POLISH Guards Seize Rainbow Warrior

THE Polish people have experienced the social and economic devastation of Communism aka Socialism in the recent past. They clearly do not want a repeat of it…


By Paul Homewood

h/t Joe Public

From Breitbart:


On its website, Greenpeace said that its activists had sought to prevent a shipment of coal imported from Mozambique from being unloaded in Poland as part of a “climate emergency protest.”

Earlier, activists had vandalized the coal vessel with graffiti, painting “Poland Beyond Coal 2030” on the side of the ship’s hull.

Greenpeace Poland Program Director Paweł Szypulski justified the group’s actions by saying they were responding to an emergency.

“This is a climate emergency and we need to take action now,” Szypulski said. “This is our moment of truth and there is no turning back. We are taking action along with the millions of other people around the world demanding an end to fossil fuels. We have no time to waste.”

In a strange coincidence, at least one European nation has recently had to turn to Poland with its substantial…

View original post 353 more words

2 Comments on “POLISH Guards Seize Rainbow Warrior”

  1. Mike Ramsey says:

    CO2 emissions have come down per capita head since 1958 world population was 2.9 billion people and CO2 was 313 ppm in 2019 world population 7.7 billion and CO2 is 455ppm it’s actually lowered per capita head …. hooray there is no threat … figures according to C.C. Activists

    Sent from my iPhone



  2. POLISH Guards Seize Rainbow Warrior — Climatism – Climate- Science.press says:

    […] über POLISH Guards Seize Rainbow Warrior — Climatism […]


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