Activists Aren’t Always the Good Guys

HOW radical environmentalism self-perpetuates, causing actual harm to people’s livelihoods, their economies and indeed the ‘environment’…

Big Picture News, Informed Analysis

SPOTLIGHT: Late last year, the European Union voted down a ban on glyphosate – a safe, effective weed killer used by farmers around the world. Afterward, Mark Lynas, an environmental journalist, denounced the activists who’d pushed hard for that ban.

BIG PICTURE: We think of environmentalists as selfless, virtuous, avenging angels. But green groups have morphed into multinationalcorporations with enormous budgets. Paying the salaries of all those lawyers and lobbyists requires an ongoing tsunami of financial donations.

Many green groups have morphed into perpetual outrage machines whose campaigns now have little connection to what’s reasonable or sensible. As Lynas declares in his article, “Europe Still Burns Witches,” the activists “were clearly not interested in whether glyphosate was actually harming anyone in the real world.”

Despite “the obvious perversion of both science and natural justice,” he says, they “very nearly got away with it.” In a few years…

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