IT’s So Cold In Texas That Sea Turtles Are Freezing In The Ocean
Posted: November 12, 2018 | Author: Jamie Spry | Filed under: Alarmist media, Climatism, COP24, Extreme Weather, Global Cooling, NOAA | Tags: Climate Change, Climatism, Grand Solar Minimum, nature, NOAA, science, Texas, Turtles |
“THIS could be the largest cold-stunning event to occur in Texas history.”
“The data doesn’t matter. We’re not basing our recommendations
on the data. We’re basing them on the climate models.”
– Prof. Chris Folland,
Hadley Centre for Climate Prediction and Research
“We’ve got to ride this global warming issue.
Even if the theory of global warming is wrong,
we will be doing the right thing in terms of
economic and environmental policy.“
– Timothy Wirth,
President of the UN Foundation
“Isn’t the only hope for the planet that the industrialized civilizations collapse? Isn’t it our responsibility to bring that about?” – Maurice Strong, founder of the UN Environment Programme (UNEP)
AS the natural planet shifts seasons through Fall in the Northern Hemisphere and Spring in the Southern, it’s worth looking back only 9 months ago when Earth was delivering a particularly brutal cold and snowy NH winter.
NOAA does many things well and many not so. But, ironically, one of the best things it did was to act as a warming refuge for hundreds of endangered sea turtles who would have otherwise died due to extreme cold waters off the Texas/Florida Coast.
“Experts say sea turtles that become stunned by cold weather float to the surface because they’re too cold to swim. “
“According to KHOU-TV, this could be the largest cold-stunning event to occur in Texas history.”
I know what you’re now thinking and yes, I agree: It’s hard to validate the NOAA’s persistent “HOTTEST YEAR EVAHH” findings, so gleefully published in the mainstream media, when sea-turtles are actually dying by the hundreds thanks to “THE COLDEST OCEANS EVAHH”!
A completely isolated incident, yes. But, did any UN or NOAA climate model predict “dying turtles thanks to extreme cold oceans”?
Hundreds of stunned sea turtles rescued along Texas coast after freezing weather |
Cold-Stunned Sea Turtles Wash Ashore in Florida and Texas | Scuba Diving
Via CBS News :
GALVESTON, Texas — Hundreds of sea turtles have been affected by cold weather in Texas. CBS News affiliate KHOU-TV reports National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) workers have rescued 50 sea turtles so far.
An additional 200 are expected to arrive to the NOAA’s Galveston lab Friday, where they will be weighed, measured and later released back into the ocean.
Experts say sea turtles that become stunned by cold weather float to the surface because they’re too cold to swim.
A cold-stunned sea turtle may become “dehydrated because they’ve been floating on the surface for a few days,” Ben Higgins, sea turtle program manager, told KHOU-TV.
“We are the ones that push these animals to the brink of extinction, so we have an obligation to at least step in and help (and) try and restore their numbers,” Higgins said.
According to KHOU-TV, this could be the largest cold-stunning event to occur in Texas history.
Sea turtles, however, are not the only species that has been affected by cold weather. In Florida, it’s so cold that iguanas have been falling from their perchesin trees. Several residents have photographed the reptiles lying belly up on the ground.
But authorities say the iguanas are likely not dead. Most of them will thaw out if placed in the sun.
Anyone who may encounter a sea turtle that is in need of help should call (866) TURTLE-5 or (409) 771-2872.
Hundreds of sea turtles stunned by cold weather in Texas | CBS News
A little scepticism between the agencies who control the message on “Global Warming” would not go astray in order to restore the publics faith in (once) trusted taxpayer funded institutions who used to run on science and data, not ideology, politics and grants.
UPDATE 24 Nov, 2018
HUNDREDS More Frozen Turtles Since October. HuffPo blames Global Warming!
via Electroverse :
400+ Frozen Turtles Off Cape Cod
A brutal cold snap off the coast of Cape Cod in Massachusetts has led to more than 400 sea turtles freezing to death since Oct 22.
190 of the endangered Kemp’s Ridley turtles perished in just the last few of days, as a “once in a lifetime weather system” of powerful winds and freezing arctic air incapacitated the sea creatures.
The turtles were found washed ashore frozen solid on beaches in Brewster, Orleans and Eastham.
Since late October, over 400 cold-stunned turtles have been reported, according to Jennette Kerr, Communications Coordinator of the Massachusetts Audubon Society’s Wellfleet Bay Wildlife Sanctuary.
According to the Sanctuary, the first instance of turtles becoming cold stunned this season came on Oct 22.
Kerr told that she fears many more frozen turtles may wash ashore in the coming nights due to the historically low temperatures.
Sea turtles normally migrate south during the late fall and winter, but turtles being impacted by cold stuns has increased dramatically in recent years.
Kerr told the Boston Globe that there isn’t a clear reason why, but she suspected it was becoming more noticeable due to prolonged successful conservation.
I think a more likely explanation would link the deaths to the sharp drop in solar activity and the falling global average temperatures — the oceans are cooling, folks.
Grand Solar Minimum
I had to include this at the end, as further illustration of the stranglehold on truth the ever-more-desperate MSM hopes to maintain.
Check out HuffPost Green’s laughable explanation: The warmer ocean waters of climate change entice the turtles to linger too long too far north.
SEE also :
BRUTAL 2017/18 Winter related :
ORIGINS Of The Global Warming Scam :
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