MEMO To Dr Joe : Cold Kills 20 Times More People Than Heat

Wagga Wagga by-election candidate sticks to guns over climate change | The Australian

Wagga Wagga by-election candidate sticks to guns over climate change | The Australian

DR Joe McGirr, the independent candidate favoured to win the Wagga Wagga by-election, brands himself as a ‘conservative’. But, his views on climate change and the evidence he provides to back up his claims, speak little for his climate science and conservative credentials…

The conservative independent candidate favoured to win the Wagga Wagga by-election from the Liberal Party tomorrow has written articles about the dangers of climate change and supported organisations such as the Climate Council.

In an article earlier this year that Dr McGirr co-wrote for The Australian Journal of Rural Health, he urged doctors to press governments on climate change.

“Addressing climate change has been described as the greatest global health opportunity of the 21st century … Climate change impacts health directly and indirectly,” Dr McGirr said.

“The role of health services in providing education about the health impacts of climate change is well recognised.’’

Dr McGirr yesterday defended his posts and comments: “I can’t hide the fact that I have published on it in literature.

“That was one of my research interests and as far as the medical industry’s concerned … it’s about how we’re going to die from it.”

Lancet literature had talked about people dying from heat-­related illnesses, Dr McGirr said.

Wagga Wagga by-election candidate sticks to guns over climate change | The Australian


CLIMATE CHANGE alarmists like Dr McGirr use appeals to authority, with frequent references to “the literature” or “the science” as evidence to prove their theory:

Dr McGirr yesterday defended his posts and comments: “I can’t hide the fact that I have published on it in literature.

Lancet literature had talked about people dying from heat-­related illnesses, Dr McGirr said.

THIS is what the medical journal Lancet actually found:

Cold weather is 20 times as deadly as hot weather... The study — published in the British journal The Lancet — analyzed data on more than 74 million deaths in 13 countries between 1985 and 2012. Of those, 5.4 million deaths were related to cold, while 311,000 were related to heat.

Study: Cold kills 20 times more people than heat | USA Today

SAME story in Australia:

A new study published in The Lancet shows 6.5% of deaths in this country are attributed to cold weather, compared with 0.5% from hot weather. Most deaths will be from cardiovascular and respiratory disease, as it’s the heart and lungs that struggle when we are outside our comfort zone.

The Australian cold is a bigger killer than Sweden’s freeze – here’s why | Australian

US temperature related deaths (CDC):


Cold kills – Video – Ice Age Now

“The CDC says heat kills 600 Americans a year,” says John Stossel. “Cold kills more than twice that many.”

It warmed one degree in the last hundred years, and life expectancy doubled! says Dr Patrick Michaels.

Cold kills – Video – Ice Age Now



“I have said I think renewable energy is important and I have said that in a public forum,” he said. “I accept that is not what conservative people want but that’s my view of the situation. I have got to stick to my guns.

Wagga Wagga by-election candidate sticks to guns over climate change | The Australian

THE global warming climate change policies of the kind McGirr supports will make the dying worse by making electricity too expensive for the poor:

The situation has become so dire that 77 per cent of low-income NSW households are going without heating in a bid to reduce their onerous power bills, new research from the NSW Council of Social Service (NCOSS) shows. And one in three low-income earners have been forced to stop using hot water for bathing to pay for energy bills.




DROACONIAN climate change policies of the kind McGirr supports have indeed made the dying worse:

After a brief mild spell, temperatures are set to dip again in April after the chilliest March in 21 years.

It is estimated that 20,275 Brits more than average died between December 1 and March

An additional 2,000 deaths more than average were expected due to cold conditions between March 23 and 31, this winter’s average death rates show.

Campaigners have called the deaths a “national tragedy” as cold weather victims fatalities could be prevented – especially in the elderly.

48,000 Brits dead after worst winter in 42 years | Daily Star


AS a medical Doctor, candidate McGirr should be at least aware of the actual statistics of temperature related deaths within “the literature” that he says he has contributed to.

IF McGirr cannot get this most basic of facts correct, what other climate change falsehoods is he willing to tell you?


SEE also :

CLIMATE Policy related :



ORIGINS Of The Global Warming Scam :


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