CLIMATISM - State Of The Climate 2019

WHEN presented with the unemotional facts on global warming climate change, one can begin to see clearly that the entire global phenomena, that has consumed; academia, our political, scientific and financial institutions and sycophant mainstream media, is nothing more than a political agenda, as laid out by the fabricators of theorised CO2-induced climate change — the United Nations — in their very own words :

We’ve got to ride this global warming issue.
Even if the theory of global warming is wrong,
we will be doing the right thing in terms of
economic and environmental policy.

– Timothy Wirth,
Fmr President of the UN Foundation



By Paul Homewood

I have been asked by a couple of people to produce a simple climate change factsheet, and it might be worth bookmarking for future use.

I have kept it simple, with no graphs or references. As those familiar with this blog, everything below has been fully covered a number of times. Anybody who needs more explanation on a particular item only needs to ask.

Any comments are welcome.

View original post 1,018 more words

2 Comments on “CLIMATE CHANGE – The Facts”

  1. daveburton says:

    If you want to learn more about climate science, I maintain a little list of good resources, here:

    It has:

    ● accurate introductory info

    ● in-depth science from both skeptics & alarmists

    ● links to several balanced expert debates

    ● information about “climate impacts”

    ● links to several of the best blogs on each side of the issue


  2. CLIMATE CHANGE – The Facts — Climatism – Climate- says:

    […] über CLIMATE CHANGE – The Facts — Climatism […]


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