GLOBAL Temperatures Rose As Cloud Cover Fell In the 1980s and 90s

Global Temperatures Rose As Cloud Cover Fell In the 1980s and 90s

Figure 1a showing the ISCCP global averaged monthly cloud cover from July 1983 to Dec 2008 over-laid in blue with Hadcrut4 monthly anomaly data. The fall in cloud cover coincides with a rapid rise in temperatures from 1983-1999. Thereafter the temperature and cloud trends have both flattened. The CO2 forcing from 1998 to 2008 increases by a further ~0.3 W/m2 which is evidence that changes in clouds are not a direct feedback to CO2 forcing.

Good find. Makes sense.


By Paul Homewood

We’ve been discussing the sudden rise in UK and European temperatures in the 1990s, and I was reminded about a study undertaken by Clive Best and Euan Mearns looking at the role of cloud cover four years ago:


Clouds have a net average cooling effect on the earth’s climate. Climate models assume that changes in cloud cover are a feedback response to CO2 warming. Is this assumption valid? Following a study with Euan Mearns showing a strong correlation in UK temperatures with clouds, we looked at the global effects of clouds by developing a combined cloud and CO2 forcing model to sudy how variations in both cloud cover [8] and CO2 [14] data affect global temperature anomalies between 1983 and 2008. The model as described below gives a good fit to HADCRUT4 data with a Transient Climate Response (TCR )= 1.6±0.3°C. The 17-year hiatus in…

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ENERGIEWENDE FAIL: German CO2 Emissions Higher Now Than In 2009


AFTER hundreds of €BILLIONS of taxpayer’s hard-earned money spent, Germany’s Energiewende program exposed as a catastrophic failure.

WHEN will this ideological push for symbolic, costly, unreliable, unwanted, economically and environmentally destructive, symbolic, fake ‘energy’ end?


By Paul Homewood

germany coal

In its INDC at Paris, the EU stated that it was committed to a binding target of an at
least 40% domestic reduction in greenhouse gas emissions by 2030 compared to 1990, to be fulfilled jointly.

However the UK has gone much further by committing to a cut of 57%, thanks to the legally binding Fifth Carbon Budget, written by John Gummer’s Committee on Climate Change.

But what about Germany, where we hear so much about the Energiewende? Surely they must be at least matching our efforts?

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