GREENLAND Ice Sheet Well Above Average In 2018
Posted: October 27, 2018 Filed under: Alarmism Debunked, Arctic, Empirical Evidence, Greenland | Tags: arctic, Climate Change, Climate science, Climatism, COP24, environment, Global Warming, Greenland, science, Science and Environment Leave a commentMORE inconvenient news from the CO2-induced “Ice-Free” Arctic!
Tallbloke's Talkshop
Rinks Glacier, West Greenland
[image credit: NSIDC]
However this is interpreted, ‘sixth highest on record’ doesn’t quite support the ‘rapid melting’ story so beloved of man-made climate alarm believers. It looks a lot more like natural variability, as the report suggests.
It’s time for the Greenland ice sheet’s annual health report, brought to you by scientists from the Danish Meteorological Institute and Polar Portal.
The end of August traditionally marks the end of the melt season for the Greenland ice sheet as it shifts from mostly melting to mostly gaining snow, says ScienceNordic.
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