1988 Congressional climate change hearing: claims of accelerating sea level rise – failed

“It has now been 30 years since these dire climate change sea level rise acceleration warnings were presented at the 1988 Senate hearing on Global Climate Change with global CO2 emissions having increased by more than 60% during this period.”

ZERO acceleration since then. Prediction fail #xxxxxx

Watts Up With That?

Guest essay by Larry Hamlin

On June 23, 1988 the Senate Committee on Energy and Natural Resources held a hearing addressing the Greenhouse Effect and Global Climate Change.

Among the presenters at this hearing was Dr. James Hansen, Director, NASA Goddard Institute for Space Studies who introduced his infamous and now debunked global surface temperature model results with future temperature projections under three different scenarios of CO2 emissions growth that grossly over exaggerated resulting projected global temperature increases.


Also testifying at the hearing was Dr. Michael Oppenheimer, senior scientist with the Environmental Defense Fund who presented claims that included projections of future sea level rise acceleration that would occur in the coming decades.

Specifically Dr. Oppenheimer claimed that:

“This increase in global temperature causes a concomitant rise in global sea level as ocean water expands and land ice melts.”

“Global mean temperature will likely rise at about 0.6 degrees Fahrenheit…

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ARCTIC Temperatures Plunge! (Don’t expect mainstream media to cover it)


Ocean and Ice Services | Danmarks Meteorologiske Institut

THE collective screams and cries over the recent Arctic “heat wave” were deafening. On cue, climate ‘scientists’ and the global warming-obsessed mainstream media took every opportunity to yell “CLIMATE CHANGE” – of the man-made variety, of course…


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The Guardian wheeled out their usual Arctic alarmist experts to drive home the “unprecedented” event…

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