THE Great Barrier Reef is thriving, not dying!
Posted: April 11, 2018 | Author: Jamie Spry | Filed under: Alarmism Debunked, Australia, Fake News, Great Barrier Reef | Tags: Activism, Alarmism, climate, Climate Change, Global Warming, Global Warming Scam, Global Warming Scare, Great Barrier Reef, nature, Scare Mongering |Leave a commentTHE real story on the current health of the Great Barrier Reef from dive-boat operators and divers who work up and down the reef everyday…
“THE journalists come up and they’re not interested in what the truth is. They’re only interested in finding out where the ‘dead’ reef is. And when people who work right up and down the reef can’t actually take them to a single place that is going to suit their dooms-day story, then we sort of need a bit of balance…”
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The Great Barrier Reef is not dying! – YouTube
Green Jihad
During the middle of March, USA Today reported that a study published in the peer review journal Nature that coral reef growth stood to be severely harmed due to ocean acidification resulting from human-induced climate change. Researchers pointed to The Great Barrier Reef in Australia in their examination.
However, Paul Talbott at Majestic Aquariums in Australia explains why it’s important not to believe the hype.
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