ARCTIC Temperatures Plunge! (Don’t expect mainstream media to cover it)


Ocean and Ice Services | Danmarks Meteorologiske Institut

THE collective screams and cries over the recent Arctic “heat wave” were deafening. On cue, climate ‘scientists’ and the global warming-obsessed mainstream media took every opportunity to yell “CLIMATE CHANGE” – of the man-made variety, of course…


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The Guardian wheeled out their usual Arctic alarmist experts to drive home the “unprecedented” event…

“It’s just crazy, crazy stuff,” said Mark Serreze, director of the National Snow and Ice Data Center in Boulder, Colorado, who has been studying the Arctic since 1982. “These heat waves – I’ve never seen anything like this.”

Experts say what’s happening is unprecedented, part of a global warming-driven cycle that probably played a role in the recent strong, icy storms in Europe and the north-eastern US.

“The extended warmth really has staggered all of us,” Mottram said.

Arctic has warmest winter on record: ‘It’s just crazy, crazy stuff’ | World news | The Guardian

SIMPLE fact-checking would have shown Serreze, Mottram and The Guardian et. al that these conditions are not “unprecedented”, as evidenced by Paul Homewood…

It’s Called Weather, George!!

FEBRUARY 26, 2018
tags: Arctic

By Paul Homewood




Arctic meltdown silly season is in full swing again!

DMI show the same spike:




But is it an “off the scale event”?

Unfortunately for poor George’s credibility, the answer is no. We had very similar conditions back in 1976:



Read on here…


THE latest DMI confirms what the mainstream media will not – a dramatic temperature plunge north of the 80th northern parallel…


Ocean and Ice Services | Danmarks Meteorologiske Institut


SIMPLE question for Arctic alarmists :

  • What happened to all that heat-trapping CO2 from our SUV’s? Or, is the recent temperature spike in the Arctic, that contrastingly led to one of the coldest and snowiest winters in recorded history, merely part of the chaotic and complex system we call weather?

DON’T expect an answer. This temperature correction will not be reported in the fake news media because it clearly doesn’t fit their warming narrative.

SAD, yet true.

“A man does not sin by commission only, but often by omission.”
―Marcus Aurelius

“Deception by an omission of the truth is as bad as a lie.”
― Jennifer Chiaverini



ARCTIC temps plunge even further, now below the 1958-2002 median:


Ocean and Ice Services | Danmarks Meteorologiske Institut


See also :

  • Delingpole: More Climate Scientists Rescued from Polar Ice

Related :

  • HOTTEST Arctic Ever? Arctic Climate Change Fairytales vs. Reality | Climatism
  • LIVING Life With “Atmosphere Cancer” | Climatism
  • LIFE Inside The Global Warming Bubble | Climatism
  • CHILLING Fact Is Most Climate Change Theories Are Wrong | Climatism
  • 8 INCHES Of Catastrophic Global Warming Cooks Dutch Canals | Climatism
  • “THE PAUSE” Lives On : Global Temperatures Continue To Cool Despite Record And Rising CO2 Emissions | Climatism


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