burning fossil fuels could have little or no further impact on global warming. There would be no climate emergency.  No threat at all. We could emit as much CO2 as we like; with no effect.

This astounding finding resolves a huge uncertainty that has plagued climate science for over a century. How should saturation be measured and what is its extent with regard to the primary greenhouse gases?

In radiation physics the term “saturation” is nothing like the simple thing we call saturation in ordinary…

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One Comment on “Study Suggests No More CO2 Warming”

  1. Peter Carroll says:

    Global warming/climate change has always been about money. It is so blatantly obvious.
    Governments worldwide, legislate to stop pollution. There are laws to stop pouring chemicals into waterways, lakes, seas and oceans. Laws to stop smoke, ash and noxious gases, being pumped into the air. There are laws preventing noise pollution, visual pollution even in some areas, light pollution.

    However, when it comes to the mythical, “Carbon Pollution”, what’s the answer? MONEY!

    Carbon taxes, money. Carbon offsets, money. Cap and trade schemes, carbon credits, carbon auctions, carbon sequestration schemes, someone can make money money.
    Ottmar Edenhofer from the IPCC’s working group on Mitigation of Climate Change calls climate, change an illusion. He also states, “we redistribute de-facto the worlds wealth by climate policy”.

    Liked by 1 person

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