ANOTHER Dud Climate Change Prediction: Record Grain Harvest For Australian Farmers
Posted: September 10, 2018 | Author: Jamie Spry | Filed under: Alarmism Debunked, Alarmist media, Alarmist Predictions, Australia, Climatism, Dud predictions, Empirical Evidence, Fact Check, Failed Climate Models, Fake News, food production, Global Warming Zealots, Green Agenda, Obama, Propaganda | Tags: Barack Obama, carbon dioxide emissions, Cereals, CIA, Climate Change, Climate Change Alarmism, Climate science, Climatism, CO2, Dud Predictions, Fake News, Falsehoods, Famine, Global Food Production, Global Warming, Global Warming Alarmism, grain, IPCC, Mainstream media, propaganda, science, Science and Environment, Starvation, WA, Western Australia, wheat |Leave a comment
CLIMATE Propagandists Have Been Using The Same Apocalyptic Language For Decades – Irrespective of Temperature – To Drive Their Agenda And Scare You Into Belief | Climatism
Warming fears are the “worst scientific scandal in the history…When people come to
know what the truth is, they will feel deceived by science and scientists.” – UN IPCC
Japanese Scientist Dr. Kiminori Itoh, an award-winning PhD environmental physical
“It is a blatant lie put forth in the media that makes it seem there is only a fringe of
scientists who don’t buy into anthropogenic global warming.” – U.S Government
Atmospheric Scientist Stanley B. Goldenberg of the Hurricane Research Division of
“I am a skeptic…Global warming has become a new religion.” – Nobel Prize Winner for
Physics, Ivar Giaever.
WHERE are the global warming climate change catastrophists now? Global warming is giving us record crops:
Record grain harvest potential for Western Australian farmers as prices spike on east coast drought
By Joanna Prendergast, Mark Bennett, Lucinda Jose
On the back of nine-year-high prices, grain farmers in Western Australia are hoping a mild spring will allow them to have one of their biggest and most profitable harvests in the state’s history.
The shining light of grain production for WA this year is the thriving northern wheatbelt where growers say crops show potential to be the best they have ever grown.
However, the weather over the coming weeks is crucial to determine how much grain they produce.
Brady Green farms 8,900 hectares of wheat, lupins, barley, and canola near Yuna in the Chapman Valley, about 40 kilometres north-east of Geraldton.
He said he needed mild temperatures and some rain over the coming weeks as crops began flowering and filling grain.
“All our indicators show that our prices are strong, our yields should be strong,” Mr Green said.
Chapman Valley farmer Brady Green, with his dog Charlie, says weather over the coming weeks is critical. (ABC Rural – Jo Prendergast)
Record harvest potential
The Grain Industry Association of Western Australia (GIWA) has conservatively estimated the state’s crop production at 15.5 million tonnes: 9.9 million of that as wheat, 3.5 barley, and 1.2 million of canola.
GIWA crop report author Michael Lamond said that figure could easily grow.
Record grain harvest potential for Western Australian farmers as prices spike on east coast drought – ABC Rural – ABC News
Global warming is a licence to tell lies
FORMER President Barack Hussein Obama…
“Our changing climate is already making it more difficult to produce food.“ – Obama 26 May, 2017
CLIMATE alarmists have been peddling the same lies for years…
Mark Rosegrant, International Food Policy Research Institute , February 2013:
FRAN Kelly [ABC host”>: Dramatic falls in staple crop production, and a jump in malnutrition are predicted across the Asia Pacific in coming decades due to climate change. . . (Dr Mark Rosegrant) . . . according to your research which crops would be most affected? Rosegrant: We’re finding that the key staples of rice, wheat and maize are going to have very large declines through most of Asia — anywhere from 15 to 25 per cent compared to a no-climate-change scenario.
Professor Ian Lowe, president of the Australian Conservation Foundation, December 2012:
For example, the United Nations food agency has warned that it will be less and less likely that we can feed the human population if climate change continues on its present trajectory.
The Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change, 2001:
Acute water shortage conditions combined with thermal stress should adversely affect wheat and, more severely, rice productivity in India even under the positive effects of elevated CO2 in the future.
German Advisory Council on Global Change, 2007:
The Climate Change as a Security Risk report by the German Advisory Council on Global Change called on governments meeting this week at the climate change conference in Bali to adopt deep emissions cuts to avert disaster…. According to the report… India, Pakistan and Bangladesh could see falls in wheat and rice yields as the monsoon changes.
David Lobell, Stanford University, 2008:
Impoverished farmers in South Asia and southern Africa could face growing food shortages due to climate change within just 20 years, a new study says… “The majority of the world’s one billion poor depend on agriculture for their livelihoods,” said the lead author of the new study, David Lobell of Stanford University. “Unfortunately, agriculture is also the human enterprise most vulnerable to changes in climate.”
Elizabeth Ainsworth, University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign, 2008:
Rice is arguably the world’s most important food source and helps feed about half the globe’s people. But yields in many areas will drop as the globe warms in future years, a review of studies on rice and climate change suggests. …when the evidence from some 80 different studies is combined, the outlook is bleak, says Elizabeth Ainsworth of the University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign.
Green activist Cameron Scott :
Most major political shifts are caused at least in part by economic pressures. Food prices are now at an all-time high. Those prices have, according to a wide range of analysts, contributed to the political revolts first in Tunisia and now in Egypt… But here’s the kicker: Food prices aren’t just some arbitrary economic statistic. They measure (inversely) the planet’s success at sustaining its human population. And right now, it’s not doing so well. The reason? Erratic weather spurred by climate change.
WARMING or COOLING? No matter. The exact same climate change fear-mongering rules apply, regardless of the temperature…
IN 1976, during the “Global Cooling” scare, the CIA warned “the world’s climate is cooling” and this would bring “drought, starvation, social unrest and political upheaval”

21 Jul 1976 – C.I.A. WARNING – Trove
C.I.A. WARNINGMAJOR world climate changes [global cooling] were under way that would cause economic and political upheavals “almost beyond comprehension”, an internal report of the Central Intelligence Agency has warned the US Government.
“The new climatic era brings a promise of famine and starvation to many areas of the world”, the report warns.
The report, which contends that the Climate changes began in 1960, is based on a study by Mr Reid Bryson of the University of Wisconsin.
Its basic premise is that the world’s climate is cooling and will revert to conditions prevalent between 1600 and 1850 — when the earth’s population was less than 1,000 million and its rural, pre-industrial era civilisations were largely capable of feeding themselves.
The report, which- was concerned with possible political and economic threats the United States could expect from such drastic events, said the starvation and famine would lead to social unrest and global migration of populations.
21 Jul 1976 – C.I.A. WARNING – Trove
(*Climatism bolds added)
See : THE ARCTIC : Ground Zero For Anthropogenic Hubris And Climate Change Hysteria | Climatism
2017 : Same fear-mongering, different temperature!
BARACK Obama in 2017 : The same carefully selected fear-language and continuity of message used for decades by the climate crisis industry, only this time transposed to fit the current “Global Warming” scare …
“Our changing climate is already making it more difficult to produce food, and we’ve already seen shrinking yields and spiking food prices that, in some cases, are leading to political instability.“ – Obama 26 May, 2017

OBAMA on food and climate change: ‘We can still act and it won’t be too late” | Global development | The Guardian
GLOBALLY, food production is on the up, contrary to climate model predictions and falsehoods spread by global warming climate change charlatans…
Famine Forecasts Foiled: Climate Increasing Food Production

Gregory Whitestone has the story at CNS Famine Forecasts Foiled: Climate’s Projected Food Production to Increase
The latest dose of “fake news” about global warming comes from two forecasts of faminedue to human activity. Both drew on estimates of extremely high temperatures predicted by the same flawed climate models used by the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) to predict other climate calamities. The climate models used in the studies are estimated tooverpredict temperature by 2.5 to 3 times as compared to actually measured temperatures, and both rely on the highest estimates of maximum temperature increase.
The first of the reports warned that future production of vegetables and legumes would decrease by more than 30 percent with an expected rise of 4C. Even the alarmist IPCC says that the most likely case is a rise of about half that.
The primary reason for the prediction of famine is a sharp decrease in wateravailability, even though recent reports indicate that previously arid portions of the Earth are experiencing a significant net increase in soil moisture due to a combination of increasing precipitation and CO2 fertilization — both effects of our changing climate.
Buried in the report is an admission that contradicts the hysteria engendered by the headlines. According to the authors, a 250-ppm increase in CO2, without the exaggerated temperature increase, would boost crop production by an average of 22 percent! That’s correct, more food as a result of increasing CO2.
World grain production, consumption (LHS) and stocks (RHS) IGC (International Grain Council) data, Momagri formatting
Corn production in the U.S. presents a conundrum for environmental activists. On the one hand, they engage in fear mongering with predictions of famine based on questionable climate models. On the other hand, as enemies of fossil fuels, the activists promote ethanol production to replace our oil-based transportation fuels. Every acre of corn diverted to ethanol production is an acre that is no longer feeding the world’s hungry. In 2008, Herr Jean Ziegler, the United Nations’ Rapporteur for the Right to Food, claimed that “to divert land from food production to biofuels is a crime against humanity.”
Read on…
Famine Forecasts Foiled: Climate’s Projected Food Production to Increase | CNS News
* Science Matters bolds added
2016 saw record grain yields globally, despite the super El Niño that warmists claimed would destroy crops:

2016’s Record Warmth Brought Record Crop Yields, Fewer Storms | The Daily Caller
OBAMA also claimed of “spiking food prices” in his 2017 Guardian Op-ed.
WRONG again…

2016’s Record Warmth Brought Record Crop Yields, Fewer Storms | The Daily Caller
CROP yields have been rising steadily since 1960, according to the UN’s own data…

NO, global warming climate change is not causing starvation. Just another fake scare.
H/t @katharine_no
UPDATE (Sep 21, 2018) :
BAD NEWS : Frost hits WA wheat crop!

Western Australia – Crops Punished by Two Devastating Frosts in a Matter of Days – Electroverse
AWEFUL news. Sorry to hear this John and WA #wheat growers. Such a boom growth season until this.
— JWSpry 🇦🇶 (@JWSpry) September 20, 2018
FAKE Food Crisis related :
- CLIMATE Propagandists Have Been Using The Same Apocalyptic Language For Decades – Irrespective of Temperature – To Drive Their Agenda And Scare You Into Belief | Climatism
- 2016’s Record Warmth Brought Record Crop Yields, Fewer Storms | The Daily Caller
- Obama Lies Again | Climatism
- Warmist President Obama Wrong, Wrong And Wrong | Climatism
SEE also :
- GLOBAL Temps Continue Plunge Despite “Global Heatwave” Howls From Media Hysterics | Climatism
- CLIMATISM : State Of The Climate Report | Climatism
- 100% Of Climate Models Prove that 97% of Climate Scientists Were Wrong! | Climatism
CLIMATE Policy related :
- GLOBAL WARMING Might Not Hurt, But Warming Policies Do : Former Australian PM Spells Out The Inconvenient Truth | Climatism
- POLITICIANS Mad With Global Warming Theory Are Destroying The Economy And Hurting The Poor | Climatism
- CLIMATE Alarmism Has Cost Far More Than Any Global Warming Ever Could | Climatism
- PARIS Accord Based on Fraud | Climatism
- DEATH SPIRAL DENIED : No Change In Arctic Sea-Ice Extent Or Volume Over The Past 12 Years | Climatism
- GOOD NEWS : Children Who Don’t Know What Snow Is Can Now Ski In Summer! | Climatism
- TIM FLANNERY – Professor of Dud Predictions and Climate Falsehoods | Climatism
- DOES The CSIRO Still Stand By Its 2003 Snow Prediction? | Climatism
- THE Mind-blowing Costs Of Global Warming Hysteria | Climatism
- 100% Of Climate Models Prove that 97% of Climate Scientists Were Wrong! | Climatism
- OUR Planet Has Enjoyed 10 Warm Periods During The Past 10,000 Years | Climatism
- LIFE Inside The Global Warming Bubble | Climatism
- THE Great Global Warming “Pause” | Climatism
- GLOBAL WARMING THEORY CHECK : Global Temps Continue Century-Record Plunge, Despite Rising Emissions! | Climatism
- NO Australian Under The Age Of 40 Has Experienced Any Global Warming | Climatism
- THE SUN : Climate Control Knob, Enemy Of The Climate Cult | Climatism
- THE SUN : Climate Changer, Climate Driver, Climate Disruptor | Climatism
ORIGINS Of The Global Warming Scam :
- THE Orwellian Era Of @NASA Climate Pseudoscience | Climatism
- WESTERN Nations, Driven By A Global Agenda Of Climate Alarmism, Are Destroying Their Industries With Carbon Taxes And Promotion Of Expensive, Intermittent Green Energy | Climatism
- TOMORROW’S Grim, Global, Green Dictatorship | Climatism
- CLIMATE CHANGE – The Most Massive Scientific Fraud In Human History | Climatism
- “In Searching For A New Enemy To Unite Us, We Came Up With The Threat Of Global Warming” | Climatism
- The Creator, Fabricator And Proponent Of Global Warming – Maurice Strong | Climatism
- Global Warming Is The Greatest And Most Successful Pseudoscientific Fraud In History | Climatism
- THE Climate Change Farce Explained By Two Expert “Scientists” | Climatism
- UN IPCC : Climate “Has Almost Nothing To Do With Environmental Policy.” | Climatism
- UN IPCC : “Long-Term Prediction of Future Climate States Is Not Possible.” | Climatism
- YES! The Climate Changes | Climatism
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