UN Carbon Regime Would Devastate Humanity And The Environment

Haiti - Dominican Republic BORDER - CLIMATISM

DISASTER divided : Two countries, one island, life-and-death differences

WITHOUT access to fossil fuels, every tree on the planet would have been cut down by now to provide for heating, cooking and industry.

THE greatest threat to the environment is not affluence, it is poverty.

BORDER between Haiti and Dominican Republic, a pristine example…

• ONE country embraces Fossil Fuels 🇩🇴

• THE other, signed up to the UN Paris Accord 🇭🇹

Border Between Haiti and Dominican Republic - CLIMATISM

BORDER between Haiti and the Dominican Republic: Guess which country contains eco-criminals that can afford to use fossil fuels, and which country contains nature-lovers who are dependent on natural renewable organic biomass for energy?


HAITI is almost 99% deforested, as they rely almost entirely on natural ‘biomass’ (wood) for domestic and industrial fuels and building materials.

ON the other side, the forests of the fossil fuel burning, eco-terrorists – the Dominican Republic – remain lush and green :

Haiti - Dominican Republic BORDER3Haiti - Dominican Republic BORDER2Haiti - Dominican Republic BORDER5Haiti - Dominican Republic BORDER4

Haiti - Dominican Republic BORDER5 - NASA SAT

NASA Satellite : Haiti – Dominican Republic Border (CNN)



EMBRACE the UN’s draconian climate regulations by pursuing the mad rush into unreliables – wind and solar – and join Haiti in the race to energy poverty and environmental devastation.

FUEL-poverty stricken German’s are already robbing forests for wood to heat their homes in winter, unable to pay for radically priced ‘green’ energy :

Tree Theft on the Rise in Germany as Heating Costs Increase | SPIEGEL ONLINE

Tree Theft on the Rise in Germany as Heating Costs Increase | SPIEGEL ONLINE




“Adding More Wind And Solar Power Ultimately Raises CO2 Emissions, As More Fossil Fuel Backup Capacity Must Be Built”

GERMAN forest thievery began in 2013 when Energiewende was in its infancy.

THE Energiewende (German for energy transition) is “the planned transition by Germany to a low carbon, environmentally sound, reliable, and affordable energy supply” (wiki). 

AFTER hundreds of €BILLIONS of taxpayer’s hard-earned money spent on sunshine and breezes, Germany’s Energiewende program has been exposed as a catastrophic failure, with carbon dioxide emissions higher now than in 2009, the year before massively subsidised ‘green’ energy was signed into German law!

GERMAN emissions last year were actually higher than in 2009, and have been on the rise again since 2014.

NUCLEAR power is still supplying 12% of Germany’s power. When this is finally phased out in a few years time, the country will be more reliant on fossil fuels than ever :


THE ‘green’ dream is on ice as a ‘coal frenzy’ grips Europe and unreliables lose their attraction:

Despite Climate Campaigners Efforts, Germany_s New Coal Boom Reaches Record Level | Watts Up With That?

Despite Climate Campaigners Efforts, Germany’s New Coal Boom Reaches Record Level | Watts Up With That?

With Greenpeace successfully forcing the shutdown of nuclear power, and keeping out fracking for gas, what’s left? A boom in coal. In fact, over the next two years Germany will build 10 new power plants for hard coal.  Europe is in a coal frenzy, building power plants and opening up new mines, practically every month. It might sound odd that a boom in German coal is the result of Greenpeace’s political success. –Ezra Levant, Toronto Sun, 7 January 2014

RISING German Emissions – the numbers : 


WHEN will the ideological push for symbolic, costly, unreliable, unwanted, economically and environmentally destructive ‘green energy’ end?

ALL that pain, for ZERO gain!

AUSTRALIA take note. Do not let recent history repeat.


Quotation-Mark-Twain-It-s-easier-to-fool-people-than-to-convince-them CLIMATISM
CLIMATE CHANGE : It’s Easier To Fool People Than To Convince Them That They Have Been Fooled | Climatism

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