BOARD Meeting Turns ‘Toxic’ As UN Climate Fund Runs Low
Posted: July 5, 2018 Filed under: Carbon Tax, IPCC, UN, UNEP, UNFCCC | Tags: Climate Change, Climate Change Scam, Climate Scam, Climatism, Global Warming, Global Warming Hoax, Global Warming Scam, Green Climate Fund, UN, UNEP, UNFCCC, wealth redistribution Leave a commentDRAINING one of the biggest swamps of all – the U.N. and its scandalous “Green Climate Fund” aka wealth redistribution scam.
THANKS a $BILLION times over Mr President, Donald J Trump!
Tallbloke's Talkshop
Ructions as poor financial management and zero dollars from the US drain the UN’s so-called ‘green climate fund’. Even agreeing an agenda was a major struggle.
H/T Steve Milloy
Rich and poor country representatives clash over policy priorities and replenishment at Green Climate Fund board meeting, reports Climate Change News.
Update on Wednesday 4 July: UN climate fund chief resigns for personal reasons while board meeting collapses
Disputes between rich and poor nations at the UN’s flagship climate fund are intensifying as the money runs low.
A meeting of the Green Climate Fund (GCF) board in Songdo started unevenly on Sunday, as co-chair Paul Oquist was detained by political turmoil in Nicaragua, leaving Sweden’s Lennart Båge to run the session single-handed.
With developing countries complaining their priorities were not properly represented, it took nearly two days to agree on the agenda for the meeting.
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FIRST Fatal Polar Bear Attack In Western Hudson Bay Since 1983 Yesterday In Arviat
Posted: July 5, 2018 Filed under: Arctic, Polar Bears | Tags: arctic, Arviat, Hudson Bay, nature, Polar Bear Attack, Polar Bears, Science and Environment Leave a commentNOT so “cuddly” after all…
A brave young father from Arviat on the northwest coast of Hudson Bay was killed yesterday evening by a polar bear while trying to protect his children.
Aaron Gibbons, 31, was the nephew of Gordy Kidlapik, who follows this blog and my twitter account. Gordy has often sent me useful local information and perspectives from Arviat, which is in Nunavut (north of Churchill, Manitoba).
It was heartbreaking to hear this news firsthand from Gordy:
More below and to follow as further details emerge. My sincere condolences to Gordy and his family – what a horrific loss.
Bob Weber, from The Canadian Press, wrote today (4 July 2018…
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