WHEN will climate-theory-obsessed politicians and sycophant media finally call off their global warming climate change jihad that’s punishing the poor without helping the planet?
WE were told we’d have more cyclones, not less.
WE were promised “permanent” drought, not record rains.
DURING the height of the global warming scare around 2007, soon after Al Gore’s science fiction movie “An Inconvenient Truth” aired, (which was swiftly shot down as a “political fiction” by the British High Court’s, Judge Michael Burton who ruled that errors had arisen “in the context of alarmism and exaggeration”) Tim Flannery infamously claimed:
“SO, even the rain that falls isn’t actually going to fill our dams and our river systems…” – Tim Flannery 2007
“I think there is a fair chance Perth will be the 21st century’s first ghost metropolis. It’s whole primary production is in dire straits and the eastern states are only 30 years behind.”
We are “one of the most physically vulnerable people on the Earth,” and “southern Australia is going to be impacted very severely and very detrimentally by global climate change.” We are going to experience “conditions not seen in 40 million years.”
In 2007 he said:
“…That’s because the soil is warmer because of global warming and the plants are under more stress and therefore using more moisture. So even the rain that falls isn’t actually going to fill our dams and our river systems, and that’s a real worry for the people in the bush. If that trend continues then I think we’re going to have serious problems, particularly for irrigation.”
“The one-in-1000-years drought is, in fact, Australia’s manifestation of the global fingerprint of drought caused by climate change.”
In May 2007 he warned that:
“Brisbane and Adelaide – home to a combined total of three million people – could run out of water by year’s end;”
and that the country was facing
“the most extreme and the most dangerous situation arising from climate change facing any country in the world right now.”
In June 2007 he said:
“Over the past 50 years southern Australia has lost about 20 per cent of its rainfall, and one cause is almost certainly global warming. Similar losses have been experienced in eastern Australia, and although the science is less certain it is probable that global warming is behind these losses too. But by far the most dangerous trend is the decline in the flow of Australian rivers: it has fallen by around 70 per cent in recent decades, so dams no longer fill even when it does rain …
In Adelaide, Sydney and Brisbane, water supplies are so low they need desalinated water urgently, possibly in as little as 18 months.”
In 2008 he warned again that:
“The water problem is so severe for Adelaide that it may run out of water by early 2009.”
AND then the rains came, as they always do in the land of “droughts and flooding rains“…
BY December 2008 Adelaide’s reservoirs were 75% full, Perth’s 40%, Sydney’s 63%, and Brisbane’s reservoir’s were 46% full.
BY 2009 dams for Brisbane, Canberra and Sydney were filled to overflowing.
PRESENTLY Adelaide’s reservoirs are 57%, Perth’s 39%, Melbourne’s 59%, Sydney’s 77%, and Brisbane’s reservoir’s are 83% full.
In 2005 Flannery wrote in “The Weather Makers“:
Australia’s east coast is no stranger to drought, but the dry spell that began in 1998 is different from anything that has gone before….The cause of the decline of rainfall on Australia’s east coast is thought to be a climate-change double whammy – the loss of winter rainfall and the prolongation of El Nino-like conditions.
The resulting water crisis here is potentially even more damaging than the one in the west … As of mid 2005 the situation remains critical… very little time to arrange alternative water sources such as large-scale desalination plants.
The result:
$12 BILLION worth of desalination plants built in South Australia, Queensland, NSW and Victoria have all been mothballed without producing a drop of water. All were built in preference to much cheaper dams, because of green bans and because warming alarmists claimed the rains would not return.
FIVE desal plants have been built in Australia. Only Perth’s is used.
COSTS to run each mothballed deal plant are estimated at between $500,000 to $1,000,000 per day, every day until contracts run out around 2030.
THIS is what Victoria’s mothballed desal plant is costing the taxpayer each and every year until, at least, 2030…
Wonthaggi desalination plant costs $649 million a year to operate | Herald Sun
THE cost to maintain and operate Victoria’s desalination plant will rise to as much as $649 million next year.
State Budget papers show that the annual charge to keep the Wonthaggi plant running is forecast to increase by $30 million over this year.
Since its completion in late 2012, the desal plant has so far cost Melbourne water users about $3.3 billion.
Annual service payments increase each year, in line with a schedule locked into the original contract, even if no water is ordered.
If water is ordered, the service payments can rise by between 5 and 20 per cent, although some money is occasionally clawed back through refinancing.
The government has placed a ‘minimum’ order of 15 gigalitres to keep Wonthaggi desalination plant ticking over and avoid faults. Picture: Hamish Blair
This year the government has placed a “minimum” order of 15 gigalitres to keep the plant ticking over and avoid faults, but says this will not cost water users anything extra because of other savings made.
Opposition water spokeswoman Steph Ryan said too much money had been wasted on the “white elephant”.
“Labor will go to any lengths to justify its desal white elephant, even if it means charging Melbourne water customers twice just to keep the plant operational,” Ms Ryan said.
“Daniel Andrews is flushing Melburnians’ money down the toilet, at a time when families are already struggling to keep up with escalating costs.”
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LIST of desalination plants in Australia – Wikipedia (note “Current status”) :
List of desalination plants in Australia – Wikipedia
AUSTRALIA’S Chief Scientist Alan Finkel was recently asked what difference would be made to the climate if Australia somehow managed to stop emitting 100 per cent of its carbon dioxide. “Virtually nothing,” Finkel admitted.
AS egg-on-face moments go, it was a double-yolker. Last week a group of climate scientists published a paper that admitted the estimates of global warming used for years to torture the world’s conscience and justify massive spending on non-carbon energy sources were, er, wrong. | THE TIMES
ALL these ‘green’ schemes are all pain, no gain, and do nothing to change the temperature of the planet, nor stop bad weather.
AND, who will be made responsible for the ruinous climate change virtue-signalling that has cost us so much – destroying economies and peoples’ livelihoods? No one of course!
THE worst that gullible politicians, Flannery and his alarmist cronies will ever be accused of, for the litany of failed predictions resulting in massive taxpayer waste and environmental ruin, is an excess of “Save The planet” virtue.
WE really are living in the age of collective global warming climate change insanity.
On Feb 13, 2018: The judge dismissed all charges in the lawsuit brought against Tim by BC Green Party leader Andrew Weaver. It is a great victory for free speech.
‘The Deliberate Corruption of Climate Science’.
My website is
“Human Caused Global Warming”, ‘The Biggest Deception in History’.
I saw your tweet about animals and thought I will check your website. I like it!
I love pets. I have two beautiful thai cats called Tammy(female) and Yommo(male). Yommo is 1 year older than Tommy. He acts like a bigger brother for her. 🙂
I have even created an Instagram account for them ( https://www.instagram.com/tayo_home/ ) and probably soon they will have more followers than me (kinda funny).
By 2021, it will be obvious we are entering a mini Iceage and that Carbon Dioxide does not control climate. See Paullitely.com for how and why. The clear indicators are MORE CLOUDS, rain and snow. Watch for it… it has already begun…
By 2021, it will be obvious we are entering a mini Iceage and that Carbon Dioxide does not control climate. See Paullitely.com for how and why. The clear indicators are MORE CLOUDS, rain and snow. Watch for it… it has already begun…
[…] WARMING dogma has ruinously snowballed into a $TRILLION dollar religion to be defended at all costs by alarmist ‘scientists’, UNreliables rent-seekers and the […]
[…] WARMING dogma has ruinously snowballed into a $TRILLION dollar religion to be defended at all costs by alarmist ‘scientists’, UNreliables rent-seekers and the […]
On Feb 13, 2018: The judge dismissed all charges in the lawsuit brought against Tim by BC Green Party leader Andrew Weaver. It is a great victory for free speech.
‘The Deliberate Corruption of Climate Science’.
My website is
“Human Caused Global Warming”, ‘The Biggest Deception in History’.
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Hello ,
I saw your tweet about animals and thought I will check your website. I like it!
I love pets. I have two beautiful thai cats called Tammy(female) and Yommo(male). Yommo is 1 year older than Tommy. He acts like a bigger brother for her. 🙂
I have even created an Instagram account for them ( https://www.instagram.com/tayo_home/ ) and probably soon they will have more followers than me (kinda funny).
I have subscribed to your newsletter. 🙂
Keep up the good work on your blog.
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[…] THE Mind-blowing Costs Of Global Warming Hysteria | Climatism […]
By 2021, it will be obvious we are entering a mini Iceage and that Carbon Dioxide does not control climate. See Paullitely.com for how and why. The clear indicators are MORE CLOUDS, rain and snow. Watch for it… it has already begun…
By 2021, it will be obvious we are entering a mini Iceage and that Carbon Dioxide does not control climate. See Paullitely.com for how and why. The clear indicators are MORE CLOUDS, rain and snow. Watch for it… it has already begun…
[…] WARMING dogma has ruinously snowballed into a $TRILLION dollar religion to be defended at all costs by alarmist ‘scientists’, UNreliables rent-seekers and the […]
[…] WARMING dogma has ruinously snowballed into a $TRILLION dollar religion to be defended at all costs by alarmist ‘scientists’, UNreliables rent-seekers and the […]