THE ARCTIC : Ground Zero For Anthropogenic Hubris And Climate Change Hysteria
Posted: April 24, 2018 Filed under: Alarmism, Alarmist media, Alarmist Predictions, Arctic, Climate History, Climatism, Global Cooling, Global Warming, Government Grants/Funding, UN | Tags: Alarmism, arctic, Arctic Sea Ice, CIA, climate activism, Climate Change, Climate science, Climatism, death spiral, Global Cooling Scare, Global Warming Scare, Ice Age Scare, John Holdren, Mainstream media, nature, NCAR, New York Times, Newsweek, Polar Bears, science, Science and Environment, Sea Ice, Stephen Schneider, United Nations 9 CommentsCLIMATE change alarmists conveniently ‘deny’ the existence of the 1970’s “global cooling” scare because such panic, a mere 40 years ago, threatens the legitimacy of the current “global warming” scare.
HOWEVER, climate experts and government agencies of the day were indeed warning of impending climate doom and that we must take immediate “action” to avoid catastrophe.
SOUND familiar?
WARMING alarmists rebut the 1970’s global cooling scare with claims that the phenomenon wasn’t “peer-reviewed” or that a “consensus” of “97%” of “scientists” didn’t agree. However, it doesn’t take Einstein to realise that the fashionable eco-scare of the day was indeed very real…
IN 1976 the CIA warned the cooling climate would bring – “drought, starvation, social unrest and political upheaval” :
C.I.A. WARNINGFrom a correspondent in WashingtonMAJOR world climate changes were under way that would cause economic and political upheavals “almost beyond comprehension”, an internal report of the Central Intelligence Agency has warned the US Government.
“The new climatic era brings a promise of famine and starvation to many areas of the world”, the report warns.
The report, which contends that the Climate changes began in 1960, is based on a study by Mr Reid Bryson of the University of Wisconsin.
Its basic premise is that the world’s climate is cooling and will revert to conditions prevalent between 1600 and 1850 — when the earth’s population was less than 1,000 million and its rural, pre-industrial era civilisations were largely capable of feeding themselves.
The report, which- was concerned with possible political and economic threats the United States could expect from such drastic events, said the starvation and famine would lead to social unrest and global migration of populations.
21 Jul 1976 – C.I.A. WARNING – Trove
BARACK Obama’s former ‘science’ czar, John Holdren, feared a new “Ice Age” :
FORMER NCAR senior scientist Steven Schneider was convinced that mankind’s activities were sufficient enough “to trigger an ice age” :
In 1976, Schneider warned of disastrous global cooling, and reported his frustration that Nixon didn’t believe him :
1977 “temperatures on the whole will get colder” :
THE New York Times 1978 :
International Team of Specialists Finds No End in Sight to 30-Year Cooling Trend in Northern Hemisphere – View Article –
THE situation was so dire that “spectacular solutions” were needed “such as melting the Arctic ice cap by covering it with black soot“ :
The UN was so concerned about 1970’s man-made global cooling that they were assessing “several proposals” to “eliminate the ice” including spreading “soot or black dust on the frozen sea to absorb the sun’s heat and increase melting in the summer and spring” :
FAST-FORWARD to 2018 and today’s climate ‘experts’ are so concerned about the Arctic that they now want to “sprinkle sand” all over it to “stave off the most punishing effects of … global warming” !
PEOPLE have been imagining that the climate is changing, exaggerating every weather event, getting widespread press coverage, and blaming it on man – for as long as there have been newspapers…
10 January 1871
THREE consecutive years of drought, while they have stimulated the inventive resources of practical agriculturists, have had the natural effect of calling forth a plentiful crop of speculation from weather prophets and projectors, and half-instructed meteorologists, and all the philosophic tribe of Laputa in general, to whom the periodical press now affords such fatal facilities.
We have often noticed that in the tabular statements of those compilers of weather records who write to the Times, useful and welcome as their communications are, every season is sure to be “extraordinary,” almost every month one of the driest or wettest, or windiest, coldest or hottest, ever known. Much observation, which ought to correct a tendency to exaggerate, seems in some minds to have rather a tendency to increase it. And many seem now to regard three dry hot years in succession as betokening some general change of climate, as if it was not perfectly certain, in the wide range of the table of what we call chances, that with our existing conditions of climate such a combination must every now and then recur. We know an ingenious theorist who would fain persuade us that a cycle of six hundred unfavorable years has just reached its termination, and that English agriculturists, who left off making wine about A.D. 1250 because their grapes ceased to ripen, will soon be making it again, and continue to do so for an equivalent number of centuries. Others speculating quite as conjecturally and even more absurdly, seem to attribute the impending change of climate – of which they assume the reality – to the operation of men.
10 Jan 1871 – IMAGINARY CHANGES OF CLIMATE. (Pall Mall Gazette.)
CONTRARY to popular hysteria, the Arctic is doing just fine…
Temperatures in the Arctic are still below -20C, and Arctic sea ice volume is normal and highest in the past four years.
FullSize_CICE_combine_thick_SM_EN_20180422.png (1337×1113)
There has been a massive expansion of thick Arctic sea ice over the past decade.
2008 2018
Frozen Minnesotans Believe The Arctic Is Hot | The Deplorable Climate Science Blog
SEE also :
- Arctic | Climatism
- YES! The Climate Changes | Climatism
- ANTARCTICA : It’s Time We Had That Talk | Climatism
- 1970s Global Cooling Scare | Real Science
1970′s Global Cooling Scare related :
- THE Climate Change Farce Explained By Two Expert “Scientists” | Climatism
- Feds Alarmed By Global Cooling in 1974 | Climatism
- CIA 1974 National Security Threat : Global Cooling/Excess Arctic Ice Causing Extreme Weather | Real Science
- 1974 Shock News : CIA Said Global Warming Was A Good Thing | Real Science
- 1975 : Climatologists Wanted Permission To Melt The Arctic To Stop Disastrous Climate Change | Real Science
- 1972 : UN Scientists Wanted To Melt The Arctic By Spreading Soot On It | Real Science
- 1974 : NCAR Called Global Cooling The “New Norm” And Blamed Climate Disasters On It | Real Science
- 1970s Global Cooling Alarmism
- The New Crisis : The Same As The Old Crisis | Climatism
- 1922 US Government Shock News : Radical Change In Arctic Climate – Glaciers Gone | Climatism
- 1970s Global Cooling Scare | Real Science
- Every major climate organization endorsed the ice age scare, including NCAR, CRU, NAS, NASA – as did the CIA.
- 21 Jul 1976 – C.I.A. WARNING Changes to climate to bring upheaval
- Climate Change And Its Effect On World Food (1974)
- TIME – Weather – The Big Freeze
- Global Cooling | Climatism
Climatism Hot Links :
- GREAT BARRIER REEF Hysteria : Exaggerated Claims And Blatant Falsehoods, Designed To Spread Fear And Belief In A Man-Made Climate Apocalypse | Climatism
- ANTARCTICA : It’s Time We Had That Talk | Climatism
- PICTORIAL Guide To Sea-Level Rise Alarmism And Observed Reality | Climatism
- TOMORROW’S Grim, Global, Green Dictatorship | Climatism
- 100% Of Climate Models Prove that 97% of Climate Scientists Were Wrong! | Climatism
- LIFE Inside The Global Warming Bubble | Climatism
Climate Science related :
- 20 New Papers Crush Claims Of A Man-Made Link To Arctic Climate Change, Glacier Retreat, Sea Ice | Climatism
- THE Great Global Warming “Pause” | Climatism
- THE Climate Change Farce Explained By Two Expert “Scientists” | Climatism
- WORLD Leading Authority : Climate and Sea Level Science Is A “Quasi Religion” Hijacked By An Activist Agenda | Climatism
- THE “97% Consensus” Meme Further Discredited By 97 New Papers Supporting A Skeptical Position On Climate Alarm | Climatism
PLEASE Donate To Climatism To HELP Keep The Good Fight Alive!
(Climate rationalists are still waiting for that “big oil” cheque to arrive in the mail!)
Click link for more info…TQ! Jamie.
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Great fun to read, but when was Stephen Schneider director of NCAR?
Well picked up. Schneider was a senior scientists at NCAR, but not a director. Thanks, I will amend.
[…] deve decidere quale sia il giusto equilibrio è tra l’essere efficace e l’essere onesti.” – Prof.Stephen Schneider, Professore alla Stanford of Climatology, autore principale di numerosi rapporti […]
[…] devedecidere quale sia il giusto equilibrioè tra l’essere efficace e l’essere onesti.”– Prof.Stephen Schneider,Professore alla Stanford of Climatology,autore principale di numerosi rapporti […]
[…] THE ARCTIC : Ground Zero For Anthropogenic Hubris And Climate Change Hysteria | Climatism […]