Western Victoria’s Firestorm: Dodging Wind Turbines Biggest Battle for Airborne Firefighters
Posted: April 5, 2018 Filed under: Fires, Green Energy, Unreliables, Wind Farms | Tags: aerial bombers, Bushfires, Climate Change, Fire prevention, fire services, Global Warming, Wildfires, Wind Energy, wind energy scam, Wind Farms, wind power Leave a commentSTOP THESE THINGS
Not only do wind turbines act as the perfect bushfire-starters, their presence precludes the best and safest method of fire-fighting from controlling them: aerial water bombers won’t fly within cooee of these things – experienced pilots have declared that they won’t fly within 3km of a wind turbine, even without the country around them on fire. For a rundown on pilots’ attitudes to flying anywhere near wind farms – see our posts here and here and here.
Starting on Saint Patrick’s Day, 17 March, Western Victoria was set ablaze, with thousands of acres of farming and grazing country razed, sheds and homes destroyed and savage livestock losses.
Here’s an account given by residents who witnessed what happened at AGL’s Macarthur wind farm.
Saturday 17th March 2018 had been declared a Total Fire Ban day for south-west Victoria, two days ahead, such were…
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