ALARMISTS U-TURN : Scientists Confirm Great Barrier Reef Is Recovering From Bleaching, Again
Posted: December 11, 2018 | Author: Jamie Spry | Filed under: Alarmism Debunked, Alarmism uncovered, Alarmist media, Alarmist Predictions, Australia, Climatism, Coral Bleaching, Government Grants/Funding, Great Barrier Reef | Tags: Alarmism Exposed, Climate Change, Climate Change Alarmism, COP24, Coral Bleaching, Global Warming, Global Warming Alarmism, Government grants, Govt Grants/Funding, Great Barrier Reef, Professor Peter Ridd, Reef Recovery, Science and Environment, Taxpayer waste, Terry Hughes | 5 Comments
GREAT Barrier Reef Recovery – Climatism
“WE need to get some broad based support,
to capture the public’s imagination…
So we have to offer up scary scenarios,
make simplified, dramatic statements
and make little mention of any doubts…
Each of us has to decide what the right balance
is between being effective and being honest.“
– Prof. Stephen Schneider,
Stanford Professor of Climatology,
lead author of many IPCC reports
REMEMBER when climate ‘scientists’ said “Corals on Great Barrier Reef will never be the same after back-to-back heat waves“ …
- Corals on Great Barrier Reef will never be the same after back-to-back heat waves, scientists say | LA Times
REMEMBER when climate ‘scientists’ said “Global warming has changed the Great Barrier Reef ‘forever’ …

Global warming has changed the Great Barrier Reef ‘forever,’ scientists say | The Washington Post
REMEMBER when climate ‘scientists’ said “Great Barrier Reef is damaged beyond repair and can no longer be saved“ …

Great Barrier Reef is damaged beyond repair and can no longer be saved | The Telegraph
Never-mind …

‘Glimmer Of Hope’ For Great Barrier Reef As Study Shows Tolerance To Climate Change | HuffPost UK
The Great Barrier Reef fared better during an oceanic heat wave last year than during sizzling weather a year earlier that caused hundreds of miles of corals to bleach, according to a study published Monday that suggests the massive structure may be growing more tolerant to climate change.
The report in the journal Nature Climate Change analyzed how corals along the Great Barrier fared in back-to-back mass bleaching events. The reef ― a UNESCO World Heritage Site and the largest living structure on the planet ― was cooked by overheated seawater in 2016 and again in 2017, with images of sickly white coral horrifying people around the globe.
During the first event, which scientists likened to an underwater apocalypse, almost 30 percent of the reef died.
But the second event last year, which saw seas even hotter than 2016 in many places, didn’t harm the reef as badly as scientists expected. They speculated that the structure may be going through a forced evolution that has helped toughen it, at least in part.
“The good news is the Barrier Reef glass is still half-full,” said Terry Hughes, a lead author of the study and the director of the ARC Centre of Excellence for Coral Reef Studies. “Whether we’ll still have reefs in 50 years time … there’s a glimmer of hope that we will.”
‘Glimmer Of Hope’ For Great Barrier Reef As Study Shows Tolerance To Climate Change | HuffPost UK
AMAZING how quickly $444 MILLION of taxpayers hard-earned money can ‘fix’ the reef. Or, do vast amounts of free cash help dial down the hysteria from the Climate Crisis Industry and CO2-obsessed reef ‘scientists’?

Malcolm Turnbull defends surprise $444 million Government donation to tiny reef body – Politics | ABC News
REEFS RECOVER (With or without $444 MILLION!)
DRAMATIC recovery of a remote reef off WA, after 1998 El Niño coral bleaching event:

Recovery of an Isolated Coral Reef System Following Severe Disturbance | Science
From The Abstract :
Coral reef recovery from major disturbance is hypothesized to depend on the arrival of propagules from nearby undisturbed reefs. Therefore, reefs isolated by distance or current patterns are thought to be highly vulnerable to catastrophic disturbance. We found that on an isolated reef system in north Western Australia, coral cover increased from 9% to 44% within 12 years of a coral bleaching event, despite a 94% reduction in larval supply for 6 years after the bleaching. The initial increase in coral cover was the result of high rates of growth and survival of remnant colonies, followed by a rapid increase in juvenile recruitment as colonies matured. We show that isolated reefs can recover from major disturbance, and that the benefits of their isolation from chronic anthropogenic pressures can outweigh the costs of limited connectivity.
Recovery of an Isolated Coral Reef System Following Severe Disturbance
CORALS evolved during the Cambrian era when atmospheric CO2 levels were at 6,000-7,000 ppm, around 4,000 percent or 20 times higher than today’s “CO2-starved” environment of 400 ppm, with atmospheric and ocean temps temps far higher than today.
THE world was hotter during the Holocene optimum, yet somehow the Great Barrier Reef survived.
CORAL reefs have survived millions of years of dramatic and sudden climate change, yet climate alarmists want us to believe that a few hundred ppm more of essential trace gas CO2 “has changed the Great Barrier Reef ‘forever,’ (Wapo)” or that even a “Great Barrier Reef recovery [is] unlikely after ‘catastrophic die-off’“?!
BLEACHING is a naturally occurring phenomenon essential to the health and regrowth of coral reefs.
THE “Great Barrier Reef” is only “Great” because it has died off at least 7 known times over the millennia.

Dr Terry Hughes
Terry Hughes, is the director of the ARC Centre of Excellence for Coral Reef Studies at James Cook University, the same University who recently censured physicist at James Cook University Professor Peter Ridd who has dared to question scientific findings that purport to show the Great Barrier Reef is in trouble.
IN June 2017, Ridd made the headlines after suspecting something was wrong with photographs being used to highlight the apparent rapid decline of the Great Barrier Reef.
AFTER attempting to blow the whistle on the bogus pictures, Ridd was censured by James Cook University and threatened with the sack…

The ABC used a photo of reef bleaching on Flowerpot Rock in American Samoa in stories about the Great Barrier Reef.
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