BREAKING : Carbon Dioxide Causes Both Record Hot And Record Cold

breaking - co2 causes record hot & cold - climatism

CO2 – The Magic Molecule | Climatism

“As we all know, this isn’t about truth at all,
it’s about plausibly deniable accusations.”
– Michael Mann (Climategate Emails)

“Those who can make you believe absurdities,
can make you commit atrocities.”
– Voltaire

“Blind trust in authority
is the greatest enemy of the truth.”
Albert Einstein


THE $2,000,000,000,000 US per year (2 Trillion) Climate Crisis Industry is not unlike the Washington “swamp”. When its orthodoxy and authority is threatened, questioned or challenged, major stakeholders launch a swift and coordinated defence to maintain the status quo.

ANY real-world evidence that contradicts the anthropogenic global warming theory (AGW) is viciously refuted with eye-popping examples of reverse logic and shameless shifting of goal-posts. However implausible, a clear and consistent message will follow nonetheless, carefully coordinated and synced between ‘scientific’ bodies and compliant mainstream media to add plausibility, authenticity and believability.

A priceless example was one by The Guardian’s resident climate catastrophist, George Monbiot, who claimed that the widespread and prolonged snowfalls of the 2017/18 Northern Hemisphere winter were caused by, yep, ‘global warming’!



FAST forward only 10 months and the climate cult has been in crisis management mode dealing with the current Polar Vortex that has ravaged the US and Europe with historic low temperatures.

WITH the mercury in Milwaukee plunging as low as -65°F (wind chill) and Indianapolis -40°F, comparisons have been made to temperatures as cold as Mt Everest, Siberia and Mars!


CHICAGO hit -25°F (actual) which was -2°F shy of the all time record cold set in 1985. Temperatures fell early Wednesday to -19°F making it the coldest Jan. 30 in Chicago on record. It beat the last record daily low of -15°F set on Jan. 30, 1966, according to the National Weather Service.

THE New York Times dubbed this years Arctic blast the “coldest weather in a generation”:


Yota111 on Twitter: “Polar Vortex to Seize Midwest With Coldest Weather in a Generation”


Midwest Bracing for Antarctic-Like Weather – The New York Times

By Mitch Smith

CHICAGO — Two of the most dreaded words in a Midwestern weather forecast — “polar vortex” — returned this week, promising life-threatening low temperatures that could shatter records and plunge much of the region into its deepest freeze in decades.


“The vortex, a brutal mass of cold air within strong bands of circulating winds, has spread southward from its normal location near the North Pole in recent weeks, bringing arctic weather to the middle of the United States. Such weather events have become more common in recent years; scientists are not sure why, but some suspect a link to climate change.”

Midwest Bracing for Antarctic-Like Weather – The New York Times

NOTE the Times’ urgency to blame “climate change”, even as “scientists are not sure why”.



NO politician or President has ever been able to unnerve the mainstream media and expose their true colours and extreme Leftist/Socialist ideologies like Trump. Like or loath him, he dares to question orthodoxy and the preferred wisdom of the day, disrupting the status quo.

HIS tweet on the extreme cold weather sent the global warming theory-obsessed mainstream media into a literal meltdown:

BREITBART’S John Nolte with the apoplectic reaction from the press:

Naturally, this launched a million reactionary headlines from our oh-so objective, unbiased, not-at-all left-wing media.

“Look at This Embarrassing F*cking Moron,” screamed Esquire.

“Debunking the utter idiocy of Donald Trump’s global warming tweet,” pouted CNN.

“Here’s Why the Crazy Cold Temperatures Prove Global Warming is Real,” Forbes says reassuringly.

“What Trump keeps getting wrong about Global Warming,” the Washington Post helpfully reports.

But here is my personal favorite headline from, where else?, NBC News…. “Yes, it can be this cold outside in a time of global warming.”

Experts Claim Every Kind of Weather Proves Global Warming Is Fer’ Real | Breitbart


GOVERNMENT institutions quick to defend their sacred (cash) cow, too :


TONY HELLER (Steve Goddard) quick to correct the warmist NOAA’s flawed, reactionary argument:



NEW YORK Times Climate – making sure you believe that both extreme cold and extreme heat are a direct byproduct of your gasses and excesses.

NOTE the goal-posts being shifted to accomodate any weather event :

MY reply :

REGARDING “Extremes” :

I noted in a past Climatism post detailing the latest IPCC report on “Extreme Weather” that the mainstream media would wilfully dismiss its ‘inconvenient’ findings:

EXTREME WEATHER, the Climate Crisis Industries favoured weapon of mass hysteria has been scuttled, once again, by their very own authority, the UN IPCC!

THE latest report finding that there is “little basis or evidence” for claiming that drought, floods, hurricanes and cyclones have increased due to greenhouse gases. Tornadoes were not even mentioned, owing to the record lack of.

BUT, alas! Just as the extreme weather findings from last IPCC report – AR5 (2013) – were conveniently dismissed by the mainstream media and climate crusaders, so too will the latest ‘inconvenient’ findings from the SR15 ‘Special Report’.

SORRY ALARMISTS : The IPCC Once Again Reports Extreme Weather Events Have Not Increased | Climatism

NEW YORK Times Climate didn’t disappoint!

THE Grey Lady falling foul of one of the Climate Crisis Industries ten commandments – “YOU’RE CONFUSING CLIMATE WITH WEATHER”, whilst blaming CO2 – the magic molecule – for both hot and cold weather!


U.S. Midwest Freezes, Australia Burns: This Is the Age of Weather Extremes – The New York Times



THE mainstream media in conjunction with warmist ‘scientists’ have been desperate to blame this years Polar Vortex on ‘global warming’.

THE Economist “explains” :

Why Chicago is so cold – Global warming may be to blame | The Economist


Why Chicago is so cold – The Economist explains

“Two sets of air currents determine which parts of North America and Europe get blasted by Arctic air each winter. The stratospheric polar vortex is a smallish patch of low-pressure air that circulates, anti-clockwise, in a ring some 48km (30 miles) above the Arctic. It helps to trap the coldest air near the pole and forms only in winter.


The problem for America’s Midwest is that the Arctic has warmed unusually fast, a result of more greenhouse gases in the atmosphere, and so the polar jet stream is fluctuating more widely. As a result, the stratospheric polar vortex may slow down, and colder air is drawn southwards. A similar sort of shift in the air currents helped to cause the “Beast from the East” that chilled western Europe in 2018.”




1977 “Global Cooling” Polar Vortex


FORTY years ago, the New York Times blamed the Polar Vortex on global cooling and increasing Arctic ice. Now they say the exact opposite – the Polar Vortex is caused by global warming and decreasing Arctic ice:


International Team of Specialists Finds No End in Sight to 30‐Year Cooling Trend in Northern Hemisphere – The New York Times

“A gradual increase in area of the northern circumpolar vortex, the massive flow of frigid air around the Arctic, has been recorded by Drs. Angell and Korshover.”


SCIENCE has known about the Polar Vortex for decades. But, as it contradicts the current ‘global warming’ theory, it’s conveniently forgotten:


Science Mag – 1975


THE Polar Vortex used to be evidence of “Another Ice Age” setting in:

Another Ice Age?

Time Magazine   Monday, Jun 24, 1974

Scientists have found other indications of global cooling. For one thing there has been a noticeable expansion of the great belt of dry, high-altitude polar winds —the so-called circumpolar vortex


TIME Magazine Archive Article — Another Ice Age? — Jun. 24, 1974


NOW the same Polar Vortex is evidence that the Earth is burning up:


Brace for the Polar Vortex; It May Be Visiting More Often – The New York Times

While climate change is warming the earth, not all parts of the earth are warming at the same rate; the Arctic is warming at a rate twice as fast as the world average. That warming has led to historically low levels of sea ice in the region. The melting sea ice, particularly in an area near the Barents and Kara Seas off Siberia, may be linked to the changes in the polar vortex.

“When we lose a lot of ice in that particular area in the summer, it absorbs a lot of extra heat from the sun,” Dr. Francis said. This is because the darker open ocean absorbs more heat than reflective ice. “And so we see a very persistent, hot spot there in terms of temperature differences from what they should be.”

Research suggests that the hot spot, along with changes in the jet stream driven by climate change, cause the polar vortex to break down in mid- to late winter.

(Climatism bolds)

WORKING for the New York Times, one would think Kendra would have access to historical (Polar Vortex) articles from her own workplace? Google?

MAYBE delving into the ‘inconvenient’ past simply wrecks her entire narrative. That would be a shame. Pity we had to do it here, for her.



JOHN NOLTE from his great piece in Breitbart on the Polar Vortex fiasco with this to aptly conclude:

Any student of history can look back and discover that all of history’s mass-murdering socialists — from Hitler to Stalin to Mao — have manufactured audacious lies and scapegoats as a means to consolidate power into a malevolent Central Authority.

Freedom is Slavery.

War is Peace.

Ignorance is Strength.

Cooling is Warming.



THE science as to what is the predominant driver of climate is far from “settled”. The effect to global temperature per doubling of carbon dioxide is ever-decreasing as “the science” develops. Some estimates are as low as 0.5°C by 2100.


AND then there’s that big yellow light in the sky :

  • approximately 330,000 times greater the mass of Earth.
  • 1.3 million earths can fit into it.
  • contains 99.86% of the mass in the Solar System.
  • has a surface temperature of ‎5,500 °C.
  • whose light reaches Earth in 8 minutes and 20 seconds, and
  • whose core is around 13600000 degrees Celsius.

YEP, the Sun!





INSIGHTFUL analysis by Roy Spencer of UAH questioning the theory that declining Arctic sea-ice is the cause of the Polar-Vortex.

SPENCER provides an interesting chart from his colleague John Christy of “cold waves” in the US, showing that they are ‘declining’:

“the connection between Eastern U.S. cold waves and Arctic sea ice is speculative, at best. Just like most theories of climate change.” – Roy Spencer PhD

If the Polar Vortex is due to Global Warming, Why are U.S. Cold Waves Decreasing? « Roy Spencer, PhD

“At a minimum we should demand good observational support for any specific claim. In this case I would say that the connection between Eastern U.S. cold waves and Arctic sea ice is speculative, at best.

Just like most theories of climate change.”

Full report : If the Polar Vortex is due to Global Warming, Why are U.S. Cold Waves Decreasing? « Roy Spencer, PhD



FASCINATING video explanation of what is a Polar Vortex by Simon Clark (PhD in theoretical atmospheric physics at the University of Exeter)

Watch especially from 1:20



  • Veteran Swiss Meteorologist Slams Media For “Making It Up”…NOAA: Polar Vortex Term “Nothing New…Appeared In 1853”
  • Bizarre Theory Linking Global Warming To ‘Polar Vortexes’ Resurfaces. Scientists Are Pushing Back | The Daily Caller
  • ‘We’ve Become Dumber’: Media Blames Record Cold On Global Warming | Climate Dispatch


SEE also :

STATE Of The Climate Report :

IPCC Report 2018 SR15 :


ORIGINS Of The Global Warming Scam :


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2 Comments on “BREAKING : Carbon Dioxide Causes Both Record Hot And Record Cold”

  1. paullitely says:

    This is an admission that they cannot predict hot OR cold based on CO2. There is a predictor that works… see forverifiable Details.


  2. Harriette Lantto says:

    Aw, this was an extremely good post. Spending some time and actual effort to make a good article… but what can I say… I hesitate a lot and don’t seem to get nearly anything done.


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