GREEN ‘ENERGY’ FAIL : Victorian’s Sweat Through A Great Green Hoax

green energy fail - vic blackouts - climatism

UNreliables – F A I L

“Renewable energy technologies simply won’t work; we need a fundamentally different approach.” – Top Google engineers

“We get a tax credit if we build a lot of wind farms. That’s the only reason to build them. They don’t make sense without the tax credit.” – Warren Buffett

“Suggesting that renewables will let us phase rapidly off fossil fuels in the United States, China, India, or the world as a whole is almost the equivalent of believing in the Easter Bunny and Tooth Fairy.” – James Hansen (The Godfather of global warming alarmism and former NASA climate chief)


VICTORIA and South Australia, the two southern Australian states who have taken the most ambitious reckless and ruinous position on UNreliables – wind and solar – were put to the test yesterday as temperatures soared into the 40’s. The result was a perfect failure on the two basic metrics of ‘1st-world’ energy supply – cost and reliability.

VICTORIAN wholesale prices surged to $14,500 per megawatt hour, where prices used to average less than $40 per megawatt hour…


SOME 200,000 Victorian’s didn’t have the ‘pleasure’ of paying $14,500 / MWh, instead they were supplied blackouts, brownouts and load-shedding as the chronic undersupply of ‘real’ power – fossil fuels – was realised…

“More than 200,000 Victorian households had their power cut off yesterday in a bid to protect the state’s energy system from shutting down, as the Andrews government was forced to admit there was not enough power to keep up with soaring demand in sweltering summer heat.”

200,000 homes go dark as heat rises, electricity cut off | The Australian


AFTER tens of $BILLIONS spent on symbolic ‘green energy’ – wind only managed to supply a pathetic 4.2% and solar (on a hot, sunny day) 11.4% of demand at 1:30PM as temperatures peaked at 42.8C…

melbourne power outages- homes still without power after grid fails in record heat | herald sun

Melbourne power outages: Homes still without power after grid fails in record heat | Herald Sun


ANDREWS government was forced to admit there was not enough power to keep up with soaring demand…

1500 MW of vital coal-fired baseload power unable to be called upon when needed most after the energy-vandals of the current Labor (socialist) government forced the shut-down of the Hazlewood coal-fired power plant in 2017.

SEE : Victorian power bills soar after Hazelwood coal plant closure | SMH


“DIRTY” Fossil Fuels (Diesel And Gas) To The Rescue, Again!

ONE of the twisted ironies of the insane ‘green’ energy revolution is that it’s always “dirty” fossil fuels that come to the rescue of weather-dependent UNreliables.

MORE wind and solar doesn’t fix the fatal dependency on intermittent sunshine and breezes, rather the exact thing that they are designed to replace does – “dirty” coal and gas!

“South Australia’s controversial diesel generators – introduced by former Premier Jay Weatherill as a response to the state’s 2016 blackout – were also called on for the first time. Power was initially sent to supply-short Victoria, as the grid struggled to cope following the loss of over 1500 megawatts of baseload coal and gas generation from some of the nation’s largest suppliers this week.”

AEMO taps emergency energy powers after a unit at AGL’s Liddell coal-fired power plant fails | The Australian

SEE : DIESEL – Keeping South Australia’s Lights On Til The Next Election! | Climatism


UNRELIABLES advocates bang-on on about “wind and solar now cheaper than fossil fuels”. This may be true when they are generating at full capacity, when the wind is blowing just right and the sun is shining. But, as the old sailors say “the wind is free, but everything else costs money.”

“EVERYTHING else” being the energy duplication and 24/7/365 backup costs associated with hydrocarbon energy – coal and gas. Dispatchable energy that is either supplying baseload or idling while wind and sun conditions are favourable for supply. And of course the massive cost to the consumer of green energy subsidies that are necessary to keep wind and solar competitive.



Mother Nature stepped in where the UNreliables-obsessed Labor government’s failed ‘green’ energy could not…

“A cool change that swept across Melbourne about 2pm dropped the temperature 12C in 30 minutes, easing demand for power and bringing an end to load-shedding outages in the ensuing hour.”

200,000 homes go dark as heat rises, electricity cut off | The Australian


ANDREW BOLT on yesterdays green ‘energy’ fiasco – a taste of things to come as global warming theory-obsessed Australian governments pander the U.N. climate gods and install more economy, grid and job destroying UNreliables…



Lily D’Ambrosio, Victoria’s warmist Minister for Energy, in 2017 claimed Labor was helping to “deliver affordable, sustainable and renewable energy”.

All three promises were broken yesterday.

Affordable? Victoria actually had wholesale power prices hit $14,500 per megawatt hour – when prices used to average less than $40.

Sustainable? Wind power generators on Thursday delivered a feeble 3.8 per cent of the state’s power, thanks to fickle winds. They could not deliver when needed most.

Reliable? Victoria – which helped drive the giant Hazelwood coal-fired generator out of business – ran short of electricity in the heat wave, and suffered blackouts that hit 200,000 homes and premises, even after it ordered big power users like the Portland smelter to shut down.

Why does Victoria, sitting on hundreds of years of supply of coal and big gas reserves, have an electricity system that can no longer deliver enough electricity?

Why? Because it bought the great global warming scare, and spent billions on unreliable green power instead of on a steady generator that would pump out all the power we need – and when we need it. It made coal-fired generators unprofitable, and told vast untruths about the great future of green power.

And for what? For pure symbolism. No cuts Australia makes to emissions will affect global warming, which has turned out to be nothing like the catastrophe that was predicted.

Global warming politicians are causing far more damage than global warming is every likely to. Yet who dares call them out?



“For forty years Australia had cheaper and more reliable energy than this, and it was powered by what four letter word?” –JoanneNova

BUT, here is the ultimate craziness – all the money, all the wrecking of views, all the lost jobs through higher electricity prices and all the blackouts – all the pain for nothing. The apparent effect on global temperatures so incredibly small, nobody would notice.

INSANITY on stilts.

H/t @LaborFAIL


SEE also: 

U.N. Energy Poverty / Climate Hoax related :



STATE Of The Climate Reports :

IPCC Extreme Weather Report 2018 SR15 :



ORIGINS Of The Global Warming Scam :


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