Industrialised Murder: Indian Study Shows Wind Turbines Slaughter 75% of Local Raptors


WIND lobbyists say bird deaths are small compared with millions that collide with windows etc. This is a fallacy. The argument ignores affected species. If 50 pigeons fly into windows, it has no effect on population. But, when a breeding Raptor is chopped, it represents a significant loss for the species.

THIS latest study of wind-related predatory bird slaughter will be conveniently buried by ‘environmental’ groups and sycophant mainstream media.

BIAS by omission – the mainstream media’s favourite form of propaganda. Disgraceful.


How green is this? Golden eagle ‘transitions’ to wind power.

One issue that annoys RE zealots, like a burr under a frisky pony’s saddle blanket, is the wind industry’s rampant bird and bat slaughter. It’s an inconvenient truth to be sure. But, as with everything that the wind industry does, if you can’t keep a straight face while lying about it any more, then pull out all stops and cover it up.

The wholesale slaughter of millions of birds and bats – includes rare, endangered and majestic species, like America’s iconic bald and golden eagles. The default response from the wind industry is to lie like fury and – when the corpses can no longer be hidden and the lying fails – to issue court proceedings to literally bury those facts (see our post here).

The hackneyed retort from the wind cult is that cars, cats and tall buildings…

View original post 711 more words

One Comment on “Industrialised Murder: Indian Study Shows Wind Turbines Slaughter 75% of Local Raptors”

  1. Climatism:Tracking Anthropogenic Climate Alarmism-et varia – chaos says:

    […] ← Industrialised Murder: Indian Study Shows Wind Turbines Slaughter 75% of Local RaptorsUN ‘Climate Refugees’ – Lost and Found → […]


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